Columbia ©nitiem'tp
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" There are five classes of those "who read my -writings. The first reject them entirely, because they
are in another persuasion, or because they are in no faith. The second receive them as scientifics,
or as objects of mere curiosity. The third receive them intellectually, and are in some measure pleased
with them, but whenever they require an application to regulate their lives, they remain 'where they were
before. The fourth receive them in a persuasive manner, and are thereby led, in a certain degree, to
amend their lives and perform uses. The fifth receive them with deUght, and confirm them in theii
lives." — SWEDENBOKG.
185 4.
The design of this Work is, to exhibit, in a condensed form, the Life and
Writings of the most wonderful man that ever lived. The developments of the
present age and day make this a most timely production. The great objection to
the reading of Swedenborg has hitherto been, that his Writings are too voluminous.
Here is the substance of more than Thirty Volumes comprised in one, so far as it
could be done even in so large a volume, with the fullest Life of the Author that
has ever been published.
■ As a man of Science, and a Philosopher of Natm-e, as a SEER and Theolo-
gian, and as a Philosopher of spirit, it is now generally conceded that he has the
most liberal demands upon the Reason and Faith of our common Humanity ; and it is
certainly a desideratum to have, in one volume, a COMPENDIUM of so vast and
wonderful an Author. But read the Tables of Contents, and see the interesting
and all-important subjects of which he treats.
The following is an explanation of the abbreviated titles of the works referred to in this Compenditjm.
A. C. . . Arcana Ccelestia.
A. E. ... Apocalypse Explained
A. R. . . . Apocalypse Revealed.
T. C. K. . . True Christian Religion.
H. H. ... Heaven and Hell.
D. L. W. . . Divine Love and Wisdom.
D. P. ... Divine Providence.
C. L. ... Conjugial Love.
E. U. ... Earths in the Universe.
b. L. ... Divine Love.
D. W. . . . Divine Wisdom.
S. S Doctrine concerning the Sacred
L. . . . Doctrine of the Lord.
D. .... {Decalogue) DOCTRINE OF LIFE.
C Doctrine of Charity.
F. Doctrine of Faith.
H. D. . . . Heavenly Doctrine.
D. J. . Brief Exposition of the Doctrines
Of the New Jerusalem.
L. J. . . . Last Judgment. — L. J. contin.. Last
Judgment Continued.
I. S. B. . Nature of Influx between Soul and
W. H. . . . Concerning the White Horse, iier.xix.
S. D. ... Spiritual Diary.*
* It should be remarked, in respect to the quotations from the " Spiritual Diary," that this work is not considered the same
authority as the other writings of Swedenborg, being a posthumous publication, without the author's sanction. It is evidently a
record of his private spiritual experience as it occurred from day to day, and appears to be the first brief notes and groundwork,
from which he afterwards constructed his more matured and authorized works. If there are errors in it, they are generally sup-
posed to be corrected in his authorized publications. See another note respecting the Diary, Compendium, numbers 1139, 1140. U
should be well remembered that the whole of the Diary was written before the Last Judgment, which may serve to explain some
otherwise obscure passages in it.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854,
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.
An attempt is here made to present a fuller ac-
count than any yet, of the Life and Writings of
the most extraordinary man who has ever lived.
He was a man who has evidently done as much,
to say the least, to benefit humanity, though not
yet appreciated because of the hio^h sphere in
which he labored, as any of the world's most illus-
trious benefactors. We are aware, when we speak
thus, that we shall not gain credence m many a mind.
Let truth and time, then, speak for themselves,
Swedenborg is evidently the most unknown man
of the world. There is more to learn, and less
learned, of his voluminous and interminable wis-
dom, than the superficial, yea, than the scientific
and philosophic of this world, are by any measure
aware of. And it is a pleasing contemplation at
this day, to see a manifestly popular and growing
desire to know more of the great Philosopher and
Seer of the latter ages, than can be found in
Cyclopsedian, Biographical, and Theological Dic-
tionaries, most of which bear false witness against
him and his doctrines. He is still regarded by
many, as an insane visionary, or somnambulic
dreamer ; a very learned and good man, but de-
ranged on the subject of Theology. Others, and
their number is now largely increasing, are be-
ginning to regard him as a man of true spiritual
enlightenment, of enlarged ideas of God, of Na-
ture, and of the Spiritual Spheres, but still far
from correct in many of his principles and teach-
ings. Still another class, though as yet but small,
have a right appreciation of his noble genius and
It is perhaps useless, to say in this Preface to a
Life and Writings which will speak for them-
selves, that he is unquestionably the most tran-
scendent human luminary that has ever yet snone
upon our dark world. Even in Science and Philos-
ophif, he nobly strode a century before his time,
and his works evince, not of course without minor
errors, an intuitional and decided anticipation of
many of the more recent discoveries. He was a
man, " take him for all in all," who was the most
marvellously girted of any of the sons of earth,
both on the sides of nature and of spirit. He
combined them both in his God-given grasp, and
there can be no question, were it not for his theo-
logical character, by which many are yet held
from his scientific works, that he would at this
day take a foremost rank in some of the most ab-
struse departments of natural physics and philoso-
Ehy. His discoveries and teachings in Geology,
lineralogy, Botany, Natural History, Animal and
Human Physiology, Chemistry, Crystallography,
Mathematics, Mechanics, Astronomy, and Natural
Philosophy, show how deeply the world is indebted
to the labors of this "Great Humble Man," in
whose works on these interesting subjects can be
found the seeds or principles of all that is known
of the Essences, Forms, Powers and Uses of
Universal Matter; and how far he was in advance
of Bacon, Leibnitz, Newton, La Place, Kepler,
Herschel, Cuvier, or any other man, as a theorist
and author ; and at the same time perfectly free
from all jealousies and animosities growing out ol
any of them, as to who should be the greatest in
the Kingdoms of Nature. It may be said of him,
most truly, that " he set one foot of the compass
of truth in God, and with the other, swept all
oreation, both animate and inanimate." And this
is particularly true, when we consider him as the
Seer, Theologian, and Philosopher of spirit.
In the present work, we have aimed at a fuller
presentation of him as a man of Science and Phi-
losophy, than can be found in any other Biography ;
and this not only for the purpose of showing the
perfectly irrational character of those charges
against him as a mere visionary, void of a solid un-
derstanding, and how the world is mistaken in
one of her greatest sons ; but also for the purpose
of showing how well prepared he was, in all the
natural knowledge which man could then acquire,
for that sacred office to which he was at last
called, as the illuminated Teacher of the New
But from the character of this Work, being
more of a compilation than an original composi-
tion, we here make one acknowledgment for all,
of indebtedness to the various Biographers of
Swedenborg, especially to Wilkinson and Rich ;
also to various minor publications, such as the
" Intellectual Repository," " New Jerusalem Mag-
azine," and other works. We would gladly have
given the usual credit, passage by passage, for
the many extracts we have made ; but as the first
part of the work was made up before it was con-
templated to publish it as a Prefix to this "Com-
pendium " of his writings, it would be very diffi-
cult now to refer to the many sources, for the par
ticular page of each publication quoted fr;>m.
And as the extracts from the Biographies abcve
referred to, involve so much that is drawn from a
common source and from each other, particularly
from the "Documents concerning the Life and
Character of Swedenborg," therefore, for all suffi-
cient purposes, we have chosen to give this gen-
eral credit. But where long extracts occur, which
are characterized by the author's peculiar mode
of thinking, we have, nevertheless, with the ex-
ception of the first part above referred to, given
the particular credit as usual.
swedenborg, the philosopher of
Nature, 5
Travels and first Publications, . . 8
The Principia, 14
Theories of Gravitation, . . .16
The Planetary System, . . .17
Magnetic Spheres, . . . .21
Philosophy of the Infinite, and the Inter-
course between Soul and Body, . . 23
Travels, and Remarks on Political and
Religious Institutions, . . .25
Economy of the Animal Kingdom, . 26
The Blood and the Spirituous Fluid, . 28
Brains, Heart and Lungs, . . .33
Posthumous Tracts, . . . .33
The Animal Kingdom, . . . .35
Miscellaneous Works. Their Character
and Tendency, . . . . .40
Woi-ship and Love of God, . . .42
Swedenborg's Style, . . . .44
Philosophic and Scientific Genius, . . 45
AND Philosopher of Spirit, . 48
Inward Breathings, and other Indications
of a Spiritual Constitution, . . 49
Opening of Swedenborg's Spiritual Sight, 51
Swedenborg's Divine Call, . . .56
First Preparations for his new Mission, . 57
The Arcana Coelestia, . . . .58
Executed Criminals, . . . .62
The Last Judgment, . . . .63
Heaven and Hell, ... .65
Earths in the Universe, . . . .67
Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, . . 68
Spiritual Sight. Immanuel Kant, . . 69
Spiritual Intercourse, . . . .70
Spiritual Foresight, . . . .72
Political Principles and Deliberations, . 72
Sight of a Death. Contribution to Sci-
ence, ...... 74
Doctrine of the Lord, . . . .74
Divine Love and "Wisdom, . . .75
The Sacred Scripture, . . . .76
Faith, Life, and Providence, . . .78
Spiritual Diary, 78
Apocalypse, . . . . . .79
Meeting with Dr. Beyer, . . .79
Apocalypse Revealed, . . . .80
Travels, Anecdotes, &;c., . . .81
Kant's Inquiries, . . . . .83
Visit from Virgil. Deceased King, . 84
Conjugial Love, . . . . .86
Christ's Power ;ver all Flesh, . .88
Doctrines of the New Church, and Com-
mencement of Persecution, . . 88
Intercourse between the Soul and Body, 91
Persecution, and Defence of his Opinions, 92
Spiritual Phenomena. The Insane and
Idiotic, ...... 94
Offering to Science. Journey to Amster-
dam. An Evening at Copenhagen, . 95
Our Opinions follow us into the next Life, 97
Testimonies to Spiritual Intercourse, . 97
True Christian Religion, . . .98
Mental Peculiarities. Last Sickness, . 99
His Connection with Rev. John Wesley, 100
Close of his Earthly Life, . . . 101
Personal Testimonies and Anecdotes, . 103
Phenomena of Spiritual Intercourse, . 105
Anecdotes, &;c., 106
Diet, ....... 108
Sleep, .109
Conversation, • . . . . .109
Peculiarities, . . . . .109
Habits and Manners, . . . .110
Editions of the Bible made Use of by
Swedenborg, . . . . .-Ill
Character, Ill
Concluding Reflections, ....
Qualifications for his sacred Office,
Testimony of Oberlin, ....
Children's Questions answered.
Opening of Religions and Superstitions, .
Opening of History and Science, .
Harmony or Union, . . . "^ » .
The Philosophers are the Mystics,. ' .
Swedenborg wanted, . . . <
The Familiar Spirit, . . . ..
Octonary Computus, . . . .
First public Advertisement of Sweden-
borg's Writings, ....
First Reception of the Writings of Swe-
denborg, ......
Notice of the London Monthly Review, .
Extract from the Commencement of Wil-
kinson's Biography, . . . .
Testimony of Professor Gorres,
Extract from the Memoir by Rev. 0.
Prescott Hiller, .....
Testimony of the late Rev. John Clowes,
I The New Church,
1. Emanuel Swedenbouc was born at
Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, January
29, 1688. He was the third child, and the
second son, of seven children. His father.
Dr. Jesper Swedberg, was for several years
chaplain of a regiment of cavalry, but was
finally made Bishop of Skara, in \Vest Goth-
land, and also superintendent of the Swedish
Lutheran churches in London, Eng., and Penn-
sylvania, U. S., their location in this country
being about the Delaware, and their station
in Philad(;l|)hia. He was a man of consider-
able learning and abilities, free from bigotry
and sectarianism, and bore an excellent pri-
vate and public cliaracter. It is said that one
of the family came to America and settled in
Canada. The bishop mentions in his diary,
" that he, his wife, and all his children, except
Catharina, were born on a Sunday."
* 2. The character of this prelate stood high
in Sweden; his voice was heard on great occa-
sions, whether to reassure the people under
the calamity of battle or pestilence, or to re-
buke the vicious manners of the upper classes,
or the faults of the king himself; he labored
with constant and vigorous patriotism to rouse
the public spirit of the country for useful and
CJu'istian objects. Swedenborg's parentage
and home were, therefore, happy omens of
his future life ; he was brought up with strict
but kindly care ; was carefully educated by
his father in all innocence and scientific learn-
ing; and enjoyed the opportunities afforded by
tlie sphere and example of family virtues, ac-
complishments, and high station, with which
he was surrounded.
3. The only record we have of his child-
hood is in a letter which he wrote late in life to
Dr. Beyer. " With regard to what passed in
the earliest part of my life, about which you
wish to be informed : from my fourth to ray
tenth year, my thoughts were constantly en-
grossed by reflecting on God, on salvation,
and on the spiritual affections of man. I
often revealed things in my discourse which
filled my parents with astonishment, and made
them declare at times, that certainly the an-
gels spoke through my mouth.
4. " From my sixth to my twelfth year, it
was my greatest delight to converse with the
clergy concerning faith ; to whom I often ob-
served, that charity or love is the life of faith,
and that this vivifying charity or love is no
other than the love of one's neighbor; that
God vouchsafes this faith to every one ; but
that it is adopted by those only who pi-actise
that charity. I knew of no other faith or be-
lief at that time, than that God is the Creator
and Preserver of nature ; that he endues man
with understanding, good inclinations, and
other gifts derived from these. I knew noth-
ing at that time of the systematic or dogmatic
kind of faith, that God the Father imputes
the righteousness or merits of his Son to
whomsoever, and at whatever times, he wills,
even to the impenitent. And had I heard of
such a faith, it would have been then, as now,
perfectly unintelligible to me."
5. This information from Swedenborg him-
self shows at how early a period he was pene-
trated with that theological reform which is
all in all in his latest writings ; and when to
this it is added, that his sayings at the time
were so extraordinary that his parents used to
declare that " the angels spoke through his
mouth," we see how deeply were the prepara-
tions laid for that spiritual and mental condi-
tion which his mature years were to present.
G. In the sequel we shall have to point out
some psychological peculiarities that occurred at
" his morning and evening prayers " during his
tender years ; but at present we only note how
free his father had left his mind of Lutheran
dogmas, and how much his future course wns
indebted to this early respect which the Bishojf
paid to his son's independence. Reared as
he was under a strict ecclesiastic, it is surpris
ing that up to his twelfth year he knew notli-
ing of " the plan of salvation," whether it argute
his own inability to learn it, or his -father's
disbelief in it, or the omission of the latter,
from whatever motives, to teach it to his son.
Dr. Swedberg, however, was a serious and
earnest man, and under date of April, 1729,
he thus writes of the subject of our memoir :
" Emanuel, my son's name, signifies ' God
with us' — a name which should constantly
remind him of* the* nearness of God, and of
that interior, holy, and mysterious connection,
in which, througli faith, we stand with our
good and gracious God. And blessed be the
Lord's name ! God has to this hour indeed
been with him ; and may God be further with
him, until he is eternally united with Ilim in
his kingdom."
7. It may be mentioned here, aLso, that the
father of Swedenborg had an evident natural
tendency to a faith in the supernatural charac-
ter of many of the occurrences of this life.
" Several of Bishop Swedberg's works,"
saya Sandel, " seem to show a tendency to
behold in certain events a species of prophetic
indications." The bishop was particularly
pleased to inform himself of supernatural ap-
pearances, one of which he recorded in his
works, and also wrote an account of it to the
Bishop of Bristol in 1710, wherein he said,
that " its truth was certain," and had been
confirmed by the personal inquiries of Field
Marshal Count Steinbock. He ended his let-
ter to the bishop thus : " I am not inclined
myself, and would be far from persuading any
one, to credulity and superstition. But may
not the all-wise God, in all ages, think it ne-
cessary, by extraordinary instances, to fix
upon the minds of mankind some signal im-
pressions of his overruling power, and of the
truth of his holy gospel ? " More may come
out on this head, when Bishop Swedberg's
Autobiography is published. Here, also, we
may see, in part, the prepared foundation for
the genius of the son.
8. The subject of this memoir, from his ear-
liest childhood, was reraai'kable for his great dil-
igence and usefulness ; while every thing in
him tended to mature his mind in knowledge.
His private character, from youth to man-
hood, was altogether irreproachable. At the
University of tjpsala, in Sweden, he received
such an education as was calculated to form
his character to virtue, industry, and sohd
learning ; particular attention being given to
those branches of science that were to consti-
tute his chief occupation ; such as mineralogy,
the languages, mathematics, and natural philoso-
phy. Thus he began his career, as a practical
mechanician and engineer, in the deepest study
of the mathematics and general physics.
y. In 1709, at the age of twenty-one, he
took his degree of Doctor of Philosophy, for
which occasion he published an Academical
Dissertation, consisting of select sentences from
Seneca, and Publius Syrus, the Mimic ; giv-
ing parallel aphorisms and passages from
Erasmus, Scaliger, and other writei's, and il-
lustrating them with his own comments. This
work is a ])roof of his acquaintance with the
best classical writers, at an early period of
life, and of the tendency of his miiiJ to dwell
on higher subjects. It was ded.<..ated to his
father, in language expressive of the most re
spectful and affectionate regard. The work
displays superior scholarship, precocious judg-
ment, and a style of classic purity, which ob-
tained for him great praise, and which was indi-
cated, at the time, by the dedication to him of
a Greek Poetic Eulogy, in the following
words : " To Emanuel Swedenborg, a youth
of distinguished genius, and illustrious both by
his birth and the glory of his erudition, when
he published his ' Dissertation and Comments
on the Maxims of Publius Syrus, and others.'"
In the same year he published a metrical
Version of the Twelfth Chapter of Ecclesias-
tes, which is much admired for its spirit, ele-
gance, and poetic feeling. This was succeed-
ed, in 1710, by his Ludus Ileliconius, &c., a
collection of miscellaneous poems in Latin,
among which is an excellent ode, in celebra-
tion of a great victory, gained, principally, by
undisciplined troops, under Steinbock, over
their Danish invaders. The following is a
translation of it : —
" Lulled be the dissonance of war — the crash
Of blood-stained arms — and let us listen now
To sweetest songs of jubilee. From harp
And thrilling lyre, let melodies of joy
Ring to the stars, and every sphere of space
Glow with th' inspiring soul of harmony.
Phoebus applauds, and all the muses swell
Our glory on their far-resounding chords.
Well may the youthful poet be abashed,
Who sings such mighty enterprise, — his theme
So great, so insignificant his strain ! —
Let Europe boast of Sweden — in the North,
South, East, and West, victorious. — Round the
The seven Triones dance exultingly.
While Jove the Thunderer sanctions his decree,
Never to let the hyperborean bear
Sink in the all-o'erwhelming ocean stream ;
For when in the wave he bathes his giant limbs,
'Tis but to rise more proudly. Even now
The fertile Scandia wreathes her brow with
And Victory's trophies glitter over Sweden.
The God of battles smiles upon our race,
And the fierce Dane sues for our mercy : — Yea,
The troops insidious Cimbria sent against us,
Lie scattered by a warrior young in arms.
Though Swedish Charles, our hero King's afar
In Russian battles, his bright valor fills
The heart of Steinbock — the victorious one ; —
These names of Charles and Steinbock, like a
Created armaments, and hurled pale fear
Among our foes. — Steinbock ! thy red right
Hath smitten down the spoiler ; and in thee
Another Charles we honor, and rejoice
To hail tliee hero of thy grateful country.
Bind the triumphal laurel round thy brow ;
Such chaplet well becomes tlie invincible :
Ascend thy chariot — we will fling the palms
Before thee, while the peal of martial music
Echoes thy high celebrity around.
Hadst thou in olden times of fable lived,
I had invoked thee as a demigod.
Behold how gbtteringly in northern heaven
Thy star exults : the name of Magnus fits
Both it and thee, inseparably linked :
In thee, the grenius of the Nortii expands,
And all the virtue of thy ancestry
Illustrates thee. Chief of our gallant chiefs —
Too gallant for a song so weak as mine —
Oh ! could their names enshrined in monuments
Appear, how would the eyes of Sweden kindle
To read them ! Coronets of gold for thee
Were all too little recompense ; — hereafter,
A crown of stars is all tliine own. The foe
Lies broken by thy force and heroism :
Numerous as Denmark's sands they came —
how few
Returned — their princes and their soldiery
Repulsed with scorn, while shuddering horror
Upon their flight — Jove's thunderstorms as-
Their bands of treachery, daylight was eclipsed
In thickest clouds, and the pure cause of God
And patriotism triumphed. Ay, the cause
Of Sweden's royalty, which Denmark strove —
How vainly — to despoil. Our king perceived
Their rising hatred ; poets were forbid
To sing his praise — his praise beyond compare :
For this, in sooth, the land was steeped in blood ;
Even for this, the fire and sword laid waste
Our native soil. Then let each w;irrior bind
Tlie laurel chaplet, and the bard exult
O'er slaughtered rebels. For the destiny
Of Cliarles shall yet awake the Muse's hymns.
Ah, soon return. — Oh, monarch of our love !
Oh! Sun of Sweden, waste not all thy light
To illume the crescent of the Ottomans ;
Thy absence we bewail, wandering in glooms
Of midnight sorrow — save that these bright stars
That lead us on to victory, still console
Thy people's hearts, and bid them not despair."
10. The poems of Swedenborg (.lis[)1ay fancy,
but a controlled imagination. If we may con-
vey to the English reader such a notion of
Latin verses, they remind one of the Pope
school, in which there is generally some theme
or moral governing the flights of the muse.
Under various forms, they hymn the praises
of patriotism, love, friendship, and filial regard,
and they love mythological clothing. It is
noteworthy that we find so methodical a phi-
losopher as Swedenborg making courteous
passes with the muse, as though to acknowledge
the truth and import of immortal song. Still
his effusions were hardly more than a polite
recognition of poetry, that sweeter and weaker
eex of truth ; for to call Swedenborg himself
a great poet, as Count Ilopken has done, is
blind and undiscriminating. He did indeed
weave great poetry at last, but it was by the
order and machinery of a stupendous intelli-
gence, and poetry so produced is not proper
poetry but reason, — is not female but mascu-
line truth.
11. There is not, however, a poem in this
collection, more beautiful than the academi-
cal dissertation, which assumes the pious and
humble form of an epistle to his father. It is
not in rhythm indeed, but there is the poetry in
it, which is so often vainly sought in measured
syllables. As a double proof of the filial
respect which attached Swedenborg to his
|)arent, and the tender care which that parent
had lavished on his education, it possesses an
interest which fairly entitles it to a place in
our memoir.
" To my most beloved parent, Jesper Swedberg,
Doctor of Theology, and venerable Bishop of the
diocese of Skara, with feelings of the utmost
veneration and love : —
" As there is nothing more sacred and delight-
ful than to follow the steps of our ancestors and
parents, and especially those in wliich we may
imitate as well as honor their example, I experi-
ence no small pleasure and delight in dedicating
these first fruits of my studies and labor to that
beloved parent, through whose paternal kindness
and guidance my mind was first trained in piety,
knowledge, and virtue. May I grow up, with in-
creasing years, in the imitation of those deeds
which have covered the name of iny parent with
honor and celebrity ; and resemble Thee, O
Father, while I emulate thy literary accomplish-
ments ! How much joy did I experience when I
beheld thee present to witness my first appearance
in public ! and what more suitable opportunity
could I desire for thee to witness the nascent,
feeble abilities of thy son, humbly endeavoring to
imitate the genius and talents which have shone so
resplendently in thee ? when thou didst behold,
with an eye full of parental love and complacency,
the studies to which thou didst so tenderly prompt
me and guide me in my childhood and youth, daily
brought to greater maturity. Accept, therefore,
Avith a propitious smile, these first fruits of my
public otfering as a debt of filial gratitude and of
love. Accept, O excellent parent, this humble
offering, the fruit of thy paternal kindness, which
derives whatever it may possess of merit and of
usefulness from thy paternal care and solicitude in
my behalf. If I were but permitted on tiiis occa-
sion to celebrate thy praises, I should consider no
labor, no exertion too much in commemorating the
merits thou hast deserved of thy family and thy
country ; but as I know that thou wouldst rather
enjoy the tacit, filial regard and veneration of thy
son, than have thy praises proclaimed by the voice
of applause, or the trumpet of fame, I will also
obey thee in this ; and I will only say that as often
as 1 approach the throne of mercy, and bend my
knees in the presence of Almighty God, that my
heart is penetrated with the most lively emotions,
when the prayer is uttered for thy health, welfare,
and happiness. To God, therefore, the Greatest
and Best, I pour forth my grateful thanks that thy
life has been hitherto so mercifully spared ; and
as thy age is now advancing with rapid strides,
and its venerable signs begin to appear in tliy
hoary locks and furrowed brow, I, witii many
others, sincerely pray that thy life may be pro-
longed, and tliat tliy declinuig years may be blessed
with health and peace. Spared to our heartfelt
wishes, may thy years be extended beyond those
of thy children. To adopt the fervent exclama-
tion of the old Romans, — ' Dt nostris annis Tihi
Jupiter augeat annos,^ May Heaven lengthen thy
days even at the expense of ours. This, dearest
Father, is the prayer of thy most dutiful and
obedient son,
" Emanuel Swedberg."
Travels and first Publications. 1
12. Swedenborg's collegiate period having
thus closed, at the age of twenty-one or twenty-
two, according to the usual custom of his day,
he commenced his travels, by taking ship to
London ; during which excursion, he relates,
in a letter to his brother, the following adven-
tures that befell him.
" On the voyage, my life was in danger four
times : first, on some shoals towards which we
were driven, until within a quarter of a mile of
the raging breakers, and we thought we should
perish. Afterwards we were chased by some
Danish pirates, sailing under French colors ; and
it was with difficulty we escaped them : the next
evening, we were fired into by a British vessel,
which mistook us for the pirates ; but providential-
ly, we did not suffer much damage. Lastly, in
London itself, I was exposed to a more serious
danger. While we were entering the harbor,
some of our countrymen came in a boat to us, and
persuaded me to go with them immediately into
the city. Now it was known in London, that an
epidemic was raging in Sweden, and therefore, all
that arrived from there, were forbidden, on pain of
death, to leave their ships for six weeks after their
arrival : so I, having transgressed this law, came
very near being hanged, and was only freed, on
condition, that if any Swede attempted the same
thing again, he should not escape death."
Thus was manifest the watchfulness and pro-
tecting care of Providence, to preserve the
young man alive, for it was not possible that his
stupendous labors could be thus spared from the
13. After spending a year in London and
Oxford, he says in another letter, —
" I went to Holland, and saw its chief cities.
At Utrecht I tarried a long time, while Congress
was sitting, and Ambassadors were gathering from
nearly all tlie Courts of Europe. Thence I went
into France, passing through Brussels, &c., to
Paris. Here, and at Versailles, I spent a year ;
then I went by public coach to Hamburg, and
thence to Ponicrania and Greefswalde, where I
remained some time, while Charles the Twelfth
was coming from Bender to Stralsund. When the
siege began, I departed in a small vessel, together
with a lady by tiie name of Feif ; and by Divine
Providence was restored to my own country, after
more than four years' absence."
14. During this journey, he appears to
have composed a small volume of Fables and
Allegories, in Latin Prose, under the title of
*' The Northern Muse," sporlin'j icith the
deeds of Heroes and Heroines, aftei' the man-
ner of Ovid. They shadow forth the virtues
and exploits of certain Scandinavians ; or, as
he calls them, " kings and great people."
This work was published in 1715, at the age
of twenty-seven, and in the same year, his
Oration on the return of Charles XII. I'rom
Turkey. In this work there is evidence of
an acute faculty of observation, of consider-
able power of fancy and humor, and especial-
ly of a regard to the forms of mythological
lore. In the latter respect it suggests the
Worship and Love of God, a work of thirty
years later date, which we shall have to notice
presently. At this time Swedenborg wrote
to his brother-in-law, that he was " alternating
mathematics with poetry in his studies," an
instance of his early flexibility, and which
sheds light upon his future deeds.
15. Young Swedenborg was now on the thresh-
old of active life ; and, from what his father
says, it is evident that his son was at perfect
liberty to choose his own profession ; for the
good bishop writes — "I have kept my sons
to that Profession, to which God has given
them inclination. I have not brought up one
to the Clerical office ; although many parents
do this inconsiderately, and in a manner not
justifiable ; by which the Christian Church
and the clerical Order, suffer not a little, and
are brought into contempt." What a bless-
ing to have such a wise and discriminating
father ! The profession, to which our Author
brought his great talents and integrity, was
that of Mining and Smelting, and various
mechanical and engineering works : and his
letters from abroad show, that few travel more
usefully. Mathematics, Astronomy, and Me-
chanics, were his favorite Sciences, and in
each of them he had already made great pro-
ficiency ; but his pui'suit of knowledge was
ever united with untiring zeal to benefit his
country : hence, whatever inventions, discov-
eries, and good books he met with abroad, he
was sure to send home, accompanied with
models and suggestions of his own.
16. His versatility of talents is seen by his
attachment to Mathematical and Philosophical
researches, as manifested in the publication of
his Essays on these subjects, in a Periodical
Work which he edited, 'called — " D.edalus
Hyperboreus ; " or, experimental Mathe-
matics and Physics ; which was issued from
171 G to 1718, inclusive. In the Preface of
his Works, he showed how little he valued
what the world calls '* Impossibilities ; " for he
even then thought of vessels for navigating
the Air, and spoke of them as among the
things which the Age required : indeed, he
was imbued with the very spirit of our Steam,
Railroad, and Telegraphic Era: as we shall
perceive in his works hereafter to be exam-
17. In 1716, at the age of twenty-eight, he
was invited by Polheim, " the Archimedes of
Sweden," and Counsellor of the Chamber of
Commerce, and Commander of the order of
the Polar Star, to go with him to Lund, and
meet Charles XII. (who had just escaped from
Stralsund,) and engage in such works as de-
manded the exercise of his practical skill; as
an instance of which, the fact may be stated,
that young Swedenborg contrived to transport,
(on rolling machines of his own invention.)
over valleys and mountains, two galleys, five
large boats, and a sloop, from Stromstadt to
Iderfjol, (which divides Sweden from Norway
on the south,) a distance of fourteen miles ; by
which means, the King was able to carry on
liis plans, and, under cover of the galleys and
boats, to transport on pontoons, his heavy
artillery, to the very walls of Frederickshall.
It was under those circumstances, that Charles
Decarae acquainted with our Author, and took
him under his royal patronage, expressing a
■wish that he should become Polheim's assist-
ant, and eventually his successor. Swedenborg,
without solicitation, had his clioice of two of-
fices ; either a Professorship in the University
of Upsala, or Extraordinary Assessor of the
Board of Mines, which was a Constitutional
Department of the Government, having in-
spection over the Mines and Metallic Works,
embracing the whole mineral wealth of
Sweden : he preferred the latter, and a warrant
was made out accordingly, and signed by the
King, who also wrote a letter to the College
of Mines, ordering, that Swedenborg should
have a seat and voice in the Institution, when-
ever he could be present, and especially, when
any business of a mechanical nature was to
be considered.
18. Swedenborg was never married ; which
was not owing to any indiflFerence towards the
other sex, for he esteemed the company of
an intellectual woman, as one of the most
agreeable pleasures. Here, however, it may
be proper to mention an interesting circum-
stance in the life of our Author,«who was not
only Polheim's coadjutor, and pupil in Math-
ematics and Mechanics, but was a sojourner
at his house. Eraerentia, the second daughter
of Polheim, was a beautiful and an accom-
plished young lady ; and it is not at all strange
that Swedenborg should become attached to
her ; nor that the King should persuade her
father to give him his daughter in marriage :
but when Swedenborg perceived that his love
was unreciprocated, and that Emerentia was
unhappy under her written agreement to
marry him at some future day, he freely re-
linquished his claims, and left the house with
a determination never to enter into the mar-
I'iage covenant ; and considering the nature of
hrs studie-, and the life of prodigious concen-
tration and labor he was thenceforth to lead,
demanding the quiet of a single life, and the
absence of ordinary impediments to solitary
and public energy, we are rationally satisfied
"with his self-imposed celiltacy ; thus Providence
overruled it for greater good : he could not the7i
have entered into a marriage, which would
have corresponded to his subsequent state.
19. In 1718, at the age of thirty, he fur-
nished additional proofs of his talents and in-
dustry, by publishing an " Introduction to
Algebra," under the title of " The Art of
Rules ; " which was honorably reviewed in
the " Literary Transactions of Sweden ; " not
only that the Author was tlie only Swede,
who wrote on the higher branches of the sub-
ject, but for its excellence, clearness, and
practicability. It is comprised in Ten Books,
and treats on the following subjects : Book one
contains the Definitions and Explanations of
the Terms employed, and the simple Arith-
metical Processes. Book two. The Mechani-
cal Powers, the Lever, Pulley, Inclined Plane,
&c., with a variety of Problems. Book three,
Laws of Proportion ; also numerous Prob-
lems. Book four, Geometrical Theorems,
Stereometry, and Specific Gravity. Books five
and six. The Properties of the Parabola and
Hyperbola, with numerous other Problems.
Book seven, Theory of Projectiles and Artil-
lery, with many Problems. Books eight,
nine, and ten. On Adfected Roots and the In-
tegral and Differential Calculus. This pro-
found Work was followed by his Neto Method
of Finding the Longitude of Places by Lunar
20. Here we may observe, that from cer-
tain Letters, written by Swedenborg, it ap-
pears that he was far from being satisfied
with his position and prospects ; although he
enjoyed to its full extent, the King's patronage
and friendship ; for he complains, — " That
his labors are not appreciated, that his pro-
ductions are looked down upon by a number
of political blockheads, as mere scholastic ex-
ercises, which ought to stand back, while their
presumptuous finesse and intrigues step for-
ward." And we find that a majority in our
day look upon the Arts and Sciences in a
similar manner ; which is one great reason
why they and Humanity do not progress more
21. In 1719, the family of Swedberg was
ennobled, by Queen Ulrica Eleonora, from
which time our Author bore the name of
Swedenborg, (by which his nobility was
signified,) and he took his seat with the
Nobles op the Equestrian Order, in
the Triennial Assemblies of the States :
but his new rank conferred no title, beyond
the change of his name ; nor was he a Baron,
or Count, as some have supposed. In Sweden
he was always spoken of as the Assessor Swe-
22. In 1719, he published four Works, first,
A Proposal for fixing the Value of Coins, and
determining the Measures of Sweden, so as to
sxippress Fractions, and facilitate Calcidations :
after which, he was commanded by his Sov-
ereign to draw up an Octonary Computus, (a
mode of computing by eighths,) which he
completed in a few days, with its application
to the received divisions of Coins, Weights, and
Measures : a disquisition on Cubes and Squares,
and a new and easy way of extracting Roots ;
all illustrated by appropriate examples. It
may here be mentioned that he had the honor
of introducing the Differential Calculus into
Sweden ; also that he wrote to Norberg, the
Biographer of Charles XII., tliat this King,
in a conversation with him and Polheim, not
only proposed, but actually produced in his
own handwriting, a Decimal Mode of Numera-
tion, founded on ciphers up to G4 : and as he
gave this specimen to our Author, he ob-
served, " that he who knows nothing of the
Science of Mathematics, does not deserve to
be considered a rational man : " a sentiment,
adds Swedenborg, truly worthy of a king.
2. His next Works were, " A Treatise on
the Motion and Position of the Earth and
Planets. 3. Arguments derived from tlie vari-
ous Appearances in the North of Europe, in
favor of the Depth of the Waters and great-
er Tides of the Sea, in the Ancient World.
4. On Docks, Sluices and Salt Works."
23. And here again, we hear him lament-
ing that his country does not appreciate his
labors, nor take any interest in the mechani-
cal and mathematical sciences : he further says,
truly, " In every age there is an abundance
of persons, who follow the beaten track, and
remain in the old way ; while there are a few
who bring forward inventions, founded on
reason and argument. I lind that Pluto and
Envy possess the Hyperboreans, (people of
the north ;) and that a man will prosper bet-
ter among them by acting the idiot, than by
remaining a man of understanding." The
world around him was in the midnight of the
Past ; but he clearly saw, in the distribution
of human talent, that there was no just pro-
portion kept up between antiquity and genius ;
and he labored for the New Era, which is now
dawning upon the earth, — the day of the
great installation of arts, sciences, philosophy,
and religion. His ardent pursuit of geolo-
gy, (then a new science), was converting it-
self into speculations about the universe ; and
all his works, up to this date, display great
industry, fertile plans, a belief in the penetra-
bility of problems usually given up by tlie
learned, — a gradual and experimental faculty,
and an absence of immaturity. In regard to
general truths, he gave the evidence of a slowly-
apprehending, persevering, and, at last, thor-
oughly comprehending mind. His filial love
was very strong, and his energy and lidelity
in business were more useful to him, than
family connection, or clever courtiership. His
religious belief does not any where appear as
yet ; but from his books and letters, it is cer-
tain that his mind was not inactive on the
greatest of all subjects, and that he was a
plain believer in revelations, though probably
not without his conjectures as to its meaning
and import. Such was Swedenborg in the
spring and tlower of his long maniiood,
24. In 1721, at the age of thirty-three, he
visited Holland for the second time, with a
specific view to professional objects, to examine
the mines and smelting works, and to study
the natural sciences ; and, besides being a
contributor to " The Literary Transactions
of Sweden,'' he published the following
works at Amsterdam: 1. "Some Specimens
of Works on the Principles of Natural Phi-
losophy, comprising new Attempts to explain
the Phenomena of Chemistry and Physics by
Geometry ; " 2. " Observations and Discover-
ies respecting Iron and Fire, and particularly
respecting the Elemental Nature of Fire, with
a new Construction of Stoves ; " 3. " A New
Method of finding the Longitude of Places,
on Land, or at Sea, by Lunar Observations;"
4. "A New Mechanical Plan of constructing
Docks and Dikes ; " 5. " A Mode of Discov-
ering the Powers of Vessels, by the applica-
cation of Mechanical Principles;" 6. " New
Rules for maintaining Heat in Rooms ; " 7.
" Remarks on the Primeval Ocean ; " 8. " An
Elucidation of a Law of Hydrostatics, demon-
strating the Power of the deepest Waters of
the Deluge, and their Action on the Rocks,
and other Substances, at the Bottom of their
Bed ; " 9. " A New Mechanical Plan of con-
structing Docks, whereby Vessels may be re-
paired in Harbors that are not reached by the
Tides;" 10. "A New Construction of Dams,
or Moles, for arresting the Course of Rivers,
Torrents," &;c.
25. The air-tight stove, which has come
into vei-y extensive use in this country, for a
few years past, was patented, it is believed,
by Dr. Orr, of Washington city. The valid-
ity of the patent was tried in one of our
courts of justice, in this city, and the case was
dismissed, on the ground that the specifications
of the patent were not sufficiently explicit.
It appears that the principle of this stove was
discovered and made known by Swedenborg
more than a century ago.
26. From Amsterdam, in 1722, at the age
of thirty-four, he went to Leipsic, when he
published his '" Miscellaneous Observations
about Natural Things, Especially about Min-
erals, Iron, and Fire, on the Strata of Moun-
tains: and an Essay on Crystallization."
This work demonstrated a rare power of col-
lecting facts, of applying principles, and of
making them useful to mankind. (The ex-
penses of this journey were defrayed by the
Duke of Brunswick, who made Swedenborg
many valuable presents, as tokens of favor,
friendship, and benevolence.) In this work,
our author began his travels into future ages,
and intrepidly attempted to scale the heights
of Nature, that he might see its connection
with spirits. He approached the fortress of
mineral truth, with geometry on one hand, and
mechanics on the other; while the laws of
pure science were to be the interpreters of the
facts of chemistry and physics. " The begin-
ning of nature," he says, " is identical with
the beginning of geometry : " he therefore at-
tempted to traverse chemical essence and
combination by the fixed truths of mathemat-
ics, and to carry the pure sciences into those
which are mixed, — interpreting the latter by
the former. The mixture of theory and
practice in his works, shows tlie extraordinary
activity of his mind, as well as his good sense,
and makes every thing interesting and useful ;
for it was not only the mi ties that he meant to
examine, but all that could iix the attention
of a traveller : hence, nothing seemed to es-
cape his observation.
27. One of his discoveries at this time was
that of the gradual subsidence of the Baltic
Sea, which, with his geological observations n
the field, led him to conclude that deep waters
once covered tlie inhabited ground ; and that the
unevenness of the land was owing to the accu-
mulation of mud, sand, shells, and stones, at the
bottom of the ocean, lie also explained the
translation of the huge bowlders which are
dropped here and there over the plains, by al-
leging the powerful action of the waves — a
point in w^hich his mathematical skill has been
confirmed by modern science ; in numerous in-
stances, he may be said to have anticipated
the enlightened speculations of modern geolo-
gists ; but it would be inconsistent with our
limits to dwell upon particulars of this nature.
We will only add that the celebrated Dumas
ascribes to Swedenborg the origin of the mod-
ern science of crystallography. We quote,
here, from the New Jerusalem Magazine, of
November, 1830: —
" The science of crystallography is of recent
origin, and has lately attracted the notice of some
very able men. Nearly all simple substances and
many of the compounds found in nature have reg-
ular tbrrns. These are of almost every variety of
shape, but eacli substance has its own ; and this
original tigure, as it may be called, often serves to
distinguish substances which it would be ditficult
otherwise to discriminate. The basis of the
science is an analysis of the various figures, so
that they may be reduced to a very few simple
forms, which, by addition one to the other, may
make all the existing varieties. Tliis subject is
mentioned in a work on ' Chemical Philosophy,'
recently published in Paris, consisting of a course
of lectures delivered in the college of Fran^^e, by
M. Dumas, a gentleman of much and deserved
celebrity. There is a notice of this work in the
forty-fifth number of the Foreign Ciuarterly Re-
view, published in London. M. Dumas distinctly
ascribes to Swedenborg the origin of the modern
science of crystallography. He says, ' It is, then,
to him we are indebted, fur the first idea of mtiking
cubes, tetraedes, pyramids, and the different crys-
talline forms, by grouping tiie spheres ; and it is an
idea which has since been renewed by several dis-
tinguished men, Wollaston in particular.' The
reviewer afterwards says, that the systems of
Swedenborg and Wollaston dilFer essentially, but
l.e does not state wherein the difference consists."
28. We cannot forego, here, a notice of an-
other subject, which was the oliject of Sweden-
borg's remark at this time. We allude to the
theory of the Central Fire of the Earth.
" The opinion has been very prevalent," he
says, " tliat the nucleus or interior of the eartli is
hollow, and filled with a peculiar fire ; and this
has been attempted to be proved by the following
arguments. 1. The earth appears to have been at
first a star, which in process of time was incrust-
ed, and formed a planet. 2. The earth is balanced
in the solar vortex, which seems to be owing to an
internal vacuum, whereby the crust might be bal-
anced like a hollow globe of metal. 3. There are
many volcanoes in existence at the present day,
and formerly they were still more numerous ; fur-
thermore, there are thermal springs and boiling
waters gushing from the bowels of the earth. 4.
Minerals are formed, and metals, and many sub-
stances undergo various changes in the bosom of
the earth ; moreover flowers spring up. and the
earth's crust becomes covered with vegetation.
5. And many mountains have been converted into
lime, and seem to have been burned up by fire. All
these circumstances appear to prove the existence
of a central fire, which, in particular places, bursts
through the crust that encloses it.
" I admit that it is undeniable that a certain
subterranean fire really exists ; that is to say, that
in some parts of the earth's crust a degree of heat
is perceptible, which causes thermal springs, vol-
canic eruptions, and many other phenomena ; but
whether this heat proceeds from the earth's cen-
tre, and whether there be a cavity full of fire, or
an igneous void — this is to the last degree (ques-
tionable, and for the following reasons. 1. Be-
cause fire cannot live, unless it be enclosed in
hard bodies, as in carbonaceous matter already
mentioned as shut up with the fire in a furnace.
2. But if the furnace contain no solid fuel, although
it be full of flames, no sooner is it closed, than the
fire dies out, lasting in fact no longer than the
heat remains in the hard bodies. Consequently
fire cannot be kept in a cavity unless solid sub-
stances be present. If, therefore, there be any
heat in the centre (supposing a central vacuum to
exist), such heat must come from the substances
of the crust, instead of the crustal heat proceed-
ing from the centre. 3. Hence we may conclude
that heat exists in many parts of the earth's crust,
and not in others ; but as for its source, and the
manner in which it is kept up, see the observations
on Therunl Springs." — Miscellaneous Observa-
tions, pp. 100, 101.
29. We quote the following from his re-
marks on Thermal Springs. After mention-
ing various facts and experiments, he con-
tiimes : —
" From these examples we may now proceed to
consider the subterranean heat which causes the
warmth of thermal springs ; and we may argue
that it will diffuse itself through a wjiole moun-
tain from a very small beginning ; i. e., from some
commingling of sulphur, vitriol, iron, and water.
These substances would prove quite sufficient for
this result, especially in stratified mountains, where
the diffusion would <easily take place, according to
the reasoning and experiments already adduced.
These arguments also prove, that when heat is
once shut up in these mountains, it may remain for
centuries without being extinguished ; but as soon
as an opening is made, it breaks forth in flames.
" That there is some sort of subterranean fire,
confined, however, to the crust of the earth, is suf-
ficiently proved by, 1. The existence of volcanoes,
which vomit flames, as Vesutius, ^Etna, and
others. 2. Also of mountains wliich are occasion-
ally hot, and emit hot fumes or vapors. .'J. Of
others from which the hottest springs gush forth.
4. In many places calcareous stones are found to
be converted into true lune, and whole mountains
into chalk ; strata of calcareous stone with sili-
cious matter still enclosed in them, scissel stones,
shells, &-C., are also converted into lime in like
manner. These facts render it impossible to deny
the existence of a crustal fire sufficient to pene-
trate whole mountains, especially such as are lam-
ellated or stratified ; in which, after they have once
been heated, the fire, provided it be shut up, may
last for ages, without any great consumption of
materials." — Miscellaneous Observations, pp. 34,
30. The above extracts are merely frag-
mentary, taken from the author's passing re-
marks, and only given to show his manner of
thinking at this stage of his experience.
Modern geology may think of it as it pleases.
31. The following, also, is the concluding
paragraph of his " Reasons to show that Min-
eral Effluvia, or Particles, penetrate into their
Matrices, and impregnate them with Metal,
by means of water as a vehicle," — in other
words, his idea of the generation of metals in
the bowels of the earth. He says, however,
" I am not at present speaking of the origin of
the effluvia or exhalations, but only of their ingress
into the veins : should any one be inclined to de-
duce the origin of the particles from any kind of
fire, above or below, I shall not here oppose him.
Nor shall I object to any one concluding that
there is an influx of metallic particles from the rays
of the planets, or from the lightest and most mo-
bile rays of the sun, which may still be extremely
32. He thus concludes the article : —
" Since, therefore, the above-mentioned waters
are of such very different kinds, some being im-
pregnated with sulphurs, others with mercury, and
others again witli salt or other particles adapted to
this combination, and if we may fomi an opinion
accordingly, we conjecture that such or sucli a
metal grows or is composed by the meeting of
these ditferent waters. And perhaps posterity
will discover some art, unknown to us, of making
certain species of metals by the mixture of differ-
ent waters impregnated with sulphurs, vitriol^,
&c. On the above principle it is, that in the same
matrice, and in the same stratum, we frequently
find four or five kinds of metals together, thus sil-
ver is frequently mixed with copper, lead, and
gold ; copper with zinc, bismuth, tin, cobalt, and
marcasites of the most various kinds ; which, in
our opinion, may have derived their origin from the
jneeting of different waters, tliat brought with
them the most simple particles of sulphur, salts,
mercuries, &,c., &c." — Miscellaneous Observa-
tions, pp. 118, 126, 127.
33. Another paragraph we give on Petri-
faction : —
" If, then, we may use conjectures and ideas, in
conjunction with experience, to enable us to pros-
eeute those subjects that are not obvious to the
external senses, ^^^e may suppose that the petrify-
ing juice is the fluid which oozes and exudes from
the harder stones, such as spar, quartz, stalactite,
&c. ; or is tlie same fluid that converts sotl sub-
stances into rock or stone, and otherwise forms
invo crystals. Our reason is, that tliis fluid is
much more subtle than the dropping water already
mentioned as producing the stalactite, and the
stony particles contained in it are smaller and
-subtler than those existing in the latter; in
the same way as when salt water is subjected to
distillation, the larger saline particles are broken
into smaller ones, that is, into acids, which in this
state appear to exert quite a different eflfect from
that of the salts when larger and entire." — Mis-
cellaneous Observations, p. 1^32.
34. Take, also, a brief remark on Taste : —
" Every metal has particles of its own of a pe-
culiar form ; silver has its own particles ; lead and
iron also ; as proved by the phenomena of crys-
tallization. Thus silver crystallizes in one way,
iron in another, lead in a third. Every metal forms
crystals corresponding to the shape of its parti-
cles. This is also proved by the very diflferent
tastes of ditferent metallic solutions. The solution
of one metal is austere ; that of another is sweet;
a third is exceedingly nauseous, of which mercury
is an example ; a fourth is very bitter, like silver.
This variety of taste must surely result from the
form of the particle, which, in proportion as it is
pointed, impresses a varying sensation on the paj>-
illae of the tongue." — Miscellaneous Observations,
p. 75.
35. The following is interesting on Light,
Sight, and Sound: —
" It Avould appear that the exquisitely minute
particles of ether cannot exhibit the phenonaena
of light, unless they are struck by particles equal-
ly fine and small. If the latter be too large,
notliing more than a slow and exceedingly dull
undulation will take place in the former ; but the
reverse if both sets of particles be of one small-
ness. Thus, 1. The ether may be set vibrating
by mercury with its very minute particles, espe-
cially in a vacuum. 2. In like manner the ether
may be made to vibrate, or tlie ray to undulate, by
any very subtle exhalations, either whole, or de-
composed in the air, for instance, by saline ramenta,
by urinous and sulphurous matters, provided their
particles be extremely minute. 3. By the most
delicate ramenta of salts, when broken, as in the
sea. 4. By decayed wood, whilst emitting subtle
particles. 5. And by the effluvia of certain ani-
mals excited by motion and friction. G. I need
hardly say, also by fire, whose particles are so
amazingly subtle, and when undulating will cause
an undulation in the rays, or a vibration in the
ether. 7. So, also, the rays from the sun will
undulate through the whole sky. Hence, accord-
ing to the buUular hypothesis, it appears, for the
reasons already stated, that light may arise in cold
substances as well aa in hot, and in the dry and
the moist alike.
The sensation of sight points in a manner to a
similar conclusion. The sensations that we have
appear to be nothing more than tiie very subtle
motions in the smaller jvarticles : and as the most
subtle motion amongst such particles can hardly
be other than undulatory and vibratory, so I do not
know why those persons should be mistaken, who
maintain that sensations arc merely vibrations or
very s .b.*J,e motions in the membranes of oui
frame. It does not seem possible that the light in our
eyes can be, 1. Any quiescent or passive thing.
2. Or any occult quality, for we find in the organ a
mechanism for receiving the rays. 3. We see
the internal tunics or meninges brought from the
interior of the head, and exposed immediately to
tlie rays. 4. We see a variety of different tunics
and fluids in the eye. 5. In the inner part, where
the rays are collected, we observe a reticular
lining, so that no ray can escape coming in contact
with a considerable portion of the membrane
therein. G. We find these membranes conjoined
with the internal membranes, and the rays received
communicated to the meninges of the brain. 7.
As, therefore, sensation must consist of some mo-
tion, and as the smallest motion is the vibratory
and undulatory, I am not aware that there is any
impropriety in assuming tliat sight or vision con-
sists in the undulation of the rays in the mem-
branes of the eye. 8. In the same manner as
tound, which we know for certain is produced by
(he undulation of the air ; for the ear is mechanic-
ally formed for its reception; it is tortuous, fur-
nished with membranes, a tympanum, cochlea,
various nerves of tlie utmost delicacy, malleus,
incus, and all the apparatus necessary for vibra-
tion. These subjects, however, will be treated
open elsewhere. At present it is sufficient to
have pointed out, that light is nothing more than a
motion of tiie smallest particles, that is to say, of
rays ; and as the vibratory is the most subtle mo-
tion, we may perhaps tind fresh proofs of the ex-
istence of light in the buUular hypothesis, and the
principle of the undulation of rays. But as we are
treating of invisibles, and as thought and geome-
try are alone at our service in the investigation, so
we will submit our views to the criticism of the
learned ; and if tliey can bring forward facts to re-
fute our notions, we shall receive the information
in the most grateful spirit" — Miscellaneous Obser-
vations, pp. 104-(3.
36. Our author's remarks on improved
Stoves, Fireplaces, and the Cause and Cure
of Smoky Chimneys, exhibit the Count Rum-
ford and Franklin spirit to a remarkable de-
gree ; but we have no room for extracts.
37. In the preface of his Treatise on the Prin-
ciples of Chemistry, he observes, that physics
and chemistry are essentially geometrical, and
that the variety of experiments in both, can
be nothing more than variety in position,
figure, weight and motion of the particles
of bodies ; consequently, that the facts of
these sciences must indicate the geometrical
forms and mechanical- motions of the elements
of substances. As the phenomena of the
heavens have at length suggested an astrono-
my, founded on mechanical laws, and involv-
ing definite forms and movements, so, it was
his design to elicit from the phenomena of
chemistry, the shapes, motions, and other con-
ditions of the atoms, or unities of bodies, and
thus to introduce clearness into our conception
of chemical combinations and decompositions.
He did not doubt, that chemistry, in its inmost
bosom, was amenable to the rules of mechan-
ics, and that there was nothing necessarily
mysterious in it, nothing occult, nothing but a
peculiar portion of the ubiquitous clockwork
of time and space. His theory is, that round-
ness is the form adapted to motion ; that tiie
particles of Huids, and specifically of water,
are round hollow spherules, with a subtle mat-
ter, identical with ether, or caloric, in their
interiors and interstices ; that the crust, or
crustal portion, of each particle, is formed of
lesser particles, and these again of lesser, and
so on ; water being, in this way, the sixth
dimension, or the result of the sixth grouping
of the particles ; that the interstices of the
fluids furnish the original moulds of the solids,
and the rows of crustal particles, forced
oft", one by one, by various agencies, furnish
the matter of the same ; that after solid par-
ticles are thus cast in their appropriate moulds,
their fracture, aggregation, the fillings in of
their pores and interstices, by lesser particles,
and a number of other and accidental condi-
tions, provide the unities of the multiform
substances of which the mineral kingdom is
composed ; according to which theory, there
is but one substance in the worhl, which is the
first ; the difference of things is difference of
form ; there are no positive, but only relative
atoms ; no metaphysical, but only real elements ;
moreover, the heights of chemical doctrine
can be scaled by rational induction alone,
planted on the basis of analysis, synthesis and
observation. The Neivton of chemistry has
not yet arisen, but when he does appear,
Swedenborg will doubtless be recognized as
its Copernicus.
38. After his return from Germany to
Stockholm, in 1722, he published, anonymous-
ly, a work on the Rise and Depreciation of
the Swedish Currency. He was decidedly op-
posed to a paper currency, unless it repre-
sented a specie basis of equal amount ; remark-
ing, in his Memorial to the Senate of Sweden,
" that an empire which could submit with only
a representative currency, would be without a
parallel." And we plainly see the folly of
such an attempt, in the issuing of the old
Continental Paper, by the American Colonies,
millions of which were never redeemed.
39. At this time he entered upon the duties
of the Assessorship, whose function he had
previously been unwilling to exercise, until
he had acquired perfect knowledge of Metal-
lurgy ; hence, he cannot be ranked with those,
who, without capacity, solicit and obtain places
of trust and profit, while destitute of the re-
quisite knowledge to fill them properly. Dur-
ing the next eleven years, he divided his time
and labors between the Royal College of the
Board of Mines, and his studies illustrating
Practice and Theory in Business, and Prac-
tice and Theory in Science.
40. In a letter to his brother-in-law, about
this time, he makes the following amusing
remarks : " It is the fatality of Mathemati-
cians to remain chiefly in theory. I have
often thought it would be a capital thing, if,
to each ten Mathematicians, one good practi-
cal man were added, to lead -the rest to mar-
ket ; he would be of more use and mark
than all the ten." One can now see why he
would not accept the Professorship of pure
Mathematics that was offered him, but pre-
ferred the Assessorship ; for he evidently de-
sired to see all truths and principles brought
into practice.
41. In 1729, at the age of forty-one, he was
lif:: and writings of emanuel swedenborg.
elected a member of the Royal Academy of
Sciences, at Stockholm ; and was one of its
most useful and efficient members, both at
home and abroad. Tiie eminence of this In-
stitution may be inferred from the fact, that
so learned and scientific a man as Swedenborg,
was not made one of its members before.
The Principia.
42. We now enter upon another era, in this
great man's life, wlien his experimenting
youth and manhood were past, and he came
into possession of a region all his own, and
ruled there without a rival, for owing to a
■want of discernment in his contemporaries, he
inhabited his intellectual estate, unquestioned,
unlimited, uncontradicted, and alone. His
wondrous career now commences, in the pub-
lication of that masterpiece of human Avork-
manship — the Principia.
43. In May 1733, at the age of forty-five,
with the permission of Charles XII., king of
Sweden, he went abroad for the third time,
for the purpose of storing his mind with every
kind of knowledge, which was necessary to
the success of his undertaking, and to publish
his great work, in three folio volumes, of about
four or five hundred pages, each, — entitled
Philosophical and Mineral Works ; embracing
the results of the profoundest researches into
the domains of nature, from her primordial
elements, to her greatest organic phenomena.
Although there are three distinct works, each
treating on different subjects, and dedicated to
different persons, yet they are all published
together, and were always alluded to by
Swedenborg, as one work.
44. The first volume is called, " The Prin-
cipia, or the First Principles of Natural
Things, being a New Attempt towards a Phil-
osophical Explanation of the Elementary
World." This part may be regarded as a
Treatise on Cosmogony, in which the Author
attempts to arrive at the cause, or origin of
the universe, by modes of inquiry peculiar to
himself. He takes the position, that nature,
in all her operation, is governed by one and
the same general law, and is always consistent
with lierself : hence he says, there is necessity
in explaining her hidden recesses, to multiply
experiments by observation. The means lead-
ing to true philosophy, he represents as three-
fold. 1. A knowledge of facts, or experi-
mental observation, which he calls Experience.
2. The orderly arrangement of those facts,
phenomena, or effects, which he calls Geometry,
or Rational Philosophy. 3. The Faculty of
Reasoning : by which is meant, the ability to
analyze, compare, and combine these facts,
after they have been reduced to order, and
they present themselves distinctly to the mind.
Among other positions he takes, is this, which
is proved by modern science ; '' it is possible,
that many things of opposite natures, may
exist from the same first cause ; as fire and
iruter, and air which absorbs them both."
4"). The above three folio volumes, were beau-
tifully printed in Latin, at Leipsic and Dres-
den, enriched and adorned with a vast number
of copperplate engravings, illustrative of the
subjects treated of, and an engraved likeness
of the Author ; all done at the expense of the
Duke of Brunswick, at whose cost Sweden-
borg was always entertained, with distin-
guished favor. The Principia is translated into
English and published in two large octavo
volumes, at the price of seven dollars. Tl)is
is truly a magnificent work, and will speak
for itself, centuries to come. Indeed, in many
respects, but little advance has since been
made, beyond the points which our Author
reached. It is regarded by many, as far su-
perior to the Principia of Newton.
46. One would hardly imagine, that there are
such mighty principles to be found, under the
modest and simple title of " Philosophical and
Mineral Works ;" but there is great meaningin
this uncommon blending : for Philosophy is
nothing, unless united with a// things ; and in the
ascending scale of its alliances, it solicits the
aid of the mineral universe before arriving at
the higher degrees of elementary forces, the
region of Causes, the Human, and the
ETERNAL. This Work is rendered more
interesting, on account of its containing the
germs of the sublime system of Geological
Science, which stands forth so prominently at
the present day.
47. In his chapter, " On the Means Avhich
conduce to True Piiilosophy, and on the True
Philosopher," he maintains that no one can
acquii-e the former, and not become the latter;
also, that no one can become a true philoso-
pher, who is not a good man. Previous to
the Fall, he says, " when man was in a state
of integrity, he had all the essentials of wis-
dom and true philosophy inscribed on his
heart : he had then but to open his eyes, in
order to see the causes of all the phenomena
of the universe around him ; but in his present
state of sin and nonconformity to Divine
Order, he is obliged to investigate truths
by a laborious external application of the
48. R. M. Patterson, late Professor in the
University of Pennsylvania, says respecting
the Principia, — " It is an extraordinary pro-
duction of one of the most extraordinary
men that has ever lived. The air of mysti-
cism, which is generally thought to pervade
Swedenborg's Ethical and Theological Writ-
ings, has prevented philosophers from paying
that attention to his physical productions, of
which I now see they are worthy. Many of
the experiments and observations on Magnet-
ism, presented in this work, are believed to be
of much more modern date, and are unjustly
ascribed to much more recent authors."
49. " Its pervading idea is the recognition
of external objects as the product of internal
powers, and this not as to form only, but as
to their matter and subsistence. In oilier
words, it occupies high ground in explaining the
generation of the elements, and ultimately of
6olid matter, from the occult forces playing with-
in nature, as well as in its attempted explana-
tion of those forces themselves, — their origin,
and their procedure till they become material-
ized ; the great end which its Author already
had in view carrying him beyond mere ap-
pearances in one of the most material branches
of physiology. Two things are virtually as-
sumed in all its deductions, namely, the
absolute reality of the Infinite and the exist-
ence of finite entities ; it has a good founda-
tion, therefore, in common sense, and has ne-
cessarily a religious tendency. Descending
from ' The First Natural Point,' — a term
by which pure motion is designated, Svveden-
borg defines the phenomena of heat, light,
magnetism, and the elementary substances
themselves, as so many graduated manifesta-
tions of Infinite Activity. In the course of
his demonstrations he anticipated many discov-
eries which are considered of more recent date,
and amongst others the identity of electricity
and lightning, and the stellar constitution of
the Milky Way, together with a complete
theory of tellurian magnetism." It was in
June 1752, we believe, that Franklin's cele-
brated experiment was performed with the
lightning, by which its identity with electricity
was established. Yet no less than nineteen
years previously, in 1733, Swedenborg's Prin-
cipia was pubHshed, in which this same truth
is reasoned out as a minor consequent to his
philosophy. " Such are the coincidences,"
remarks a London reviewer, " which have
never yet failed in us in any attempted appli-
cation of Swedenborg's philosophy, and which
might surprise even the sceptic into a belief
of the brilliancy and originality of his genius."
In respect to tellurian magnetism, " ' the theory
of Swedenborg incontestably proves the exist-
ence of the magnetic clement ; it establishes,
that the particles of this element being spher-
ical, the tendency of their motion is either spi-
ral, or vortical, or cii'cular ; that as each of
these motions requires a centre, whenever the
particles meet with a body, which, by the reg-
ularity of the pores, and the configuration and
position of its parts, is adapted to their motion,
they avail themselves of it, and form around
it a magnetical vortex ; that if this body pos-
sesses an activity [that is, an active sphere]
of its own, if its parts are fiexible, and if its
motions are similar to tliat of the particles, it
will be so much the more disposed to admit
them Whence it follows that the
magnetism of bodies depends not on their sub-
stance but their /or»i.' Some of the results
of this theory are confirmed by the brilliant
discoveries of Farraday, and it is probably
destined to take its place, along with Sweden-
borg's general doctrine of spheres, or exhala-
tions, as the only hypothesis capable of ex-
plaining the phenomena and correlation of
50. " Various hypotheses intended to explain
the phenomena of planetary motion had been
constructed, from time to time, on the general
principle that the jdanets were carried round
the sun by its supposed ambient ether, or
vortex. The most remarkable of these the-
ories were those of Kepler, Descartes, and
Leibnitz, who not only preceded Swedenborg,
but were already thrown into the shade
by the successes of Newton, — who made his
calculations on the presumption that the
planets moved in a vacuum, — before our phi-
losopher published his ' Principia.' Far
from dismayed by these circumstances, Swe-
denborg boldly attempted to reconcile the
laws of gravity with the existence of a vortex,
and, though it still remains for the highest
authorities to pass judgment on this attempt,
it is sufficient evidence of his great genius that
the circumstances affecting the periodicity of
the comets of En eke and Bella, have left
Astronomers no alternative but an accommoda-
tion of this nature. Every one may perceive
how irrational it would be to suppose an im-
mense void between the soul and the body.
On the same principle, it is equally contrary to
reason to imagine its interposition between the
sun as the moving power, and the earth. One
of its first consequences is inconsistent with
all analogy ; plants and animals invariably
grow from a central point, and tracks of sen-
sation or vital energy are always laid between
that centre and its remotest appurtenances ;
this is the one unvarying plan on which all
unities are constructed. To look at the Uni-
verse as a whole, it is perfectly consistent
with this analogy to regard a planet as one
mighty limb ; or, more humbly, as a single
leaf on the tree of universal life ; and then
how unreasonable it becomes to suppose that
it was ever endowed with the separate and '
independent forces ascribed to it by the New-
tonian hypothesis ! It would be as easy to
imagine that the leaf was created by itself, and
hung upon the tree, or that all the parts of
the body were separately produced, and their
independent functions subsequently formed
into a system. Swedenborg, therefore, has
wisely endeavored to reconcile the demonstra-
tions of Newton with the ancient hypothesis
of a solar vortex, and to show how the planets,
and planetary motion, are derived from the
Sun." — Rich's Sketch, ■p'^. 17-20.
51. In short, Swedenborg makes the magnetic
element the agency which controls the plan-
etary movements. In other words, he resolves
the power of gravitation into magnetism, and
shows, moreover, that precisely the same laws
which govern a single particle of matter in
its properties of motion, govern also all the
heavenly bodies in their orbitual revolutions.
" Inasmuch," he says, " as nature maintains
the highest similarity to herself, both in her great-
est and in her least entities, we may, from what
we see and feel, arrive at a knowledge of what
we neither see nor foel. Tims has nature designed
that we should be instructed througli Xhe medium
of the senses : in addition to which is imparted to
us a soul, and to the soul a faculty of reasoning
and analyzing, a faculty wjiich may extend its
operations even to tlie senses ; so that, by help of
reasoning and analysis, or of the ratios of the
things we sensate, we may arrive at some knowl-
edge of those we do not.
" The magnet with the play of its forces we both
see and we do not see ; hence our wonder at the
phenomena it presents. In the magnet and its
sphere there is however a type and effigy of the
heaven ; a mundane system in miniature presented
to our senses and brought within the limits of our
comprehension. In the sphere of the magnet are
spiral gyrations or vorticles ; in like manner in the
sidereal heavens there are spiral gyrations and
vortices. In every vorticle round the magnet
there is an active centre ; in every vortex in the
heaven there is also an active centre. In every
vorticle round the magnet the motion is quicker
near the centre than it is at a distance from it ;
the same is the case in every vortex in the heaven.
In every vorticle round the magnet the spiral gyra-
tion is of greater curvature in proportion to its
nearness to the centre ; the same is the case with
every vortex in the heaven. In every vorticle
round the magnet there are, in all probability, cor-
puscles fluent round the centre and revolving
round an axis ; such also is the case with every
vortex in the heaven. The vorticles round the
magnet mutually colligate themselves by means
of their spiral motions,- and, thus colligated, form
a larger sphere ; the same is the case in the si-
dereal heaven ; — not to mention other points of
agreement of which we shall speak in the sequel.
All things are similar one to the other ; because
in small things as well as in large, nature preserves
the greatest similarity to herself; especially as the
vorticles round the magnet possess particles and
elements of the same nature as the vortices of the
great heaven ; and inasmuch as these vortices are
similar, as well as their causes, therefore the
etfects produced are similar.
" Now inasmuch as man is not created prone to
the earth like beasts, but is endowed both with an
upright mien in order to enable him to look up-
ward to the heavens, and with a soul derived from
the aura of a purer and better world, in virtue of
which lie is allied to heaven ; let us avail ourselves
of this privilege to exalt our thoughts to the re-
gions above ; and from a vile stone of the earth
and its magnetic powers, contejnpUite what is simi-
lar on the largest scale, and learn the nature and
laws of the material heavens both visible and in-
visible." — Principia, vol. ii. pp. 230, 231.
52. What can be more philosophically beau-
tiful than the above analogy ? Svvedenborg
moreover observes that the axis of our own
universe is in the galaxy ; that here conse-
quently the magnetic power is the strongest,
and hence that here we find the greatest con-
densation of solar systems ; that our own sun
is not in this axis but a little out of it, and
hence the original cause of the ellipticity of
the planetary orbits, which he supposes to be
attracted in the. direction of the axis of the
common sphere.
Theories of Gravitation.
53. "We cannot fail here to bestow a passing
notice upon some recent attempts, as indeed
upon suspicions which have always more or
less existed, to account for the motion of the
I)lanets by some better theory than mere gravi-
ty, or such separate and independent forces
as the universe is supposed to be endowed
with, by the Newtonian hypothesis. A woi'k,
for instance, entitled " Outlines of a System
of Mechanical Philosophy, being a research
into the Laws of Force, by Samuel Elliott
Coues." In this work, the author has taken
strong grounds against the Newtonian theory
of gravitation, conceiving of a more spiritual
theory, and recognizing the Divine Author of
creation altogether more present and imma-
nent than mere gravitation, or simple attrac-
tion of one body by another, can possibly ena-
ble us to do. It is to be observed that the
author here alluded to does not deny i\ie fact
of gravitation, or rather, similar consequences,
but not precisely nor all, which gravitation
would produce, but simply asserts, and by num-
erous facts shows, that such power is not in-
nate in the bodies themselves, and therefore,
that the theory of mere attraction of one
body by another is false, and also insufficient
to account for the movements of the Universe.
For this attempt at opposing great names,
for calling Newton to account, the amiable
author has encountered the usual sneers of
certain pert tyros in science, who follow hard
upon authority, and his book remains quite
harmless, though not without the recognition
of its truths, by a few discriminating and ap-
preciating minds. Thus we go, and thus the
spiritual and the divine are ever sure to get
the ascendency, and as sure to be scouted at
first by the sensual and material. It is suf-
ficient to say that our modern author has
been impressed with a great truth here, and
has not failed triumphantly to show it. But
we are only led into this notice, to set forth
all the more prominently the grand and sim-
ple theory of Svvedenborg. The existence of
a vortex, or of planetary spheres, analogous
to the sphere of the magnet, and of every
particle of matter, so that each planet and
sun is but the nucleus, as it were, or centre of
an immense body of finer and invisible matter,
graduated by different degrees of attenuation,
and these all interpenetrating one another,
constituting one mighty whole, without a
vacuum, and united with and interpenetrated
by the spiritual universe, the spiritual centre
of which is the Deity Himself, who also in-
terpenetrates the whole, — this is the true
theory, and here j!:ravitation is simplified, and
the spiritual and material meet and touch
each other. Of course tiiere must be gravity
where all things touch and move together.
And there cannot be a gravity which does
not, by fine intermediates, involve touch !
Swedenborg regards both gravity and mag-
netism as having the same original, and it has
since been discovered tliat the magnetic at-
tractions and repulsions observe the same law
a« gravitation, according to which the intensi-
ty of the force is inversely as the square of
the distance. The real cause and nature of
gravitation, so far as we can conceive of it, is
undoubtedly to be found in the similarity of
the primary forms of the particles of matter,
and more deepljs in the similarity of essences
which produce those forms, thus in simple af-
finity which like has for like. But it is to be
found most deeply, in the spiritual, thence in
the invisible material, and thence in the visi-
ble material. Hence the profound remark of
Swedenborg, that nothing can be truly known
of the visible world without a knowledge of
the invisible, for the visible world is a world
only of effects, while the invisible or spiritual
is the world of causes. Repulsion is not a
positive principle, like attraction, or gravita-
tion, and is only caused by dissimilarity of
essences. There is some similarity and some
dissimilarity, in all material bodies ; hence,
either perceptible or imperceptible, both attrac-
tion and repulsion. He who will pursue this
course of thought, making due allowance for
relative distances, or the nearness or re-
moteness of other bodies, will arrive, as far as
possible, in the present state of our faculties,
at the true theory of gravitation, or of attrac-
tion and repulsion. In other words, he will
find a kind of chemical affinity on a large
scale ! *
54. But our remarks would not be com-
plete here, without a further reference to
Swedenborg's theological system, although we
may subject ourselves to the charge of mix-
ing up theological ideas with possibly pliysical
errors. But the reader must judge, while wc
only wish to say that " Swedenborg maintains,
that the constitution of the insible heavens
■never can be understood without Jirst under-
standing the constitution of the invisible. That
the invisible are far more immense than the
visible, of which the Lord is the one only and
central sun ; that they consist of distinct ordi-
nations of angelic hosts or societies into the
human form, according to the apostolic idea of
the constitution of a church ; that every dis-
tinct society has its distinct place in the uni-
versal body ; that united into one it exhibits
the splendor of a spiritual star, to which there
* " Beyond certain limits of distance, ilie iiiterblending actions of
any two bodies, however dissimilar in constitution, is always har-
monious— and liciice attractive; within those limits of distance,
tbo action is crowding and conflicting', and lunce repellent." —
Fishbuagh'a " Jfacroccijir. and J/icroco.-m." ''J'' ii. p. 124.
is a corresponding natural sun ; that natural
suns are aggregated or grouped according to
their correspondences to tlie spiritual ; thus
that the natural is the outbirth of the spiritual,
the visible of the invisible, the temporal of
the eternal, the finite of the infinite ; and that
the concentrations and disjjersions of universes
is but the outward manifestation of the changes
going on in the inward and spiritual heavens,
which refer to ever new varieties of state in
consequence of ever new progressions from
glory to glory." — Introduction to Principia,
p. 7'J.
The Planetary System.
55. " We now proceed (says the same writer) to a.
more direct comparison of Swedenborg's cosmo-
gonical theory witFi that of La Place.
" After the suggestions of Newton upon this sub-
ject, with the existence of which I know not
whether La Place was acquainted, it was asserted
by the latter that Biilfon was the first writer whom
he knew, who, since tne discovery of the true
system of the world, had attempted to investigate
the origin of the planets and their satellites. Now
Swedenborg published his Principia in the year
1734 ; that is to say, ten years before BufFon pub-
lished his theory, and Buffbn himself had read
Swedenborg's Principia, as may be concluded
from the circumstance that a copy of Swedenborg's
Principia was not very long since sold by an emi-
nent bookseller * in London, containing Buffon's
own autograph ; therefore if La Place himself
was not acquainted with Swedenborg's treatise, it
is reasonable to presume that Butfon was. Ten
years, then, before Buffbn published his theory,
and about thirty years before La Place offered
his own to the public, Swedenborg had pro-
pounded his theory in the Pnncipia, in the
year 1734 ; and again in his treatise on the Wor-
ship and Love of God, in the year 1745, or about
twenty years before La Place's theory. In these
two works it had been observed by Swedenborg,
that the sun is the centre of a vortex ; that it
rotates upon its axis ; that the solar matter con-
centrated itself into a belt, zone, or ring at the
equator, or rather ecliptic ; that by attenuation of
the ring it became disrupted; that upon the dis-
ruption, part of the matter collected into globes,
and part subsided into the sun forming solar spots ;
that the globes of solar matter were projected into
space ; that consequently they described a spiral
orbit ; that in proportion as the igneous matter
thus projected receded from the sun, it gradually
experienced refrigeration and consequent conden-
sation ; that hence followed the formation of tne
elements of ether, air, aqueous vapor, &c., uuiil
the planets finally reached their present orbit :
that during this period the earth experienced u
succession of geological chanoes which originated
all the varieties in the mineral kingdom, and laid a^
it were the basis of the vegetable and afterward*
of the animal kingdoms. This is the general view
of Swedenborg's cosmogonical theory, with whicn
Buffbn was acquainted, but of which La Place, ac-
cording to his own account, was ignorant.
" Now the points of difference and agreemcnl
between the theory of La Place and that of Swe-
denborg are the following. Swedenborg begins at
* The lato Mr. Bohn, of Honrietta Street, Covent Garden.
the ".entre, La Place at the circumference. Swe-
dei.Dorg traces the process of creation from the
centre to the circumference, La Place traces it
from the circumference to the centre. According
to Swedenborg, the centre created the circum-
ference ; according to La Place, the circumference
created the centre. On the other hand, both agree
that the planets were formed by a condensation of
zones, and hence that planetary matter was origi-
nally solar. The latest experiments are unfavor-
able to the order observed by La Place, and
favorable to the ordi^r observed by Swedenborg." —
Introduction to Principia, vol. ii. pp. 79-81.
56. What is most remarkable is, that Swe-
denborg alleges in his " Worship and Love of
God," that there were seven planets created
from the sun at the same time. And he has,
in his Principia, sevei'al drawings illustrative
of the subject, in all of which, seven planets
are laid down. And this was more than forty
years before the discovery of the seventh
planet by Dr. Herschel.
57. We must also observe here, that, con-
trary to the testimony of the scientifie world,
Swedenborg was the first to designate the pre-
■ cise spot — the actual locality and situation of
our solar system amongst the stars of the uni-
verse. So truly is this the real state of the case,
that, without the slightest exaggeration, he
may be represented as affirming, " I have
formed a comparison of the magneti<i sphere
with the sidereal heavens, chap. i. Part 3, and
have gauged geometrically the stratum of the
milky path ; I have examined its parts and
discovered its construction, and have found,
by a geometrical calculus, the exact spot in
that galaxy where the sun's system is placed."
As if, placing his finger on that spot, he had
exclaimed, " It is there ! At the point where
the main trunk of the milky stream has a
considerable incurvation or divergence into
branches, there the sun's system is placed.
Seek, and you will find it."
58. Five years subsequently, Herschel is
born (1738). In the year 1789, he directs
bis monster telescope to the sides and, surfaces
of the galaxy, and without knowing of Swe-
denborg's announcement of the sun's position
therein, conjectures the identical spot, seeks
for evidence of its truth by a species of star
gauging, and a few etforts reward his labors
with the most abundant confirmation of the
reality of his conjecture. Certainly, never
did a luore bold assertion receive a more strik-
ing confirmation !
oSJ. To whom should the honorable wreath
be awarded — to the man who, by a series of
careful observations on the elliptical and ec-
centric form of the planetary orbits, and by a
careful deduction, arrived at by geometrical
reasoning, from the facts thereby established,
indicated the exact situation in the heavens
where our solar system is placed ; consequent-
ly, before human eye had looked upon it, or
mind ccujectured it, and confidently predicted
the exa»'t location amongst the stars, where,
fifty years subsequently, the eye of Herschel
sought and found it ? Or, shall it be awarded
to the man who first made the literal but le&»
meritorious discovery ?
60. How like the recent case of Leverrier,
and his discovery of the planet Neptune !
Was Leverrier, who saw it mentally, or Dr.
Galle, who saw it telescopically, the real dis-
coverer of the boundary planet ? The whole
civilized world have, without the slightest de-
mur, decided in favor of the person who re-
vealed its situation (for the planet's existence
was long suspected), who saw it by intellectual
vision, before bodily eyes could even suspect
where to look for it. There is the same es-
sential difference between Leverrier's discov-
ery of Neptune and Herschel's discovery of
Uranus, as there is between Swedenborg's dis-
covery of the situation of our sun among
the stars of the milky way, and Herschel's
discovery of the same. In both Swedenborg's
and Leverrier's case, the discovery is intel-
lectual, and shows forth the triumphs and su-
periority of reason over mere sensation. —
2iew Church Repository, vol. iii. p. 199.
61. Again, concerning the Stability of the
Solar System, Swedenborg's theory declares,
that, as the solar system is carried along the
milky path, and afterwards compelled to di-
verge therefrom, the planetary orbits will
change their form and eccentricity to a certain
amount, and then return to their original con-
dition, when they will again change, and again
return, and so on to eternity. — Principia, vol.
ii. pp. 233-38.
62. The beautiful demonstration by La
Grange, of the stability of the solar system, is
a direct proof of Swedenborg's theorem. The
changes in the character of the planetary or-
bits, were already known and seen to be at
work undermining the present form of the
system, and fears were entertained that they
might become exorbitantly great, so as to sub-
vert those relations which render it habitable
to man. This was a difficulty which appeared
insurmountable to the astronomers of Swe-
denborg's day, and for some time afterwards.
Theologians every where accepted it as an ob-
vious demonstration of their doctrine of the
final destruction of all things. Newton and
Leibnitz had both bowed with submission to
the order of things, which was winding up
the operations of the great whole, and bring-
ing on an inevitable doom. Geometers, phi-
losophers, and theologians, accepted the fact as
evidence of the common declaration, " that the
end of all things," if not at hand, was at least
certain. Every whei'e the profoundest math-
ematical resources were employed to their ut-
most limits, but the equation on one side al-
ways equalled nothing, and the quantities only
seemed to converge without the slightest pos-
sibiHty of their opening out, and again re-
turning to a new development of being.
Only one hright rpfr"fh'ivfi spot existed like
an oasis, where wo;ii"y man, had he known it,
might have retVeslied liimself; and that was
the Princl'pia ot" Swedenborfr. There uloue,
amongst all the works of this period, is shown
the now accepted doctrine of a cyclar returii.
At length, La Grange appears with a demon-
stration, grounded on the discovery of a cer-
tain relation which prevails in the system, be-
tween the masses, orbital axes, and eccentrici-
ties ; by which the doctrine is completely es-
tablished, that though the solar system is
liable to certain mutations in the form and ec-
centricity of its orbits, of very long periods,
yet its orbits return again exactly to what
they originally were, oscillating between very-
narrow limits. The same matter has been
recently investigated by Leverrier with the
same successful results. So that the doctrine
of a cyclar return in the form of the solar
system, first propounded by Swedenborg, is
now received as one of the most beautiful con-
ceptions of man, under the name of La
Grange's Theory of the Stability of the Solar
63. Swedenborg, also, not only explains the
doctrine of a cyclar return, but also most sat-
isfactorily exhibits the reasons why it is so.
The intelligent reader would well be reward-
ed by a perusal of his grand theory. La
Grrange is the acknowledged first suggester
of the cyclar theory, and Bessel the first sug-
gester of the theory of its cause. Yet the
whole doctrine is repeatedly given, by Swe-
denborg, in the compass of half a dozen sen-
tences ; yea, a score of times in the course of
the chapter on '' The Heavens," vol. ii. This
doctrine was published forty-four years before
La Grange put his forth, seventy-one years
before Mayer, and ninety-one years before
64. Again, concerning the Translatory Mo-
tion of the Stars along the Milky Way. This
motion of the whole starry heavens had not
been even conjectured when the theory of
Swedenborg, affirming this fact, was given to
the world; but that, as we have shown, in-
strumental measurements have now qualified
it with an empirical certainty. As stated
above by Humboldt, '' every portion of the
vault of heaven," comprising " the countless
host of fixed stars," are " moving in thronged
groups," so that the fact of universal motion in
space, of the whole stary heavens, is an es-
tablished truth, of which conjecture forms no
part, and which, though considerably less ob-
vious, is nevertheless not less certain than the
motion of those wandering stars called planets.
But in what direction do the stars move in
space — do they move along the milky way?
Echo answers — They do. The theory of
Swedenborg, and the theory of observation,
both echo — They do.
65. Here is the proof. Recently this theory
of sidereal observation has had its exposition
in ;'.n iiUrodnctcv Ipetnre delivered at the
opening of the Corfu University Session,
1830, by O. F. Mossotti, Professor of pure
and applied Mathematics in the L'niversity of
the Ionian L«lands. The following striking con-
trast between the theory of Swedenborg, when
the scientific world, without exception, had
not even conjectured the general fluxion of
the starry heavens, and the theory of Mossot-
ti, as expressive of that fact when completely
and satisfactorily established, solicits the read-
er's examination : —
Swedenborg in M'.VA, before even
" The commnn axis of the
sphere or sidereal heaven seems
to he the galaxy where we per-
ceive tlie largest conyeries of
stars . . . the solar or stel-
lar systems afterwards proceed
from the axis, and inflect them-
selves in different directions ;
hilt that nevertheless all liave
reference to that axis ... .
the largest congeries is in the
milky way .... here lies
the chain and magnetic course
of the whole of our sidereal
heaven." — Fol. II., p. 237.
Professor Mossotti in 1839, ajl*r
empirically determined,
" Tlie countless stars of the
milky way may therefore con-
stitute an unchangeable system,
circulating in an annular space
to which they are always lim-
ited The solar sys-
tem revolves, therefore, in the
milky way from west to cast, ex-
actly in the direction in which
all the bodies vf this system re-
" To give, in a few words, a
clear image of what has been
said, consider a cluster of count-
less stars in the immensity of
space, ail placed along a ring
of enormous dimensions, and
all moving in it in periods which
only myriads of centuries cait
measure : tbilowing them in
their long and slow courses,
imagine tjiem to approach pro-
miscuously but alternately the
outer and inner edge of the
ring, and you will have an idea
of the sidereal system in whicb
we are placed." — Phil. Mag.
vol. xxii., No. 143, Feb., 1843 '
pp. 88-9.
GO. This contrast presents the two extremities
of an age. At its commencement all is nega-
tion. It exhibits the Swedish philosopher in
bold and striking relief. Behold him ! he
stands alone in an age of darkness. In the
background the past is black as night. It
brings him out like the sudden apparition of
a new star bursting with glory, and whose
brillianc)' outshines the whole heavens, as if in
advance thereof. It enables us to perceive,
that the genius of Swedenborg had traversed ■
an unknown path, and explored an unknowr
region, — had watched intellectually the stars
in their magnetic courses, and followed them
in their revolutions, and had grasped, with
almost superhuman intelligence, the whole
sum of this vast starry universe, to make it
subservient to his thoughts, long before other
men even suspected the existence of such
translatory phenomena. With the striking
theoretical discoveries present before the mind,
given in this and the preceding article, who
can doubt the transcendency of his genius, or
object to his claims for the highest order oi
anticipative originality ?
67. Swedenborg also goes into other con-
siderations, concerning the immensity of crea-
tion, beyond or outside the boundaries of the
visible firmament of the starry heaven, and
the groups or systems of stars, which have no
immediate connection with each other, and yet
which are connected in one mighty system of
systems. Thus, again, was he first in thL
grand conception, as appears from a j-efcrence
to the facts in the case.
" The in<Tonions Mr. Micliell, more than fifty
years ago, stnrleJ the idea of the st;irs boinnf formed
into groups or systems, wliich are entirely detached
from one another, and have no immediate connec-
tion."— Diclc's Sidereal Heavens, p. 210.
" The next object alhided to was the systematic
arrangement of the stars. It was an English-
man, named Michell, who first observed this sys-
tematic arrangement." — Prof. JViehol\s Lecture
on Astron., see Manchester Guardian, May 15th,
" Mr. Herschel improved on Michell^s idea of the
fixed stars being collected into groups." — Encyclo-
pcRdia Britannica, vol. 2, part ii. p. 472, Astronomy.
" Another doctrine published at Venice in the
year llChi, by M. Boscovich, said to have been first
thought of by Mr. Michell," &c. — Young's' Es-
say on the Power and Mechanism of JVatnre, p. 64.
68. It would appear from the above quota-
tions, that Michell was the iirst, in the history of
hypot'nesis, to propose a true conception of
the cosraical structure of the starry heavens.
He suggested, that gravitation might cause the
stars to cluster together into distinct systems :
that as planets are parts of solar systems, so
are solar systems parts of what may be called
star systems. Michell's proposition, given in
1707 (Phil. Trans. 1767 and 1783), contains,
according to the unanimous opinion of the
scientific world, as shown above, the first sug-
gestion on record of the grouping of stars into
separate and distinct systems.
69. But the true history of the matter stands
thus : — Kant, the celebrated German transcen-
dentalist, was the first who published a true
conception of the distribution of matter in
space. The work was called, On the Theory
and Structure of the Heavens, and published
at Konigsberg in 1755. About this time
Michell was revolving the matter in his mind,
but had not published any thing thereon.
Lambert, in 1757, followed Kant in his Let-
ters on Cosmogony. Two years subsequently
(1759), Boscovich published his celebrated
theory of the Constitution of the Universe.
All advocating similar views of the arrange-
ment and distribution of matter in space. In
1767 Michell presented his views, but, differ-
ently from all previous theorists, gave certain
illustrations which brought the theory at once
before the attention of observers, so as to be
capable of demonstration. On this account,
I suppose, he is regarded as being the first
who presented a true theory of the starry
heavens, the former being entirely overlooked
or unknown. In 1780, Herschel gauges the
heavens, and literally beholds what had hith-
erto been only theoretical, and to some, abso-
lutely impossible.
70. Yet preceding all these, and when Kant
was only ten years of age, Swedenborg had
formally given the same ideas and views of
creation, — expressly calling his Essay —
"The Theory oi the Sidereal Heavens" — in
his immortal Principia, published in 1733, —
being twenty-two years before Kant, twenty-
four years before Lambert, twenty-six years
before Boscovich, thirty-four years before
Michell, and forty-seven years before Her-
schel. This work, which preceded all other?
in tlie suggestion of true views regarding the
clustering of stars, and their arrangement and
distribution in space, was published under
royal auspices, and at the expense of the then
reigning Duke of Brunswick. Yet, even this
idea was as a drop is to the expansive ocean,
compared with the lofty grandeur and mighty
ubiquity of the ideas and conceptions which
opened to his view, when the starry clusters
of the inner universe were subsequently dis-
coverable to the inner vision of his spirit.
The following contains a brief summary of
his statement of the fact, that stars cluster or
associate themselves into societies or systems.
As to the formative process, our former arti-
cle will suggest an exposition : —
" That one vortex, with its active centre, consti-
tutes one heaven of itself, or one mundane system ;
that several vortices, with their centres, form to-
gether a certain sphere ; that a sphere, consisting
of many vortices of the same kind, has its own
proper figure." — Principia, vol. i., p. 233.
" That the whole visible sidereal heaven is one
large sphere, and that its suns or stars, together
with their vortices, are parts of a sphere connect-
ed one witli the other, in the manner we have
mentioned." — Page 234.
" That there may be innumerable spheres or
sidereal heavens in the finite universe ; that the
whole visible sidereal heaven is perhaps but a
point in respect to the universe. The sidereal
heaven, stupendous as it is, forms perhaps but a
single sphere, of which one solar vortex consti-
tutes only a part. Possibly there may be innu-
merable other spheres, and innumerable other heav-
ens similar to those we behold ; so many indeed
and so mighty, that our own may be respectively
only a point." — Page 238.
71. By the joint labors of the two Hersehels
and the Earl of Rosse, the heavens have been
gauged above, below, and on all sides, with
their gigantic telescopes : and the result has
been, these theoretical suggestions, so lofty
and sublimely elevating, have now to be re-
garded as matters of fact. This happy obser-
vation, by the elder Herschel, of a conception
first published by Swedenborg, about fifty
yeai-s previously, enriched astronomy with a
gem far exceeding in value any thing preced-
ing it. Hitherto, creation was considered a
globular universe, bounded by the visible
heavens. Beyond this there was no creation,
but the spiritual heavens — the theological
universe. Within this the material universe
was enclosed, in the centre of which our solar
system was placed ; whilst its interior surface
was our visible heaven, over whose ethereal
vault were strewed, in unnumbered myriads,
the glimmering lights of other worlds.
72. Swedenborg was the first intellectually
to break through this enclosure of the heavens,
and with powerful arm to bui-st usiinder its
confines, to draw aside tiie dark curtain of
ages, to overtiirow the barriers raised by an-
cient prejudices, and advance to some distance,
though with cautious steps, over the uncertain
ground beyond. With unwearied labor he
had essayed every probable i)ath, and hav-
ing found the right one, proceeded along it
to the very gate of trutii. Wonderful, in-
deed, were the results. At once, by a single
effort of iiis genius, worlds- innumerable, in
congregated spheres, were beheld in harmoni-
ous operation, without end or limit — tiie
boundaries of the universe, so to speak, be-
came to man at once illimitable ; and the
scattering goodness of the Divine Hand,
strewing mercies and blessings amongst un-
numbered worlds, hitherto unseen, unknown,
and unconjectured, was a scene worthy of the
Almighty — a prospective into a held so en-
tirely new and unprecedented, that admiring
millions are struck with awe at the Mighty
Power and Infinite Love and Wisdom of that
Being who moves, provides for, and supports
the whole. It was a Revelation of the attri-
butes of his Being and the Resoui'ces of his
Power, infinitely beyond any thing which the
wildest imagination of the Atheist could ever
have conceived, in demand for evidence of his
existence. Literally, the heavens were opened
— that most glorious and magnificent region
in the material universe, the Heaven of Heav-
ens, formed, as Swedenborg expresses it, of
innumerable heavens, in congregated spheres,
beyond or outside our own — was displayed
first to the intellectual, and subsequently to
the ocular vision, when one universal blaze of
glory burst forth ou an astonished world.
'• Behold ! " says Swedenborg, on drawing
aside the dark curtain of ages, which had in-
tercepted cVeation from the view of mortals,
" behold these new walks of the Almighty !
Lift up your heads on high, and behold Ilim
traversing the innumerable s[)heres with the
same flowing richness, beauty, and care, as is
so conspicuous ou this atom of a world on
which we dwell."
73. This humble and devout philosopher
was the fii-st happy mortal on whom the high
duty devolved of developing these mighty
truths for the benefit of mankind. He was a
suitable instrument for so glorious a Revela-
tion. When the immensity of God's work,
beyond or outside the visible starry heavens,
bad thus been opened to him, and, for the tirst
time in human history, he had gazed mentally
on the peculiar mechanism of our own imme-
diate universe ; had watched and measured
the play of its mighty forces ; had proclaimed,
after geometrical measurement, the precise
system or cluster of stars to which our sun's
system belongs ; yea, had placed his finger
on the very spot in that cluster Jive years
before Herschel was born ; — when these had
beau accomplished, nothing more, as to uni-
versal principles and universal mechanism,
could be revealed to or made known by him,
to be useful to mankind now. To progress
further, the opening of the iiuier universe to
mental vision must needs follow. For, as to
universal principles and mechanism, he had
seen all that man could now see where man
doth dwell. lie stood betwixt the darkness
of tiie past and the light of the present, a
humble instrument, holding in his hands the
germs of those extraordinary discoveries and
revelations which even now astonish the world.
To enumerate them here, or even to hint their
nature, would be to exceed our present limits.
74. One thing is clear to all who may have
read attentively these papers, and carefully
studied his voluminous writings, — as a child
writing down his thoughts and experience, so
has he been with regard to his opinions, his
discoveries, and his almost universal experi-
ence. But it is equally clear " the world
knows him not." — New Church Repository, vol.
iii., pp. 198, 199,202-205,249,250,293-297.
Magnetic Spheres.
75. We cannot take leave of our extracts
from this work, without noticing another fea-
ture of it, the coincidence of which, with a
work that has recently appeared by Baron
Von Reichenbach, mai'ks another peculiarity
of our author's genius. We refer to what
has already been alluded to, viz., the doctrine
of spheres around every materitU object, par-
ticularly around magnets. Many have been
struck, recently, with the facts and illustra-
tions contained in a work entitled " Physico-
Physiological Researches on the Dynamics of
Magnetism, Electricity, etc., etc., by Baron
Charles Von Reichenbach." Here we are
presented with many engravings, showing the
actual, substantial ^o?rte which goes forth from
the ends of magnets, and from all sides of
them, also from the human hand, body, and
other materials. Reichenbach discovered these
flames, at first, by what he calls *' sick-sensi-
tives," or cataleptic patients, (partially clair-
voyant subjects,) when shut up in a dark
room. The flames sent forth from the poles
of a large horseshoe magnet, capable of sup-
porting ninety pounds, were described as about
eight inches in length, mingled with irrides-
cent colors, flickering and waving, yielding
when blown upon, and when the hand or other
solid body was passed through them. Vari-
ous experiments with other bodies are also here
detailed, and the force which developed these
flames is called the " odic," or " odylic," force,
76. But it is interesting to observe, that,
in Swedenborg's Principia, we find precisely
similar drawings, and in great variety, illus-
trating the same sphere around magnets and
around iron. Reichenbach's discoveries are.
indeed, of a somewhat different nature ; for lie
demonstrated the existence of these spheres,
not as spheres merely, but as magnetic ^o//t«
and light, by means of his " sick-sensiti%es "
in the diirk, in a way that we do not lind in
any other author. But Swedenborg has the
same, or similar di-awings, going to iUustrate
precisely tlie same thing, all but the flame;
of which any one may be convinced by look-
ing into the first and second volumes of the
Principia. And as the spheres, of course, in-
clude the flames, though not seen, we can but
regard this coincidence as decidedly intei'est-
ing. We should have thought, if we had not
known the contrary, that we were looking at
some of Keichenbach's engravings. But the dif-
ference appears to be, that in Reichenbach's case,
he was led to his fact by the eyes of his partial-
ly clairvoyant subjects, while Swedenborg rea-
soned his out, as he did the identity of elec-
tricity and lightning. And yet we know not
but we misjudge the keenness of his vision,
for we shall find that be was no stranger even
to Jlames, and those, too, of a more spiritual
character, even before the full opening of his
spiritual sight, as will appear when we come to
notice his advances into the spiritual region.
77. We cannot here present any of his
drawings, but we will quote a few of his re-
marks, and then take leave of the subject : —
■ " By reason of the connection between the vor-
ticles which extend from one pole to another, and
of tlie formation of the sphere, there exist poles,
one on each side of the magnet: there exist, in
like manner, polar axes extending in the sphere to
a distance J'rom the magnet ; and these axes do not
receive their determination from tlie magnet, but
from the sphere and its tignre. Tliat not tiie mag-
net, but the sphere forms the polar axis on each
side, is evident from this circuuioLance ; thut the
polar plane passes tlirough the whole magnet from
one side to the other; as in Fig. 10, where the
whole side,/, o, g, is polar, as also the opposite side,
a, c, b, and the elements of the effluvia travel loithin
the mass rectilinearbj fromy", o, g, to a, c, b, accord-
ing to the interior texture. Hence the polar axis
cannot have any fixed place in the magnet, but the
place and situation of the polos are owmg entirely
to the sphere, wliich is compelled to encircle the
magnet according to the figure of the latter ; thus
sometimes in one way, sometimes in another. —
Principia, vol. i. p. 230.
" By tlie application of two or more magnetic
spheres, the tigure of each is immediately changed :
from two or more spheres arises one that is larger ;
and the whole of the distance between the spheres
becomes an axis." — p. 234. This is a declared
fact, precisely similar to Reichenbach, who in-
stances and illustrates, by engravings, how the
flame of one magnet will displace that of another.
Swedenborg has also a drawing to illustrate the
same displacement of one sphere or flame by an-
" The sphere of the efiliivia around iron extends
itself to a considerable distance ; so that the vorti-
cles or gyrations of eflluvia emit themselves like
radii on every side, and dispose the magnetic ele-
ment itself into the same situation, whence the
magnetic element regards tiie iron as its pole or
centre from which the vorticles issue in a long se-
ries. Not only does a tide of elljuvia perpetually
emanate from tlie iruu, but it ;iL^o coUiUipaies and
surrounds its surface ; a circu.nsi aicc so evident,
and from so many phenomena arising from the
conjunction of the magnet with magnetic needles,
as to be placed beyond a doubt." — Vol. ii. p. 64.
78. In the woi'k which we are now consid-
ering, our author has much to say of the mag-
netic needle, and the causes of its variations,
the matter of which is so abstruse and extend-
ed, that we cannot here go into it.
79. On the whole, this is so magnificent a
work, that one feels little able to guide anoth-
er through the chambers of that vast edifice.
It ii easy to see and admire the unrivalled
ingenuity of the conceptions, the consistency
of the details with the whole, and the self-sup-
porting proportions of the theory ; its con-
geniality with thought, and felicity with which
its principles apply themselves and other
things, and marshal around them new details ;
the practicability of that genius, which stud-
ied the elementary world, as a fourth kingdom
of nature ; above all, the noble undertone of
theology, which breathes throughout, like a
tacit psalm, and gives life to our notions of the
Divine ]Majesty and Wisdom, making atoms in-
stinct with the same order as solar systems ;
concentrating, to intensity, what we have
hitherto felt of admiration and wonder, over
that nature, which is greatest in the least
things, and least in the greatest. As a walk
of science, the embryology of worlds has had
few cultivators ; and probably no one has
broached such precise ideas upon it, as Swe-
denborg. The work, to be rightly appreci-
ated, must not only be read, but profoundly
studied. The due meed of praise will yet be
given to it, and it will at least take its place,
in the public estimation, side by side with
the immortal principles of Newton.
8U. But Swedenborg does not stop here.
The essential reasons of chemistry, some
branches in most departments of physics, and
many arts tending to improve the natural life,
have employed tiie mind and pen of our au-
thor ; yet still the watchword is on — omoardSy
to witness other displays of his genius and in-
dustry. Did we all toil like him, and improve
our talents to the utmost, how would the world
bless our tillage with a new, supernatural pro-
ductiveness. Verily, heaven would tell out
unknown riches into the hand of humanity.
81. The People have a perfect right to
claim Swedenborg as one of their best cham-
pions and benefactors ; because, for them he
labored, wrote and published. He says, —
" There are persons, who love to hold their
knowledge for themselves alone, and to be the re-
puted possessors and guardians of secrets : such
persons grudge the Public any thing ; and if any
discovery comes to light, by which art and science
will be benefited, tliey regard it askance with
scowling looks, and probably denounce the discov-
erer as a babbler, who lets out mystorios. I know
it is impossible for me to gain the good will of this
class ; for they think themselves impoverished
whenever the knowledge they have, becomes the
knowledge of the Ma>'Y. For surely no man has
«i right to hold his knowledge for himself alone,
but rather for others, and' for the whole world.
Why sliuuld such tilings be grudged to the Pub-
lic ? Whatever is worthy to be known, should by
all means be brought to the great and general
Market of the World. The rights of civilized man
convince us of this ; the natural functions of the
individual, equally with the laws of the Republic
of Letters, attest and enforce it Unless we all
contribute to make the arts and sciences flourish
more and more, we can neither grow wiser nor
happier, with time."
82. Notwitstanding the signal learning and
sincere piety displayed throughout the Prin-
CiPiA, the work was prohibited by the Pope,
in 1739 ; p'robably because the Church of
Rome professed to believe that God made all
things out of nothing, and could not reconcile
such a process of creation as Swedenborg pre-
sents, with their literal interpretations of the
first chapter of Genesis. Did not the Papists
imprison Galileo for proving that our earth
turns on it5 axis every day, and goes round
the sun once a year? Now, no definition is
more common, than that truth is that which
IS ; hence, in a corresponding sense, untruth,
:rror, or falsehood, is that which is not ; and,
of course, that which is the genuine nonentity,
is nothing. Upon this ground, to say that God
created all things out of nothing, is to attrib-
ute the origin of all things to error, and hence,
to evil or the devil J Behold tiie result of de-
nying the truth and believing a lie !
83. The second volume of this great work
treats of the various methods employed, in
different parts of Europe, for smelting iron,
and converting it into steel ; of iron ore, and
the examination of it ; and also of several
experiments and mechanical preparations,
made with iron and its vitriol : but neither
this, nor the third volume, is rendered into our
language ; though the authors of the magnifi-
cent French works, called Descriptions of
Arts and Manufactures, published at Paris,
in 1772, have thought so highly of the second
volume, that they have translated a large por-
tion of it into French, and inserted it in their
84. The third volume treats of the various
methods adopted for smelting copper, of sepa-
rating it from silver, and converting it into
brass, and other metals ; of lapis calaminaris
of zinc ; of copper ore, and the examination
(rf it ; and lastly, of several chemical prep-
arations and experiments made with copper.
In England, this work is esteemed very high-
ly ; and in the translation of Cramers, " Ele-
ments of the Art of Essaying Metals," given
by Dr. Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary of the
Koyal Society, in 1764, it is mentioned by the
translator in the following terms : " For the
sake of such as understand Latin, we must
not pass by the magnificent and laborious
work of Emanuel Swedenborg, entitled ' Prin
accounts, not only of the methods and newest
improvements, in metalic works, in all places
beyond the seas, but also those in England
and our colonies in America, with draughts of
the furnaces, and of the instruments to be
85. " In forming our estimate of Sweden-
borg's calibre at this time," as we have ob-
served elsewhere, " we cannot omit taking
notice of his large Treatises on Iron and Cop-
per, each occupying a folio volume, and busied
with the practical details of mining in various
parts of the world. That a mind of such po-
tent theoretical tendency should have had
strength to undergo the dry labor of these
compilations — that one who breathed his na-
tive air in a profound region of causes, should
come for so long an abiding into the lower
places of the earth, to record facts, processes,
and machineries, as a self-imposed task in ful-
filment of his station as Assessor of Mines —
this is one remarkable feature of a case where
so much is remarkable, and shows how manly
was his will in whatever sphere he exerted
himself. The books of such a man are prop-
erly AVORKS, not to be confounded for a mo-
ment with the many-colored idleness of a
large class who are denominated ' thinkers.
86. During the journey, which our author
undertook, to facilitate the publication of the
above-mentioned works, he improved every
opportunity of making himself acquainted
with distinguished mathematicians, astrono-
mers, mechanists, &c. ; and of examining
public libraries and museums, galleries of arts
and trades, churches and governments, as well
as mines, mineralogy, forests, gardens, climate,
and every thing else that was worthy of mem-
ojy and attention.
87. In the memorial of his travels, we find
traces of the books he read, of the notes he
made, and abundant evidence of a growing
taste for anatomical and physiological re-
searches : whence it is quite obvious, that he
was now refiecting a passage, with labori-
ous and cautious steps, from the Elementa-
ry World, which he had previously examined,
towards the well-spring of Life and Motion.
He was, indeed, looking through Nature, up
to Nature's God. lie applied the whole
force of his mind, to penetrate into the most
hidden things, to connect together the scattered
links of the great chain of universal Being,
and to trace up every thing, in an order agreea-
ble to its nature, to the Fii-st Great Cause.
Philosophy of the Infinite, and the Intercourse
between Soul and Body.
88. We now contemplate Swedenborg in
another capacity : he has dived so profoundly
into nature, always commencing from the sur-
face of common sense, that he luis entered a
ciples of Natural Things;' in the sfcon(£ and sphere, where identical principles take new
third v,)lumes of which he has given the best : forms, where physics become philosophy, and
where all things lie outspread in one great
amity and cooperation within the mighty hori-
zon of natural trutli. Matter, nature, geome-
try, animation, thought, all suppose each other,
and subsist in the region of principles and
ends in inseparable union. Humanity cannot
dispense with one of them, but resumes them
all. Thus, in 1734, in his forty-sixth year,
he published his " Thilosuphy of the Infinite,
or Outlines of a Philosoi)liical Argument on
the Infinite, and the Final Cause of Creation ;
and on the Intercourse between the Soul and
the Body." This work, published in 1734, in
bis forty-sixth year, is an attempt to prove,
not the existence of God and the soul, but
equitably to take the sulirage of reason and
experience respecting it, and to abide, once for
all, by its decision ; for the author was too real-
ly industrious, to waste his efforts on impenitent
scepticism; indeed, no man parleys long with
that, who is not more than half a sceptic himself,
or else troubled with a sad irresolution of un-
derstanding. After duly certifying himself
of those great realities, he proceeds at once to
inquire how much of their nature may be
known, and what is the means to know it.
89. The course of the work is somewhat as
follows : First, the existence of an Infinite is
extorted from reason, as a necessity of thought ;
as presupposed in the whole finite, and es-
pecially in the inmost and primordial finites ;
next, the same is gained from the contempla-
tion of nature, and the final causes extant
throughout the human body ; and it is al-
leged, that there is a tacit consent of mankind
to the existence of an infinite God ; a consent
which, like reason, comes both from withiii
and from without, from the nature of the soul,
and the senses, and circumstances of the body.
Having established, for all sane reason, the
existence of the Infinite, the question occurs,
What is the connection between the Infinite
and the finite ? Is creation for the Infinite or
finite, as a primary end .'' To which the au-
thor replies, that the connection, or nexus
must itself be infinite, and the creation, for
the Infinite. He then asks, whether, besides
reason, there be any other source of informa-
tion respecting this connection ; and here
Revelation at once occurs, and asserts the
same thing, viz., the existence of a nexus in
the person of the Only-Begotten Son, and the
infinity of the nexus. He concludes the First
Part, by showing that the divine and infinite
end of creation is attained in finite and fallen
man, in the person of a Mediator ; and thus
obviates the objection, that if the realization
of the divine end depends on the sustained
goodness and wisdom of man, that end has
failed ; an objection which would otherwise
raze to the foundation the doctrine of ends,
and, like a central darkness, scatter obscura-
tion through all the sciences.
90. The Second Part is, On the Mechanism
of the Intercourse between the Soul and Body.
The title indicates the scope of its contents.
Is the soul finite, or infinite ? As certainly as it
is not God, so certainly it is finite. Is it
amenable to laws ? Surely ; for apart from
laws, the finite is not finite — is not at all.
But the laws of the finite sphere are ultimate-
ly presented by geometry and mechanics, and
presuppose extension, or some analogue of ex-
tension : hence, the soul is, in an eminent
sense, a real body, and amenable to finite, i. e.,
geometrical and mechanical laws, which latter
come from the Infinite, and admit of superlative
perfection, as well as any other laws. He then
deduces the immortality of the soul in a manifold i,
argument: from the connection of man with
God by acknowledgment and love ; from the
fact, that those who truly believe in the exist-
ence of God, ever believe in immortality ;
also because the soul's sphere is so inward,
that there is nothing in creation, which can
touch or harm it ; but it can conform to all the
impressions of its own sphere, without ceding
its essence ; also, from love of offspring, in
which the soul declares its own immortality,
by imparting a yearning for perpetual life to
the mortal body itself; whence parental love
increases in order as it descends to our chil-
dren's children ; also from the love of fame,
or natural immortality ; and from the desire
of good men for the deathless condition of the
soul ; and again, from the connection of the
Infinite with the soul, as of the soul with the
body. And here the author declares his aim,
to " demonstrate immortality to the very
senses ; " for he remarks, " we are better led
to a(*knowledge the Infinite by effects and the^
senses, than by the reasons of the soul : " and
again, " the end of the senses is, to lead us
sensually to an acknowledgment of God."
91. But the connection between the soul
and the body is next to be considered ; a con-
nection which is rendered intelligible, the mo-
ment we apprehend with clearness, that there
is no absolute, but only a relative distinction
betweeen the two terms — that both are finite,
both real forms, — that difference of form, in
finite things, is real difference of essence :
therefore, that the soul may, and must be,
contiguous to the body, and conterminous to
the bodily series ; that the soul itself has its
passive side, or surface. Our author here
joins issue with Materialism on its own ground,
by admitting all that it urges, on the score of
organization, agreeing to call the means of in-
course between the Soul and Body a Mechan-
ism ; and having established a certain consent
between the principles of Faith and Scepti-
cism, he rests his case on the fundamental
tenets of the Principia, which are admitted in
evidence of what Mechanism and Matter it-
self really consist. We can but admire the
sagacity here manifested, and its approach,
even at this early stage of his development, to
that true spiritual seeing wfiich afterwards de-
monstrated the human soul a substantial form
and organism in the heavens. On all these
subjects, this Part of the Outlines is at once;
plain and {jrofound, and brilliantly sug:;^estive ;
especially on the doctrine of" physical limits,
or ends, and their corresjjondence to ends
properly so called, its instructions are wortli
taking ; also on the correspondence of the
body with the mundane system, of the element-
al contiguum with the human contif/uiim, for
the "corporeal space of man," pleiiitudo of
limits or ends, is a complete respondent to the
universal space of nature, and the membranes
are exactly and geometrically formed for the
reception of the motions of the elements.
92. To pursue further this vex'y inviting
book, is impossible ; sullice it to say, that it
displays a noble liberty of thinking, and claims
the right to philosophize on the deepest sub-
jects ; and itself plants positive conceptions in
some of the dimmest regions of inquiry, dis-
carding metaphysics as a mere simulation of
method and knowledge, and leaning on the
sciences, as the needful step between common
sense and Universal Philosopliy. Like all
the rest of Swedenborg's works, it insists, or
implies, that the human mind has no innate
ideas, but that man begins from total igno-
rance, and has every thing to learn ; and that
all knowledge may properly be questioned,
which is not capable of being carried on by
stages and series, from less to more, and in-
volving greater multiplicity of details, as well
as increased unity of principles : thus those intui-
tions, which are supposed to arrive at once at
completeness, may safely be thrown into the
retort of the receiver, to be distilled into other
and more tractable forms ; for progress is a
law at once most general and particular.*
93. The publication of the " Principia and the
Philosophy of the Infinite and Finite," gave
Swedenborg a European reputation, as a scien-
tific man, and a Christian Philosopher, and his
correspondence was eagerly sought by such
learned men as Wolff, Flamstead, Delaliire, Va-
rignon, Lavater, &;c., &c., and in December of
173-4, the Imperial Academy of Sciences, at
Petersburg, appointed him a corresponding
member. At this time, he was a diligent stu-
dent of Wolff's philosophy ; and whoever com-
pares the works of those two men. will find that
those ofour Author's are immeasurably superior.
Travels, and Remarks on Political and
Religious Institutions.
94. From 1734 to 173G, at the ages of forty-
six and forty-eight, he remained at home ; ,
during which time he conceived the project of
his great Physiological Works : and in July
1736, he again obtained from the King leave
of absence in order to execute his plans, which
involved a tour of three or four years' dura-
tion. Impelled by the same law of knowledge
* This work is translated into Englisli, and sells in London for
$1.50 ; but it has been stereotyped in Bostnn, and printed in
excellent style, on tine paper, and sells for 25 cents, single, and
$1-2 per hundred copies.
and sympathy with humanity, he passed
through Denmark, Hanover, and Holland, and
an'ived at Rotterdam during the Fair. Here
he pauses a while in admiration of its Repub-
lican Institutions, in which he says, he "dis-
covers the surest guaranty of civil and reli-
gious liberty, and a form of government better
pleasing in the sight of God, than an absolute
Monarchy. In a Re])ubli('," he continues,
" no ven(iratii)n or worship is paid to any
man ; but the highest and lowest think them-
selves equal to kings and emperors : the only
Being they venerate is God ; and when lie
alone is worshipped, and men are not adored
in His place, it is most acceptable to Him.
None are slaves, but all are lords and masters,
under the govenmient of the Most High God ;
and the consequence is, that they do not lower
themselves, under the influence of shame and
fear, but always preserve a firm and sound
mind, in a sound body ; and with a free spirit
and an erect, countenance, commit themselves
and their conceims to God, who alone ought to
govern all tilings and beings. It is not so in
Absolute Monarchies, where men are edu-
cated to simulation and dissimulation ; where
they learn lo have one thing concealed in the
breast, and bring forth another on the tongue ;
and where the minds of men, by long custom,
become so false and counterfeit, that even in
Divine worship, they say one thing and think
another, and then palm off upon God their
adulation and hypocrisy." Are not those
great thoughts, to come from a man whom
the people have been taught by sectarians, to
calumniate and despise ? The ardent love of
freedom, that breathes in every word, was the
result of no short-lived impulse ; for years
afterwards the same ideas are presented in
his Memorials to the assembled Nobles of
Sweden, of which notice will be taken in the
proper place.
95. In his journey from Antwerp to Brus-
sels, he seems to have paid great attention to
the condition and oi'dinances of tlie Popish
church, and deeply felt the destitutions of those
times. He could not help observing how fat,
lazy, and sensual a large portion of the priests
were, giving nothing to the poor but fine words
and blessings ; while they rapaciously helped
themselves to all the good things of this life.
He says — •' The monks are fat and corpulent,
and do nothing ; an army of such fellows
might be banished without loss to the State."
And did not the Revolution that took place
half a century afterwards, furnish ample evi-
dence of the deplorable influence of that whole
religious institution ? Thus Swedenborg was
unconsciously prejjaring himself, in 1738, to
comprehend tiie spiritual conditions of Chris-
tendom in 174.3, and the subsequent years.
90. In 1738, at the age of fifty, he arrived
in Paris, where he spent more than a year.
Of this city he >ays, — "That pleasure, or
more properly speaking, sensuality, appeal's
to be carried to its highest possible summit.
It is found," he continues, " that the tax, which
they terra the tenths, yields one hundred and
fifty millions of dollars ; and that the Parisi-
ans spend two thirds of this amount over their
own city. In the remote Provinces, the tax
is not in general fairly paid, because the peo-
-ple make false returns. One fifth of the
whole possessions of the French kingdom, is
in the hands of the ecclesiastical order ; and
if this condition of things lasts long, the ruin
of the empire will be speedy." Who will not
think of the most terrible page of modern
history, as he reads these quiet and sagacious
words of Swedenborg ? When it is remem-
bered that we are writing of one, whose deep
thoughts live in the hearts of thousands, and
soon' will of millions, whose life marks an
epoch, and whose character was formed under
Providence, to qualify him for his great mis-
sion, no circumstances should be regarded as
unimportant : for they make us better ac-
quainted with the man and the author, and, to
know that he visited every place that usually
attracts a stranger in a great city, — to follow
him to the CathoHc Churches and Monasteries,
the Hotels, Palaces, Public Gardens, Galleries,
and even the Theatres of Paris, is to be satis-
fied that he was an experienced observer of
human life, that he was not a secluded vis-
ionary, moralizing on thiiigs of which he had
no knowledge, but was qualified to speak from
what he had heard and seen in our world. At-
tention is called to these facts, because it has
been objected, that Swedenborg was wanting
in that eminent sanctity and retirement, which
it is supposed, should distinguish an apostolic
mind ; an objection which has been made by
those who admit at the same time, the probity and
innocence of his character, from the beginning
to the end of his long and eventful life. As
the objection implies, that the " gifts of the
spirit" can be imparted only to those who
possess an ascetic contempt for society and its
duties, it really pays an involuntary tribute to
his honesty, and recommends his case on the
grounds of common sense and intelligence.
Indeed, his whole life answers the purport of
the Savior's prayer, that his Disciples might
not be taken out of the world, but that they
might be kept from the evil.
97. As characteristic of our author's genius,
we find the following item in his note book,
made during his sojourn in Paris. After re-
cording a visit to the Tuileries gardens, he
adds, " My walk was exceedingly pleasant to-
, day ; I was meditating on the forms of the
pai tides in the atmospheres."
98. Leaving Paris in 1739. our author di-
rected his steps towards Italy, crossed the
Alps, and passed through Turin, Venice,
Verona, Mantua, Milan, Genoa, Florence and
Pisa, and entered Rome in the fall of the year.
Of the worki of Art which he saw, he could
not find words to express his admiration ; and
his Journal breaks off abruptly in Genoa, and
leaves him admiring the Portrait of Christo-
pher Columbus, the discoverer of a New
World. His visit to Rome is remarkable for
bringing the church of the Past, and that of the
Future, the dead and the living, into a singu-
lar connection with each other. Rome, in the
still atmosphere and fading light of Autumn,
with all its trophies of Roman and Christian
Art, and its hoary traditions ; and Sweden-
borg, the predestined Seer of the Last Ages,
whose eye was just kindling with the light of
Insi)iration. >Saddlet, Bishop of Corpentras,
once said, " I know not how nature has created
me, but I cannot hate a person because he
does not agree with me in opinions ; " and
Swedenborg, ardently as he loved Progress
and Liberty, could not hate Rome for its dis-
sent on these momentous subjects. It was no
more possible, so deeply was he impressed
with a passion for the Beautiful, and a love of
Antiquity, to detect a pestilence in the air of
Italy, and crime in its regal sumptuousness, as
Luther had done, than to have followed the
earlier examples of this Reformer, and fallen
on his knees, in adoration of its sanctity. At
this period, Swedenborg does not seem to have
had any more than an ordinary consciousness
of spiritual things, and perhaps no one had
less personal feeling, or troubled his head less
about points of faith and doctrine, than he
did. He was only one of the favored sons of
Learning, whose highest ambition was to per-
fect a philosophy of the soul : while inwardly,
and deeper than his own consciousness, God
was maturing him to evangelize the Church.
And whoever would comprehend our author,
must begin by understanding how necessary
it was, before the New Ages could be an-
nounced, to Christianize Science and Philoso-
phy, at least in the mind of one man, before
they could become universally, the stepping
stones to Heaven.
Economy of the Animal Elingdom.
99. Swedenborg nowhere informs us what
the work was he went abroad to publish : at
one time, we find him meditating a Treatise,
to prove that " The Soul of Wisdom has in it
the knoivledge and acknowledgment of the
Deity : " It is reported that while at Rome,
he published, " Two Dissertations on the Ner-
vous Fibre and the Nervous Fluid;" and
another " On Intermittent Fever:" and one
on " Thoughts on the Origin of tlijs Soul, and
Hereditary Evil." During his stay at Venice,
he says in his Diary, that he " had completed
his work : " which is supposed to be his
" Economy of the Animal Kingdom," pub-
lished at Amsterdam, in 1740 and 1741.
100. At the outset of these studies, he in-
forms us that he had come to the " determination
to penetrate from the very cradle to the ma-
turity of Nature ; " from tlic atoms of Chemis-
istry to the atoms of Astronomy ; from the
smallest group to the largest ; from the molec-
ular to the universal: and this determination.
which had impelled along the varied line of
Physics, now took wings, and, combining
with a higher nature, carried him into the
realms of Organization. lie had touched
upon this region many times, in the course of
his previous efforts, but quietly and modestly,
as it were, with pausing footsteps. In his
Miscellaneous Observations^ he had admii-ed
the easy and graceful circulation of the blood in
the Capillaries, or hair-like vessels ; in a man-
uscript work of about the same date, he went
into a discussion of the doctrines of the Mem-
branes, and followed the same track as Dr.
Hartley afterwards, in his famous scheme of
- vibrations. In the Prinripia, he had laid down
the law, that the Human Frame is an organism
respondent to the vibrations and powers of
all the earthly elements ; that there is a mem-
brane and a fluid in the body, beating time
and keeping time, with the airs, and auras of
the Universe ; and that Jlan and Nature are
coordinate in the anatomical sphere ; that the
body is one vast instinct, acting according to
the circumstances of the external worlds. In
^his Philosophy of the Injinite, this Corre-
spondence is reasserted in a masterly style, and
the human body is opened, as a machine,
whose wisdom harmonizes with God alone,
and leads rightly-disposed minds to Him : but
in all these works, the author's deductions are
close to facts, comparatively timid, and limited
to the service of the particular argument in
liand. Yet it is easy to see, from all, that he
was laboriously wending his way from the
first, to the temple of the body, at whose altar
he expected to find the Soul, as the priest of
the Most High God.
101. His studies, for compassing this grand
object, were of no common intensity : he made
himself acquainted with the works of the best
anatomists of his time, (and there were giants
in those days,) and formed from them a manu-
script Cyclopaedia for his own use : it is said,
that he attended the instructions of the great
Boerhaave, at the same time as the elder
Munroe ; and he informs us that he had prac-
tised in the dissecting room, though he de-
rived his principal knowledge from Plates and
Books. Evidently, his vocation lay in the
interpretation of facts, rather than in their per-
sonal collection ; he received the raw materials,
and wrought them into the beautiful fabrics
of wisdom.
102. And now, after full preparatipn — after
having considered the indefinitely small sphere
and the indefinitely great, and laid down a
flooring of intelligible doctrine in the vague-
ness of both, after having sailed in observa-
tion around the known shores of the external
world, we next find Swedenborg, face to face
with the TKMrr.E oi'^ our body ; the most
really finite of the pieces of ])hysics, because
it contains the gathered ends of all things.
Here humanity i« no longer perplexed by laws
and forces, apjiarcntly alien to itself, but final
causes, and the principle of the sufficient rea-
son, begin to bear absolute rule : accordingly,
in his fifty-second and fifty-third years, the
Economy of the Animal Kingdom is pub-
lished ; and though the range of thought is
loftier than heretofore, yet it comes more home
to our business and bosoms ; it presents us
with more of sensation, and of understanding,
and penetrates with a more rightful directness
to our sympathies .as men. In this most pre-
cise finite, we feel that the Infinite is nearer
than in the world, separated only by that thin-
nest wall and membrane, which, in constitut-
ing our first ends or limits, also forms the
ground of our peculiar life.
103. Man as an individual body — as a
denizen of the universe — man, therefore, as
interpreted by anatomy, by tlie circle of the
physical sciences, by trite obsei'vation, and the
whole breadth of common sense — man as indi-
cated to himself by private and public history,
and human speech and action, (for always
" the substantial form coincides with the .form
of action,") — this is the man, and this the;
body, which our author undertook to investi-
gate: In such an inquiry, so defined, it is
obvious, that metaphysics is at once refunded
into physics and the experimental and histori-
cal sciences, and disappears from the scene it
has obscured, never to return. AVithout deny-
ing credit to other writers, or pretending that
SwedenHorg knew all our modern facts, or has
in any way exhausted even his own method
antl subjects, still, we are bound in honesty to
declare, that we know of no works like these,
for giving the whole mind satisfaction on the
doctrine of the body. And if there is one
obligation which we owe to them, deeper than
another, it is, that by filling the understand-
ing with accurate and cardinal instances of the
Divine Wisdom and Love, in his living crea-
tion, they leave no {)lace for metaphysics ; and
thus, without a frown or a blow, they achieve
an intellectual redemption from that great
pestilence, which has oppressed the world for
more than two millenniums — that miasm of
an inhuman theology, which nothing but a
pletnus of respirable truth could shut out of
our orb : and they give us more order, law
and life in the subjects of the lower sciences,
than the philosophers have been able to find
or show, in the whole of " consciousness "
hitherto, and thereby fairly planted the foot
of even those lower sciences, upon the haughty
neck of metaphysics ; in sliort, they comply
with the conditions of the Baconian logic, pro-
ducing " not arguments but arts, not what agrees
with principles, but principles themselves."
lOi. The Economy of the Animal Kingdom
considered Anatomically, Phijsiologically, and
Philosophically, consists of" Three Parts, the
First oil the Blood, Blood Vessels and Heart,
with an introduction to Rational Psycholojry ;
the Second, on the Animation of the Brain
synchronous with the Res|)iration of the Lungs;
on the Cortical Substance of the Brain, and
on the Human Soul ; the Third treats princi-
pally of the Human Fibres, and expounds the
various manner, in which the beams and
timbers of the body are laid ; especially the
construction of the Frame, somewhat as the
Principia unfolds the elementary construction
of the Universe. It also considers the dif-
ferent kinds of fibres ; the form of their fluxion,
and the Doctrine of Forms generally ; and
lastly, in a most masterly style, and with a
power of observation and analysis new in
medicine, the Diseases of the Fibres. In the
weightiness of its truths, in sustained order of
exposition, in felicity of phrase, and in finish
and completeness, it is not surpassed by any
scientilic work that the«author published: and
it contains so much that is peculiar, as to form
an indispensable addition to his other volumes.
105. We here introduce a notice of some dis-
coveries, in this work, which were afterwards
attributed to others. The coincidences were
noticed and published by Mr. C. A. Tulk, of
Loudon, a gentleman who has paid much at-
tention to Swedenborg's philosophical words.
In a work entitled, "The Institutions of
Physiology," by Bluinenbach, treating of the
brain, he says, " that after birth it undergoes
a constant and gentle motion correspondent
with respiration ; so that when the lungs
shrink in expiration, the brain rises, a little,
but when the chest expands, it again subsides."
In the note he adds, that Daniel Schlichting
first accurately described this phenomenon in
1744. Now it does so happen that Swe'den-
borg had fully demonstrated, and accurately
described, this correspondent action, in that
chapter of the OCconomia Regni Animalis,
which treats of the coincidence of motion be-
tween the brain and lungs. In another part
of the same " Institutions of Physiology,"
when speaking of the causes for the motion of
tho blood, Blumenbach has the following re-
mark : •' When the blood is expelled from the
contracted cavities, a vacuum takes place, into
which, according to the common laws of deri-
vation, the neighboring blood must rush, being
prevented, by means of the valves, from re-
eurgitating." In the notes, this discovery is
attributed to Dr. Wilson, the author of An
Inquiry into the Moving Powers employed in
the Circulation of the Blood. But it appears
that the same principle was known long before
to Swedenborg ; and is applied by him to ac-
count for the motion of the blood, in the
CEconomia Regni Animalis. For in the sec-
tion on the circulation of blood in the foetus,
and on the foramen ovale, he says, " Let us
now revert to the mode by which the cerebrum
attracts its blood, or, according to the theorem,
subtracts that quantity which the ratio of ita
state requires. If now these arteries, veins,
and sinus are dilated by reason of the anima-
tion of the cerebrum, it follows, that there
must necessarily flow into them thus expanded,
a portion of fresh blood, and that indeed by
continuity from the carotid artery, and its tor-
tuous duct in the cavernous receptacles, and
into this by continuity from the antecedent
expanded and circumflexed cavities of the
same artery ; consequently from the external
(or common) carotid, and thence from the
aorta and the heart ; nearly similar to a blad-
der or syphon full of water, one end of which
is immersed in the fluid ; if its sides be dilated,
or its surface stretched out, and more especial-
ly if its length be shortened, an entirely fresh
portion of the fluid flows into the space thus
emptied by the enlargement ; and this experi-
ence can demonstrate to ocular satisfaction.
Now this is the beneficial result of a natural
equation, by which nature, in order to avoid a
vacuum, in which state she would perish, or
be annihilated, is in the constant tendency
towards an equilibrium, according to laws
purely physical. This mode of action of the
brains, and their arterial impletion, may justly
be called physical attraction ; not that it is at-
traction in the proper signification of the
terra, but that it is a filling of the vessels from
a dilation or shortening of the coats, or a
species oi suction such as exist in pumps and
syringes. A like mode of physical attraction
obtains in every part of the body ; as in the
muscles, which having forcibly expelled their
blood, instantly require a reimpletion of their
vessels." In another part, 458, he says,
" There exists a great similitude between the
vessels of the heart, and the vessels of the
brains, so much so, that the latter cannot be
more appropriately compared with any other.
4. The vessels of the cerebrum perform their
diastole, when the cerebrum is in its constric-
tion, and vice versa ; so also the vessels of the
heart. 5. In the vessels of the cerebrum
there is a species of physical attraction or
suction, such as that of water in a syringe ;
and this too is the case with the vessels of
the heart, for in these, by being expanded and
at the same time shortened, the blood neces-
sarily flows, and that into the space thus en-
larged." Swedenborg says also, " that it is
this constant endeavor to establish a general
equilibrium throughout the body, which deter-
mines its various fluids to every part, whether
viscus or member, and which being produced
by exhaustion, the ettect is such a determina-
tion of the blood, or other fluid, as the pecu-
liar state of the part requires."
The Blood and the Spirituous Fluid.
106. As we wish to present the reader with
ns full a view as possible, consistently with our
.imits, of the way in which Swedenborg wended
.lis way through matter to the soul, and of the
profundity of his genius wiiile laboring among
ihe occult powers and substaiices of the human
mechanism, we introduce here another extract
from " Rich's Sketch " concerning his doctrine
of the blood and the spirituous iluid. It will
oe interesting at least to certain scientific men
and half-way materialists, or to those treading
on the borders of the spirit world, but still
lingering amid a subtle materialism ; and it is
liighly interesting as showing the near ap-
proach, by gradual steps, of Swedenborg to
ids grand discovery.
107. "All the separate elements of this doc-
trine had been extant, some for years, and
some for ages, before Swedenborg's time. The
fact of a spirituous or nervous fluid, for exam-
ple, had always been entertained in the ortho-
dox creed of physiology ; its eminent subtilty,
and active force being also, of necessity, re-
cognized at the same time. Some mode of
reciprocation or mutual exchange of offices in
rlie Animal Economy, between this fluid and
the red blood, had likewise been divined. To
v.hich may be added, the functions of the cor-
rical glands first observed by Malpighi, under
the microscope, who remarked that the animal
spirit was carried from them into the medulla
ol)longata through little channels proceeding
from every separate gland. The globule of
red blood and its composition of minute pel-
lucid spherules, again, were subjects of recent
observation ; and similar remarks apply to the
volatile and fixed salts ; and also to the nature
of the serum. These things were subjects
either of general or particular experience,
but there were no philosophical doctrines
which bound them all together into a perfect
system ; and much less which proposed to make
them the basis of a Rational Psychology.
The materials were ready ; the edifice was to
be built.
108. " In the following summary it will be
easy to discover the points where the applica-
tion of Swedenborg's new doctrine has fairly
entitled him to the rank of a master builder
in this branch of science. It must be admitted
that the doctrine of degrees, which is tlie bond
or cement of the whole, had been anticipated
by Christian Wolff, and applied by him to the
auras of the universe ; but the history of
the " Principia " affords sufficient proof that
Swedenborg's discovery of its important laws
was an independent one.
109. " Commencing in the highest degree,
we find that a certain fluid, transcending all
others in purity, which is interiorly conceived
m the cortical substance of the brain, the
medulla oblongata, and medulla spinalis, and is
thence emitted into all the medullary fibres or
origins of the nerves, runs through tlie most
diminutive and attenuate vessels, stamina and
(ibrules, and traverses and supplies with moist-
ure every living point and corner of the body.
The circulation of this fluid establishes a
communication between the fibres and the ves-
sels, by means of wlwcli it enters into the
blood as its vital essence. Its principal stream,
likewise, descending through ap])ro[)riate chan-
nels from the I)rain, is poured into the subcla-
vian vein, and is there associated with the
chyle of the Thoracic duct, and conveyed to
the heart, wliere it concurs in the formation of
the blood.
110. " In the second degree, proceeding ge-
netically, certain aromal, ethereal, or exceeding-
ly volatile substances, are associated with this
pure fluid and constitute a middle kind of
blood. The third degree arises from the fur-
ther accession of various salts, oils, etc., af-
fording the means by which the second or
purer blood coalesces with the body, and is
enabled to discharge the functions of the soul
in the animal kingdom. The red globule is
also surrounded by a serum, which is the at-
mosphere, so to speak, in which the blood
flows, and from which it derives its elements,
namely, tlie spirits, oils, and salts of every
kind already alluded to, which are perpetually
conveyed to the serum through the medium of
the chyle, and in water as a vehicle. Similar
substances are also conveyed into the serum
by means of the air in which they are fluent,
and by the instrumentality of the lungs ; the
open mouths or little li|)s of the veins suck-
ing in the atmospherical salts which agree
with them and which are drawn towards them
by every inspiration.
111. "The blood therefore, is the storehouse
and seminary, the parent and nourisher, of all
the parts of the body, solid, soft, and fluid, in its
own kingdom : for nothing can enter into the
texture of the general system, except by pass-
ing fhrough the sanguineous passages. It is
obvious, also, that all the contingents of animal
life, are dependent on the constitution, deter-
mination, continuity, and quantity of the
blood : and that in it we may reasonably look
for the exciting causes which determine the
quality and variation of state attributable to
the life of the body.
112. " From an attentive consideration of
all the elements which enter into the composi-
tion of the blood, and especially of the im-
ponderable elements, the ether, etc., it is do
monstrable that the spirituous fluid constituti-s
the essence of the life and activity propei- to
the blood; and that from this fluid, and by tlie
medium of a copious volatile substance de-
rived from the ether, there exists a pellucid or
middle blood. Lastly, through the medium of
various salts employed in tempering the in-
tense activity of the spirituous fluid, in pro-
moting the unity or consistence of the whole,
in the local determination of form, and in vari-
ous ministrations to animal life, there emerges
the red and heavy blood. Into these origi-
nal principles the latter suffers itself to be
divided according to degrees, during its pro-
gress through corresponding vessels, namely,
those of a like order with itself, the capillary
tubes, and the fibres.
113. "If therefore we would lay open the
nature of the globule, we must conceive that
the spirituous fluid constitutes the first order
or degree ; the pellucid blood cousisting of
piano-oval spherules, the second order ; and
the red blood, which thus enjoys, as it were, a
triple maternity, the third. The latter is pre-
sumed to consist, for the most part, of six
piano-oval spherules, (the blood of the second
degree,) fitted into so many hollow sides of a
single particle of fixed salt, and hence arises
the spherical figure of the whole, as clearly
discerned by Leuwenhoek, and confirmed by
the most recent observations. Thus, given
the external structure of the blood globule, we
find it resolvable into what may be called its
internal structure ; and Swedenborg has clear-
ly demonstrated that the latter is the causal
form or latent order of the former. It is
equally remarkable that the fluxion itself indi-
cated by the globule resolves into that indi-
cated by the parts of the globule ; for, ' the
first principle of the spherical form is the per-
petually spherical or cubico-spiral, in which
substances, while in their state of utmost ac-
tivity, describe an ellipsis distinguished by its
poles and greater and lesser circles, according
to the irrefragable laws of geometry ; ' [Econ-
omy^ 101.) This ellipsis is exactly repre-
sented by the piano-oval spherules observed
by Leuwenhoek, and designated the middle, or
purer blood, or blood of the second degree, by
our Author.
114. " Passing from the nature and compo-
sition of the blood itself to the circulation, we
enter the science of Angiology, or the doctrine of
the arteries and veins, which Swedenborg has
extended — in view of his great unitary prin-
ciples — so as to include the doctrine of the
fibres, or Neurology, that of the glands, and
of the muscles. The arteries and veins
themselves are regarded as determinations or
mechanisms of the blood ; and as the latter is
of a threefold origin, degree, nature, compo-
sition and name, so are the former. In other
words, the vessels are always accommodated
to the fluid circulating in them. One simple
membrane encloses and conveys the spirituous
fluid ; a reticulated membrane whicli may be
considered as woven of the former answers in
degree to the pellucid blood ; and a strong
muscular tunic forms what is commonly under-
stood by the blood vessel. In conformity with
these various degrees of vessels, and of the
fluid which they convey, the circulation itself,
— though it forms one universal system or cir-
cle of life, from the spirituous fluid to the gross
blood, — is subtriplicate, or divisible into three.
The red blood, passing into vessels of t!ie
second degree, separates the saline, urinous,
or sulphurous atoms at the phice of in rress.
and thus enters them in its pellucid state ;
and the pellucid blood, entering in its turn the
nervous canals and vessels of the third degree,
separates the ethereal elements, and enters
them in its naked spirituous state. These
separations being effected by glands and vesi-
cles of several kinds, is the reason of these
organs, — so little understood by physiologists
even of the present day, — being compre-
hended by Swedenborg in his general doctrine
of the circulation. After reaching the fibres,
the blood continues its passage through them,
returns into the vessels of the second and
third orders, and becomes again compounded
by passing through degrees similar to those
by which it had become divided. It is in this
returning circulation that the genial spirit of
the nervous fibre infuses itself into the ves-
sels, and constitutes itself the vital essence of
the blood, in every point of the body, as ob-
served at the commencement of this abstract.
115. "It would be extending our sketch to
limits wholly incompatible with its design,
were we to transcribe, however briefly, the
application of the Author's new doctrines to
Miology, or the more purely mechanical part
of the circulation. Enough has been said to
convince the reader that Swedenborg alone
has taken up this great discovery at the point
where it was left by the illustrious Harvey,
and harmonized it with the rest of the animal
economy. It remains, however, to show in
what measure the realization of the Author's
great object, — the knowledge of the human
soul, — was promoted by this course of phi-
IIG. "It was obvious to Swedenborg from
the moment he had conceived the doctrine
which we have contemplated in some of its
I'esults, that animal life and animal functions
were impossible without such degrees. If ex-
terior structures and laws were not in corre-
spondence with a certain interior economy,
whence could the sysiem derive its animation
and instincts, but from external impulses ?
And, as a necessary consequence, wiiat other
laws could be admitted in explanation of its
powers, but those of hydraulics and mechan-
ics ? Tiie same, in fact, which are supposed
to account for the flowing of the streams and
the waving of the grass. And what philoso-
pher, short of the stark materialist, would
presume to account in this way, even for tlie
lowest forms of intelligence and feeling r
On the other hand, those who admit the fact
of an internal economy, and are willing to
regard it as the immediate cause ol' the exter-
nal, can have no means of reali/..!ig their own
thoughts separate from the doctrine of degrees,
either expressed or understood ; for the nearest
cause is always a degree above the ett'ect, and
can never be ascertamed to the satisfaction of
Inductive Philosopliy, except by the resolution
ot the latter, and that by a process fairly de-
monstrable to reason.
117. "Now such a resolution of tlic blood
globule had led Swedenborg, both experiment-
ally and reflectively, to its inner structure, or
causal form, namely, the spherules of the pel-
lucid blood ; but he was by no means willing
to pause here in contemplation of the soul, ex-
cept indeed to observe the method by which
she proceeded to coalesce more closely with
the body. The next step, therefore, was to
resolve the pellucid blood, and obtain its causal
form. In this attempt he was aware that
direct experience would fail him, on account
of the exceedingly volatile nature of the ani-
mal spirit, which, according to tradition, and
all the reason of the case, was exactly what
he sought. It was possible, however, to ob-
tain a good deal of indirect evidence, chiefly
from observations on the brain, and the forma-
tion of the chicken in the egg, and on the
foetal stage of human existence ; hence a
large' portion of the Economy is devoted to an
examination of the phenomena presented by
these subjects. On the reflective side of this
problem, again, it was necessary to resolve the
forces of the pellucid blood, and to accomplish
this, we have already seen that our philoso-
pher proposed to extend the limits of pure
mathematics. We shall hereafter see that
his continuous and profound thought on this
problem was coincident with his earliest inti-
mations from the world of spirits.
118. " Thus, the deepest anatomical experi-
ence, and the most profound evolution it could
undergo in the rational mind, ended in expos-
ing this subtile fluid, just hovering on the bor-
ders of the unknown, yet just within the bound-
ary of intuition. The question was whether
this was the soul. ' If we grant,' Sweden-
borg observes, ' that the soul, as ours, is to be
sought in ourselves, anatomical experience
presents this fluid, as the highest and most in-
ward, to the mind of the anatomist ; and then
hands it over to the philosopher to be dis-
cussed, and for him to settle whether what he
knows from his own axioms, and from the
rules of analytic order, should be attributed
to the soul, be predicable of this fluid. For
the anatomist proceeds no further than the
above step, unless he at the same time assume
the character of a philosopher. Something of
this kind seems to be taken as the fixed bound-
ary of their ideas by Aristotle and his fol-
lowers ; the former of whom treated system-
atically of the parts of the soul, and the
latter of its physical influx. Wherefore if
the animal fluid and the soul agree in their
predicates, no sound reason will reject the fluid
as disagreeing ; if otherwise, no sound reason
will embrace it.' (Economy, 224.) Nothing
can surpass this statement ot his position, in
honesty and clearness. It conceals nothing ;
and it assumes nothing but what shall be
granted as a fair deduction from experience
and reason. But we have yet to see the con-
clusion to.w!.:;-h it Ic'l Mm.
119. " The spirituous fluid, then, makes its
appearance as the substantia prima, or first
substance of the body ; but Swedenborg has
a doctrine of Series which always accompanies
that of Degrees, and according to which the
first in a given system, or number of phenom-
ena, may be the last or any other denomina-
tion in another system. In this manner, the
spirituous fluid, which is regarded as the form
of forms in the body, and as the formative
substance, which draws the thread from the
first living point, and continues it afterwards to
the last point of life, is \XiQ\'i formed or pas-
sive, when viewed in relation to the whole
universe ; and consequently derives its being
from a still higher substance. On this uni-
versal substance, according to Swedenborg,
the principles of natural things are impressed
by the Deity, and in it are involved the most
perfect forces of nature : hence it may be
regarded as coincident with what Aristotle de-
nominates pure reason, or the entelecheia of
substances, and with the Platonic heaven of
ideal forms. The substantia prima, however,
according to Swedenborg, does not itself live,
and consequently, the spirituous fluid of the
body, which is derived from it, cannot be said
to live, much less to feel, perceive, and under
stand, or regard ends. ' Life,' he remarks, in
treating of this subject, 'corresponds as a
principal cause to nature as an instrumental
cause. For what is motion in nature is action
in a living subject; what is modification in
nature is sensation in a living subject ; what
is effort in nature is will in a living subject ;
what is light in nature is life in a living sub-
ject ; what is distinction of light in nature is
intellect of life in a living subject ; what is
cause and effect in nature is end in a living
subject, etc' (Economy, 235.) Life and in-
telligence, therefore, are regarded as flowing
into nature from their First Esse, or Infinite
120. " Now, (following the Author,) it is by
the continual influx of this life and intelligence
that the Deity impresses the ideal forms or
principles of natural things on the primordial
fluid of the universe, and by a similar influx
into the spirituous fluid, that men acquire in-
telligence and active power. ' But,' to quote
Swedenborg's own words, ' to know the man-
ner in which this life and wisdom flow in, is
infinitely above the sphere of the human mind :
there is no analysis and no abstraction that can
reach so high: for whatever is in God, and what-
ever law God acts by, is God. The only
representation we can have of it, is in the way
of comparison with light. For as the sun is
the fountain of light and the distinctions there-
of in its universe, so the Deity is the sun of
life and of all wisdom. As the sun of the
world flows in one only manner, and without
unition, into the subjects and objects of its
universe, so also does the sun of life and oi
'vij.lor.i. .\- ;";v> i^un of I'lC world To'-vs v\
by mediating auras, so the sun of life and of
wisdom tiows in by the mediation of his spirit.
But as the sun of (he world flows into subjects
and objects according to the modified charac-
ter of each, so also does the sun of life and
of wisdom. . . . The one is physical, the
other is purely moral : and the one falls under
the philosophy of the mind, while the other
lies withdrawn among the sacred mysteries of
Theology.' 251. Thus two distinct principles
are supposed to concur in forming the human
soul, namely, the spirituous fluid, formed and
determined by the substantia prima of the
universe, and a continual influx of life and in-
telligence from God, the one natural, the other
121. "After establishing these principles,
Swedenborg does not hesitate to call the spir-
ituous fluid itself, or, strictly speaking, its opera-
tion, the soul, and to speak of it as having intelli-
gence, and all the attributes, in fact, which consti-
tute man ; although before explaining its recep-
tion of an influx from God — and consequently,
when describing it as an organic substance or
body of the soul — he had spoken of it as in-
capable of feeling and perception. The in-
ference is that a man's real individuality —
bis interior man — consists in a state of con-
scious being occasioned by the influx of God's
universal spirit into the subtile fluid which
runs through the nervous channels of the
body — and which has since been called, in
the vocabulary of animal magnetism, the
nerve spirit. Beyond this spirit or pneumatic
vehicle, as it was termed by the ancients, there
is no identity or individuality provided for
man in the Economy of the Animal Kingdom ;
and accordingly it becomes an important ques-
tion whether the spirituous fluid -is to be
called material or immaterial. This question
Swedenborg has answered for himself.
122. " ' We hiive often said,' he observes,
* that in regard to substance the soul is a
fluid, nay a fluid most absolute ; produced by
the aura of the universe ; enclosed in the
fibres ; the matter by which, from which, and
for which the body exists ; — the superemi-
nent organ. We have also said that the influx-
ion of its operations is to be examined accord-
ing to the nexus of organic substances, and
according to the form determined by the fibres:
also that its nature, or operations collectively,
regard this fluid as their subject; and that
these operations, in so far as they are natural,
cannot be separated [from the fluid] except in
thought; so that nothing here occurs but ap-
pears to be fairly comprehended under the
term matter. But, pray, what is matter ? If
it be defined as extension endued with inertia,
then the soul is not material ; for inertia, the
source of gravity, enters the posterior sphere
simply by composition, and by the addition of
a number of things tliat through changes in
the state of active entities have become inert
and gravitating ; for instance, all the meie
elements of the earth, as salts, minerals, etc.
The first aura of the world is not matter in
tliis sense; for neither gravity nor levity can
be predicated of it ; but on the contrary, active
force, the origin of gravity, and levity in terres-
trial bodies, which do not of themselves regard
any common centre, unless there be an acting,
causing, and directing force. Hence neither
gravity nor levity can be predicated of this
fluid, made up as it is of this force or aura.
When, according to the rules of the doctrine
of order, I have shown what matter is, what
form is, what extension is, and what a fluid i?^
we shall confess that the controversy is about
the signification of terms, or about the man-
ner in which something that we are ignorant
of is to be denominated, — we shall confess
that we are fighting with a shadow, without
knowing what body it belongs to : however,
this slight garment alone is prepared, before
we have the measure, or have seen the form
of the body ; and in order to make it fit, we
figure to ourselves an idea of the body, which
idea may be immaterial. But tell me whether
the ideas of the animus are material or not ?
Perhaps they are, inasmuch as images, and
even the very eyes are material. But, as it
is the office of the soul to feel, to see, and to
imagine, equally as to understand and think ;
yet the ideas of the latter faculties are called
immaterial, because intellectual ; perhaps be-
cause the substances that are their subjects
are not comprehended by sense ; and still ma-
terial ideas not only agree but communicate
with immaterial ; are they then any ideas at
all before they partake of the life of the soul?
Apart from this, are they not modifications ?
If they are modifications, or analogous to
modifications, then I do not understand in what
way an immaterial modification is distinguished
from a material modification, unless by de-
grees, in that the immaterial is higher, more
universal, more perfect, and more impercepti-
ble. Is not every created thing in tlie world
and nature a subject of extension ? and may
not every thing as extended be called material ?
In fact, the first substance itself in this sense
is the materia prima of all other substances,
and every controversy, even our present one,
is a matter of dispute. But let us trifle no
longer. According to sound reason, what-
ever is substantial and flows from a substantial
in the created universe of nature, is matter :
therefore modification itself is matter, as it
does not extend one iota beyond the limit of
substances. (Part II., n. 293.) But as for
the more noble essence or life of the soul, it
is not raised to any that is more perfect, be-
cause it is one only essence ; but the soul is
an organism formed by the spirituous fluid, in
which respect greater and lesser exaltation may
be predicated of it. This essence and life is
not created, and therefore it is not proper to
call it material : so for the same reason we
cannot call the soul material in respect to its
reception of this life; nor therefore the mind;
nor therefore the animus, nor the sight, nor
the hearing, nor even the body itself, so far
as it lives. For all these live the life of their
soul, and the soul lives the life of the spirit
of God, who is not matter, but essence ;
whose esse is life ; whose life is wisdom ; and
whose wisdom consists in beholding and em-
bracing the ends to be promoted by the deter-
minations of matter and the forms of nature.
Thus both materiality and immateriality are
predicable of the soul ; and the materialist
and the immaterialist may each abide in his
own opinion.' — n. .311.
123. "This was the point then which Swe-
denborg reached by his first effort to obtain a
knowledge of the soul analyticaUy, or by rigid
induction ; and every one must admit how
advanced his perceptions were, and how ad-
mirably he preserved the idea of man's entire
dependence upon the Infinite source of life
and wisdom, though, as yet he was far from
the solution of the great problem with which
he had set out. It is the innocence of his
wisdom with which we are delighted even
more than with the wisdom itself. The more
cogent or logical his reasons, the more clearly
we dJ6cern God in them, and man's utter im-
potence and nothingness ; the more glowing
and ornate his style, the deeper is the rever-
ence and awe which he breathes into it, so
that self-intellio;ence is constrained to hang
its head, where it would otherwise glory in
its gifts and apparent attributes. Granting
Materialism the utmost demand it could sus-
tain by any show of argument, Swedenborg
proves that, even so, its machinery is utterly
helpless without the perpetual influx of the
breath of God ; and here we may remark that
the establishment of this theological tenet was
the first step towards the preparation of science
for the Church. The genius of religion,
therefore, only imitated, in her humble sphere,
the Descent and Incarnation of the Divine
Being, when she came to the salvation of phi-
losophy in its own frailties ; and it is praise
enough for Swedenborg that he was her chosen
and faithful apostle."
Brains, Heart and Lungs.
124. " Before closing the Economy we must
not omit to record the Author's discovery of the
animation of the brains, and of its coincidence
during formation with the systole and diastole
of the heart, and after birth with the respira-
tion of the lungs. Connected with this is another
great discovery which can hardly be said to
have transpired beyond the circle who are ac-
quainted with his works, even to tlie present
moment. We allude to the universal motion
generated by the lungs and distributed to the
whole animal machine. ' It would seem at
first sigiit, as if the effect of respiration did
not extend far beyond the thorax ; but if we
contemplate the several varieties of respira-
tion, and reduce them to one common or gen-
eral result, we shall perceive, that if the
respiration does not always actually extend
beyond the thorax, still it is in the effort to do
so, or to be in action every where.' (367.)
This action is shown to extend even to the
smallest blood vessels, and to the nerves, in
which it promotes the circulation of the fluids
by an external action, which coincides with
the internal action of the cerebellum through
the same fibres. This law, indeed, is a part
of the general concordance between the anima-
tion of the brains and respiration,r and is a
beautiful provision for insuring muscular
action. . For, ' if the circle of the red blood
were performed in the arteries at the same
intervals as the circle of the nervous fluid in
the nerves, I scarcely know,' Swedenborg ob-
serves, ' whether any muscle in the body, with
the exception of that of the heart and arteries
(which are stimulated to action solely by the in-
fluent blood), would suffer itself to be excited to
act ; for in pro[)ortion as the nerve acted, the
blood would react, when nevertheless, in order to
produce any alternate motion, action and re-
action must be so ordei-ed that one may alter-
nately overcome the other.' (P. II., c. i. § 9.)
To sum up the whole, the leading principles es-
tablished by Swedenborg on this curious and
important subject are these. 1. The anima-
tion of tlie brains is the universal motion of
the whole body, and of all the nervous fibres,
which, during animation are provided with
their spirit or fluid. 2. The intercostal nerve
and the par vagum are kept in this animatory
or universal motion, and the latter reduces the
subaltern motions of the body to it. 3. The
lungs, as already observed, are in the same
motion. 4. By means of the lungs, and
through the mediation of the pericardium,
the heart is also associated in this regimen, so
that it never loses its vital spirit on the one
hand, or its state of perfect liberty on the
other. (551-2). We close the work here,
not because we have alluded to all its dis-
closures in physiology, but because it is im-
possible to do so within the limits to which
we have confined ourselves ; and we have
dwelt upon it at sufficient length to establish
its claims to respectful and earnest atten-
tion." *
Posthiunous Tracts.
125. Connected with the same period of our
author's life as the Economy, are the Posthu-
mous Tracts, which are, for the most part,
condensed statements of the subjects and ar-
guments of the larger works, to the study of
which they furnish good introductions. They
are on the following subjects: 1. The Way to
a Knoivledge of the Soul ; 2. the Red Blood ;
3. the Animal Spirit ; 4. Sensation, or PaS'
sion of the Body ; 5. the Origin and Propa-
gation of the Sold; 6. Action; 7. Fragment
* The price of this Work is now $7.50.
on the Harmony Subsisting between the Soul
and the Body ; 8. Faith and Good Works. The
first one again proclaims the absence of meta-
physical modes and investigations from the
mind of the author ; for he says, psychology
is to be pursued by gaining a j)revious knowl-
edge of the whole of the sciences, including
the experience of the mental, or of the bodily
senses ; and proximately by anatomy ; because
" it is impossible to know the inner action of
the mind, without examining the face of the
mind ; i. e., without investigating its brains
and marrows ; and the soul is nowhere to
be found but in her own kingdom." Then, on
the basis of the science, by a higlicr and high-
er generalization, must be reared our unitary
science, a Mathematical Doctrine of Univer-
sal, which science is the philosophy of the
soul. Other roads, which do not pass through
acquired knowledge on either side, — knowl-
edge referable, whether immediately or ulti-
mately, to ert'ects and the senses, — lead only
to increased ignorance of the subject ; espe-
cially so, the pretended investigation of con-
sciousness; a thing which Swedenborg quite
left out, as a means of edification : for what is
man's intellect, other than the understanding
of Nature's Revelation, and Society ? When
he understands these, or in proportion as he
understands them, his own faculty will be
worth being conscious of — worth investigat-
ing as a distinct object ; but originally, there
is nothing in it, either to digest, classify, or
account for. Vacancy, i. e., raetaphysic con-
sciousness, involves no series, and wants no
theory : it is puerile, nay cruel, publicly to
invite analytic attention.
126. In the work above alluded to, on the
Red Blood, there is a mention made of the
vitality of the blood, which again shows ho\v
far in advance of the times our author stood
in this respect. '• It is said in the Bible,
' But the flesh with the life thereof, which is the
blood thereof, shall ye not eat.' (Gen. ix. 4).
And the opinion that the blood was a living
substance has existed from the remotest an-
tiquity. Harvey, the celebrated discoverer
of the circulation of the blood, held this
opinion very strongly, and it has been adopt-
ed by some other learned men at different
times, US may be seen in the works of Good,
Carpenter, Elliotson, and others on Medicine
or Physiology. But it was never, — at least
in modern times, — generally received, and
was held by all who maintained it, only hypo-
thetically, and as a supposition of greater or less
probability- From this we must, however,
except Swedenborg. In his ])hilosophical
works, written more than one hundred years
ago, he distinctly asserts the vitality of the
blood, not only as a truth, but as a fundament-
al truth of all sound ph}siology. The Swe-
denborg Society of London have just published
a thin volume of his ' Opuscula,' or little
works, in the orignal Latin, from his manu-
scripts in the library of the Royal Academy
of Stockholm. One of these little works is
' De Sanguine Rubro' — 'Of the Red Blood.'
We do not propose to give an account of his
views on this subject ; for they are so exceed-
ly condensed in this small treatise, that a fur-
ther abridgment would be unintelligible. It
is enough to say, that he declares the blood to
be more than merely living matter ; it stands,
as it were, half way between spirit and mat-
ter, partaking of the , qualities of both ; it is
as if the point of contact between the soul
and the body ; and from it, or rather through
it, the body derives its life. Thus the head-
ing of the eleventh chapter of this treatise is,
• That the globule of the red blood contains in
itself purer blood and the animal spirit, and
that the purest essence and soul of the body
is here ; so that the red blood is a spirituous
and animated humor ' (humor spirituosus et
animatus). The heading of the next chapter
is, ' That the red blood partakes almost equal-
ly of soul and body, and that it may be called
as well spiritual as material.'
127. "Now it is an interesting circumstance,
that while this long-neglected work was pass-
ing tlirongh the press, science has at last, and
by accident, discovered the vitality of the
blood, and placed this fact upon a firm basis.
The number of Silliman's Journal, just pub-
lished, contains, on page 108, under the head
of ' Researches on blood,' some expevimenta
of the celebrated chemist, M. Dumas, pub-
lished by him in June last. After some ac-
count of his experiments and their results, the
statement goes on thus : in attempting to over-
come this difficulty, ' M. Dumas discovered
the remarkable property of the blood globules,
that as long as they were in contact with the
air or aerated water, in short, as long as they
were in the arterial condition, the saline solu-
tion containing them passed colorless through
the filter, and left them upon it: on the con-
trary, as soon as the globules have assumed
the violet tint of venous blood, the liquid
passes colored.' After detailing certain experi-
ments then tried by Dumas in consequence
of this discovery, the following statement is
made : — ^TIius the globules of the blood seem
to possess vitality, as they can resist the solvent
action of sidphate of soda as long as their life
continues, but yield to this action readily when,
they have fallen into asphyxia from pri vation of
air.' " — Hew Jerusalem Magazine, Feb., 1847.
128. The Fragment on the Soul is mainly
a criticism on the Preestablished Harmony of
Leibnitz ; on principles, however, which fausft
it to apply to the whole of modern philosophy.
The author arraigns Leibnitz, and, by impli-
cation, the Philosophers, for aiming to convert
common, into systematic ignorance, or to make
emptiness the grand organ of the spiritual:
for philosophy takes a number of dates, by no
means peculiar to itself, but which it draws from
common experience, such as the fact, that things,
sensations, imaginations, perceptions, and the
like, exist; p.nd, v,-ithout inanirir.g ^I'hat thcv
are, and tliereaftci*, wlial tlicir causes arc, it
revolves incessantly round the already plain
fact of" their bare existence, castinj; it into a
new jargon, looking idly at its unii'orm surface
on every side, and ending, for the most part,
not by realizing any thing, but by (juestioning
the reality of" even that mean object of" thought.
Such philosophy, therefore, consists of a few
of the poorest generalities of common sense,
spoiled by interpolation with various formulas
of ignorance. Now Swedenborg first brushes
away the irresolvable terms of the current
philosophies, and leaves behind the small nu-
cleus to its rightful place under common sense,
or the sciences, from which it was stolen at
the beginning, only to be modified for the
worse. Of the bare existence of thitigs, the
clown is be Her aware than the metaphysician,
because he has not made it his business to
question them : to him, therefore, the true
philosopher would rather apjjcal on gross
questions of fact, than to the other.
" He knows what's what ; and that's as high
As metaphysic wit can fly."
But on the question of Cause and Reason,
there is no light to be gained from either ; nor
is there any difference between the two, save
the difference between ignorance, culpable and
innocent, conscious and unconscious, personal
and accidental. The upshot hitherto has
been, that what is true in philosophy is not
new ; but existed as well, and better, before
philosophy was born ; also exists better at this
moment in the common world, where philoso-
phy is unknown. And the conclusion is, that
in regard to the affections, metaphv'sics, after
a two thousand years' opportunity given, has
done nothing more, than obstruct and regurgi-
tate the current of the lifeblood of humanity ;
and in regard to the underslanding, nothing
more than deepen our initial ignorance of all
things, by actuating it into pernicious falsity.
129. A Hieroglypliical Key to Natural and
Spiritual Mysteries, by way of Representatives
and Correspondences — is a small work, which
belongs to the same series as the Economy ;
it is mentioned in the Third Part of that work
as the Part on Correspondences. This Tract
is an attempt to eliminate a natural doctrine
of correspondences, and to show its application
by examples ; and although it may appear little
successful, in comparison with the plenitude
of bodily truth on the same subject, in the
author's theological works, yet, it should be
observed, that the aim in the two cases is
somewhat difi'erent, and that the truth of one
series does not exclude tliat of the other ;
analogies of nature to nature, being perfectly
compatible with the more vital or concrete
analogies between the spiritual world and the
The Animal Kingdom.
130. In 1744 and 1745, at the ages of 56
and 57, he pubUshed another work — "The
Animal Kincdom, considered Anatomically,
P/tysioluf/ic(dly, iuu\ P/iilosop/tiratly :" that is,
at first in its dead truths; secondly, in its
relations with the physical universe, which
sways it with motion, as the herald of vitality ;
and thii'dly, as possessing our common sense,
in the lowest degree : the first volume treats
of the Viscera of the Abdomen ; the second,
of the Viscera of the Thorax, or Chest ; and
the third, of the Organs of Sense ; whrch has
not yet been translated. The first and second
make two large octavo volumes, which sell at
$7.50. The new doctrines and the general
method of the Economy of the Animal King-
dom, are pursued in this work ; but they are
pressed to results far exceeding those of the
former. The author says in his Preface, —
" Not very long since I published the Economy
of the Animal Kingdom, and before traversing
the whole field in detail, I made a rapid passage
to the Soul, and put forth a prodromus respect-
ing it: but, on considering the matter more
deeply, I found that I had directed my course
thither both too hastily and too fast : after ex-
ploring the blood only, and its particular organs,
I took the step, impelled by an ardent desire
for knowledge. But as the Soul acts in the
supreme and innermost things, and does not
come forth, until all her swathings have been
successfully unfolded, I am therefore deter-
mined to allow myself no respite until I have
run through the whole field, to the very goal,
until I have traversed the universal animal
kingdom, to the Soul. Thus, I hope, that by
bending my course inwards, continually, I
shall open all the doors that lead to her, and
at length, by the Divine permission, contem-
plate the Soul Herself"
131. The plan of this great undertaking is
thus alluded to in the Prologue : —
" I intend to examine," he says, " physically
and philosophically, the whole Anatomy of the
body ; of all its Viscera, Abdominal and Thoracic ;
of the Genital Members of both sexes; nin] of the
Organs of the five senses. Likewisi%
"The Anatomy of all parts of tlie Cerebrum,
Cerebellum, Medulla Oblongata, and Medulla Spi-
" Afterwards, the cortical substance of the two
brains, and their medullary fibre ; also the ner\'-
ous fibre of the body, and the muscular fibre ; and
the causes of the forces and motion of tiie whole
organism ; Diseases, moreover ; those of the head
particularly, or which proceed by defiuxion from
the Cerebrum.
" I propose afterwards to give an introduction to
Rational Psychology, consisting of certain new doc-
trines, through the assistance of which we may be
conducted, from the natural organism of the Body
to a knowledge of the Soul, which is Immaterial :
these are, the Doctrine of Forms: the Doctrine of
Order and Degrees : also, the Doctrine of Series
and Society : the Doctrine of Influx : tiie Doctrine
of Correpondence and Representation : lastly, the
Doctrine of Modification.
" From these Doctrines I come to the Rational
Psychology itself; wiiich will comprise the sub-
jects of action ; of external and internal sense ; of
imagination and memory : also of the affections of
the animus. Of the intellect, that is, of tIiou(];ht
and of the will ; and of tlie affections of the ration-
al mind : also, of instinct.
" Lastly, of the Soul ; and of its state in the
Body, its intercourse, affection, and immortality ;
and of its state when the body dies. The work to
conclude with a Concordance of Systems."
132. This design, be it observed, was not
laid out in nuhibus and built up there like the
magnificent 2>hilosopliy of Coleridge, but, for
the most part, was actually realized in the
course of a few years. The first part of the
work, treating of the Abdominal Viscera ; the
second part, treating of the Thoracic Viscera ;
and the third part, treating of the skin, the
senses of touch and taste, and organic forms
generally, — by way of introduction to the su-
perior region, — were published in 1744 and
1745. Many of the remaining subjects were
also prepared for the press, and, the manu-
scripts having been carefully preserved, are
now in the course of publication. The cir-
cumstance which occasioned the author to
abandon these labors, was the opening of his
spiritual sight, of which we shall speak in the
next chapter.
133. From the above summary of the plan
of Swedenborg's labors, it is easy to see the
goal towards which the great philosopher was
" When my task is accomplished," he says, " I
am then admitted by common consent to the soul,
who sitting like a queen in her throne of state, the
body, dispenses laws, and governs all things by
her good pleasure, but yet by order and by truth.
This will be the crown of my toils, when I shall
have completed my course in this most spacious
.arena. But in olden time, before any racer could
merit the crown, he was commanded to run seven
times round the goal, which also I have deter-
: mined here to do."
134. Those who are skilled in anatomy and
have read his (Economia Regni Animcdis,
state, that Swedenborg was familiar with many
truths in anatomy, which were unknown to
other learned men of his day. A passage of
communication between the right and left, or
two lateral ventricles of the cerebrum, was
thought to have been first discovered by a
celebrated anatomist of Edinburgh. But this
is a mistake.
The first discovery and description of this
passage was claimed by the celebrated anato-
mist, Dr. Alexander Monro, of Edinburgh, and
has since been conceded to him by succeeding
anatomists : hence it goes by the denomination
of the Foramen of Monro. Dr. Monro read a
paper before the Philosophical Society of
Edinburgh, on this subject, December 13th,
1764; but in his work entitled, ' Observations
on the Structure and Functions of the Nervous
System,' he says that he demonstrated this Fo-
ramen to his pupils so early as the year 1753.
He allows that a communication was known
«.nd asserted to exist between those ventricles
and the third, long prior to his time ; but he
shows that it was never delineated after such a
manner, nor in any way that could conveys a
precise idea respecting it ; much less was im-
plied the existence of the Foramen he describes.
The channel of communication seemed to
be referred, chiefly, to the posterior part of
the lateral ventricles, whilst the Foramen of
Monro, is situated at their anterior part.
Now in the Regnum Animale, p. 207, note
(r) the following striking observation occurs :
•' The communicating Foramina in the Cere-
brum are called Anus and Vulva, besides the
passage or emissary canal of the lymph ; by
these the lateral ventricles communicate with
each other, and with the third ventricle."
This work was printed in the year 1714—15 ;
but written, as we have reason to think, two
or three years before its publication : hence
X\\Q foramen here spoken of must have been
described by Swedenborg from ten to twelve
years prior to the earliest notice taken of it by
Dr. Monro.
135. We confess, however, to the justice
of a remark by Wilkinson on this subject.
'• Swedenborg is not to be resorted to as an
authority for anatomical facts. It is said, in-
deed, that he has made various discoveries in
anatomy, and the canal named the ' foramen
of Monro ' is instanced among these. Sup-
posing that it were so, it would be dishonoring
Swedenborg to lay any stress upon a circum-
stance so trivial. Whoever discovered this fo-
ramen was most probably led to it by the lucky
slip of a pi-obe. But other claims are made
for our author by liis injudicious friends. It
is said that he anticipated some of the most
valuable novelties of more recent date, such as
the phrenological doctrine of the great Gall,
and the newly-practised art of animal mag-
netism. This is not quite fair : let every
benefactor to mankind have his own honora-
ble wreath, nor let one leaf be stolen from it
for the already laurelled bi'ow of Swedenborg.
True it is that all these things, and many
more, lie in ovo in the universal principles
made known to him, but they were not devel-
oped by him in that order which constitutes
all their novelty, and in fact their distinct
136. Swedenborg's object was not to aston-
ish the world by discoveries in natural science ;
hence no pains were taken to give circulation
to his discoveries. He affirms with the most
characteristic innocence, that " he knows he
shall have the reader's ear, if the latter be only
pei'suaded that his end is God's glory and the
public good, and not his own gain or praise."
137. Again, at the close of the Principia^
he says : —
" In writing the present work, I have had no
aim at the applause of the learned world, nor at
the acquisition of a name or popularity. To me it
is a matter of indifference whether I win the favor-
able opinion of every one or of no one, whether I
gain much or no coirimendutioii ; such things are
not objects of regard to one whosi^ mind is bent on
truth and true pliilosophy ; siiould I, therefore,
gain the assent or approbation of others, I sliall
receive it only as a contirination of my having pur-
sued the truth. I have no wish to persuade any
one to lay aside the principles of those illustrious
and talented authors wlio have adorned the world,
and in place of their principles to adopt mine : for
this reason it is that I have not made mention of
so much as of one of them, or even hinted at
his name, lest I should injure his feelings, or seem
to impugn his sentiments, or to derogate from
the praise which others bcs'tow upon him. If the
principles I have advanced have more of truth in
tliem than those which are advocated by others ;
if they are truly philosophical and accordant with
the phenomena of nature, the assent of the public
will follow in due time of its own accord ; and in
this case, should I fail to gain the assent of those
whose minds, being prepossessed by other princi-
ples, can no longer exercise an impartial judgment,
still I shall have those with me who are able to
distinguish the true from the untrue, if not in the
present, at least in some future age. Truth is
unique, and will speak for itself." ,
138. Again, he observes in the Economy:
" Of what consequence is it to nie that I should
persuade any one to embrace my opinions ?
Let his own reason persuade him. I do not
undertake this work for the sake of honor or
emolument ; both of which I shun rather than
seek, because they disquiet the mind, and be-
cause I am content with ray lot : but for the
sake of the truth, which alone is immortal,
and has its portion in the most perfect order
of nature ; hence in the series of the ends of
the universe from the first to the last, or to
the glory of God ; which ends he promotes :
thus I surely know who it is that must reward
me." Of his sincerity in these declarations,
the repose which pervades his books, and the
hearty pursuit of his subject at all times, bear
incontestable witness.
139. The absence of his laurels never
troubled him, he was not afraid of pillage or
plagiarism, there was none of the fire of com-
petition in him, he was never soured by neg-
lect, or disheartened by want of sympathy.
It is, however, remarkable how entirely the
foregoing works were unknown even to those
who knew him best personally. His intimate
friend Count Hopken says, that " he made
surprising discoveries in anatomy, which are
recorded somewhere in certain literary transac-
tions," evidently in complete ignorance of the
great works that he had published, and more-
over ill informed upon the subject of the
" Transactions." And yet Swedenborg was
not mistaken in his estimate of his own
powers, or in the belief that posterity had
work and interest in store in writings that,
at the time, were utterly neglected. The his-
tory of literature is eloquent upon the fate
of those who were before their age, and that
fate was never more decisive for any man, or
more cheerfully acquiesced in by any, than
140. With this admirable spirit, and with
talents only efjualled by their modesty and un-
selfishness, our author produced, in his fifty-
fifth and fift}-seventh years, the " Animal
Kingdom." There is in it, the clearness of the
faultless logician ; the utmost severity of the
inductive reasoner ; the order of the consum-
mate philosophical architect ; the beauty, fi-ee-
dom, and universal cordiality of the" mighty
poet ; the strength of a giant, and the playful-
ness of a child. Never was the path of
science so aspiring, or strewn with such lovely
and legitimate fiowers, as in these two as-
tounding volumes. But praise is a neediest
tribute of their goodness; they point only to
applications and works, and beseech us, not to
stand long in the stupefaction of amazement,
but to gather up our energies, and summon
our understanding, for whatever the arts and
sciences have yet to contribute to the true ad-
vancement of our race. Those only follow
their spirit, who are actively endeavoring to
extend their principles in new fields, unex-
plored even by the renowned author himself.
141. The doctrines made use of by Swe-
denborg in the " Animal Kingdom," are the
Doctrines of Forms, of Order and Degrees,
of Series and Society, of Influx, of Corre-
spondence and Representation, and of Modifi-
cation. These doctrines themselves are truths
arrived at by analysis, proceeding on the basis
of general experience ; in short, they are so
many formulas resulting from the evolution
of the sciences. They are perpetually illus-
trated and elucidated throughout the " Animal
Kingdom," but never stated by Swedenborg
in the form of pure science, perhaps because
it would have been contrary to the analytic
method to have so stated them, before the
reader had been carried up through the legiti-
mate stages, beginning from experience, or the
lowest sphere. Each effect is put through
all these doctrines, in order that it may dis-
close the causes that enter it in succession,
that it may refer itself to its roots and be
raised to its powers, and be seen in connection,
contiguity, continuity, and analogy with all
other things in the same universe.*
142. One of the most important discoveries
in the •■' Animal Kingdom," is that the lungs
sujiply the body and all its parts with motion.
This is a discovery, not less wonderful in its
consequences, than in its simplicity and obvi-
ous truth. If the reader can once succeed in
apprehending it, there will be no danger of
his letting it go again even among the peril-
ous quicksands of modern experience. It is
one of those truths that rest upon facts within
the range of the most ordinary observation,
and require but little anatomical investigation
to confirm and demonstrate them. It is visible
in its ultimate efi'ects during every action that
we perform and at every moment of our lives.
* By a universe, Swedeubor"
series as referable tu \xs uiiilies.
appears to mean any complete
Perhaps there is nothing in the history of
physical science that is more illustrative of
the native ignorance of the mind, or that bet-
ter shows how far we have cle[)arted from the
simplicity of nature, than the manner in which
this grand office of the lungs has been over-
looked ; particularly when coupled with the
fact, tliat it should have required a great and
peculiarly instructed genius, by an elaborate
process, to place it once again under our men-
tal vision. But nature is simple and easy ; it
is man that is difficult and perplexed. Not
only in the lungs, but in the whole body, the
primary office is disregai'ded, and the second-
ary substituted for it. It has" been supposed
that the lungs inspire simply to communicate
certain elements of the air to the blood ; and
expire for no other end than to throw out by
means of the returning air certain impurities
from the blood. Under this view, their mo-
tion is only of use for other things, or instru-
mentally, and not as a thing in itself, or prin-
cipally. And yet it is not confined to the
sphere in which these secondary offices of the
lungs are performed, but pervades the abdo-
men as sensibly as the chest, and according to
the showing of the experimentalists, extends
also to the lieart, the spinal marrow, and the
head. It was therefore incumbent on the
physiologist to show what its function was in
all the regions where it was present, and to
declare its action as a universal cause, as well
as its action as a particular cause. Now the
motion itself which the lungs originate is their
grand product to the system ; the inspiration
and expiration of the air are but one part of
its necessary accompaniments, being performed
in the chest alone. Granting that the inspi-
ration and expiration of the air are the partic-
ular use of this motion in the chest, what then
is the use of the rising and falling which the
lungs communicate to the abdomen, the heart,
the spinal marrow, and the brain ? What office,
analogous to respiration, does the motion of
these parts communicate to the organs ? It
manifestly causes them all to respire, or to
attract the various materials of their uses, as
the kings attract the air. For respiration is
predicable of the whole system as well as nu-
trition : otherwise the head \\'ould not be the
head of the chest, nor the abdomen the abdo-
men of the chest ; but the human body would
be as disconnected, and as easily dissipated,
as the systems that have been formed respect-
ing it. The universal use, therefore, of tlie
respiratory motion to tlie body, is, to rouse
every organ to the performance of its func-
tions by an external tractive force exerted
upon its common membranes ; and by causing
the gentle expansion of the whole mass, to
enable the organ, according to its particular
fabric, situation, and connection, to respire or
attract such blood or iluid, and in such quan-
tity, as its uses and wants require, and only
such. Each organ, however, expands or con-
tracts differently, according to the predicates
just mentioned ; the intestines, for instance,
from articulation to articulation, to and fro ;
the kidneys, from their circumference to their
sinuosity or hilus, and vice versa, the neigh-
borhood of tlieir pelvis being their most quiet
station and centre of motion : and so forth.
In a word, the expansion as a force assumes
the whole form of the structure of each organ.
In all cases the motion is synchronous in
times and moments with the respiration of the
lungs. The fluids in the organs follow the
path of the expansion and contraction, and
tend to the centre of motion, from which these
motions begin, to which they return, and in
which they terminate. The lungs, however,
only supply the external moving life of the
body ; but were it not for them, the whole
organism would simply exist in potency, or
more properly speaking, would cease to be ;
or were it permeated by the blood of the
heart, — a condition which can by no means
be granted, — the latter would rule uncon-
trolled in all the members, subjugate their in-
dividualities, and not excite them to exercise
any of the peculiar forces of which they are
the forms. In a word, the whole man would
be permanently in the fetal state, forever in-
choate and inelFective.
143. There is no part of Swedenborg's sys-
tem which is better worthy of attention than
the doctrine of the skin. As the skin is the
continent and ultimate of the whole system,
so all the forms, forces and uses of the interi-
or parts coexist witliin it. ^loreover as it is
the extreme of tlie body, and the contact of
extremes, or circulation, is a perpetual law of
nature, so from tlni ^^kin a return is made to
the other extreme, namely, to the cortical
substances of tlie brain. Henc^ the first
function of the skin is, " to serve as a new
source of fibres." For the fibres of one ex-
treme, to wit, the brain, also called by Swe-
denborg the fibres of the soul, could not of
themselves complete the formation of the body,
but could only supply its active grounds ; and
therefore these fibres proceed outwards to the
skin, which is the most general sensorial ex-
panse of the brain, and there generate the
papillie ; and again emerging from the papilla),
and convoluted into a minute canal or pore,
they take a new nature and name from their
new beginning, and become the corporeal fibres,
or the fibres of the body, which proceed from
without inwards to the bi-ain, and unite them-
selves to its cortical substances. These are
the passives of which the nervous fibres ai*e
the actives ; the veins or female forces of
which the nervous fibres are the arteries or
males ; and " they suck in the purer element-
al food from the air and etlier, convey it to
their terminations, and expend it upon the
uses of life."
144. Besides this, tlie skin has a series of
other functions which there is not space to
dwell upon at present. Inasmuch as it is the
moot general covering of the body, therefore
it conununieates by a wonderful continuity
with all the particular coverings of the viscera
and organs, and of their parts, and parts of
jjarts. And as it communicates with all by
continuity of structure, so it also communi-
oites by continuity of function ; the whole
body being therefore one grand sensoriura of
die sense of touch. In short, the animal spirit
is the most universal and singular essence of
the l)ody and all its parts ; the skin, the most
general and particular form corresponding to
lliat essence. •
145. The professional reader of the "Animal
Kingdom " will not fail to discover that the
;uUhor has fallen into various anatomical errors
of minor importance, and that there are occa-
ifionally marks of haste in his performance.
This may be conceded without in any degree
<letiacting from the character of the work.
'Jliese errors do not involve matters of prin-
ciple- The course which Swedenborg adopt-
t,'d, of founding his theory upon general expe-
jit'uoe, and of only resorting to particular
lacts as confirmations, so equilibrates and
icompeiisates all misstatements of the kind,
that the}' may be rejected from the result as
unimportant. To dwell upon them as serious,
and still more to make the merit of the theory
liinge upon them, is worthy only of a "minute
j)hilosopher," who has some low rule whereby
to judge a truth, instead of the law of use.
*5uch unhappily was the rule adopted by the
reviewer of the " Animal Kingdom " in the
*• Acta Eruditorum Lipsieusia " (1747, pp.
o07— 514) : the book was despised by this
critic because Swedenborg had committed an
error in describing the muscles of the tongue,
and because he had cited the plates of Bidloo
and Verheyen, which lieister and Morgagni
had then made it a fashion to disparage ; and
tor other equally inconclusive reasons. All
they amounted to was, that Swedenborg had
not accomplished the I'eviewer's end, however
thoroughly he had performed his own.
14G. Jjut fortunately such criticisms are never
decisive ; a single truth can outlivti ten thou-
isand of them. The " Animal Kingdom " ap-
peals to the world at this time, a hundred
years since the publication of the original, as
ii new production, having all the claims of an
unjudged book upon our regards. For during
that hundred years not a single writer has ap-
peared in the leai'ned world, who has in the
slightest degree comprehended its design, or
mastered its principles and details. — Intro-
ductory/ liemarks to the Animal Kingdom, by
J. J- Gr. Wilkinson.
147. In stating, however, any one point as
remaikabLe in such a genius, we are in danger
of having it understood that his claims in this
respect can be enumerated by any critic or
biographer. On the contrary, we shoald have
but a few lines to each detail of his excessive
fruitfulness. Sullice it to say, that there is no
inquirer into the human body, either for the
purposes of medical or general intelligence,
above all, there is no philosophical anatomist,
who has done justice to himself, unless he has
humbly read and studied — not turned over
and conceitedly dismissed — the Economy and
Animal Kingdom of Swedenborg. These
works of course are past as records of anatom-
ical fact, but in general facts, that are biggei
than anatomy, they have not been excelled,
and none but a mean pride of science, or an
inaptitude for high reasons, would deter the
inquirer from the light he may here acquire,
in spite of meeting a few obsolete notions, or
a few hundreds of incomplete experiments.
148. In this connection we extract from the
London " Forceps" for Nov., 1844, the follow- ,
ing summary view of the "Animal Kingdom."
" This is the most remarkable theory of the hu-
man body that has ever fallen into our hands ; ami
by Emanuel Swedenborg, too! a man whom we
had always been taught to regard as either a fool,
a madman, or an impostor, or perhaps an undetiiia-
ble compound of all the three. Wonders, it see:iis
never will cease, and therefore it were bctt. r
henceforth to look out for them, and accept thcui
whenever they present theniseives, and make them
into ordinary things in that way. For thereby we
may be saved from making wonderful asses ' of
ourselves and our craft, for enlightened posterity
to laugh at.
" To return to our boolv, we can honestly assure
our readers (which is more than it would be safe
to do in all cases), that we have carefully re;id
through both volumes of it, bulky though they be,
and have gained much philosophical insight from
it into the chains of ends and causes that govern
in the human organism. What has the world
been doing for the past century, to let this great
system slumber on the shelf, and to run after a
host of little bluebottles of hypotheses which were
never framed to live for more than a short part of
a single season ? It is clear that it yet ' knows
nothing of its greatest men.' The fact is, it lias
been making money, or trying to make it, and
grubbing after worthless reputation, until it bus
lost its eyesight for the stars of heaven and the
sun that is sliming above it.
" Emanuel Swedcnborg's doctrine is altogether
the widest thing of tiio kind which medical litera-
ture affords, and cast into an artistical shape of
consummate beauty. Under the rich drapery of
ornament which •diversifies Ids pages, there runs a
framework of Llie truest reasoning. The book is
a perfect mine of principles, far exceeding in in-
tellectual wcaUli, and surpassing in elevation, the
finest etforts of Lord Bacon's genius. It treats of
the loftiest subjects witliout abstruseness, bring
all ultimately referable to the common sense of
mankind. Unlike tlie German transcimdentalist*,
this gifted Swede luhils both tlie recpiisites of tlie
true phdosoplicr; he is one ' to wliom the lowest
things ascend, and tlic highest dcscemJ, who i^ thi;
equal and kindly broUier of all.' Tli.'re is no
triding about him, but he sets forth his opinions,
irrespective of controversy, with a plainms? of
affirmation which cannot be mist iken ; and in .sitcl.
close and direct terms, that to <rive a full idea of
io write a volume were we barely to devote j his system in other words woulu r-,qui;e that we
lesser men should write larger volumes than his
" The plan of the work is this : Swedenborg
first gives extracts from the greatest anatomists
of his own and former times, sucii as Malpighi,
Leuwenhock, Morgagni, Swammerdam, lleister,
Winslow, &c., &c., so that these volumes contain
a body of old anatomy (translated now into close
English) such as cannot be met with in this shape
elsewhere. He tlien gives his own unencumbered
deductions from this ' experience,' under the head-
ing ' analysis.' Each organ of the thorax and
abdomen in this way has a twofold chaptei allot-
ted to its consideration, which chapter is a com-
plete little essay, or we may say, epic, upon the
subject. The philosophical unity of the work is
astonishing, and serves to unlock the most abstruse
organs, sucli as the spleen, thymus gland, supra-
renal capsules, and other parts upon which Swe-
denborg has dilated with an analytic efficacy winch
the moderns have not even approached ; and of
•which the ancients afforded scarcely an indication.
Upon these more mysterious organs, we think his
views most suggestive and valuable, and worthy
of the whole attention of the better minds of the
medical profession. Of the doctrine of series,
"since called by the loss appropriate term, ' homol-
ogy,' he has afforded the most singular illustra-
tions, not confining himself to the law of series
in the solids, but boldly pushing it into the domain
of the fluids, and this with an energy of purpose,
and a strength of conception and execution, such
as is rarely shown by ' any nine men in these de-
generate days.' We opened this book with sur-
prise, a surprise grounded upon the name and fame
of the author, and upon the daring affirmative stand
which he takes in limine ; we close it with a deep-
laid wonder, and with an anxious wish that it may
not appeal in vain to a profession which may gain
so much, both morally, intellectually, and scien-
tifically, from the priceless truths contained it its
149. These are among the great works that
revolutionize our consciousness, and engender
new wants, and a new mind, in the human
soul ; and yet, it is surprising how little the
author was controversial, or directly critical ;
with the exception of his Fragment on Leib-
nitz, he scarcely wages formal battle with an-
other writer ; neither scolding science for its
servility, nor metaphysical philosophy for its
artful obscurations, he supplies elevated truths
on the stage of his own mind, and leaves them
to gain their prevalence, without a syllable
of literary recommendation : a safe and the
only course ; for these principles inhabit a
region, where they have no opponents ; where
old falsities are clean out of tlieir senses, and
without being aware of the consequences of
the admission, confess to seeing nothing at all.
But the medical bearing of these works, and
their intimation of new principles and practices
to the healing art, render them of great
value to the Profession and to the world.
The author shows, as no one else has con-
ceived to do, how the whole corporeal system
is a manifold organ of appmpriation, exqui-
sitely responsive, in its several parts, to the
influences of the circumambient universe ; and
therefore, depending on cosmical and local cir-
CLimstances for a vast supply of causes-
Miscellaneous Works, Their Character and
150. Swedenborg, however, fulfilled but a
portion of his plan, being led to something
better than the direct reconstruction of the
sciences ; to something, from which that event
will hereafter issue with a divine certitude of
success ; but still, it is satisfactory to know,
that his manuscripts give an outline of his
views on all the subjects of which he intended
to treat. Thus, we have a continuation of the
Chemical Specimens ; of the Animal King-
dom, two treatises On the Brain, forming to-
gether 1900 pages; a treatise on Generation ;
two treatises on the Ear, and the sense of
Hearing ; one On the Human Mind, involv-
ing the Five Senses, and the various faculties,
both concrete and abstract, the human loves
and passions, and whatever follows therefrom ;
a treatise on Common Salt ; a tract on the
rise and fall of Lake Wenner, with a sketch
of the Cataracts of the river Gotha Elf;
also several others on a variety of subjects,
all of which clearly indicate the author's re-
searches and corresponding versatility of pow-
ers ; and will niak(> about 30 volumes, octavo.
151. The treatise on Generation, above al-
ludedlo, has receiitlr been translated into Eng-
lish, by J. J. G. Wilkinson. It beai's the fol-
lowing title : — •• The Generative Organs, con-
sidered Anatomicallv, Physically, and Philo-
sophically." It is in two Parts. Part L
treats of The Male Generative Organs ;
Part II. treats of The Female Genjerative
Organs. ..._— -^
i«u~j!iJn the Advertisement to this Work, the
Ti-anslator says : — " The work, as it stands,
is a worthy integrant part of that extraordi-
nary series of works, which, more than a cen-
tury ago, appeared in Latin, and which, with-
in the last ten years, has been coming forth
in the English tongue. What its precise
merits may be, we will not prejudge; that is a
question which belongs to the future. We
see in it great intuitions of order, with a most
ingenious application to details : much that is
as new to the human mind now, as when the
manuscript was written. We see in it also
a constant amalgam of physics and meta-
physics, like what there is in the hmnan body
itself; but which we do not know where to
find in any author but Swedenborg. And
moreover we recognize in it, an aflSnity to
Man, an addiction to central truths and prin-
ciples, which is too absent from the corre
spending works of this age. Yet we own thaS
it is worth but little as a handbook for the
kind of information now sought in the medi-
cal schools. In truth, the work is non-medi-
cal : it is one of those productions, which
must exist more and more in all departments,
and which are designed to promote a non-
professional, public, or univei"sal view of the
matters in hand. Science, in its universals, is
no tradesman, and works not for the improve-
ment of arv culling; but solely btoause truth
is good. Such science for the human body
has been cultivated by the non-mcdicul Swe-
4.5?:^.'^'^- • • • •
■Ji,^J For the rest, the present treatise shines
for us with the clear, mild genius of our Author.
With our last literary accents we would fuin
claim the attention of the new men of this
age, to what there is in Swedenborg's scien-
tilic works, accordant with their own necessities
and discoveries. In particular we suppose
that there is no writer before or since who
has treated as he has done, of the continuity
of the body on the one hand ; or of the per-
meation and penetration of vibrations and
living influences through it, on the other.
Let us take a common example. A man
catches cold ; straightway he feels stiffness
and pains in every joint of his body ; his
whole head is sore ; his nose runs with serous
^defluxioji, &C., &€. Now, strange as it may
appear, the present science does not j)resent
any physiological knowledge of what these
pathological states may be. What is the con-
dition of his periosteum, of the sheaths of all
his stiff muscles, and of his creaking joints ?
How does it all happen ? Neither science
nor imagination knows. The feelings of the
patient have no commerce with the skill of
Llie doctor. This demonstrates at any rate
that the science which lies at the basis of
pathology is not yet opened. Pains, aches,
swellings, and symptoms generally, glide along
the body by terribly broad bridges of struc-
ture of which the anatomist wots not. Well
then, there is wanted somebody besides this
prim anatomist, to unfold the case. Our Swe-
denborg. Licentiate of No College, is one of
the men in whose works we have found a be-
ginning of instruction on this subject. He
has wonderfully indicated to us many of the
great bridges and highways of vibrations and
influences, and in so doing has thronged with
living states and forms parts which were pre-
viously dispersed, lying in sand heaps of cell
germs. To the new pathology, which chroni-
cles the passage of states through Man, he is
as yet the most important contributor from
the physiological side.
153. It gives us pleasure to end these brief
lines by recording publicly that the Royal Acad-
emy of Sciences of Stockholm, the body of
which Linnajus and Berzelius were ahunni, has
lately paid a fitting tribute to the memory of
Swedenborg. We excerpt the following from
the official account of their last annual festival.
" 1852. The Academy has this year caused
the annual medal to be struck to the memory !
of the celebrated Swedenborg. It represents i
Swedenborg's image on the obverse : over
it his name: under it Nut. 1688, Ben. 1772.
On the reverse : a man in a dress reaching to
the feet, with eyes unbandaged, standing be-,
fore the temple of Isis, at whose base the
goddess is seen. Above it : Tantoque ex- I
SULTAT ALUMNO ; beneath : Miuo naturje
The eulogium on Swedenborg was delivered l)y
the Pr^ident of the Academy, General Akrell.
15-1. All these works, covering the whole
field of Materiality, are so many undying
proofs of Swedenborg's universal learning,
and of his ability to grasp subjects requiring the
deepest reflection, and the most profound
knowledge. Nor did he wish to shine in
borrowed ])lumes, passing off the labors of
others as his own, dressed up in a new form,
and decorated with some new turns of expres-
sion. Indeed, as was before observed, he rarely
took up the ideas of others, except when he
was collecting facts, but always followed his
own ; and he makes numerous remarks and
applications which are nowhere else to be
found. Nor was he content with merely
skimming over the surface of things : but
applied the whole force of his mind to pene-
trate the most hidden things, to collect to-
gether the scattered links of the great chain
of universal being, and to trace up every thing,
in the most perfect order, to the Great First
Cause. Neither did he, as certain other
natural philosophers have done, who, dazzled
by the light they have been in search of and
found, would, if it were possible, eclipse or
extinguish to the eyes of the world, the
Only Living and True Light. He de-
lighted, with love and adoration, to look
through Nature, to Nature's God: and he
found the ladder that leads from earth to
Sf^' " No man," he says, " can be a com-
plete and truly learned philosopher, without
the utmost devotion to the Supreme Being.
True philosophy and contempt of the Deity,
are two opposites." Accordingly, Sweden-
borg took full advantage of the religion of his
time, and the belief in a personal God was
with him the fountain of sciences, which
alone allowed a finite man to discover in na-
ture the wisdom that an infinite man had
planted there. Nothing is more plain than
that only in so far as man is the image of God,
and can think like God, can he give the rea-
son of any thing that God has made. Not to
admit then a personal God is to deny the
grounds of natural knowledge, to make it
what the philosophers call subjective, that is
to say, true for you, but not God's truth or
true in itself^
156. It becomes now a question of peculiar
interest — Did Swedenborg, in the course he
marked out, find that to which all his labors
were directed ? Did he find the soul ? No :
but he found what was much better, on a
higher stage of observation, as will be seen
hereafter. By the course thus far pursued,
he came to the inner parts of the living body,
but not to the soul. It was an achievement
to dissect the body alive without injuring it.
nay with its own concurrence ; to disintegrate
brain, lungs, heart, and vitals, and to see them
as individuals, as partial men ; so to endow
them with tlie whole frame, that they could
subsist to the mind as human creatures ; and
this Swedenborg has done to a considerable
extent : but to see the soul, or the spiritual
body, was not accorded to him at this stage.
The doctrine of correspondence might have
shown it ; but then before correspondence
works there must be two experimental terms,
two visible things ; the soul must be already
seen, after which, correspondence will show
its fitness with the body, and illustrate each
by each. In a word, sight or experience is
tlie basis of knowledge ; the invisible is the
unknown, and no doctrines can realize it, or
honestly bring it near to our thoughts. It
rests upon Swedenborg's confession, not less
than upon his quitting the before-mentioned
track, that his principles so far did not and
could not lead him to an acquaintance with
the soul.
But if, whilst engaged upon an impossible
quest, he lost himself amon^ nervous and
spirituous fluids and the like entities, which
are most real, only not the soul, still he shed
surprising light upon the plan and life of the
human body. His method was eminently good
for this. The doctrines he worked with, the
preliminaries he believed in, are the common
sense of all plans and organizations.
Worship and Love of God.
157. We are now brought to a notice of the
last of our author's natural works, published
in 1745, the very year in which iiis spiritu-
al SIGHT WAS OPENED, and the o7th of his
age. It is a series of Philosophical Essays
ON THE Worship and Love of God : Part
First, treating of the origin of the Earth,
on the state of Paradise in the Vegetable and
Animal Kingdoms, and on the Birth, Infancy,
and Love of Adam, or the First-horn Man:
Part 2d, on the Marriage of the First born;
and on the Soul, the Intellectual Mind, the state
of Integrity, and the Image of God. This
work may be regarded as an attempted bridge
from philosophy to theology ; an arch thrown
over from the side of nature, towards the un-
seen shore of the land of life. As it is a kind
of link, so it has some of the ambiguity which
attaches to transitional things, and by those
who judge of it from either side, may be mis-
understood. Those who study matter and
spirit in connection, see in its exuberant lines,
no want of clear truth, but simply the joy and
recreation of one goal attained ; the Harvest
Home of a scientific cycle ; the euthanasia of
a noble intellect, peacefully sinking back into
its own spiritual country ; the Pentecost thence
of new tongues as of fire, in which every man
is addressed in his own language, not of words,
but of things. For here has science become
art, and is identified with nature in the very
middle and thicket of her beauty : here, the
forgotten lore of antiquity begins to be re-
stored, and principle ratified into truths, takes
a body in mythological narrative, the first cre-
ation of the kind since the dawn of the scien-
tific ages : here the doctrine of Correspond-
ences commences to reassert its sublime pre-
rogative, of bearing to man the teeming spirit
of heaven in the cups of nature. All this ac-
counts for the singularity of the work ; for
its standing, in a manner by itself, among the
author's writings. It is an offering up of both
science and philosophy on the altar of Religion.
Whatever of admiration one has felt for Swe-
denborg's former efforts, only increases as we
enter tlie interior of this august natural tem-
ple. A new wealth of principles, a radiant,
even power, such as peace alone can commu-
nicate, a discourse of order, persuasively con-
vincing, an affecting and substantial beauty
more deep than poetry, a luxuriance of orna-
ment, instinct with the life of the subject ; in-
tellect, imagination, fancy, unitedly awake in
a lonely vision of primeval times ; wisdom,
too, making all things human : such is an im-
perfect enumeration of the qualities which
enter into this ripe fruit of the native genius
of Swedenborg. Whether in fulness or lofti
ness, we know of nothing similar to it — of
nothing but what is second to it — in mere
human literature.
158. The first portion of the work, and for
the scientific philosopher probably its finest
portion, represents the origin and progression
of this universe from the sun, and specifically,
the origin of our own planet, with the reign
of the general spring, and the consequent de-
velopment of the first mineral, vegetable, and
animal kingdoms one from another in succes-
sion ; for nature, at the beginning, was big
with the principles of all things,. and the earth
was near to its parent sun, with as yet no at-
mosphere, but the serene supernal ether.
And, as before observed, the author here as-
serts, as illustrated in the Principia, that there
were seven planets created at the same time.
Next, we are led to the human body, wrought
by the infinite in the ovum, furnished by tho
Tree of Life, in the innermost focus of the
spring, and the paradise of Paradise ; crea-
tion rising tluis, in a glorious pile, centre above
centre. Thereafter, we have the infancy and
growth of the mind of the first born, in a state
of integrity and innocency ; with its elevation
into the three new kingdoms. Then there is
the birth of Eve, and the manner of it, and
her education by ministering spirits, and her
betrothal and marriage to Adam. And the
author concludes — " this was the sixth scene
on the world's stage." The Seventh was
YET to come.
159. This work constitutes the end of Swe-
-denborg's scientific course ; and a beautiful
I termination it is too ; uniting Science, Natural
I and Mental Philosophy, Poetry, Love and
TTisdom, Earth and Heaven. He began from
God, as the Fountain of the Sciences ; the
wisdom of creation was the desire and wisdom
of his labors ; and liere he ended with his be-
ginning, carrying God's ll^irvest to God liim-
self. With a little pains to put this P^ssay
into measure, it would be recognized as a
beautiful Poem.
IGO. For the mere jjurpose of giving the
reader an example of his style, in the more
poetic and concluding parts of this work, but
by no means to attempt to give an idea of the
embodied beauty of the whole, we here quote
the following passages : —
" But this order, [the divine order of the human
form,] viewed in substance and effigy, that is, in
the face, is called beauty and handsomeness, the
perfection of which results from the agreement
of all essentials, from inmost principles to outer-
most, viz. from the correspondence of life with its
spiritual heat or fire, and of the brightness thence
arising with its coloring tincture, by which the
tlaming principle itself becomes pellucid, and last-
ly, of this flower, with the designation of lines by
fibres according to the laws of the harmonies of
nature ; all whicli things ultimately must present
themselves visible in a plane handsomely winding.
But the agreement of all these things cannot pos-
sibly exist without a spiritual principle of union, or
love in the veriest rays of life; from that principle
ilone beauty derives its harmony, its florid and
genuine complexion and life, its daydawn and
vernal freshness; wherefore love itself shining
forth from elegance of form, from its hidden and
innate virtue, elicits mutual love, and as an index
reveals the vein of beauty.
" Whilst the damsel snatched at these words
with a greedy ear, and, as it were, sucked them
in, with her whole mind, she retired a little into
herself, to take a view of herself for she began
to consider of some ideas which were newly
conceived ; and whilst she in some degree re-
strained her respiration, lest it should interrupt
the thoughts of her mind by too deep recipro-
cations, she again, with a soul, as it were, set at
liberty, gently accosted her celestial companion in
these words: I will discover to you the idea which
has newly insinuated itself into my mind, in conse-
(juence of what you have been saying, viz. that the
beauty of the face, arising from that order of the
Supreme, is only a perfection of the body, but I
see clearly, that a perfection still more illustrious
and more excellent flows from the same order, to
wit, perfection of the life itself, whicii properly or
principally involves the state of that integrity, con-
cerning which you so kindly promised to instruct
ine ; I entreat you therefore to add one favor to
another, by instructing me, what and of v^at quali-
ty is perfection of life "} To this question the celes-
tial intelligence replied as follows: I perceive,
says she, that our ideas, thine and mine, like con-
sociate sisters, tend to the same point ; for my dis-
course of itself already slides into the subject of
thine inquiry, since one perfection involves another,
inasiimch as another and another is born from the
same order. The perfection of the body is the
perfection of form in its substance, from which, as
from its subject, sprouts forth the perfection of
forc(;s and of life ; f^)r nothing predicable exists
which does not take its actuality from this circum-
stance, that it subsists, that is, from its substance ;
from what is not sometliing it is impossible that
any thing can result ; the forces themselves and
changes of life, inasmuch as they flow from a sub-
stance, become efficient. Wherefore a similar
order has place in thy forces and modes of forces,
as in thy fibres, regarded as substances. Hence
it follows, that perfection of life presents itself
visible in perfection of tlie body ;is in its effigy.
And whereas perfection of body, especially beauty,
is an object of sense, but perfection of life, like a
mist, shuns human ken, unless it be viewed from a
sublime principle, therefore I was desirous of pre-
senting a mirror of the latter in the former, for the
sake of gratifying thy wish.
" But thou, my daughter, art the only one,
together with him who is the only one with thee
in this orb, who lives this order, and bears its im-
age. That only one is not far off from thee, ho
stands in the centre of thy grove, and looks at
thee with a look of satisfaction ; we observe him,
but he is ignorant of it ; do not turn thy face in
that direction, but let him come to thee, and court
thee with humble entreaty ; thou art to be the
partner of his life, and the partner of his bed ; he
is assigned to thee by heaven ; this also is the day
appointed for your marriage, and the hour is at hand
in which you are to be united. Instantly tiie con-
nubial celestials tied up into a regular knot her
hair, which covered her neck in ringlets, and in-
sorted it in a golden circlet : and at the same time
they fastened with their fingers a crown of dia-
monds set on her head ; thus they adorned her as
a bride for the coming of her husband, adding
ornaments to her native neatness and simplicity,
and to the natural perfection of her beauty. The
damsel, still ignorant of her destination, and of
what was meant by marriage, and by partnership
of the bed, whilst the celestials were thus em-
ployed, and possibly whilst, by turning her eyes
in that direction, she at the same time got a
glimpse of him, had such a suffusion on her cheeks,
that life sparkled from the inmost principles of her
face into the flame of a kind of love, and this
flame assumed a purple hue, which beautifully
tinged her, like a rose ; thus she was changed, as
it were, into the image of a naked celestial grace.
" Whilst the first begotten led a solitary para-
disiacal life, and fed his mind at ease with the de-
lights of the visible world, he recollected a thou-
sand times that most beautiful nymph, who, during
his sleep, was seen by hiui in this grove ; where-
fore a thousand times he retraced his steps thither,
but always in vain ; the idea of her, which was in
consequence excited, kindled such a fire as to in-
flame the inmost principles of his life, and thus to
turn its trampiillity into care and anxiety. This
ardor increased even to this day, in which it was
appointed, by the Divine Providence, that his
wound, which then lurked in his inmost veins,
should be healed by enjoyment; wherefore whilst
he now again meditated on the sanie path, he
came even to the entrance of this grove, wliich
was the only entrance, without mistaking his way ;
rejoicing intensely at this circumstance, he hastened
instantly to the midst of it, to the very tree, undei
which he had once so deliciously rested ; and see
ing the couch there, the idea of sleep so revived,
that he spied, as with his eyes, her very face
And whilst he was wholly intent on her image,
and extended his sight a little farther, lo ! he saw
and acknowledged the nymph herself, in the midst
of the choir of intelligences ; at this sight he was
in such emotion, ;ind so filled witii love, that he
doubted a lonir time whether his sight did not
deceive hiih ; but presently, wlien the crowd of his
thoughts was a little dispersed, it occurred to his
mind, that he was brought hither of the Divine
Providence, and that this was the event, of which
previous notice was given him in sleep ; and that
she it was whom heaven had marked out for him
as a bride and a conjiigial partner. I see clearly,
said he, that she is mine, for she is from my own
bosom, and from my own lite. But we must pro-
ceed according to order, that what is divine may
be in wliat is honorable, and wluit is lionorable in
its form, or in decorum ; she must therefore be en-
treated and courted with supplication. Whilst he
was intent on these and several other purposes,
the celestial intelligence beckoned to him with a
nod to make his approach ; and whilst he was lead-
ing the bride in his hand, this scene was ended,
which was tlie sixtli in the theatre of the orb." —
Worship and Love of God, 100, 101, 109, 110.
161. " Thi-ee celebrated meii in Sweden,"
observes a native author, " have distinguished
themselves by writing sublimely and beauti-
fully on the beautiful ; Swedenborg, to whom
Love was every thing, as well as the relation
established by love between the True and the
Good ; Thorild, to whom nature was every
thing, as well as the relation established by
nature between power and harmony ; and
Ehrensvard, to whom art was every^ tbing, as
well as the relation established by art between
Genius and the Ideal ; " * But of all Swe-
denborg's works he esteems the treatise on the
" Worship and Love of God " the most beau-
tiful, and the most conspicuous for its " bril-
liant and harmonious latinit}\" The same
writer says, (and it should be remembered
that he was not a follower of Swedenborg)
that " it is written with so much poetic life
and inspii'ation, that if divided amongst a
dozen poets, it would be suthcient to tix every
one of them on the heaven of poesy as stars
of the first magnitude."
162. It does not appear, however, that our
author was in the least aware that his literary life
was now closed ; but he stood amid the sheaves,
contemplating the tillage of future y^ears, in
the old domain of Science and Philosophy,
although trembling, nevertheless, in the pres-
ence of an undisclosed Event. Great, Humble
Man ! How beautiful are his steps upon the
Eternal Hills ! while the unclouded Sun of
Heaven is shining on his venerable head. But
let' us not anticipate.
Swedenborg's Style.
163. It is interesting now, after having fol-
lowed Swedenborg to the end of his scientific
career, to pass a brief notice upon his style.
We lind increased life in this respect as w^e
proceed with his works. The style of The
Principia is clear, felicitous, though some-
what repetitious, and occasionally breaks forth
into a beautiful but formal eloquence. The
ancient mythology lends frequent figures to
the scientitic process, and the author's treat-
ment would seem to imply his belief that in
* Extract from the Mimer in the Documents.
the generations of the gods, there was imbed-
ded a hint of the origin of the world. Occa-
sionally subjects of unpromising look are in-
vested with sublime proportions, as when he
likens the mathematical or natural point to a
" two-faced Janus, which looks on either side
toward either universe, both into infinite and
into finite immensity." The manner of the
Outlines on the Infinite is not dissimilar to that
of The Principia, only less elaborate, and
somewhat more round and liberal. The style
of The Economy, however, displays the fuU
courtliness of a mastei', — free, confident, con-
fiding ; self-complacent, but ahvays aspiring ;
at home in his thoughts, though voyaging
through untravelled natures ; then most swift
in motion onwards when most at rest in some
great attainment ; not visibly subject to second
thoughts, or to the devil's palsy of self-appro-
bation ; flying over great sheets of reason
with easy stretches of power ; contradicting
his predecessors point blank, without the pos-
sibility of offending their honored manes: in
these and other respects the style of The
Economy occupies new ground of excellence.
The latter portion of the work particulax'ly,
" On the Human Soul," is a sustained expres-
sion of the loftiest order, and in this respect
won the commendations of Coleridge, who was
no bad judge of style. Tlie Animal Kingdom,
however, is riper, rounder, and more free than
even the last-mentioned work ; more intimate-
ly methodical, and at the same time better
constructed. The treatises on the organs,
themselves correspondently organic, are like
stately songs of science dying into poetry j
it is surprising how so didactic a mind carved
out the freedom and beauty of these epic
chapters. It is the same with The Worship
and Love of God, the ornament in which is
rich and flamboyant, but upborne on the
colonnades of a living forest of doctrines.
We observe then, upon the whole, this pecu-
liarity, that Sweden boi'g's address became
more intense and ornamental from the begin-
ning to tiie end of these works ; a somewhat
rare phenomenon in literature, for the imagi-
nation commonly burns out in proportion as
what is termed sober reason advances, where-
as with this author his imagination was kin-
dled at the torch of his reason, and never
flamed forth freely until the soberness of his
maturity had set it on fire from the wonderful
love that couches in all things.
164. But as if to body forth a stupendous
truth in the mystery of mere rhetoric, we
find him, after the opening of his spiritual
sight, putting ofi" all the imaginative, all the
flowers and garniture of speech, and descend-
ing (if descent it can be called) again to
the soberest matter of fact expression, which
has eax'ned for him among those Mho do not
appreciate him, the reputation of '' the driest
of all mortal wn-iters ! " The truth is, how-
ever, it is a want of sympathy and under-
standing of the subjects treated of, which
makes the style pall so heavily upon many.
Yet still there is this remarkable transition
which we speak of. Whence was it? What
shall we make of it? Did the eternal truths
of God and heaven, for which he claims not
the authorship, but only the humble instrument
of their promulgation, disdain the help of all
human accomplishment ? And is true, highest
poetry, still to be seen in these unaffected,
wondrous revelations ? Such is undoubtedly
the solution of the problem. At all events,
here is an unprecedented piienomena in the
matter of mere style, shadowing forth, as its
history plainly does, a mighty mystery of
truth. As if, after the highest flights of hu-
man science and i)hilosophy, enriched by the
beauty of a heavenly imagination, had been
reached by mortal, then, to make way for
still higher truths which no mortal could dis-
cover, the ordering of heaven was to lay aside
all the ornament of earth, and let the beauties
of Truth itself, which is " beauty unadorned,"
be displayed to all who could appreciate them.
And to those who could not, let not the truths
of so high a nature be lightly or superficially
acquiesced in, from the mere beauty of an out-
ward and earthly envelope which could not at-
tract to their inmost riches. Here again is
Providence, taking care of its own, and con-
founding alike the art and wisdom of the world.
IGo. It ought to be said, however, that the
style of Svvedenbarg, at the time here alluded
to, is wonderfully clear and simple, not by any
means destitute of real beauty, abounding in
many exquisite passages, and admirably adapted
to the truths conveyed. But we must not go
before our subject.
Philosophic and Scientific Genius.
166. Before closing our notice of Sweden-
borg as a man of science, it is proper to ob-
serve that he was not so much a collector of
facts, as a systematizer of facts, and a dis-
coverer of their hidden causes. For instance,
he says, in reference to his knowledge of
anatomy, which he professes to have obtained
principally from the writings and experiments
of others, although he added some experiments
of his own: — "'I thought it better to use
the facts supplied by others ; for there are
some persons who seem born for experimental
observations ; who see moie acutely than
others, as if they derived a greater share of
acumen from nature. Such were Eustachius,
Leuwenhock, lluysch, Lancisius, &;c. There
are others who enjoy a natural faculty for
eliciting, by the contemplation of established
facts, their hidden causes. Both are pecu-
liar gifts, and are seldom united in the same
person.' This is doubtless true as it relates
to establishing experimental observations in
the first place ; but when he who is capable
of eliciting, by established facts, their hidden
causes, shall have accomplished his end, he
will be better enabled tlian the simply experi-
mental or scientific man, by retracing his
steps, to enlarge u|)on those very same facts
and experiments which served as a basis for
his advancement. For from the eminence at
which he has ari-ived, he can sec from the
light of causes, almost infinite things in effects,
of which they from beneath are ignorant.
The ladder which leads from the earth to the
heaven of the mind, is for the angels — for
light and truth — to descend, as well as to
ascend. It is from this view of the subject
that we are to account for the fact of Svveden-
borg's having obtained a more perfect knowl-
edge of the anatomy of the human system
than any other man." — Hoharfs Life, p. 49.
167. But it is to be remarked, in reference to
this important feature of Swedenborg's mind,
that although, as he modestly confesses, he was
less gifted in observation than in the penetra-
tion of causes, yet he has shown a most ad-
mirable wisdom in the kind of facts he did
make use of, and a philosophy which puts to
shame that sturdy adherence to mere outward
phenomena which was so characteristic of the
philosophy of his age. It is interesting to
hear him express himself on this point.
" Many," says he, " stubbornly refuse to stir a
single step beyond visible phenomena for the sake
of the truth ; and others prefer to drown their ideas
in the occult at the very outset. To thes*. two
classes, our demonstration may not be acceptable.
For, in regard to the former, it asserts that the
truth IS to be sought for beyond the range of the
eye ; and in regard to the latter, that in all the na-
ture of things tlierc is no such thing as an occult
quality ; there is nothing but is either already the
subject of demonstration, or capable of becoming
so." — Economy of the Animal Kingdom, Vol. II.
p. aio.
1 68. S wedenborg was of too vast and interior
a genius, to ignore the invisible, and yet he
had too much common sense to disparage the
right kind and necessary number of facts.
Hear him again on this subject.
" We do not," says he, " need such innumerable
facts, as some suppose, for a knowledge of natural
things ; but only those of leading importance,
and which issue directly and proximately, or at
any rate not very obliquely or remotely, from our
mechanical world and the powers thereof". For by
means of these we may be led to principles ; first
to compound, and so far as we are concerned,
general principles ; next from tliese, by geometr\',
(availing ourselves again of the leading facts ex-
isting in this middle region,) to particular princi-
ples ; and so in succession to still more simple
principles ; and at last to the very simplest — to
the fountain itself, from which all principles, how-
ever modified, ultimately issue. The remaining
facts, bulky as they are, which are too remote
from the source, and estranged from the simple
mechanism of the world, — which are present lat-
erally, but do not directly respect the source, —
are not so necessary ; indeed they are likelier to
guide us wrong, than to keep the mind in the
highway of the subject. The reason is, that there
may be an infinite number of phenomena which
are immensoly distant from the source, and from
which it is impossible to arrive at it save by mnl-
tipliod and circuitous routes. Nature, so vastly
modified and ramified in the world, may be likened
to the arteries and veins in the animal body, which
in their beginning, as they issue from their foun-
tain, the heart, are wide comparatively ; but grad-
ually become smaller, and subdivide again and
again, until they grow as minute as hairs or invisi-
ble threads. Were one perfectly ignorant of the
fountain and beginning oi' the blood which is
flowing through these arteries and veins, yet de-
sirous to explore its situation experimentally, it
would not be well to spend any time over the cap-
illary branches, or to make repeated dissections,
\vith a view of finding the way from one such
branch to another. Any labor of the kind would
probably lead us into other veins and arteries, and
again comuiit us to circuitous wanderings before
we could reach the grand and royal aorta ; and
not improbably we should fall from veins into arte-
ries, when intending the contrary, so as to be go-
ing away from the fountain instead of approaching
it. . . . As to those who cannot obtain a suf-
ficient knowledge of mundane things to enable
them to reason-from principles and causes, it is no
wonder they arc importunate for more facts, and
complain that tlie experience of thousands of years
leaves them still poor and inadequately provided ;
at the same time it is fiiir to doubt whether any en-
dowment of facts or liberality of information would
give them spirit for this high walk of knowledge."
— Introduction to Principia, pp. 39, 40.
169. Nothing, certainly, could show the
wisdom of our author more conspicuously than
this. Swedenborg loved to see truth as well
as any man, and to be i/i /as senses at all
times : " not for the purpose of degrading the
mind, but of allowing it to descend (as the
soul descends) by degrees (per gradus) into
matter, that matter might be raised to the
sphere of intelligence, and there reconciled
with spirit ; so that from these two, reason
might be born."'
170. But behold a beautiful Providence.
Who has produced more facts — been a greater
observer, than Swedenborg? His grand mis-
sion was to unfold and exhibit the laws and
facts of the spiritual world. " llis education
was somewhat as follows. By ample instruc-
tion and personal remark he learned the chief
facts of the natural world, and perceived in
them a philosophy reaching almost to the
heavens, but strictly ' terminated in matter '
at. the lower end. After this, his spiritual
senses were opened, and again by ample in-
struction and personal remark he learned the
general facts of the spiritual world, and the
Word of God was unfolded to him as thus
prepared. By all which we are lawfully con-
firmed in Bacon's doctrine of the necessity
of experience ; for until experience was given,
the spiritual world was unknown ; and until
an adequate intellect was sent, and added to
such experience, its quality was unknown. The
experience without the reason had existed in
the prophets of the Old Testament, and in the
Book of Revelation ; nay, from time imme-
morial iu dre.iijis a...i oU^,,.T;i.iIu!'ul iiiaa'.rcsta-
tions of proved authenticity : the reason with-
out the experience is what philosophers have
attempted since the date of history. But
nothing came, or could come, of either, until
the two were adequately combined in one or-
ganization ; i. e., in Swedenborg. And that
in him they were combined will survive and
defy contradiction. The question of fact is
the first in all scientific or philosophical pro-
cesses, where human thought is to work ; and
so it is the first in Swedenborg's case, and
determines that of possibility : afterwards
reasons may be discussed in matters proffer-
ing themselves to reason, and the facts will
acquire their rational value when their princi-
ciples are found out." — Introductory Remarks
to Economy of Animal Kingdom, pp. 60, 61.
171. And to complete this sketch of our
author's genius, " it is not therefore unaccount-
able, though certainly without parallel, that
one who had solved the problems of centuries,
and pushed the knowledge of causes into re-
gions whose existence no other philosopher
suspected, should at length abandon the field
of science, without afterwards alluding so
much as once to the mighty task he had sur-
mounted. This was in accordance with his
mind even in his scientific days : the presence
of truth was what pleased him ; its absence
was what pained him ; and he ahvays joyfully
exchanged his light for a greater and purer,
even though cherished thoughts had to die
daily, as the condition of ' passing into the
higher illumination. And it was his happy
lot, not to fight temporal battles for Protes-
tantism, or to be the prop of an old religion,
whose very victories often precluded its com-
munion with the Prince of Peace ; but to be
the means of averting destruction from the
whole race of man, and of securing to all a
hold on Christianity which can never fail :
and in the course of this instrumentality, to
walk undismayed in that other world which
has been lost to knowledge for thousands of
years, or preserved only in the unwritten
parts of imagination, the misunderstood depth
of ancient fable, or the narrations of the
earlier poets. Hence he is the first of the
moderns to penetrate the secrets of nature,
the first also to be admitted to the hidden
things of the spiritual world : the two spheres
of knowledge being realized at once ; where-
fore henceforth he is our earnest, that since
we are now on the right track, and the works
of God are become our heritage, the progres-
sion in both may be practical and unending. —
Ibid. pp. 89, 90.
172. " We may now state that Sweden-
borg's philosophy attains its summit in the
marriage of the scholasticism and common
sense, wuth the sciences, of his age ; in the
consummation of which marriage his especial
genius was exerted and exhausted. In him
the oldest and the newest spirit, met in one ;
reverence and i;inovalion wl':;'. even!}' min-
gled ; nothing ancient was superseded, though
pressed into the current service of the cen-
tury, lie was one of the links that connect
by-gone ages with to-day, breatliing for us
among the lost truths of the past, and per-
petuating tiiem in unnoticed forms along the
stream of the future, lie lived however
thoroughly in his own age, and was far before
his contem{)oraries, only because others did
not, or could not, use the entire powers of its
sphere. We regard him therefore as an
honest representative of the eighteenth cen-
tury. He in his line, gives us the best esti-
mate of the all which any man could do in
Europe at that period. But who can exceed
his age, although not one in a generation
comes up to it ? It is not for mortals to live,
excepting in, and for, the present ; the next
year's growth of thought is as unattainable for
us to-day, as the crops of the next summer.
Still the future may and does exist in prophe-
cies and shadows. These, among other things,
are great scientilic systems, the children of
single powerful minds, the Platos, Aristotles
and Swedenborgs ; yet which are but outlines
that will one day have contents that their au-
thors knew not, modifications that their par-
ents could not have borne, supercessions that
hurt no one, only because their sensitive par-
tisans have given place to other judges. It is
humanity alone that realizes what its happi-
est sons propose and think they carry ; most
things require to be done for ages after their
authors have done them, that so the doing
may be full ; and above all, the race is the
covert individual who writes the philosophies
of the world. Add, that whatever system is
safe always follows practice.
173. " It will be borne in mind that we here
speak of his system, particularly witli refer-
ence to its generative power, and which sys-
tem, we pi'esume, has been exceeded and sur-
passed : with reference, however, to his phys-
ical principles, such as the doctrine of respira-
tion above mentioned, these are sempiternal
pieces of nature, and rank not with the re-
sults, but among the springs of systems. The
world will therefore taste them afresh from
age to age, long after discarding the beauti-
ful rind which enclosed them in the pages of
their first discoverer." — Wilkinson's Biogra-
phy of Swedenborg, pp. 67, 68.
174. Finally, " Swedenborg was not so much
a scientific man, as a man thoroughly master
of the sciences. In Anatomy and Physiology
he deserves the appellation of a Raphael or a
Stoddart. Every tiling he knew ministered to
his sublime AiiT. It might be said of him
that he had been carried out, like Ezekiel, in
the spirit of the Lord, and set down in the
midst of the valley full of dry bones, and that
he had been commanded to prophesy and say
unto theuj, ' Behold, 1 will cause breath to en-
ter into you, and ye shall live ! ' lie seems
to have instinctively felt, what a French Au-
thor remarks, — that the Church, which at
first contained all the elements of social lii'e,
had gradually become unpeopled, — that every
century had seen a multitude leave the sanc-
tuary under some particular banner ; and that
every schism was summed up in that greatest
and hitherto most irreconcilable of all, — the
schism and defection of science. For he now
began to observe that those who never accept-
ed any thing but what they could really un-
derstand, were all gone astray, and were hour-
ly sinking deeper in the terrible negation of
spiritual things." — RicJis Biographical Sketchy
p. 49.
175. On the whole, we can only wonder
what Swedenborg would have accomplished,
had he lived in our day, and drank its spirit.
How manfully would he have handled the
terrible problems of the time ! How would
he have compacted the social and political in
the narrow breast of the physical thought,
and in that compression and condensation of
life, have given breath and stroke to the dead-
est laws ! How would he have exulted in that
free humanity which sees that the truths and
weal of the millions are the ground from
which future genius must spring : that the
next unity is not of thought with itself or na-
ture, but of practice and thought with happi-
ness ! In the mean time his scientific works
are and will be helpful ; and we regard it a»
a misfortune that, through whatever cause, the
rijjest minds have not the same acquaintance
with these books as with the other philoso-
phies ; for Swedenborg belongs to our own
age as a transition ; and it will be found that,
at least in time, he is the first available school-
master of the nations. Well did he conceive
the problem of universal education, which
lies not merely in teaching all men, but first
in teaching them a new kind of knowledge,
catholic and delightful enough for those who
cannot learn class sciences, but only truths
like dawn and sunset, as self-evident and im-
memorial as the ways of nature from cf old.
176. Let it not, however, be supposed that
Swedenborg thought he had completed the
method of the sciences, or even inaugurated
the new day that his genius foresaw. On the
conti'ary, he looked for this from the hands of
his successors, and his humility covered the
whole ground of his mind, although it did not
discourage him from the most energetic labors.
Fully conscious of his own limits, he called
upon the age to supply a stronger intelligence
and a more winning explorer. " It now remains
for us," says he, "to close with Nature where
she lies hidden in her invisible and purer,
world, and no longer barely to celebrate her
mystic rites, but to invite her in person to our
chamber, to lay aside the few draperies that
remain, and give all her beauty to our gaze. .
. . She now demands of the present century
some man of genius — his mind developed
and corrected bv experience, prepared by
scientific and other culture, and possessing in
an eminent degree tlie faculty of investigating
causes, of reasoning connectedly, and of con-
cluding definitely on the principles of series ;
— and when such a one comes, to him, I
doubt not, she will betroth herself; and in
favor of him will yield to the arrows of love,
will own his alliance and partake his bed.
O ! that it were my happy lot, to fling nuts
to the crowd and head the torch bearers on
her marriage day ! "
177. In closing our remarks upon Sweden-
borg as a man of Science, we quote a short
notice from the Literary Remains of the cele-
brated Coleridge, (page 424,) on the doctrine
of Forms. The doctrine here treated of is
found in the work entitled " The Worship and
Love of God," before noticed, and the notice
of Coleridge is recommended both by its
brevity, and its reference to a work published
by Swedenborg at the vei-y moment of his
transition to spiritual subjects. " This," he
observes, " would of itself serve to mai'k Swe-
denborg as a man of philosophic genius, radi-
cative and evolvent. Much of what is most
valuable in the philosophic works of Schelling,
Schubart, and Eschermeyer, is to be found an-
ticipated in this supposed Madman ; thrice
happy should we be, if the learned and the
teachers of the present age, were gifted with
a similar madness, — a madness, indeed, celes-
tial and flowing from a divine mind."
178. We have now contemplated the sub-
ject of our memoir as a man of letters and a
philosopher of the highest order, — distin-
guished by " the happy union of a strong
memory, a quick conception, and a sound
judgment ; " — as the advocate of popular
rights, and the friend of progress ; though a
royalist by birth, and not less so by his taste-
ful appreciation of princely magnificence, or
the poetry of art as well as nature. It may
help to i)repare the reader for his more spirit-
ual vocation if we add that he was, withal, a
religiom man. The following rules which he
had prescribed for his conduct were found
amongst his manuscripts : 1. Often to read
and meditate on the Word of God : 2. To sub-
mit every thing to the will of Divine Provi-
dence : 3. To observe in every thing a pro-
priety of behavior, and always to keep the
conscience clear : 4. To discharge with fideli-
ty the functions of his employments and the
duty of his office, and to render himself in all
things useful to society.
179. Previous to this new period in Sweden-
borg's life, he had published no Theological
work and yet from infancy his mind must
have been directed to religious subjects, as ap-
pears from the Rules of Life before quoted,
from his letter to Dr. Beyer concerninghis child-
hood, and from the whole spirit of his scien-
tific works.
180. We have seen that Swedenborg's object
in his later philosophical studies, was to obtain
the means of reacliing a knowledge of the
soul, of its connections, and its operations.
And in all his writings on these subjects, every
thing tends to the worship and love of God,
as is especially seen in the work which bears
that title.
181. vSwedenborg's extraordinary acquaint-
ance with the fact^ laws, and principles of
nature, as well as his practical experience, were
essential to his success in learning and making
known the truths of the spiritual world, both
as means of illustration, and of expanded
capacity. But the fact that he had published
no work on Theology, would seem surprising,
if we did not see in it the Providence which
was preparing him for his subsequent duties.
For his mind was thus kept free and open to
receive the truths which were revealed to hira ;
without the embarrassment of being previous-
ly confirmed in any human system of religion.
The same Providence may be seen in the fol-
lowing facts related in another letter to Dr.
Beyer : —
" I was prohibited reading dogmatic and
systematic theology before heaven was open
to me, by reason that unfounded opinions and
inventions might thereby easily have insinuated
themselves, which with difficulty could after-
wards have been extirpated ; wherefore vvhen
heaven was opened to me it was necessary
first to learn the Hebrew language, as well as
the correspondences of which the whole Bible
is composed, which led me to read the Word
of God over many times ; and inasmuch as
the Word of God is the source whence all
theology must be derived, I was thereby en-
abled to receive instructions from the Lord,
wliQ is the Word." Those who are acquainted
with Swedenborg's explanation of the Bible
may readily conceive the difficulties which
would have prevented his arriving at the state
to which he was elevated, had his mind been
previously shackled by the commentaries and
biblical criticisms in common use.
182. All the works which he published after
the commencement of his illumination, were of a
theological or moral character, and were writ-
ten, as he says, with the authority of living
experience, or of direct instruction from heaven.
Thus they differed entirely in their authority
from those which he had written previously, and
for which he never claimed any unusual authori-
ty. Indeed the grounds upon which he wrote his
philosophical works, were so totally different
from and inferior to those upon which his
Theological works were written, that in the
latter he scarcely ever even alludes to the
former. They are liowevpr rp^nrred to, three
or four times, in some mar.uscripts which he
left unpuhlished.
\H3. We may trace the gradual openinf;; of
Swedenborg's spiritual senses sometime before
he was made aware of his distinct and heavenly
calling. For examples, in liis posthumous
Adcersaria on Genesis and Exodus, he speaks
of the signification of visible flames, which
appeared to him while writing. " By flames,"
he says, " is represented confirmation, as has,
by the Divine Mercy of God Messiah, ap-
peared to me many times, with variety of
magnitude, color, and brilliancy ; so many in-
deed that during some months, while 1 was
writing a certain small work, scarcely a day
passed in which there did not appear a flame
{IS vivid as the flame of fire, which was then
a sign of approbation. This was before the
time when spirits began to speak with me by
M-ord of mouth."
184. These visible signs of approbation seem
to give indications of the manner in which Swe-
denborg was being prepared for the holy office
he was soon to receive. We see that he was
pursuing his studies under heavenly guidance
and approbation, and also that the clouds of
tJie natural world had begun to draw asunder
and to reveal the workings of the spiritual
world within. In the following extract from
a manuscript called Swedenborg's spiritual
diary, which was commenced some two years
after the Adversaria, and consists of almost
daily memoranda of his experience in the
spiritual world, will be seen more of these in-
dications, and also Swedenborg's total uncon-
sciousness of their sequel.
" How difficult it is for man to be persuad^^d that
he is nded hy means of spirits.
"Before my mind was opened so that I could
speak with spirits, and thus be persuaded by living
experience, such evidences were presented to me
during many previous years, that now I wonder
that I did not then become convinced of the
Lord's ruling by means of spirits.
"These evidences were not only dreams for
some years informing me concerning those things
which I was writing, but also changes of state
while I was writing, and a certain extraordinary
light on what was written. Afterwards I had also
many visions while my eyes were closed : a light
was miraculously given ; and many times spirits
were sensibly perceived, as manifestly to the sense,
as bodily sensations : afterwards also I had infes-
tations by various ways from evil spirits, in temp-
tations, whilst I was writing such things as evil
spirits were averse to, so that 1 was beset almost
to horror: fiery lights were seen: talking was
heard in the morning time ; besides many other
things ; until at last when a certain spirit addressed
me in a few words, I Avondered greatly that lie
should perceive my tboughts, and afterwards won-
dered exceedingly when the way was opened so
that I could converse with spirits, and then the
spirits wondered that I should be so surprised.
From these things it may be concluded how diffi-
cult it is for man to be led to believe that he is
ruled by the Lord through spirits, and with what
diflSculty he recedes from the opinion that he lives
his own life from himscK without spirits. (Written
on) Aujj. VJ7. 171S. I have at one time perceived,
some months after beginning to speak with spirits,
that if I should be let back into my farmer state, I
nnght lapse into the opinion that these things were
185. A manuscript volume describingseveral
dreams from the year 1730 to 1740, was left
by Swedenborg among his papers, but it was
retained in his family and is now probably
lost. Had it been preserved, it might have
thrown much light on this very interesting
period of Swedenborg's life.
Inward Breathings, and other Indications of a
spiritual Constitution.
186. In the diary occur also the following pas-
sages showing another form of Swedenborg's
" Furthermore I spoke with them concerning the
state of their speech, and in order that this might
be perceived, it was shown to me what was the
quality of their breathing, and I was instructed
that the breathing of the lungs is varied succes-
sively according to the state of their faith. This
was before unknown to me, but yet I can perceive
and believe it, because my breathing has been so
formed by the Lord, that I could breathe inwardly
for a considerable time witliout the aid of the ex-
ternal air, and still the external senses, and also
actions, continued in their vigor : this cannot be
given to any but those who are so formed by the
Lord, and not, it is said, unless miraculously. I
was instructed also that my breathing is so directed
without my knowledge, that I may be with spirits
and speak with them."
187. Speaking of a manner of breathing
which is externally imperceptible he says, —
" In this way I was accustomed to breathe first
in childhood when praying morning and evening
prayers, also sometimes afterwards when I was ex-
ploring the concordance of the lungs and the
heart, especially when I was writing from my mind
those things which have been published, for many
years, I observed constantly that there was a tacit
breathing hardly sensible concerning which it was
afterwards given me to think, tlicn to write, so
through many years I was introduced from infancy
into such breatliings, chiefly through intense spec-
ulations, in which the respiration was quiescent,
in no other way is there given an intense specu-
lation of truth : then afterwards when heaven has
been opened so that I might speak with spirits, so
entirely was this the case, that I scarcely inhaled
at all for more than an hour, only just enough air
to eniible me to think ; and thus I was introduced
by the Lord into interior respirations."
188. And again, speaking of the connection
between the breathing and the senses, he says,
" Moreover it has been given me to know these
same things previously from a good deal of ex-
perience, before that I spoke with spirits, — that
breathing corresponded with the thoughts, as when
1 held my breath in ciiildhood on purpose, during
morning and evening prayers, and when I tried to
make the changes of breathing agree with those
of the heart, until the understanding would almost
vanish; also afterwards when I was writing from
imagination, and I observed that I held my breath
as if it were silent."
189. Respecting this {leculiarity of breiith-
ing, it is truly remarked by Wilkinson, that
"As we breathe, so we are. Inward thoughts
have inward breaths, and purer si)iritual
thoughts have spiritual breaths hardly mixed
with material. Death is breathlessness. Fully
to breathe the external atmosphere, is equiva-
lent ccBleris paribus, to living in plenary en-
joyment of the senses and the muscular pow-
ers. On the other hand, the condition of
trance or death-life, is the persistence of the
inner breath of thought, or the soul's sensation,
while the breath of the body is annulled. It
is only those in wiiom this can have place,
that may still live in this world, and yet be
consciously associated with the persons and
events in the other. Hybernation and other
phenomena come in support of these remarks.
Thus we have common experience on our side,
in asserting that the capacities of the inward
life, whether thought, meditation, contempla-
tion, or trance, depend upon those of the respi-
190. " Some analogous power over the breath
— a power to live and think without respiring,
for it is the bodily respiration that draws down
the mind at the same time that it draws up
the air, and thus causes mankind to be com-
pound, or spiritual and material beings —
some analogous power to the above, we say,
has lain at the basis of the gifts of many other
seers besides Swedenborg. It is quite ap-
parent that the Hindoo Yogi were capable of
a similar state, and in our own day the phe-
nomena of hypnotism have taught us much
in a scientiiic manner of these ancient con-
ditions and sempiternal laws. Take away or
suspend that which draws you to this world,
and the spirit, by its own lightness, floats u[)-
wards into the other. There is however a
difference between Swedenborg's state, as lie
reports it, and the modern instances, inasmuch
as the latter are artiticial, and induced by ex-
ternal effort, whereas Swedenborg's was natu-
ral also and we may say congenital, was the
combined regime of his as[)irations and respira-
tions, did not engender sleep, but was accompa-
nied by full waking and open eyes, and was not
courted in the first instance for the trances or
visions that it brought. Other cases more-
over are occasional, whereas Swedenborg's
appears to have been uninterrupted, or nearly
so, for twenty-seven years.
191. "We have now therefore accounted in
some measure for one part of Swedenborg's
preparation, and what we have said comports
with experience, which shows that those am-
phibious conditions with which we are more
familiar, hinge upon certain peculiarities of
bodily structure or endowment ; and we have
thereby prepared the reader to admit, that if
living below the air or under water, requires
a peculiar habit or organism, so also does
living above the air — above the natural ani-
mus (uiefiog) of the race, require answerable
but peculiar endowments. The diver and the
seer are inverse correspondences.
192- "To show how intelligent Swedenborg
was of these deep things, we have only to ex-
amine his anatomical works and manuscripts,
which present a regular progress of ideas on
the subject of respiration. ' If we carefully
attend to profound thoughts,' say she, ' we
shall find that lu/ten we draw breath, a host of
ideas rush from beneath as through an opened
door into the sphere of thought; whereas
when we hold the breath, and slowly let it out,
we deeply keep the while in the tenor of our
thought, and communicate as it were with the
higher faculty of the soul ; as I have observed
in my own person times out of numbei*. Re-
taining or holding back the breath is equiva-
lent to having intercourse with the soul : at-
tracting or drawing it amounts to intercourse
with the body.'
193. " This indeed is a fact so common that
we never think about it : so near to natural
life, that its axioms are almost too substantial
for knowledge. Not to go so profound as to
the intellectual sphere, we may remark that
all fineness of bodily work — all that in art
which comes out of the infinite delicacy of
manhood as contrasted with animality — re-
quires a corresponding breathlessness and ex-
piring. To listen attentively to the finest and
least obtrusive sounds, as with the stethoscope
to the murmurs in the breast, or with mouth
and ear to distant music, needs a hush that
breathing disturbs ; the common ear has to
die, and be born again, to exercise these deli-
cate attentions. To take an aim at a rapid-
flying or minute object, requires in like man-
ner a breathless time and a steady act : the
very ]ndse must receive from the stopped lungs
a pressure of calm. To adjust the exquisite
machinery of watches, or other instruments,
compels in the manipulater a motionless hover
of his own central springs. Even to see and
observe with an eye like the mind itself, ne-
cessitates a radiant pause. Again, for the
negative proof, we see that the first actions
and attempts of children are unsuccessful,
being too quick, and full moreover of confusing
breaths : the life has not fixed aerial space to
play the game, but the scene itself flaps and
flutters with alien wishes and thoughts. In
short, the whole reverence of remark and
deed depends upon the above conditions, and
we lay it down as a general truth, that everi/
man requires to educate his breath for his
business. Bodily strength, mental strength,
even wisdom, all lean upon our respirations ;
and Swedenborg's case is but a striking in- '
stance raising to a very visible size a fact
which like the air is felt and wanted, but for
the most part not perceived.
19'4. " We have dwelt upon the physical part
of inspiration and aspiration, because with the
subject of this memoir, body was always con-
nected with, and lundamcMital to, spirit ; and
therefore it is biograpiiically true to him, to
support hisseership by its physical counterpart.
■Mpreover it is important for all men to know
how much lies in calm, and to counsel them
{^whether by biography, or science, it matters
J^ot,) to look to the balance of their life-breath,
rfend to let it sometimes incline, as it ought,
'towards the immortal and expiring sideZ-^/
195. "liut if Swedenborg was expressly
constructed and prepared for spirit-seeing, the
end developed itself in a measure side by side
with the means, which is also a law of things.
"We have seen that in his boyhood his parents
used to declare that angels spoke through his
mouth, which again calls to mind the en-
tranced breaths of prayer that he commemo-
rates at this period. Much later on, but
before his theological mission commenced, we
find him intellectually aware that heaven might
be entered by the sons of earth, and, as he
then thought, by the analytic method of
science, which having arrived on some of the
peaks of truth, would introduce us to those
who are at home in that region, and enable us
to revert with a kind of spiritual sight to the
world from which we had ascended. lie says
on this head, that ' knowledge unless derived
from first principles is but a beggarly and
palliative science, sensual in its nature, not
derived from the world of causes, but animal,
and without reason ; that to explore causes,
we must ascend into infinity, and then and
thence we may descend to , effects, when we
iiave first ascended from effects by the analyt-
ic way. P^urthermore, that by this means we
may become rational beings, men, angels, and
may be among the latter, when we shall have
explored truths, and when we are in them :
tJiat this is the way to heaven, to tlie primeval
state of man, to perfection.' This is doubtless
a bold interpretation of induction and deduc-
tion, but no one knew better than Swedenborg
in his day, whither real methods would con-
duct us. It only concerns us however now to
show, that he was conscious of a possible en-
trance for the undei'standing into the atmos-
pheres of the higher world, and that he con-
ceived it to lie in true ladders of doctrine
framed by good men out of true sciences.
196. " Some of the phenomena connected
with this period of Swedenborg's life, which go
further to show his previous and gradual prep-
aration for his high mission, we find thus at-
tested by him at the very time they were
happening. The Fourth Part of the Animal
Kingdom (a MS. written, lor the most part,
as it would appear, during 1744) aifords the
Ibllowing proofs. At p. S'2 of this work he
has the following Observandum : ' According
to admonition heard, I must refer to my philo-
sophical Principia . . . and it has been
tok' me that by that means I shall be enabled
to airect my flight whithersoever I will.' Twice
also in the same work he notifies that he is
commanded to write what he is penning. At
p. 194 he mentions that he saw a representation
of a certain golden key that he was to carry,
to open the door to spiritual things. At p.
202 he remarks at the end of a paragraph,
that ' on account of what is there written
there ha[)pened to him wonderful things on
the night between the first and second of
July ; ' and he adds in the margin, that the
matter set down was ' foretold to him in a
wonderful manner on that occasion.' Still
farther on (p. 215) he again refers to his ex-
ti'aordinary dream of the above date.
197. "Lastly, there is one doctrine that
Swedenborg held, and which constitutes an im-
mediate link between intellect and reality,
possession with which would contribute to pre-
dispose to spiritual experience ; we mean the
doctrine of Universal Correspondency. To
this great intellectual subjec-t we shall have
to recur in the sequel, but for the present it
suffices to observe, that it imports that bodies
are the generation and expression of souls ; ■
that the frame of the natural world works,
moves and rests obediently to the living spir-
itual world, as a man's face to the mind or
spirit within. Now this plainly makes all
things into signs as well as powers ; the events
of nature and the world become divine, angel-
ic, or demoniac messages, and the smallest
things, as well as the greatest, are omens, in-
structions, warnings, or hopes." — Wilkinson's
Biography, pp. 77-86.
198. We have now mentioned all that we
know of the most remarkable {)resages of Swe-
denborg's illumination. Though this knowl-
edge is not very extensive, yet it is sufficient
to indicate a very long and gradual course
of preparation, from infancy to full maturity,
for the great privileges and important duties
which were to devolve upon him.
199. Of the circumstances attending the an-
nouncement to him of his heavenly mission,
we have no account in the works which he
himself published. In these indeed, he alludes
to himself as seldom as possible.
Opening of Swedenborg's spiritual Sight.
200. We are now prepared to contemplate
the full transition of this remarkable man.
from the greatest of philosophers to the sublime
height of spiritual vision which he ultimately
attained. Throughout his life, as we havi'
hitherto detailed it, we have seen a continual
tendency from the natural to the spiritual, and
it is by no means the least interesting part of
his experience, to see how gradually and sys
tematically he was prepared by Divine Provi
dence for his wonderful work. There would
seem to be, in the very ascent itself, stej) by
step, up the high ladder of Trutn, with its foot
resting on the solid foundations of material
nature, and those too in the deep mines and
rudiments of the Mineral Kingdom, passing
gradually upwards through the mysteries of
organic nature, to the human soul itself; —
there would seem to be, in such an ascent, a
testimony of that God who formed, fitted and
called him, to his truthful and glorious mission.
201. "Although, however, this opening of
the spiritual was Swedenborg's tendency from
the first, yet plainly he never anticipated
either the manner or the extent of it. It
would seem that he expected the kingdom of
God to come upon him in the shape of clear
principles deduced from all human knowledge ;
a scientific religion resting upon nature and
revelation, interpreted by analysis and synthe-
sis, from the ground of a pure habit and a
holy life. His expectations were fulfilled, not
simply, but marvellously. He was himself
astonished at his condition, and often ex-
pressed as much. ' I never thouglit,' said he,
' I should have come into the spiritual state in
which I am, but the Lord had prepared me
for it, in order to reveal the spiritual sense of
the Word, which He had promised in the
Prophets and the Revelations.' What he
thenceforth claimed to have received and to
be in possession of, was spiritual sight, spiritu-
al illumination, and spiritual powers of reason.
And certainly in turning from his foregone
life to that which now occupies us, we seem
to be treating of another person, — of one on
whom the great change has passed, who has
tasted the blessings of death, and disburdened
his spiritual part, of mundane cares, sciences
and philosophies. The spring of his lofty
flights in nature sleeps in the dust beneath his
feet. The liberal charm of his rhetoric is put
off, never to be resumed. His splendid but
unfinished organon is never to be used again,
but its wheel and essence are transferred for
other applications. It is a clear instance
of disembodiment — of emancipation from a
worldly lifetime ; and we have now to con-
template Swedenborg, still a mortal, as he rose
into the other world. From that elevation he
as little recurred to his scientific life, though
he had its spirit with him, as a freed soul to
the body in the tomb: he only possessed it in
a certain high memory, which offered its re-
sult to his new pursuits." — Wilkinson^s Biog-
raphy, pp. 73, 74.
202. We give the particulars which now
follow, precisely as we find them, leaving to
the reader perfect freedom to interpret them
by their own evidence. The simple statement
which our author made to his friend Hartley
respecting his new and " holy office," is the one
which he was accustomed to make through life.
203. " I have been called," says he, in a
letter to Dr. Hartley, dated 1769, "to a holy
office by tlie Lord himself, who has most gra-
ciously manifested himself in person to me,
his servant, in the year 1743 ; when He
opened my sight to the view of the spiritual
world, and granted me the privilege of con-
versing with spirits and angels, which I enjoy
to this day. . . . The only reason of my
later journeys to foreign countries, has been
the desire of being useful, by making known
the secrets intrusted to me."
204. Another account of the same event
has been related by M. Robsahm, who inquired
of Swedenborg where and how his revelations
began. " I was in London," said Swedenborg,
" and dined late at my usual quarters, where I
had engaged a room, in which at pleasure to
prosecute my studies in natural philosophy.
I was hungry, and ate with great appetite.
Towards the end of the meal I remarked that
a kind of mist spread before my eyes, and I
saw the floor of my room covered with hideous
reptiles, such as serpents, toads and the like.
I was astonished, having all my wits about
me, and being perfectly conscious. The dark-
ness attained its height and then passed away.
I now saw a man sitting in a corner of the
chamber. As I had thought myself entirely
alone, I was greatly frightened when he said
to me, ' Eat not so much ! ' My sight again
became dim, but when I recovered it I found
myself alone in my room. The unexpected
alarm hastened my return home. I did not
suffer my landlord to perceive that any thing
had happened ; but thought it over attentively,
and was not able to attribute it to chance, or
any physical cause. I went home, but the
following night the same man appeared to me
again. I was this time not at all alarmed. -
Tiie man said : ' I am God, the Lord, the
Creator and Redeemer of the world. I have
chosen thee to unfold to men the spiritual
sense of the Holy Scriptuie. I will myself
dictate to thee wiiat thou slialt Avrite.' The
same night the world of spirit;^, hell and heav-
en, were convincingly opened to me, where I
found many persons of my acquaintance of all
conditions. From that day forth I gave up
all worldly learning, and labored only in spir-
itual things, according to what the Lord com-
manded me to write. Thereafter the Lord
daily opened the eyes of my spirit, to see in
perfect wakefulness what was going on in the
other world, and to converse, broad awake,
with angels and spirits."
205. Dr. Beyer gives a third narrative of
the transaction. "The report," says he, "of
the Lord's personally appearing before the
Assessor, who saw Him sitting in purple and
in majestic splendor near his bed, whilst He
gave him commission what to do, I have heard
from his own mouth, wliilst dining with him
at the house of Dr. Rosen, where I saw, for
tlie first time, the venerable old man. I re-
member to have asked him how long this ap-
pearance continued. He replied that it lasted
about a quarter of an hour. I also asked him
whether the vivid splendor did not pain his
eyes? which he denied. . . . In respect to
the extraordinary case of the Lord appearing
to him, and opening, in a wonderful marner,
the internal and spiritual sight of His servant,
so as to enable him to see into the otlier world,
I must observe that this opening did not occur
at once, but by degrees."
2)6. In the Diary, vhe same event appears
to be related as follows : —
^ji Vision by Day, concerning those wlio are de-
voted to the i^able, and who thus indulge the
In the middle of the day, at dinner, an angel
who was with nie conversed, saying, that I should
not indulge the belly too much at table. Whilst
he was with me, there clearly appeared to me, as
it were, a vapor, exuding from the pores of the
body, lil<e a watery vapor [a mist], extremely visible,
which fell towards the earth wliere the carpet was,
upon which the vapor being collected, was changed
into various little worms, which being collected
under the table, burnt [or flashed] off in a moment
with a noise or sound. Seeing a fiery li<jlit in
tliis vapor, and hearing a sound, I thouglit that
thus all the worms which could be generated from
an immoderate appetite, were ejected from my
body, and thus burnt, and that I was tlien purified
frjm them. Hence it could be concluded [from
these representatives] what luxuries and similar
things carry in their bosom. — S. D. 397.
207. " If this indeed was the first occasion
of Swedenborg's open intercoui'se with beings
of the other world, it would strike us at first as
unwortiiy of the great object in view. And
yet when we consider that Swedenborg must
have been at this time in a state all but fully
prepared for the favor which was to be grant-
ed him — that his mind must have very near-
ly attained the necessary expansion, purilica-
tion, and elevation — that he had already felt
and perceived many signs of the spiritual
world around him, and yet had no conception
of the actual presence and influence of spirits
near his spirit — it would seem that what
chiefly remained to be done, was to show him
the existence of his spiritual senses, as distinct
from and superior to those of the body. And
in what other way could this so well be done,
as by allowing the bodily senses to replete
themselves even to gross satiety, and by thus
enabling the spiritual mind, moved by Heav-
enly influence, to revolt from them, to see
them in their grossness with their downward
tendencies, and to open its unsealed eyes up-
ward to the real spiritual influences around it?
The first voice, the first lesson would then in-
deed be to restrain the bodily appetites within
their proper bounds ; but the knowledge of
their subordinate station would not be forgot-
ten, and thereafter there would be a readiness
to perceive and understand the influence of
spirits whenever it was allowed." — HoharCs
Life, p. 69.
208. With regard to this circumstance of
the personal appearance of the Lord to Swe-
denborg, some doubt may be felt in the nat-
ural mind, and indeed, in many minds of a
superior Christian order, from the supposed
inconsistency of such an appearance to any
mortal, except perhaps to the patriarchs and
prophets, and to the immediate disciples and
apostles of Christ. But may not the occasion
of these doubts be greatly, if not entirely re-
moved, by a correct understanding of wha*'
Swedenborg may here mean ? He says in-
deed, in several ])laces, both in his letters and
in his published works, that the Lord appeared
to him in person. But it will be noted that
in his Diary, above (pioted, it is said, " In the
middle of the da}', at dinner, an aiiffel sj)oke
to me," &c. It is indeed said, by Mr.
Robsahm, who professes to have had the ac-
count from Swedenborg's own mouth, that
this same man, or anyel, appeared again the
following night, and announced himself as
" God, the Lord, the Creator and Redeemer
of the world." And Dr. Beyer, also another
like witness from ' Swedenborg himself, con-
firms the account that tlie Lord in person ap-
peared to him. But " whether," (says Hobart
in his Life of Swedenborg,) " Robsahm is
correct in saying that this was the ' same
Man,' and on the ' following night,' we doubt
for this reason, among others, that in the
Diary, the Man is called in one case 'a spirit,'
and in the other ' an angel.' "
209. Barrett, in his Life of Swedenborg,
makes the following observations. " There is
an account given of Swedenborg's first illumi-
nation or introduction into the spiritual world,
which has been attached to the prefaces of
some of the early translations of his work.
In this account it is represented that his il-
lumination took place at an inn, in London,
while at dinner. But there is no mention
made of this circumstance in any of his
writings, and it has been ascertained that there
never was any a(!count of the afiair printed
until it first a[)[)eared in the preface to a
translation in French of the treatise on Heaven
and Hell, which was printed many years after
Swedenborg's death. Other circumstances rel-
ative to Swedenborg are told in the same
preface, which ar<i distinctly ascertained to be
untrue. This, together with the fact that the
statement first api)eared in France, where lit-
tle was known at that time of Swedenborg
and his writings, is suliicient to weaken its
credibility. But there is a general impres-
sion among the receivers of the doctrines of
the New Church, that the narrative, as there
given, is in itself improbable, and that although
it may be in some respects true, it is never-
theless in its detail incorrectly stated." — Baf-
rett's Life, pp. 39, 40.
210. From the whole, whether it was a
spirit, an angel, or the Lord himself, who Jirst
appeared to Swedenborg, there can be no
doubt of his meaning in after and repeated
asseverations, that the Lord himself appeared
to him, and called him to his holy olhce. His
testimony on this head is as follows : —
"Since the Lord cannot manifest Himself in
person, as has been shown just above, and yet He
has foretold that He would come and establish a
New Church, which is the New Jerusalem, it fol-
lows, that he is to do it by means of a man, who is
able not only to receive the doctrines of this
church with his understanding, but also to publish
them by the press. That the Lord has manifested
Himself before ir.e, his servant, and sent me on
this office, and that, after this, he opened the sight
of my spirit, a-nd thus let me into the spiritual
world, and gave me to sec the heavens and the
hells, and also to speak with angels and spirits,
and this now continually for many years, I testify
in truth, and also that, from the first day of that
call, I have not received any thing which pertains
to the doctrines of that church from any angel,
but from the Lord alone, while I read the Word.
"To the end that the Lord might be constantly
present, he has disclosed to me the spiritual sense
of his Word, in which divine truth is in its light,
and in this He is continually present." — T. C.
R., 779, 760.
211. Again, in his letter to Dr. Oettinger, —
" I can sacredly and solemnly declare, that the
Lord liimself has been seen of me, and that he
has sent me to do what I do, and for such purpose
has he opened and enlightened the interior part of
my soul, which is my spirit, so that I can see what
is in the spiritual world, and those that are there-
in ; and this privilege has now been continued to
me for twenty-two years. But in the present state
of infidelity, can the most solemn oath make sucli a
thing credible, or to be believed by any ? Yet
such as have received true Christian light and un-
derstanding, will be convinced of the truth con-
tained in my writings, which are particularly evi-
dent in the book of the Aporahjpsc Revealed.
Who, indeed, has hitherto known any thing of
consideration of the true spiritual sense and mean-
ing of the Word of God, the spiritual world, or of
heaven and hell ; the nature of tlie life of man,
and the state of souls after the decease of the
body ? Is it to be supposed, that these and other
things of a like consequence are to be eternally
hidden from Christians?" — Documents concern-
ing the Lift and Character of Swedenborg, p. 152.
212. But suppose that at first this appear-
ance was that of an angel. And indeed, sup-
pose that ever afterwards, it was the Lord in
an angel. This is the reflection which we
wish to make : and it is here that the first and
all the subsequent accounts of such appear-
ance may possibly be reconciled together.
Swedenborg mai/ not have known, at first, nor
thought, any thing to the contrary that it was
a spirit or angel who appeared to him : for it
does not appear that he was yet made aware
of his mission. But whether he did or not,
and whether it was or not, we are not at all
strenuous to make out. Let him tell his own
story. He says, in his letter to Dr. Hartley,
" the Lord himself manifested himself in per-
son to him in 1743;" and in his Diary, which
appears to have reference to the same event,
he says "an angel" and "a spirit " spake to
him. Now suppose that in each and every
instance it was an angelic appearance. Then
the accounts may be perfectly consistent, for
Swedenborg invariably says that this is the
way the Lord appeared to the Patriarchs and
Prophets. Take, for instance, the following
passage from the Arcana Coelestia: —
213. "The Angel of Jehovah is sometimes men-
tioned in the Word, and every where, when in a good
sense, represents and signifies some essential ap-
pertaining to the Lord, and proceeding from him ;
but what is represented and signified may appear
from the series. There were angels who Avere
sent to men, and who also spake by the prophets,
but what they spake was not from the angels, but
by them : for their state then was, that they knew
no otherwise than that they were Jehovah, that is,
the Lord : nevertheless, when they had done speak-
ing, they presently returned into their former
state, and spake as from tiiemselves. This was
the case with the angels who spake the Word of
the Lord ; which has been given me to know by
much experience of a similar kind at this day in
the other life ; concerning which, by the divine
mercy of the Lord, we shall speak hereafter. This
is the reason that the angels were sometimes
called Jehovah ; as was evidently the case with
the angel who appeared to Moses in the bush, of
whom it is thus written, ' The angel of Jehovah
appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the
midst of the bush. And when Jehovah saw that
he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of
the midst of the bush. — God said unto Moses, I
am that 1 am. — And God said moreover unto
Moses, Thus shalt tliou say unto the children of
Israel, Jehovah God of your fathers hath sent me
unto you' (Exod. iii. 2, 4, 14, 15); from which
words it is evident, that it was an angel who ap-
peared to Moses as a flame in the bush, and that
he spake as Jehovah, because the Lord, or Jeho-
vah spake by him. For, in order that man may be
spoken to by vocal expressions, which are articu-
late sounds, in the ultimates of nature, the Lord
uses the ministry of angels, by filling them with
the divine, and by laying asleep what is of their
own proprium, so that they know no otherwise tinm
that they are Jehovah : thus the divine of Jehovah,
which is in the supremes, descends into the lowest
of nature, in which man is as to sight and hear-
ing. Hence it may appear how the angels spake
by the prophets, viz., that the Lord liimself spake,
although by angels, and that the angels did not
speak at all from themselves. That the Word is
from the Lord, appears from many passages ; as in
Matthew: 'That it might be fulfilled which was
spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying. Be-
hold, a virgin shall bear in the womb, and shall
bring forth a son ' (i. 22, 23) ; besides other pas-
sages. Because the Lord speaks by angels when
he speaks with man, it is hence that he is through-
out the Word called an angel : and then by an
angel is signified, as was said, some essential ap-
pertaining to the Lord, and proceeding from the
Lord." — A. C. 1925.
214. Such is Swedenborg's invariable teach-
ing with regard to the appearance of the Lord
before the Incarnation. Now, whether or
not, after the Incarnation, He Lad power, and
did really exercise it, in a ' personal appear-
ance to Swedenborg, out of an angel, is a
question we do not care to settle. It is
well known that the particulars of His first
manifestation to him, are somewhat involved
in obscurity. We only make these sugges-
tions as to the manner of the Lord's appear-
ance, both for the purpose of reconciling what
may otherwise appear as somewhat discrepant,
and to remove any doubts which may be felt
as to the consistency and rationality of our
authox-'s claim. We have seen, according to
Swedenborg's own showing, that the Lord
might a[)pear to him, by infilhng an angel
with His spirit and presence. This is both a
true and a rational doctrine of such Theo-
phanic appearances.
215. AV'e can certainly accord to Sweden-
borg as high a manifestation as is possible to
be made to any man. Only let the facts be
given, and let every reader have full freedom
iu interpretation. He says himself, —
"When the Lord appears in heaven, which is
often the case, He does not appear encompassed
with his sun, but in angelic form, distinguished
from the angels by the Divine beaming through his
face : for He is not there in person, for the Lord
in person is constantly surrounded with the spirit-
ual sun, but he is in presence by aspect ; for in
heaven it is common for them to appear as present
in the place where the aspect is fired or terminated,
although it be very far from the place where they
actually are. The Lord has been seen by me out
of the sun [of heaven], in an angelic form, a little
beneath tiie sun's altitude ; and likewise near at
hand in a similar form, and with a lucid counte-
nance ; once, also, as a radiant sunlight in the
midst of the angels." — H. H. V2\.
216. It is most judiciously observed by
Rich, in his Biographical Sketch, — " No one
was better aware than Swedenborg that man
cannot see the Lord as He really is, and live,
for the effulgence of His Divine Love and
Divine Wisdom is such that it would be like
a body falling into the sun: even the angels,
Aie says, are veiled with a thin cloud or sphere,
and the first proceeding of the divine sun is
retained in radiant belts around it instead of
entering heaven. When he declares, there-
fore, that the Lord has manifested Himself to
him, he is far from presuming to claim an ir-
reverent familiarity with the high and lofty
One who inhabiteth eternity. All the cir-
cumstances attending such manifestation, so
iar as we can infer them from his doctrine of
the Lord, his explanations of other Theo-
phanic appearances, and the few particulars
he has recorded of his experience in this
respect, are precisely such as the Scripture
itself warrants ; and when we reflect that the
Israelitish Church was instituted through the
medium of visions and Divine appearances ;
and the lirst Christian Church in like manner ;
it will a[)pear no more than reasonable and
consistent that any subsequent revelation
should receive the same sanction, or spring
from a like source. When the Lord -was in
the world He foretold his manifestation at a
future period, — at the consummation of the
age, or order of things then commenced ; and
all the evidence of Scripture would go to
ishow tliat the new age was to begin and con-
tinue its course in open vision." — pp. 1)5, 9G.
217. '• The public, perhaps, are hardly pre-
pared to admit the reality of visions and spir-
itual associations at the present day, though
it is undeniable that some of the phenomena
oi Clairvoyancj a'e sufficiently remarkable ;
while it is admitted, however, that extraor-
dinary gifts and communications were en-
joyed in the apostolic age, there is abundant
evidence that they have never absolutely
ceased. ' The apostolical fathers, Barnabas,
Clement, and Hernias, (whose writings were
reverenced as of canonical authority for four
hundred years, and were read together with
the canonical Scriptures in many of the
churches), confirm the truth of prophecy, di-
vine visions, and miraculous gifts continuing
in the church after the apostolical age, both by
their testimony and experience ; and to i)ass
over many other venerable names, (among
whom Tertullian and Origen are witnesses to
the same truth afterwards), Eusebius, Cyprian,
Lactantius, still lower down, declare that
extraordinary divine manifestations were not
uncommon in their days. Cyprian is very
express on this subject, praising God on that
behalf, with respect to himself, to divers of
the clergy, and many of the people, using
these words : " The discipline of God over us
never ceases by night and by day to correct
and reprove ; for not only by visions of the
night, but also by day, even the innocent age
of children among us is filled loith the Holy
Spirit, and they see, and hear, and speak in
ecstasy, such things as the Lord vouchsafes to
admonish and instruct us by:" Epist. 1(5.
Evidence of this kind might be multiplied to
volumes, but the most we can do within our
present limits is to remind the reader of its
existence ; and that such visions are not ex-
ceptions to the true order of human life, but
proper to it. Hence even the gentile patri-
archs and philosophers, as well as the proph-
ets, the apostles, and the fathers of the Chris-
tian Church, have had their eyes opened from
time to time, and been permitted to enjoy a
foretaste of immortal life. ' Where there is
no vision,' says the Word, ' The people per-
ish.' And therefore it is promised in Joel
that the Lord's Spirit shall be upon all flesh
in the latter days : ' Your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men sliall
dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions. And also upon the servants and
upon the handmaids in those days will I pour
out my spirit.'
218. " For much of the prevailing scepticism
the church herself is primarily to blame, hav-
ing provoked the enmity of the natural man
by opjjosing unscriptural and irrational doc-
trines to the development of human under-
standing. It is obvious, for example, that the
doctrine of the resurrection of the natural
body, has a tendency to bring her creed into
immediate competition with experimental phi-
losophy ; when it should rather be reserved
to lead the understanding and the will where
science fails both, and to command the sub-
jects of human controversy from a purer
sphere. But the church is sceptical too.
There is as much unbelief amongst the clergy
as, number for number, in any class of the
community whatever. Tliey have no faith in
vision because they have no faitli in man's
spiritual life ; they have no faith in spiritual
life because they have no knowledge of the
soul ; and the proof of this is seen in the
tenacity with which they cling to the resur-
rection of the body at some future period,
instead of recognizing the lesson contained
in the divine promise to the repentant male-
factor, '■This day thou shalt be with me in
Paradise,' and the plain declaration that God
is not the God of the dead but of the living.
We say the clergy as a body are totally desti-
tute of that earnest, consistent, and practical
faith in the reality of the other life which
ought to distinguish the ministers of the Gos-
pel, and we ground this observation, — not on
their indilFerence to Swedenborg's disclosures,
— though it is a sad reflection, — but on the
absolute erasure of the state of vision from
tlieir credenda. Well may the poet, after
glancing at the times ' when angels looked
through human eyes,' and even little children,
as Cyprian bears witness, were filled with the
Holy Spirit, and saw, and heard, and s^xtke in
ecstasy, well may he sadly exclaim —
' But changed, alas, is nature now,
Her soul is bound in chains ;
And in her heart, and on her brow,
Perpetual darkness reigns.
The beaming eyes of God no more
Their gladdening influence shed,
And there, where angels shone before,
Are dull, dark clouds instead.
And should a gleam of heaven appear
Before faith's anxious sight, —
And should angelic music here
Fall lightly on the listening ear,
'Tis deemed delusion quite.
And should a smile from God again
To praying saint be given, —
Full of benignity, as when
Of old. He smiled, — the bigot's pen,
Spurns such idea of heaven ! ' "
RicKs Sketch, pp. 83-85.
But we must not detain the reader from the
immediate subject of this memoir.
219. There has been some confusion as to
the year in which Swedenborg's open inter-
course with spirits commenced ; it is called by
several authorities, 1743, but it is now gener-
ally thought to be 1745, while he was in Lon-
don. In the Adversaria and Diary, the mid-
dle of April 1745 is frequently indicated as
the date of the commencement of this inter-
course. From this time, with the exception
of a month not long after, while he was trav-
elling, the intercourse continued daily for
about twenty-seven years. At first the visions
occurred mostly in the evening and early
morning, but afterwards they grew more fre-
quent or of longer continuance.
Swedenborg's Divine Call.
220. Respecting the reasons for Sweden-
borg's " call,' we give them in his own words.
'' I was once asked," he says, " how I, a philoso-
pher, became a theologian. My reply was :
In the same way that fishermen became the
disciples and apostles of the Lord. And I
added, that I, too, from early youth had heen a
spiritual fisherman. On this, my inquirer
asked what I meant by a spiritual fisherman.
To which I answered, that a fisherman in the
spiritual sense of the Word, signifies one who
rationally investigates and teaches natural
truths, and afterwards spiritual truths. . . .
My interrogator then said : Now I can under-
stand why the Lord chose fishermen for dis-
ciples ; and therefore I do not wonder that he
has also chosen you ; since, as you observed,,
you were from eaidy youth a fisherman in a
spiritual sense, or an investigator of natural
truths ; and the reason that you are now an
investigator of spiritual truths, is, because the
latter are founded upon the former. . . . At
last he said : Since you have become a divine,
what is your system of divinity? These are
its two principles, said I, that God is one,
and that there is a conjunction of char-
ity AND faith. He replied, Wlio denies
these principles ? I rejoined, the divinity of
the present day, when inwardly examined."
221. "Every one (says Swedenborg, in a
letter to Dr. Oettinger) is morally educated
and spiritually regenerated by the Lord, by
being led from what is natural to what is spir-
itual. Moreover, the Lord has given unto
me a love of spiritual truth, that is to say, not
with any view to honor or profit, but merely
for the sake of truth itself; for every one who
loves truth, merely for the sake of truth, sees
it from the Lord, the Lord being the way and
the truth. See John xiv. 6. But he who
professes the love of truth for the sake of
honor or gain, sees truth from his own self-
hood, and to see from one's self, is to see fal-
sity. The confirmation of falsehood shuts
the church, but a rational confirmation of truth
opens it ; what man can otherwise compre-
hend spiritual things, which enter into the un-
derstanding? The doctrinal notion received
in the protestant church, viz., that in theo-
logical matters, reason should be held captive
under obedience to faith, locks up the church ;
what can open it, but an undei'standing en-
lightened by the Lord ?
222. "The character of Swedenborg's illu-
mination cannot, perhaps, in the present state
of the church, be fully understood. He ac-
knowledges himself to have been but a mere
secYant of the Lord in all he wrote. But in all
that he has written his rational principle was
operative and instrumental in giving form to
the truths which were revealed through him :
whereas the prophets, according to his ac-
count, wrote what was dictated to them, and
received and conveyed truths to the world
without understanding their import ; what
they communicated passed not through their
internal but tlirough their external minds-
Hence their writings did not belong to them
— made no part of them — but proceeded im-
mediately from the Lord, and were infinitely
holy. But to the writers themselves no holi-
ness is to be attached.
223. " It is difficult, for those who do not
reflect deeply, to separate in their minds the
sanctity of the Word from the persons named
in it, and from the persons who, by dictation,
wrote it ; but this is easily done when the s])irit-
ual and divine sense of the Word is received
and understood. From this view of the subject
it may ai){)ear, that Swedenborg's writings bear
no comparison with the Word or Sacred Scrip-
tures, as the former are finite and the latter
infinite : also, that Swedenborg's position was
entirely different from that of the prophets,
as the former received revealed truths into
his rational principle and communicated them
to the world, having an understanding of their
meaning and quality; while the latter received
and communicated Divine Truth, of the quali-
ty and import of which they were almost en-
tirely ignorant. Spiritual truths appeared to
the latter miraculous, to the former, as above
miracles- But concerning the difference of
illumination between Swedenborg and the
prophets, evangelists, &;c., and more particu-
larly the men of the most ancient churcli, a
better idea may be had in an extract from his
diary on the subject of miracles : —
' ' Instead of miracles there has taken place at
the present day an open manifestation of the Lord
Himself, an intromission into the spiritual world,
and with it illumination by immediate light from
the Lord in whatever relates to the interior things
of the church, but principally an opening of the
spiritual sense of the Word, in which the Lord is
present in his own Divine Light. These revela-
tions are not miracles, because every man as to
his spirit is in the spiritual world, without separa-
tion from his body in the natural world. As to
myself, indeed, my presence in the spiritual world
is attended with a certain separation, but only as
to the intellectual part of my mind, not as to the
will part. This manifestation of the Lord, and
intromission into the spiritual world, is more ex-
cellent than all miracles ; but it has not been
granted to any one since the creation of the world
05 it has been to me. The men of the golden
age indeed conversed with angels ; but it was not
granted to them to be in any other light than what
is natural. To me, however, it has been granted
to be in both spiritual and natural light at the
same time ; and hereby I have been privileged to
see the wonderful things of heaven, to be in com-
pany with angels, just as I am with men, and at
the same time to pursue truths in the light of
truth, and thus to perceive and be gifted with
them, consequently to be led by the Lord.' "
22-4. In the letter to Dr. Oettinger, above
referred to, he says — " To your interrogation,
Whether there is occasion for ani/ siffn that I
am sent by the Lord to do what I do? 1 an
swer, that at this day no signs or miracles will .
be given, because they compel only an exter-
nal belief, but do not convince the internal.
What did the miracles avail in Egypt, or
among the Jewish nation, who nevertheless
crucified the Lord ? So, if the Lord was to
appear now in the sky, attended with angels and
trumpets, it would have no other effect than
it had then. See Luke xvi. 29-3L The
sign given at this day, will be an illustration^
and thence a knoivledge and reception of the
truths of the New Church : some speaking il-
lustration of certain persons may likewise take
place ; this works more effectually than mira-
cles : yet one token may perhaps still he given."
First Preparations for his new Mission.
225. After having been " called to a holy-
office by the Lord himself," Swedenborg at once
girded himself to the work of his new commis-
sion. Negatively, he had already one im-
portant qualification for it, he had read no
dogmatic or systematic theology, and had,
therefore, in a large, but measurable degree,
none of its " unfounded opinions and inven-
tions " in his mind to be extirpated. There
are, however, evidences in his Diary, that he
had some opinions belonging to the crude the-
ology of his day, which he successively got
rid of. But now, after the divine call which
he had received, he a])plied himself to the
task of preparation in right earnest. He learnt
the Hebrew language, and read over the Word
of God many times, studying its principal cor-
respondences, and was thereby enabled to
receive instruction from the Lord, who is in
the Word. At once also he began to commit
his studies to paper, thinking out the extent
of his immense theme in the act of writing.
" Of the continued character of these studies,
we have before us a stupendous record, in the
manuscripts which he left on the books of
the Old Testament, and which show an un-
wearied power, and a gradually brightening
intelligence on the scope and spirit of the
Bible. It was by slow degrees that he rose
from his previous conceptions to the new devel-
opment that we find in his next publication :
his earlier manuscripts being in some measure
a continuation of the psychological and intel-
lectual system that appears in the Worship
and Love of God. Plis spiritual experiences
also in the first instance partook somewhat of
that thinness which we have noted as peculiar
in the last-mentioned work : he still regarded
spirits as minds and intelligences appearing
under human forms ; he heard their s[)iritual
voices, and saw them as it were in ethereal
outline, not being yet opened to regard them
as our only acquaintances, — men and women.
However his ^Irft'ersarja, from wdiich we gather
these particulars, are in truth a marvellous
series of cogitations, and setting his own works
aside we know not with what commentaries
they ax"e comparable for unfolding the spiritual
aspect of the Holy Scriptures, and the subjec-
tive philosophy of the human mind.
22G. "His personal history at this date is
scanty, and almost conjectural. He resided
in Loudon (probably with Brockmer, in
Fetter Lane) until the beginning of July,
1745, wlien lie took ship to Sweden, arriving
thither after a passage of more than a month,
on the seventh of August. During the voyage
his spiritual intercourse was suspended ; per-
haps at this period, the sea was not so favor-
able for it as the land. He remained in Swe-
den in 174G, and in the earlier part of 1747
227. "He had now entered upon a vocation
which no longer permitted him to discliarge
the functions of his office as Assessor of the
Board of Mines, and in 1747 he asked and
obtained permission of King Frederic to re-
tire from it. His petition to his Majesty
contained also two other requests, namely,
that he might enjoy during life, as a retiring
pension, one half of the salary attached to
the Assessorship : and that his retii'ement from
the office might not be accompanied by any
addition to his rank or title. He gives his
motives in the transaction in his own modest
way. ' My sole view in this resignation,'
says he, ' was that I might be more at liberty
to devote myself to that new function to which
the Lord had called me. On resigning my
office, a higlier degree of rank was offered me,
but this I declined, lest it should be the occa-
sion of inspiring me with pride.' The king
granted his desires, but in consideration of his
services of 31 years, continued to him the
whole salary of his late office : a proof of the
esteem in which he was held in Sweden.
228. '* We presume that he made this last
voyage to Sweden for the purpose of obtain-
ing his dismissal from the Assessorship, which
when he had procured, he again repaired to
London in 1747, and wrote out the first volume
of the Arcana Coelestia for the press, to which
John Lewis was ' eye witness.' This was
published about the middle of 1749. At the
beginning of 1750 he was out of England,
probably in Sweden, for he sent the MS. of
the second volume of the Arcana from abroad
to London to be printed. He was certainly
in his own country in 1751, when we meet
him at the funeral of his old coadjutor, Pol-
heim, an occasion on wdiich he saw both sides
of his friend's grave. We quote from his
Diary (commenced about 1747) the record of
the burial.
229. " ' Polheim,' says he, ' died on Monday,
and spoke with me on Thursday. I was invited
to the funeral. He saw the hearse, the at-
tendants, and the whole procession. He also
saw them let down the coffin into the grave,
and conversed with me while it was going on.
asking me why they buried him when he was
alive? And when the priest pronounced that
he would rise again at tlie day of judgment,
he asked why this w^as, when he had risen
already. He wondered that such a belief
should obtain, considering that he was even
now alive ; he also wondered at the belief in
the resurrection of the body, for he said
that he felt he was in the body ; with other
The Arcana Coelestia.
230. " From 1749 to 1756 appeared his great
work, the Arcana Coelestia,* in eight volumes
4to., containing, in 10,837 paragraphs, an ex-
position of the spiritual sense of the books of
Genesis and Exodus. This work was pub-
lished in London, volume by volume, the
second being issued in numbers, with an Eng-
lish version, said to be executed by one Mar-
chant. Swedenborg's publisher, John Lewis
before mentioned, has left some notice of him
at this time. He says that, though he is
' positively forbid to discover the author's
name,' yet he hopes to be excused for men-
tioning ' his benign and generous qualities.'
He ' avers that this gentleman, with indefat-
igable pains and labor, spent one whole year
in studying and writing the first volume of
the Arcana, was at the expense of £200 to
print it, and advanced £200 more for the print-
ing of the second ; and when he had done
this, he gave express orders that all the money
that should arise in the sale, should be given
towards the charge of the Propagation of the
Gospel. He is so far from desiring to make
a gain of his labors, that he will not receive
one farthing back of the £400 he hath ex-
pended ; and for that reason his works will
come exceedingly cheap to the public' " —
Wilkinson's Biogrcvplty, pp. 88-91.
231. "The Arcana opens at once with a dis-
play of the spiritual sense contained in every
clause of the vScripture, and the writer is soon
lost to us behind his subject. " In the Adver-
saria, and this more particularly at the begin-
ning, we see the philosopher reasoning on the
Bible, though he gradually disappears as the
figurative meaning comes out in stronger re-
lief. It is invaluable, however, as a general
survey of historical representation in the
books of Moses, and of the connection of its
chai'acters and circumstances with the then
future Church : it may be regarded as the
canvas, prepared with the ground colors, so
to speak, on which the mystic tableau of the
Arcana has been painted ; but here and there
some outline has been traced which the author
saw reason to reject when he had considered
the ensemble, from a high point of view. To
prevent any misapprehension, it may be well
to state explicitly that Swedenborg was not
suddenly transformed into an infallible teacher.
As a child of the Lutheran church, and the son
of a Prelate, it is only rational to suppose
that his mind was preoccupied by the general
tenets of that religion, notwithstanding his
having been prohibited reading dogmatic and
systematic Theology in his youth (see p. 5).
* Arcaiia Coelestia. The Heavenly Arcana which are con-
tained in tlie Holy Scriptures, or Word of the Lord, Unfolded,
beginning with the Book of Genesis. Together with Wonderful
Things seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of
Thus the current opinion concerning a trinity
of persons, and the eternal Sonship is noticed
with approbation in the Adversaria, hut it is
mimjled with repeated evidence, as the work
proceeds, that Sicedenborg teas gradually re-
ceiving illustration on this momentous subject;
and it is probable that the complete illuniina-
tLon of his mind in regard to it was the im-
mediate cause of his laying the work aside
and beginning anew. So far as actual Cor-
respondences are introduced into the Adver-
saria in explanation of the spiritual sense of
the Word, it may be considered as comple-
mentary, though sul)ordinate, to the Arcana ;
and even when its notes are not the same (in
a lower key), they will be found to make a
chord with those of the latter work.
232. " The necessity of some human being
having his spiritual eyes opened before the
Word could be explained as to its spiritual con-
tents, must appear self-evident to those who
honestly investigate the interpretation given
by Swedenborg, and especially in his own
words ; there being as much diiFerence be-
tween his works and any description or sum-
mary that coukl be given of them, as between
tlie Scripture and the writings intended to
recommend it. Equally clear is the neces-
sity of the instrument of such a revelation
being deeply read in all human learning, and
skilled in philosophy, as well as a child of
genius, and a man of the most heavenly dispo-
sition ; for without these qualitiqations it
would have been impossible to reduce the
elements of the spiritual sense into such a di-
gest as could be expressed in natural language.
For the Spiritual Sense of Scripture is not
that which breaks forth as light out of the
literal sense, while a person is studying or ex-
plaining the Word, with a view to establish
some particular tenet of the Church (T. C.
K. 194), this kind of illustration being always
variable with the state of the reader who is
the subject of it ; but it consists in a complete
order or chain of truths adapted to the spirit-
ual loves and perceptions of the human mind,
and connected by analogy and correspondence
with natural things. The transformation of
the literal sense, therefore, develops the
spiritual sense according to fixed laws : the
latter has its grammar as well as the former,
and its elements may be acquired like those
of a foreign language by any one disposed to
the task. Every word has its equivalent, and
every idea its prototype ; these, too, being the
same for all the various portions of the Word,
however distant the times when they were
written. This system of analogy is also in
perfect sequence throughout, and is of such a
nature as to be contemplated interiorly by
spirits and angels, while men in the world are
meditating on the letter. On this account the
inspired Word is uniformly described by Swe-
denbtrg as the means of conjunction between
heaven and earth, or between the invisible
and visible Church." — RicJis Sketch, pp.
233. "The author professes to have derived
the whole of the Arcana from direct rational
illumination by the Lord ; no spirit and no
angel had infused its supernatural knowle<1ge.
but it proceeded directly from the Almighty
himself. As, however, it was an intellectual
light by which the Most High communicated
himself to Swedeiiborg's imderstanding, and
through that to his spiritually-opened senses,
so it comes to be judged and apprehended by
the human understanding, and is freely placed
before the rational powers. No man, accord-
ing to Swedenborg, is bound to receive it on
his ipse dixit, but he is to examine it, and de-
cide according to intrinsic evidence.
234. " The work runs in two parallel streams ;
there is on the one hand a series of scriptural
interpretations unlocking the letter of the
Word into truths pertaining to the Lord and
the inner man ; there is on the other a narra-
tive interjected between the chapters of the
former, and embracing a description of the
wonders of the other life. We must give to
these two departments a separate considera-
235. " For the first, the position of the Bible
is defined as the Word of the Lord, and the
nature of biblical evidences is thereby deter-
mined. If it be the book and message of the
Infinite, its proper attestations are its intrinsic
divinity ; its wisdom and its love ; its adapta-
tion to man as a religious being in all time
and place, and in all states of existence ; in a
word, it must contain details, infinite in every
way, and connecting every possible state of
the soul with the Fountain of blessings. This
profound creed respecting the Word, is the
postulate of Swedenborg's Arcana, to be
proved in the sequel by the showing of the
w^ork itself.
236. " The method whereby the Word is un-
folded is called in general the science of cor-
respondences. If there be unity in the crea-
tion, then is the whole one coherent plan, be-
ginning from God, and ending in God. If
there be order, then is there a hierarchy of
natures, whereof the highest are first prwluced,
and nearest to their source ; the second crea-
tures standing next to the first, and the third
to the second : each being jilaced between those
which are next of kin to it above and below.
If there be life and movement, then the action
must pass in the before-mentioned order, and
each new mean, as it is produced, will engen-
der the means of representing and carrying
itself out in another and a farther sj)here.
These are our needful thoughts of every con-
sistent work, and the perfection of the work is
in proportion to the strictness with which the
above conditions are realized. Let the reader
apply the case to any thing which he himself
does, and he will discover that the unity of
his result contains and depends upon these par-
237. " But nature is the work of God, and
the Word is the speech of God, and the speech
is in like manner a work. The Word there-
fore involves the above substantial laws. In
its innermost essence it is divine ; in its next
intentions it regards the ends that are to fol-
low from it, in times beyond the present, and
in realms beyond time itself; speaking to the
ultimate races of man, and to the highest
heavens : in its next meanings it speaks to a
future less remote, and to a lower altitude of
heaven, and so forth ; until at length it ad-
dresses each man and spirit in his own lan-
guage and in his own age. Like the world
itself it stands forever, but the race according
to its various state, draws from its inexhausti-
ble bosom new mines of treasure, from its
surface new circumstances of life, from its at-
mosphere new sources of power.
238. " What therefore is the science of cor-
respondences ? It is the intellectual teaching
of the relations between all different spheres.
The difficulty of illustrating it lies in the fact
that the works of God differ from those of
God's image, man, in one important particular.
The human workman in this world is only
conscious of operating on one platform at
once ; if he makes a machine, it is all in na-
ture ; if he writes a book, it carries, to his
mind, but one meaning. The divine work-
man, however, operates at once in all altitudes
and worlds ; his fiat, and its productions, per-
vade the depth and the breadth of his crea-
tion : his creative wisdom passes by unknown
paths through every sphere, and the same ray
of divine light deposits in one an angelic af-
fection, in the next a human love, in the next
an animal faculty, and only terminates by
creating some animal, vegetable, or mineral
reality or modification, which breathing
straightway with the divine effort, tends up-
wards again through the same series, subsist-
ing from all, supporting all, and running back
through all. What makes the difference of
these productions ? Not the creative ray, but
the place, time, state, and circumstances upon
which it works ; for it is no other than one
wisdom in a various exercise. The corre-
spondence between the forms that it leaves in
its passage, is simply this, that they are all
one in soul, but each suited to a different use ;
and hence as a rule, correspondence is a divine
equation, whereby one thing is to one sphere
precisely as another thing is to another sphere.
Whenever this is the case, the two things are
fundamentally united ; they mutually do each
other's work in their own places, and are
each others, no matter how unlike they ap-
peal* in form ; for the form is but the face or
body that each shows to its peculiar sphere.
Now if we had experience of this compound
operation in our own works, we should easily
admit it of the works and Word of God ; as
it is, however, we obtain a glimpse of it in
another way, by symbols in language, which
make the objects of nature into bodies of
thought, thereby suggesting that all things are
the naturalization of divine thoughts ; by the
human face, which expresses the soul, and
thus presents us with two corresponding things
in two different spheres ; also, by gestures
and particular acts, which, we know not why,
are felt to be images of the persons who pro-
duce them, and are interpreted of them by
this signification. Not to mention other illus-
239. « The Word of God then, on Sweden-
borg's showing, contains various bodies of
divine truth adequate to divers orders of
angels and men ; to the celestial man, in whom
goodness is paramount, it_ is celestial, and
teaches the truths of the innermost heaven :
to the spiritual man, in whom truth is supreme,
it is spii'itual, and teaches the truths of the
second heaven : to the lower heavens, atd to
the natural world, it is natural, and teaches
truths by symbols in the one case, and by a
mixture of history and symbul in the other.
It has therefore three general sensrs, which
correspond to each other, but is throughout
divine in its origin and end. The Arcana
Coelestia is chiefly devoted to an exposition of
the spiritual sense of one portion of it.
2-iO. " This brings us to the second depart-
ment of the work, or the spiritual experience,
which comprises lengthy accounts of the
other world. And here we may remark that
some persons have greatly regretted that the
author should have introduced these narratives
into his interpretation. Among the I'est,
Swedenborg's friend. Count Hopken 'once
represented to the venerable man, that he
thought it would be better not to mix his
beautiful writings with so many memorable
relations, or things heard and seen in the
spiritual world, ... of which ignorance
makes a jest and derision.' But Sweden-
borg answered, that ' this did not depend upon
him ; that he was too old to sport with spirit-
ual things, and too much concerned for hia
eternal happiness to give in to such foolish
notions,' with more to the same purport.
And still notwithstanding the Count says, that
' he could have wished that Swedenborg had
left them out, since they may prevent infidel-
ity from approaching his doctrines.' The
truth however is that they are vital to hia
doctrines, and to omit them, would reduce his
interpretations to a philosophical system, that
like the rest would have no hold upon crea-
tion, and no heel upon infidelity, which indeed
it would supply with a new field of opera-
241. "A visitant of the spiritual world,
Swedenborg has described it in lively colors,
and it would appear that it is not at all like
what modern ages have deemed. According
(0 some, it is a speck of abstraction, intense
with grace and saving faitli, and other things
of" terms. Only a few of the oldest poets —
always excepting the Bible — have shadowed
it forth with any degree of reality, as spa-
cious for mankind. There Swedenborg is at
one with them, only that he is more sublimely
homely regarding our future dwelling-place.
The spiritual world is the same old world of
God in a higher sphere. Hill and valley,
plain and mountain, are as apparent there as
here. The evident difference lies in the mul-
tiplicity and perfection of objects, but every
thing with which we are familiar is perpetu-
ated there, and added to innumerable others.
The spiritual world is essential nature, and
spirit besides. Its inhabitants are men and
women, and their circumstances are societies,
houses and lands, and whatever belongs there-
to. The commonplace foundation needs no
moving, to support the things which eye hath
not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man
conceived. The additions and pinnacles of
wisdom are placed upon the basis which God
has laid. Thus nature is not only a knowl-
edge, but a method ; our introduction to the
mineral, vegetable and animal worlds, to the
air and the sun, is a friendship that will never
be dissolved : there is no faithlessness in our
great facts if only we are faithful to them,
but stone and bird, wood and animal, sea and
sky, are acquaintances which we meet with in
the spiritual sphere, in our latest manhood or
angelhood, equally as in the dawn of the
senses, befoi'e the grave is gained. Such is
the spiritual world : duration and immensity
resuming nature, but subject to spiritual laws."
— Wilkinson's Biography, pp. 91-96.
242. " In the limited space of this biogra-
phy, we cannot give even an idea of the con-
tents of the Arcana, or of the spiritual sense,
descriptive of man's regeneration, which Swe-
denborg evolves from the Scripture ; but of
the manner of the work we may say a few
words with less injustice. Conceive, then,
gentle reader, twelve goodly 8vo. volumes (in
English) written with such continued power
that it seems as if eating, drinking and sleep-
ing had never intervened between the pen-
man and his page, so unbroken is the subject,
and so complete the sense. Add to the other
health and harmony of this unflagging man,
a memory of the most extraordinary grasp,
which enabled him to administer the details of
an intellect ranging through all truth on the
one hand, and through the whole field of
Scripture illustration and text upon the other.
Then take into account the unity of the work
from first to last ; the constant reference that
binds all parts of it together, and shows the
caution with which each strong affirmation is
at first set down. Observe also tlie felicity
of phrase, the happiness of mind, the easy
greatness, which shine along and dignify those
serious pages. Remark also that the author
does not deal in generalities, but sentence for
sentence, and word for word, he translates his
text into spiritual meaning, and criticizes and
supports himself with nearly every parallel
text in the sacred writings. Literature, good
reader, shows no similar case, and though the
fate of it be left to the future, yet we may
safely predict that it will be found impossible
to refute it on its own grounds ; and perhaps
it would not be wise for thee to wait until a
valid refutation shall come — in the produc-
tion of a better interpretation, — one more
worthy of God, and more serviceable to human
weal. We say this that thou mayest use
what thou hast, but nowise doubting that the
Almighty has more to give, through other sons
than Swedenborg." — Ibid. pp. 101, 102.
243. In speaking of the wonderful charac-
ter of ihc Arcana Ccelestia, and of the closely-
connected spiritual sense, evolved from the
literal sense, not by conjectural interpretation
merely, but by taking up word by word, from
the first of Genesis, another writer remarks : —
" Now, what could have been the origin of
such a work ? AVhenee could he have derived
such ideas ? We might suppose it possible,
perhaps, that by skilful contrivance, and the
power of an active imagination, a tolerably
complete internal or allegorical meaning of
this sort might be invented and carried through
a few verses. But what is one to think, when
we find the author proceeding through chapter
after chapter, in this manner, ' not only show-
ing a complete and connected spiritual sense
throughout the whole, and in every verse and
word ; but, moreover, proceeding to show the
cause of the existence of that spiritual sense,
and even laying down plain principles, by
which it may be discovered, not only in the
chapters before him, but in any part of the
Holy Scriptures ? And when, moreover, we
find the author not stopping with one volume,
but going on with the work, and, in a year or
two producing a second volume, connected in
regular order with the first, taking up chapter
after chapter, and setting forth and explaining
their spiritual sense in the same manner and
on the same uniform principles, and the whole
making complete sense, — it is enough to
excite the astonishment of any inquiring
mind ! But he does not stop here ; he still
goes on, and produces a third volume, and a
fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth, a seventh,
and an eighth : and in those eight quartoes, ho
completes the exposition of the first two Books,
Genesis and Exodus. The internal significa-
tion, or spiritual sense, of these two Books, is
thus completely set forth ; not merely stated,
but explained ; and a reason given for every
thing, both for the principle of the interpreta-
tion itself, and for every particular interpre-
tation, based upon that principle. And what
renders the work yet more remarkable is, that
throughout all the eight volumes, there is no
mistake made, no contradiction found, in set-
tiiij*^ forth this spiritual sense ; but it is all of
a piece, it is one uniform work ; so that the
spiritual sense of the last chapter of Exodus
is found to be connected with and dependent
upon the spiritual sense of the first chapter
of Genesis, and of all the intermediate chap-
ters. And what, moreover, is the nature of
this spiritual sense ? Is it of a fanciful or vis-
ionary cast? Not in the least; it is simply an
exposition of high and important religious
truths, concerning man's mind and soul and
eternal interests ; concerning the nature of
goodness and truth ; concerning the Lord,
man's Creator and Savior. These are the
subjects treated of in that spiritual sense ;
and they are such as Avould alone be expected
to be found in the Word of God.
24^4. " And now, what are we to think of this
remarkable work ? To what source can it be
ascribed .'' One of two alternatives, it is plain,
must be accepted. It was either an invention
or a discovery : this spiritual sense must either
have been a contrivance and composition of
the author's, Swedenborg himself; or else it
was a simple bringing forth of interior truth
in the Word of God, which there before ex-
isted, and had always existed, and waited only
the due time to be brought forth to the world
and to the church ; just as precious metals lie
hidden for ages in the earth, till, in the coui'se
of Providence, the full time arrives for their
being discovered and brouglit forth for the use
of man. Of the above alternatives, a very
little reflection on the description of the work
just given, is sutficient to show that the former,
(the supposition that it was an invention or
contrivance of the writer's,) is altogether un-
tenable : the invention of such a secondary
sense to the Scriptures, and the carrying on
of such a composition, without error or incon-
sistency, through whole chapters and books,
would manifestly be quite an impossibility ;
and not less so, that such an invention should
then be palmed otf upon the world as truth,
by a man of the upright and elevated character
of the philosopher Swedeuborg. Infinitely
less incredible is his own simple statement,
that such a spiritual or interior sense truly
exists in the Divine Word, and tliat, for the
benefit of mankind, he had been made the in-
strument of bringing it forth to the world,
and his mind enlightened to perceive it. In-
deed, we know, that from tlie earliest times, a
glimmer of this hidden light has been seen in
the church. Origen, and others of the early
fathers, spoke and wrote much of their belief
in such a hidden or interior sense in the Scrip-
tures ; in regard especially to the first chap-
ters of Genesis — the account of the garden
of Eden and the fall, Eve and the serpent :
so common was the belief in there being
another sense than that of the letter, and
that that description had an allegorical mean-
ing, that Origen, in his answer to Celsus and
his attack on the Scriptures, chiU'gcs him with:
a want of ingenuousness and honesty in argu-
ment, in bringing forth that narrative as objec-
tionable, because incredible and fabulous, when
he very well knew, that it was not intended
to be taken in its literal acceptation. But it
remained for our own day to see this hidden
light manifested in all its beauty and glory,
and for a man of our own age to be raised up,
as an instrument in the hands of Providence,
to bring it forth to the world." — Memoir of
Swedenhorg, by Rev. T. 0. Prescott.
Executed Criminals.
24.5. " In 175G, on the 23d of July, Sweden-
horg was in Stockholm. This we learn inci-
dentally from his Diary. It was in this year
that a revolution was attempted in Sweden,
and on the day above mentioned, the leaders
of the conspiracy. Count Brahe and Baron
Horn, were executed in the capital. Swe-
denhorg did not lose sight of Brahe when he
was beyond the axe ; as the following passage
reports : —
246. " ' Of those who are resuscitated from
the dead, and have made confession of faith
in their last moments (Brahe).
"'Brahe was beheaded at 10 o'clock in
the morning, and spoke with me at 10 at night ;
that is to say, twelve hours after his execu-
tion. He was with me almost without inter-
ruption for several days. In two days' time,
he began to return to his former life, which
consisted in loving worldly things, and after
three days he became as he was before in the
world, and was carried into the evils he had
made his own before he died.'
"This perhaps was the occasion to which
Robsahm alludes in the following: 'One
day,' says he, ' as a criminal was led to the
place of execution to be beheaded, I was by
the side of Swedenborg, and asked him how
such a person felt at tlie time of !iis execution.
He answered, " When a man lays his head on
the block, he loses all sensation. When he
fii'st comes into the spiritual world, and finds
that he is living, he is seized with fear of his
expected death, tries to escape, and is very
much frightened. At such a moment no one
thinks of any thing but the happiness of heaven,
or the misery of hell. Soon the good spirits
come to him and instruct him where he is, and
he is then left to follow his own inclinations,
which soon lead him to the place where he
remains forever." '
247. '"In 1758, Swedenhorg published in
London the five following works : 1. An Ac-
count of the Last Judgment and the Destruc-
tion of Babylon ; showing that all the predic-
tions in the Apocalypse are at this day fulfilled ;
being a relation of things heard and seen.
2. Concerning Heaven and its Wonders, and
concerning Hell, being a relatioii of things
heard and seen. 3. On the White Horse men-
tioned in the Apocalypse. 4. On the Planets
in our Solar System, and on those in the Star-
ry Heavens ; tcith an account of their inlia'/-
itants, and of tlieir Spirits and Angels. i>. (hi
the New Jerusalem and its Ilenreiih/ Dorfriue,
as retreated from Heaven. A\ e have now to
Bpeak seriatim of these productions.
The Last Judgment.
248. " Swedenborg's Doctrine of tlie Last
Judgment requires a sliort preface to under-
stand it, but unlike other accounts of the great
assize, it comes into human liistory, and has a
very intelligible connection with future prog-
ress. The earth, says he, is the seminary of
the human race, and the si)iritual world is
their destination. Mankind are educated here
through the senses in a natural hotly, and
after death their life continues with spiritual
senses, and in a spiritual body. The supply
of nutriment from earth to heaven, that is to
say, of fresh human races, is perpetual, and
will never cease ; for every divine work rep-
resents infinity and eternity, and hence the
generations of men in the natural world will
continue for everlasting. The earth therefore
will not be destroyed at the day of Judgment.
Furthermore, all angels and spirits have once
been men upon some planet ; there is no direct
creation of angels, but every celestial inhabit-
ant has risen according to his desert, from the
ranks of mankind. Thus there is no finite
being superior to man, and no substantial
intermediate between man and his Maker.
Now it follows from this that as heaven is
peopled from this world, the state of the spir-
itual world depends upon that of the natural.
When the ages pour into it good and true
persons, then the upper world thrives, and its
integrity is maintained ; on the other hand
when ages are declining, when hereditary
vices taint mankind, and posterity goes on
from bad to worse, then the human materials
supplied to the inward world, disease, derange,
and threaten it. At such a time our foul an-
cestry collects above and around us, and act-
ing from behind upon the nature that we have
inherited from them, and from above upon
our actual thoughts and lives, tends to environ
us with a dense atmosphere of falsehood and
iniquity. It is a common fallacy to suppose
that we live by ourselves ; our very inmost
minds are immersed in the whole of humanity,
they depend upon the entire past, as it is real-
ized in those who have carried its spirit into
the other life. When the spiritual world is
crowded with unworthy ages, the light of
heaven can no longer reach their descendants,
for by the laws of the supernal order, the
Lord's influence passes through the angelic
heaven by distinct gradations into the world ;
and the latter being overhung by clouds of
malignant and false natures, the beams of the
celestial sun no longer reach it. Should this
continue, the extinction of the human race,
through vice and lawlessness, would at length
ensue : and hence, whenever mankind is fall-
ing, a special divine interposition alone can
renew the broken order, restore the balance,
revivify the earth, and present for the totter-
ing heavens a fresh basis of establishment.
Now this crisis has been imminent on this
planet three several times : once in the most
ancient church, whose last judgment was typi-
fied by the flood : once when the Lord was in
the world, and when lie said, ' Now is the
judgment of this world, now is the prince of
this world cast out : ' and again : ' Be of good
cheer ; I have overcome the world.' And a
third time, teste Swedenborg, in 17.57, when
the first Christian church was consummated ;
for it is to be observed that each judgment
marks a divine epoch, or takes place at the
end of a church, and a church comes to an end
when it has no longer any faith in conse-
quence of having no charity.
249. " We observe that this doctrine of the
last judgment is a kind of historical necessity,
if the other life be indeed real, and if this life
prepare its subjects : if on the other hand dead
men are to stand for nothing, and if either an-
nihilation, or any other piece of philosophy,
such as the soul lying in the body's grave, be
admitted, then is history cut from behind us
every hour, and we stand as disconnected
mortals in its broken chains, in which case
the affiliation of ages to each other is mere
fortuity, and generation itself is only an ideal
game. Belief in immortality however — be-
lief in the enduring manhood of mankind,
implies a belief in the substance and power
of the dead, and to leave them out of the his-
toric calculus, would be like omitting from the
i'orces of the world its imponderable and at-
mospheric powers, which are the very brains
and lungs of its movements, though, save by
their effects, invisible and quasi spiritual.
250. " Now the Christian church had been
declining from the days of the Apostles, with
whom it was first founded in love and simple
faith. It had declined through the anger and
hatred of the Christians ; through their vio-
lence and bloody wars ; through their love of
dominion in a kingdom where all were to be
servants ; through their love of the world in a
state whose early builders had all things in
common, and in which the Lord's morrow
would take care of itself; through their coun-
cils, where the human mind erected itself
in session upon the truths of God, and made
them into coverings for human sins ; through
the popedom, which sat upon the vacant
throne of the Messiah ; through the reforma-
tion, which kindled fresh hostilities and pas-
sions, and brought into clear separation the
mind and heart of the church, writing up jus-
tification by faith on the hall of the concourse
of evil doers ; finally through the wide-spread
Atheism which found too valid an excuse in
the manifold abominations of the Christians.
Through these stages had the church proceed-
ed, and in 1707 the measure was full, the race
upon earth had seen the last remnant of the
heavenly azure disappear, and the thick night
had closed in. For all these deeds had been
carried upwards, and retransacted with fresh
power and malignity in the spiritual world ;
their several ages were still extant, and busily
at work for themselves, as well as in the souls
of their posterity.
251. "The judgment required could not
take place in nature, but where all are togeth-
er, and therefore in the spiritual world, and
not upon the earth. This article from Sweden-
borg also depends upon an acknowledgment
of the reality of the life after death ; also that
heaven and hell are from mankind exclusively,
and that all who have been born since the crea-
tion are in one or the other of them. More-
over no one is judged from the natural man, or
therefore in the natural world, but from the
spiritual man, and therefore in the spiritual
world, where he is known as he realy is. If
men judge of actions by the spirit, surely God
judges of them by the spirit much more pure-
ly ; that is to say, in the real and collective
sense, judges the race in the spiritual world.
And to conclude these reasons, those who have
died are already fully embodied, will need no
resurrection of their poor tlesh, and will not
and cannot return to earth to seek it.
252. " Xliis judgment of which we are
treating is no vindictive assize, such as we are
unaccustomed to in this world, but veritably
spiritual historic, like the greatest judgments
•which are written in the records of nations,
like the least which are pronounced from the
bench by the law. Nay history in its fluctua-
tions represents these divine settlements and
periods better than any thing else ; and more-
over attests them, simply because it proceeds
from them. Wlien the vice and pomp of em-
pires stop tiie world's progress, and new eras
struggle vainly for birth against the powers
that be, then comes in the hand of God, and
restores the balance, by removing the high
places where sin has dwelt. And so in the
spiritual world. God and his ministers are
there more [jlainly, and the largest rights and
the equilibrium of universes are then decided
in their proper assize. Such visitations have
been periodical, and are not reserved for the
end of time, but rather occur near its begin-
ning, to make tlie course of heaven free for
the emancipated generations. The time \vhen
the tares and the wheat are separated, is not at
the end of harvests, but the future has the
benefit of the separation, harvests innumerable
are gathered thereafter, and fertility only be-
gins when the weeds are exterminated. So
also it is that the diviner epochs of the world
cannot open until the Day of Judgment is past.
253. " The judgment of 1757, comprised
all those who had left the world since our
Lord's coming, those who had lived previously
having been tried in the judgment which was
effected during His advent. It took effect.
however, principally upon only one section of
that great multitude of spirits. For there are
in the spiritual world three departments ; viz.,
heaven, where those are received who are de-
cisively good ; hell, or the abode of the con-
trary persons ; and the intermediate state,
called the world of spirits, where all are at
first assembled, and where those who can keep
up the outward semblance of order, whether
they be good or bad, are congregated so long
as their inward nature does not disclose itself.
It was in the latter receptacle that the current
of respectable and professing Christendom had
disembogued its hourly myriads, and there,
under the varnish of goodness and religion,
many had built up their doctrinal cities, and en-
gendered false heavens and apparent churches.
Thence they radiated darkness upon the earth,
and communicating with heaven by their ex-
cellent seeming, and with hell by their hearts,
they Suffocated and extinguished the divine
light which flowed down worldwards from
above the heavens. The dispersion of this
great hypocrisy was the divine object of the
judgment, and consequently the preservation
of the balance between heaven and hell, on
which human freedom is founded. ' The first
heaven and the first earth ' composed of the
above associations, * passed away ' in the fol-
lowing manner.
254. " The nations and peoples of seven-
teen centuries were arranged spiritually, each
according to its race and genius : those of the
reformed churches in the middle, the Roman-
ists around them, the Mahometans in a still
outer ring, and the various Gentiles consti-
tuting a vast circumference to the area, while '
beyond all, the appearance as of a sea was the
boundary. This arrangement was determined
by each nation's general faculty of receiving
divine truths. Visitation was then made by
angels, and admonition given, and the good
were singled out and separated by the heaven-
ly ministers. Then there appeared a stormy
cloud above those seeming heavens, occasioned
by the Lord's especial presence, for guard and
protection, in the lowest plane of the real
heavens ; and as his divine influence came in
contact with the falsity and evil of those who
were to be judged, their inward parts were
manifested, and their characters roused ; in
consequence of which they rushed into enor-
mities. Then were there great political earth-
quakes, signs -also from heaven, terrible and
great, and distress of nations, the sea and the
salt water roariiig. These changes of state
were accompanied by concussions of their
houses and lands, and gaps were made towards
the hells underneath, communication with which
was opened, wherefrom there were seen ex-
halations ascending as of smoke mingled with
sparks of fire. At this time the Lord ap-
peared in a bright cloud with angels, and a
sound was heard as of trumpets — a sign of
the protection of the angels by the Lord, and
of the gathering of the good from every quar-
ter. Then all who were about to perish were
seen in the likeness of a great dragon, with its
tail extended in a curve and raised towards
heaven, brandishing about, as though to de-
stroy and draw down heaven ; but the tail was
cast down, and the dragon sank beneath. Af-
terwards the whole foundation subsided into
the deep, and every nation, society and per-
son was committed to a scene corresponding
outwardly with his own genus, species, and
variety of evil ; and in this manner the new
hells — the prison houses of the first Christian
<^poch were formed and arranged.
255. " ' After this ihere was joy in heaven
and light in the world of spirits, such as was
not before ; and the interposing clouds between
heaven and mankind being removed, a similar
liglit also then arose on men in the world,
giving them new enlightenment.' Such is
Swodenborg's account of that new day that
dawned in the last century, and which shines
onward since to joy and freedom.
256. "'Then,' says Swedenborg, 'I saw
angelic spirits in great numbers rising from
below, and received into heaven. They were
the sheep, who had been kept and guarded by
the Lord for ages back, lest they should come
into the malignant sphere of the dragonists,
and their charity be suffocated. These per-
sons are understood in the Word by the
bodies of saints which arose from their sep-
ulchres and went into the holy city ; by the
souls of those slain for the testimony of Jesus,
and who wex'e watching ; and by those who
are of the first resurrection.'
257. "Of these occurrences our Author was
a witness in the spiritual world, and for many
years before th:>y happened he had a presage
of them, though neither he nor the angels
knew of the period, agreeably to the declara-
tion, that of that hour knoweth no man, no,
not the angels which are in heaven, neither
the Son, but the Father. Yet in his Diary
(Feb. 13, 1748, n. 765) he records, that '57,
or 1657, has been shown him in vision ; the
numbers were written before his eyes, but he
did not well know what they meant.' It was
a forecast of this judgment, which happened
in the year 1757, and took many mouths to
execute. The Romanists were judged first,
the Protestants at some interval afterwards.
258. " Since the last judgment no one is
allowed to remain in the world of spirits more
than 30 years, whereas pi-eviously to that event,
many had been there for centuries. There
will be no more general judgments, because
the way to the final state is now laid down
forever, and the outward man can no longer
differ from the inward in the spiritual world.
259. " We have dwelt thus long upon Swe-
denborg's doctrine and description of the
Judgment, because it illustrates the preten-
sions of his writings in an extraordinary man-
nei*, and is the postulate of the descent of a
new dispensation to the earth, of which he
announced himself to be the messenger.
Moreover it explains his views of the future,
and authorizes liim in a certain sense to break
with history, to discard the philosophical
stream that has come down through the mid-
dle ages, and to look for new developments
of the race in no mere perfectioning of the
past. It was the church of the New Jerusa-
lem which began to descend from God out of
heaven when in 1757 the 'age' of primitive
Christianity had been 'consummated.'
Heaven and Hell.
2G0. " The next work which we have to
notice is his doctrinal narrative of Heaven and
Nell, a book which though sufliciently remark-
able, yet quells literary criticism. We would
fain speak of its power, but are wrested irre-
sistibly from that purpose, and compelled to
canvass its truth. We would fain discuss its
beauty and sublimity, but its good and service
will have all place. We feel invited to test
its reality by evidence, but its moral power
appeals only to self-evidence. It belongs in
short to a new literature, shaping and fashion-
ing itself from within : it is a spiritual growth,
and though you may either adopt or set it
aside, you can neither praise nor blame it.
This is one reason why Swedenborg's works
have obtained such little notice ; they are too
impersonal : you may speak roughly to them,
but they do not answer : nothing but harmony
or sympathy comprehends them, or elicits a
response. To mere criticism they are lifeless
and uninteresting. Their region lies away
from brawls. The most spirited impugner
does not even contradict them, because he is
not where thei/ are. The ether can only be
moved by the ether, or by something still
more tranquil.
261. "The work we are considering is on
the life and laws of heaven and hell. It com-
prises their universal gravitation, the appear-
ances and realities of their inward cosmogony
not less than the fates of their single inhabit-
ants. It is at once human and immense; the
soul's sphere becomes the law and order of a
divine creation. It is no ghostly narrative,
but substantial like eartlily landscapes, only
that vices and virtues are its moving springs,
and it is plastic before the eminent life of man.
Here are the circumstances to which the heart
aspires, and the justice which the poets feign.
Here the attributes of deity are conferred in
the largest measure upon the creature, and
every man lives in a world minutely and
changefuUy answering to his mind and life.
262. " Space and time, with all their con-
tents, that is to say, the universal world, de-
termined by love and wisdom, and correspond-
ing, object for subject, with the latter — these
constitute the spiritual world. In the heavens,
therefore, all are near to God, because all love
him, and love is nearness ; moreover all are
near tc each other in proportion to mutual
love ; and hence the law of love being the
spaoemaker, combines all into the most exact
and just societies ; a neighborhood is a special
affection, a district is an affection more general,
and so forth. Love is combination, decline of
love is removal, hatred is opposition and contra-
riety of space. All moreover are surrounded
by lovely and productive objects by the same
law, for love is with these objects, and they
with love. Heaven therefore clothes itself
\\;ith all beauty. The opposite to this is the
case with hell, whose inhabitants are indeed
combined by similarity of passion, but dis-
cord reigns in their terrible coagulations : all
that is deformed and foul in nature is already
in the hells, whose loves it etligies, and whose
outward kingdom it is. In both states all the
objects are spiritual-real ; the sun of heaven,
never setting, but always in the east, is the
sphere of the Lord ; its heat is his goodness
and its light his truth. In hell there is no
sun, but the inhabitants roam in darkness cor-
responding to themselves, ibr they are dark-
ness ; their light is artificial, as of coal fires,
meteors, ignes fatui, and the lights of night ;
they inhabit scenery of which they are the
souls, as bogs, fens, tangled forests, caverns,
charred and ruined cities. Such is the group-
ing of man towards God, of man also to his
fellow-man, and of man towards the forms
of creation. It is the law of love become all-
constructive, and extending organically through
space and time, that produces the order of
heaven and hell.
263. " Heaven is supremely human, — nay
more, it is one man. As the members of the
body make one person, so before God, all good
men make one humanity : every society of
them is a heavenly man in a lesser form, and
every angel in a least. The reason is, that
God himself is an Infinite Man, and he shapes
his heaven into his own image and likeness, even
as he made Adam. The oneness of heaven
comes from God's unity ; its manhood from
his humanity. Heaven has, therefore, all the
members, organs and viscera of a man ; its
angel inhabitants, every one, are in some prov-
ince of the Grand Man. Indefinite myriads
of us go to a fibre of humanity. Some are in
the province of the brain ; some in that of the
lungs ; some in that of the heart ; some in
those of the belly ; some are in the legs and
arms ; and all, wherever humanized, that is to
say, located in humanity, perform spiritually
the otfices of that part of the body whereto
they correspond. They all work together,
however spaced apparently, just as the parts
of a single man. Their space is but their
palpable liberty, and they touch the human
atoms next them more closely, by offices which
unite them in God, than the contiguous fibres
of our flesh. Nothing can intervene between
those whom God has joined, but the visible
grandeur of all things at once cements and
emancipates them.
264. " Hell, on the other hand, is one raon
ster, compact of all spiritual diseases, and
compressed into one hideous unity. It works
by coercions for all those evil uses that human
nature, evil in its ground, requires for its sub-
sistence. It stands against heaven, foot to
foot, member against member, and province
against province. In its collective capacity it
is the devil and Satan ; the devil is the name
and style of its evil, and Satan that of its
265. " Good and evil spirits are attendant
upon every man ; he receives from them all
his thoughts and emotions. The good are
ever busy, pouring in tendencies to virtue,
with intellectual power to apprehend and ex-
ecute it ; the evil are always attempting to
drug us with contrary influences. In the bal-
ance between their agencies, our freedom lives.
Our ti'ials and temptations arise from these
opposing powers, each of which struggles to
possess us for itself. The Lord moderates
the conflict, and continually preserves the
equilibrium. This doctrine is a consequence
of the oneness of all creatures, and of their
spiritual connectedness, for how can beings so
powerful as angels and spirits, and so imme-
diately above and beneath us, fail to operate
upon us in their own sphere ? Man being
only a recipient organ, it is in the nature of
things tliat the creatures next him in the scale,
should out of their more subtle life communi-
cate themselves in vibrations to his brain and
bodily organs, constituting his outward spiritu-
al world, which he receives according to his
own freedom. His lifelong choice of these
influences determines his state after death,
when he goes to his fathers, that is to say, to
those very persons of whom he has made
himself an adopted son, by doing their work
in this lower world. So by his deeds here,
he chooses his company forever.
266. '• The maintenance of a world like the
spiritual gives a new idea of the divine al-
mightiness. Where every thought becomes
real, how consummate the order must be, to
preserve the harmony. Imagine this world,
if all our desires and thoughts took effect upon
their objects ! What destruction would ensue !
What exquisiteness of spiritual association
then is requisite to perpetuate such a state !
What communion of joys there must be in the
heavens ! What instant crushing of lusts in
the hells ! The same divine love that is softer
than morning in the one, must be chains of
adamant in the other, or the inward universe
would go to pieces in a moment. Verily such
a society requires an active God.
267. " Our limits forbid other details, but
wc beg the thoughtful reader to uoiice the
coher<;ncy of Swedenborg's narration, and on
consulting the Heaven and Hell, to observe
the reality which pervades it. Undoubtedly
it portrays such a world as this world prepares
for ; yea, such as this world would be if it
could. Our sympatliics reiich up into it; our
trades and pi-ofessions are learnt for it ; our
inner bodies are formed in and like our outer
to inhabit it ; our loves and friendships are
perpetuated in it if we please ; already our
worship traverses it to God ; our Bible in its
spiritual splendor is there ; our Savior in his
humanity is its soul ; and indeed, such a
world is the home for which our nature, and
all nature yearns. Ah ! you will reply, it is
too much founded upon human love, and too
congenial to our eldest thoughts ! There is
truth in the objection.
268. " After perusing such an apocalypse,
what a tsitler seems the parliament of philoso-
phers debating the immortality of the soul. It
is as though, at this date, we should examine the
evidence for the existence of mankind. Once
for all, the question is killed ; and whether
Swedenborg be a true seer or not, he has con-
vinced us at any rate that the Platos and
Catos, Seneca and Cicero, were ineffectual
because not visionary, and that their words are
henceforth waste where not experimental.
Worlds can only be explor.ed by travellers
thither ; reason and guessing at a distance
are futile, unless the feet can be plucked from
the old goutiness, the mind quit its fixed
thoughts, and the eye alight upon the facts.
The conditions of spirit-seeing are as those
of nature-seeing : the man and the sight must
come together.
269. " But the eternity of hell, — what
does Swedenborg say of that momentous
creed? In the first place, he denies that any
existence is fundamentally punishment, but
on the contrary, delight. Hell consists of all
the delights of evil ; heaven of all those of
goodness. The Lord casts no one into hell,
but those who are there cast themselves tliither,
and keep themselves where they are. It is the
last dogma of free will, — that of a finite being
perpetuating forever his own evil, standing
fast to selfishness without end, excluding Om-
nipotence in all its dispensations, and making
the 'will not' into an everlasting 'cannot,'
to maintain itself out of heaven, and contrary
to heaven. The question is, whether it is
true of man experimentally; and further,
whether any conceivable benevolence can in-
vent reform for every sinner ? Damnation is
a practical question. If our human states-
men can abolish the prison and the transpor-
tation, the fine and punishment, and draw all
men into the social bond, then doubtless the
Divine Ruler who works through our means,
will accomplish more than this in the upper
region in the fulness of his eternal days : but
until all the wickedness of this world can be
absorbed and converted, we see little hope
from practice of the abnegation of the hells.
They are, says Swedenborg, the prisons of
the spiritual world, and every indulgence com-
patible with the ends of conserving and bless-
ing the universe, is accorded to the prisoners.
Moreover, the unhappy are not tormented by
conscience, for they have no conscience, but
their misery arises from that compression
which is necessary to keep within bounds
those who are not in harmony with the Divine
love, and tiie outgoings of whose terrible life
cannot be permitted by the Lord. Lusts
which truth and goodness cannot recognize
are the worm that never dies, and the fire
that is not quenched. The collision of false-
hoods is the gnashing of hell's teeth. Yet
the unhappiest are immortal, because they
have an inalienable capacity to love and ac-
knowledge God, and this capacity for union
with Him, whether exerted or not, is the
postulate of religion and the seed of immor-
270. " The mistake hitherto has lain in
conceiving the future life as too unlike the
present, — as replete with Divine interven-
tions ; whereas the divinity works in both
worlds through human means, and in the
limits which He sets to his power, creates the
freedom of his children. Within that freedom
filled with his laws, (and freedom itself is but
his widest law,) he allows mankind to help
themselves, and by personal efforts, whether
individual or social, to rise or fall, as the CJise
may be. It is only where freedom works it-
self out and begins to die — when sin grows
involuntary, and the heavenly space granted
to a world is corrupt and perishing, that a
Divine intervention takes place, and a new
religion or reattachment to God is effected
thereby. But Omnipotence meddles not with
that pure power which it has previously given
Earths in the Universe.
271. " But we have now to follow our
spiritua,l traveller through extremely foreign
journeys — through the planets of our own
universe, and into distant solar systems. Ever
since astronomy taught us that the stars are
estates like our own Avorld, we have acquired
a curiosity about them ; we desire to know
whether any, and what sort of persons, dwell
there ; and if we can affirm inhabitants, the
faith takes a heart which beats with a
natural throb and foretaste of acquaintance-
ship. Friendship and intercourse with the
starry people is a want with every faithful
child ; God gives all an affectionate curiosit}'
ample to infold Orion and the Dogstar. Swe-
denborg felt this too, for he knew as much a.-
the astronomers, and had moreover rooted
himself in the belief that a means so immense
as the sun-strewn firmament was not meant
for the little mankind and the little heaven of
one planet, but for human races indefinite ii.
extent, variety, and function. Moreover, the
Grand Man or heaven is so immense, as to
require the inhabitants of myriads of earths
to constitute it ; those whom our own earth
supplies nourish but a patch in the skin of
universal humanity ; there requires immortal
food for every other part, and planetary sem-
inaries in divine profusion where men are
reared. The plurality of the angels perfects
heaven, just as the multitude and variety of
good affections perfects the human mind. Our
traveller, therefore, knew that the stars were
full of people, and he soon found that they
were not inaccessible.
272. " One means of intercourse with other
worlds is as follows. The spirits and angels
deceased from each planet, are, by spiritual
affinity, near that planet. Every man also is
a spirit in his inward essence; and if the
proper eyes be opened, can communicate with
other spirits. In the higher world into which
he is thus admitted, space and time are not
fixed, but are states of love and thought.
Now this being the case, the passage through
states or variations of the mind itself, takes
the place of passage through spaces. Pas-
sage through states is spiritual travelling.
Hence when Swedenborg was ten hours in
one instance, and two days in another, in
reaching certain of the planets, he implies
that the changes of state in his mind whereby
he approximated to the native spirits of that
orb, went on for such a time, or rather were
of such a quality. So also if any spirit could
be brought into the same state with the spirits
of Saturn, he would then be with them, because
similarity of state in the spiritual world is
sameness of place. Now being thus with
the spirits of any particular earth, if the men
of that earth had communication with spirits
(which Swedenborg avers to be the case with
nearly every planet but our own), the travel-
ler, through the spirits, might have intercourse
with the inhabitants, and might see the surface
of their earth through their eyes. It was by
this circle that our author visited several
worlds, his variations and approximations
being directed by the Lord, all for the moral
purpose that we might know experimentally
that man is the end of the universe, and that
where there are worlds there are men, and
that we might be taught the immensity,
and somewhat of the plan and constitution of
the inward heavens.
273. " ' MaTi,' says Swedenborg, ' was so
created, that whilst living in the world among
men, he should also live in heaven among the
angels, and vice versa ; to the end that heaven
and the world might be united in essence and
action in him ; and that men might know
what there is in heaven, and angels what there
is in the world ; and that when men die, they
might pass from the Lord's kingdom on earth
to the Lord's kingdom in the heavens, not as
into another thing, but as into the same, where-
in they also were when they were living in
the body.'
274. "The particulars which our author
has given respecting other worlds are homely
enough, and more remarkable on the spiritual
than on the material side. The spirits of
Mercury, we learn, are the rovers of the
inner universe, a curious correspondence with
the style of the heathen Mercury — the mes-
senger of the gods. They belong to a
province of the memory in the Grand Man,
and as the memory requires constant supplies
to store it with knowledge, so the Mercurials,
who are the memories of humanity, are em-
powered to wander about, and acquire knowl-
edges in every place. The people of the
Moon are dwarfs, and do not speak from the
lungs, but from a quantity of air collected in
the abdomen, because the moon has not an at-
mosphere like that of other earths : which
suggests the analogy of certain of the lower
animals that gulp down the air, and give it
out again in a peculiar manner ; among
others a species of frog, which makes thereby
a thundering sound like that attributed by our
traveller to the Lunarians. They correspond
in the Grand Man to the ensiform cartilage at
the bottom of the breast bone. It is remark-
able as showing the limits of spiritual seer-
ship, that Swedenborg speaks of Saturn as
the last planet of our system ; his privilege of
vision not enabling him to anticipate the place
of Herschel.*
275. " The theological particulars in the
book are important. We are told that the
good in all worlds worship one God under a
human form ; that the Lord was born on this
earth because it is the lowest and the most
sensual, and hence, the fitting place for the
Word to be made flesh. By virtue however
of the incarnation here, the divine humanity
is realized for the entire universe in the other
life, all being there instructed in the realities
of redemption, and their inward ideas there-
by united to that stupendous fact. Sweden-
borg's work now under consideration, may be
characterized as a Report on the Religion of
the Universe.
Doctrine of the New Jerusalem.
276. " The Neiv Jerusalem and its Heavenly
Doctrine is a treatise on spiritual ethics, de-
livering in a clear manner the practical part
of the author's system. The reader of it will
gain a high idea of the moral requirements
* In regard to Swedenborg's staiejnent concern iiii; ttie planet
Saturn, tlic Ibllowing are the facts. In A. C 9104, lie says —
" Some of the spirits of this earth passed to the spirits of the
earth Saturn, who, as was said above, are afar off at a remark-
able distance, for they appear at the anl of our solar world." Ir»
E. U. 3, he says — "The planet Saturn has besides a large lu-
minous belt, as bcins farthest distant from the sun, which belt
supplies that earth with much licht, although reflected." What-
ever may be made of the expressions, " they appear," and " as
being " thus distant from the sun, it is, at least, very remarkable,
if Swedenborg meant to say that Saturn was the last jilanet in
our solar system, that in his " Principia," and in the " Worship
and Love of Ood," published several years previously, and
about 40 years before the discoveiy of the seventh planet by Her-
schel, he has a number of engravings illustrative of the planet-
ary system, in all of which, seven planets are laid down ; and
he expressly says that " there were seven ftEtuses brought forth
at one birth, equal in number to the planets which revolve In the
grand circus of the world." If then, there were " limits " to his
" spiritual seership," which we do not doubt, for he never pre-
tended that it was unlimitrM, the query is, how could his spiritual
sight be shorter than his scientific? In respect to there being
even Hiore than sfiueji planets, it must be remembered that thai
was his scientific, and not his spiritual statement. We now
leave the reader to his own reflections. — Compiler.
that Swedenborg makes upon Lim. One
doctrine brouglit out in strong relief is the
superiority of" tlie alVectional to tiie intellectual
element, the predominance of good over truth,
oi" charity over faith, and of deeds over words,
before God. Prior to Swedenborg, the hu-
man loves or affections were little considered,
but he shows tliat they are our very life, that
intelligence is their minister, and that their
condition determines our lot in the future
world. There is no point in his psychology
more brilliantly vindicated than this main law
of the power of love. At the end of the
work we have his ideas on ecclesiastical and
* civil government, which are eminently those
of conjoint liberty and order. The Lord's
ministers are to claim no power over souls,
and he who differs in opinion from the minis-
ter, is peaceably to enjoy his sentiments, pro-
vided he makes no disturbance. The dignity
of offices is only annexed to persons, but does
not belong to them. The sovereignty itself
is not in any person, but is annexed to the
person. Whatever king believes contrary to
this, is "^ot wise. Absolute raonarchs who be-
lieve that their subjects are slaves, to whose
goods and lives they have a right, are ' not
kings, but tyrants.'
277. " One cannot but regret the absence
of biographical details from this part of Swe-
denborg's history. The reason doubtless is,
that whilst in London, (where we presume he
spent a good sliare of the time from 1747 to
1758,) he had no acquaintance with whom he
sympathized on the subjects that now interest-
ed him. It was probably not until his theo-
logical works had been for years before the
public, that he became acquainted with those
English friends who have left some record of
him. Previously to this, he was known only
to those with whom he lodged, or had busi-
ness. Mrs. Lewis, his publisher's wife, knew
him ; and ' thought him a good and sensible
man, but too apt to spiritualize thhigs.' He
was also fond of the company of his printer,
Mr, Hart, of Poppin's Court, Fleet Street,
and used often to spend the evening there.
But these worthy people contribute no partic-
ulars to our biography.
Spiritual Sight. Immanuel Kant.
278. "Swedenborg was probably in Lon-
don during the latter part of 1758 ; the year
in which the works that we have just been
si)eaking of, were printed. We find him re-
turning to Gottenburg from England on the
19th of July, 1759, and here he gave a public
proof that he had a more spacious eyesight
than was usual in his day. Immanuel Kant,
the transcendental philosopher, shall be our
historian of the occurrence that took place.
279. " ' On Saturday, at 4 o'clock, P. M.,'
says Kant, ' when Swedenborg arrived at
Gottenburg from England, Mr. William Cas-
tel invited him to his house, together with a
party of fifteen persons. About six o'clock,
Swedenborg went out, and after a short inter-
val returned to the company, quite pale and
alarmed. He said tliat a dangerous fire had
just broken out in Stockholm, at the Suder-
mahn (Gottenburg is 300 miles from Stock-
holm), and that it was spreading very fast.
He was restless, and went out often. He
said that the house of one of his friends,
whom he named, was ah'eady in ashes, and
that his own was in danger. At 8 o'clock,
after he had been out again, he joyfully ex-
claimed, " Thank God ! the fire is extinguished,
the third door from my house." This news
occasioned great jcommotion through the whole
city, and particularly amongst the com])any in
which he was. It was announced to the gov-
ernor the same evening. On the Sunday
morning, Swedenborg was sent for by the gov-
ernor, who questioned him concerning the dis-
aster. Swedenborg described the tire precise-
ly, how it had begun, in what manner it had
ceased, jmd how long it had continued. On
the same day the news was spread through
the city, and, as the governor had thought it
worthy of attention, the consternation was
considerably increased ; because many were
in trouble on account of their friends and
property, which might have been involved in
the disaster. On the Monday evening, a mes-
senger arrived at Gottenburg, who was de-
spatched during the time of the fire. In the
letters brought by him, the fire was described
precisely in the manner stated by Sweden-
borg. On the Tuesday morning, the royal
courier arrived at the governor's with the
melancholy intelligence of the fire, of the loss
it had occasioned, and of the houses it had
damaged and ruined, not in the least differing
from that which Swedenborg had given imme-
diately it had ceased ; for the fire was extin-
guished at 8 o'clock.
280. '' ' What can be brought forward against
the authenticity of this occurrence ? My
friend who wrote this to me, has not only ex-
amined the circumstances of this extraordina-
ry case at Stockholm, but also, about two
months ago, at Gottenburg, where he is ac-
quainted witli the most respectable houses,
and where he could obtain the most authentic
and complete information ; as the greatest
part of the inhabitants, who are still alive,
were witnesses to the memorable occurrence.'
281. " Kant had sifted this matter, and also
that of the Queen of Sweden (p. 12G-7 be-
low), to the utmost, by a circle of inquiries,
epistolary as well as personal ; and his narra-
tive is found in a letter to one Charlotte de
Knobloch, a lady of quality, written in 17()8.
two years after Kant had attacked Sweden-
borg in a small work entitled, Dreams of ('■
Ghost Seer illustrated by Dreams of Meta-
physics. His account comes, therefore, as a
suitable testimony. But what proof is so
good as the reappearance of the facts ? Pow-
ers and events of the kind are now common
enough not to excite surprise from their rarity.
Mesmerism produces a percentage of seers
equal occasionally to such achievements. Nay,
but the faculty of transcending the horizon of
space and the instance of time, is as old as
history : there have always been individuals
who in vision of a higher altitude, saw the re-
fractions of the distant and the future painted
upon the curtains of the present. At any
rate Swedenborg was aware of the faculty
long before he became a seer. Thus in his
Animal Kingdom, Part VII., p. 237, when
speaking of the soul's state after death, he
has the following, illustrative of its powers :
' I need not mention,' says he, ' the manifest
sympathies acknowledged to exist in this lower
world, and which are too many to be recount-
ed : so great being the sympathy and magnet-
ism of man, that communication often lakes
place between those who are miles apart.
Such statements are regarded by many as
absurdities, yet experience proves their truth.
Nor will I mention that the ghosts of some
have been presented visibly after death and
burial,' &c., &;c. To account for events like
Swedenborg's vision of the fire of Stockholm
(which also Robsahm says that he foretold),
we need not pierce the vault of nature ; this
world has perfections, mental, imponderable,
and even physical, equivalent to supplj^ the
sense. The universe is telegraphically pres-
ent to itself in every tittle, or it would be no
universe. There are also slides of eyes in man-
kind as an Individual, adequate to converting
into sensation all the quick correspondence that
exists between things by magnetism and other
kindred message bearers. It is however only
fair to Swedenborg to say, that he laid no
stress on these incidental marvels, but devoted
himself to bearing witness to a far more pecu-
liar mission.
282. "There is no doubt that the rumor of
this affair soon travelled to Stockholm, and
coupled with the strange repute in which
Swedenborg was already held, stimulated cu-
riosity about him on his return to the capital.
The clergy, as may be imagined, were not un-
concerned spectators of the doings of one so
intimately connected with some of the digni-
taries of the Lutheran church. At first he
had spoken freely to them of his spiritual
intercourse, but perceiving their displeasure
excited, he became more cautious. A circum-
stance that occurred showed that even at this
time (17G0) they were longing to exercise a
superintendence over him. They observed
that he seldom went to church, or partook of
the Holy Supper. This was owing partly to
the contrariety of the Lutheran doctrine to
his own ideas, and partly, Robsahm says, to
the disease of the stone which troubled him.
In 1760 two bishops, his relations, remon-
strated with him in a friendly manner upon
his remissness. He answered that religious
observances were not so necessary for him as
for others, as he was associated with angels. ^
They then represented that his example would
be valuable, by which he suffered himself to
be persuaded. A few days previously to re-
ceiving the Sacrament, he asked his old do-
mestics to whom he should resort for the pur-
pose, for ' he was not much acquainted with
the preachers.' The elder chaplain was men-
tioned. Swedenborg objected that ' he was a
passionate man and a fiery zealot, and that he
had heard him thundering from the pulpit
with little satisfaction.' The assistant chap-
lain was then proposed, who was not so popu-
lar with the congregation. Swedenborg said,
' I prefer him to the other, for I hear that he
speaks what he thinks, and by this means has
lost the good will of his people, as generally
happens in this world.' Accordingly he took
the Sacrament from this curate.
Spiritual Interconrse. '
283. " It was not however the clergy alone
who felt an interest in watching his career,
but he had become an object of curiosity to
all classes. Supernaturalism has charms for
every society, whether atheistic or Christian,
savage or civilized, scientific or poetic. May
we not say, that it is the undercharra of
all other interests, and that from childhood
upwards the main expectation of every jour-
ney, the hope of every uncovering, the joy of
every new man and bright word, is, that we
may come at length somewhere upon that
mortal gap which opens to the second life ?
Supernaturalism in all ages has had also a
commercial side, and has been -cultivated as a
means to regain missing property, or to dis-
cover hidden treasures. The good people of
Stockholm were perhaps spiritual chiefly in
this latter direction. It was in 1761 that Swe-
denborg was consulted on an affair of the kind
by a neighbor of his, the widow of Louis Von
Marteville, who had been ambassador from
Holland to Sweden. Curiosity too was a
prompting motive in her visit ; and she went to
the seer with several ladies of her acquaintance,
all eager to have a ' near view of so strange a
person.' Her husband had paid away 25,000
Dutch guilders, and the widow being again
applied to for the money, could not produce
the receipt. She asked Swedenborg whether
he had known her husband, to which he an-
swered in the negative, but he promised her,
on her entreaty, that if he met him in the
other world he would inquire about the re-
ceipt. Eight days afterwards Von Marteville
in a dream told her where to find the receipt,
as well as a hair-pin set with brilliants, which
had been given up as lost. This was at 2
o'clock in the morning, and the widow alarmed,
yet pleased, rose at once, and found the arti-
cles, as the dream described. She slept late
in the morning. At 11 o'clock, A. M., Swe-
denborg was announced. His first remark,
before the lady could open her lips, was, that
' during the preceding night he had seen Von
Marteville, and had wished to converse witli
him, but the latter excused himself, on tlie
t'round that he must go to discover to his wife
something of importance.' Swedenborg added
that ' lie then departed out of the society in
which he had been for a year, and would as-
cend to one far happier ; ' owing, we presume,
to his being lightened of a worldly care. This
account, attested as it is by the lady herself,
through the Danish General Von E , her
second husband, was noised through all Stock-
holm. It ought to be added, that Madame
offered to make Swedenborg a handsome pres-
ent for his services, but this he declined." —
WiVcinsun^s Biography, pp. 102-126.
284. It was in the same year (1701) that
Louisa Ulrica, the Queen of Sweden, desired
to have an interview with Swedenborg. For,
although she was but little disposed to believe
in sucli seeming miracles, she was neverthe-
less willing to put the power of Swedenborg
to the test. .She was previously acquainted
ivith the Marteville affair, though she had
never taken an}-^ pains to ascertain the truth
of it. We quote from M. Thiebault, " Docu-
ments," page 94. '• Swedenborg, having come
one evening to her court, she had taken him
aside, and begged him to inform himself of
her deceased brother, the Prince Royal of
Prussia, what he said to her at the moment
of her taking leave of him for the court of
Stockholm. She added, that what she had
said was of a nature to i-ender it impossible
that the Prince could have repeated it to any
one, nor had it ever escaped her own lips :
that, some days after, Swedenborg returned,
when she was seated at cards, and requested
she would grant him a private audience ; to
which she I'eplied, he might communicate what
he had to say before the company ; but Sweden-
borg assured her he could not disclose his er-
rand in the presence of witnesses ; tliat in con-
sequence of this'intimation the queen became
agitated, gave her cards to another lady, and
requested M. de Schwerin (who also was present
when she related the story to us,) to accom-
j)any her: that they accordingly went together
into another apartment, where she posted M.
de Schwerin at the door, and advanced towards
the farthest extremity of it with Swedenborg ;
who said to her, ' You took, madam, your last
leave of the Prince of Prussia, your late au-
gust brother, at Charlottenburg, on such a
day, and at such an hour of the afternoon ; as
you were passing afterwards through the long
gallery, in the castle of Charlottenburg, you
met him again ; he then took you by the hand
and led you to such a window, where you
"Oould not be overheard, and then said to
you these words : .' The queen did not
repeat the words, but she protested to us they
were the very same her brother had pro-
- Bounced, and that she retained the most per-
fect recollection of them. She added, that she
nearly fainted at the shock she experienced :
and she called on M. de Schwerin to answer
for the truth of what she had said; who, in
his laconic style, contented Iiimself with say-
ing, ' All you have said, madam, is perfectly
true — at least as far as I am concerned.' I
ought to add, (INI. Tbiebault continues,) that
though the queen laid great stress on the truth
of her recital, she professed herself, at the
same time, incredulous to Swedenborg's sup-
posed conferences with the dead. ' A thou-
sand events,' said she, ' appear inexplicable
and supernatural to us, who know only the
immediate consequences of them ; and men of
quick parts, who are never so well pleased as
when they exhibit something wonderful, take
an advantage of this to gain an extraordinary
reputation, Swedenborg was a man of learn-
ing, and of some talent in this way; but I
cannot imagine by what means he obtained
the knowledge of what had been communi-
cated to no one. However, I haA'e no faith
in his having had a conference with my
brother.' " M. Thiebault states that the queen,
as well as her brother Frederic the Great,
were professed atheists : this accounts for her
incredulity, but seems, at the same time, to
establish more fully the truth of Swedenborg's
interview witli her brother.
285. It sliould l)e observed however, says
Mr. Noble, that " Swedenborg himself never
laid any stress upon these supernatural proofs
of the truth of his pretensions ; and never does
he appeal to them, or so much as mention them
in his works. How strong an evidence is
this of his elevation of mind ; and of his per-
fect conviction of the truth of the views he
was made an instrument for unfolding, with
his own divine appointment to that purpose,
as standing in no need of such evidence for its
support ! Could it be possible for any of the
merely fanatical pretenders to divine commu-
nications to appeal to such testimonies of su-
pernatural endowment, how eagerly would
they seek to silence objectors by referring to
the queens, counts, ambassadors, governors,
and university professors, that had been wit-
nesses of their power ! But it is precisely on
account of the silencing nature of such evi-
dence that Swedenborg declines to appeal to
it. Doubtless, however, it was of Divine
Providence that occasions arose which con-
strained him to give such demonstrations, and
that they were recorded by others : because
such things serve for conjirmations of the
truth, though they are not the proper grounds
of its original reception. When presented
also upon testimony, and at a distance of time,
they lose that compulsive character which they
possess when they take place, or nearly so, before
our eyes : and thus they may then become use-
ful to draw the attention of receptive miiids to
the truth, which, wlien known, may convince
by its own evidence." — Documents, p. 102.
Spiritual Foresight.
286. " The t'uUowiiij,' incident, lirst pub-
lished by Dr. Taf'el, and translated in the In-
tellectual Repository, rests on the authority
of Professor John Benedict Von Scherer, a
distinguished public man in Germany, who
died soon after 1821. The llev. Mr. Moser,
a clergyman at Oclisenburg, writes to Dr.
Tafel as follows : —
" ' My dear Friend : — Amongst the ex-
ternal proofs for the credibility of the spir-
itual revelations of Swedenborg, 1 do not find
in the writings you have already edited, that
remarkable prediction of Swedenborg's, for the
communication of which we are indebted to the
late Dr. Scherer, professor of the French and
English languages at our university (Tubin-
gen). This prediction most justly deserves to be
placed by the side of those other remarkable
occurrences, such as those relating to Queen
Ulrica, Madame da Marteville, and the fire at
Stockholm, &c., which are often alleged as proofs
of Swedenborg's communication with the world
of spirits. As the occurrence in question ap-
pears to have elapsed from your memory, per-
mit me, in order that it may be inserted in the
Magazine, to relate it verJuttiin [from Dr.
Scherer], and thus to bring it to your remem-
brance; at the s.ame time I must leave it to
your exertions, by further investigations in
Sweden to establish the truth of it.
" ' It was during the period of our stud-
ies at the university fTubingen], between
the years of 1818 and 1821, that it came to
our knowledge that the said Professor Scherer
had resided, during Swedenborg's time, at
Stockholm, as secretary or attache to an em-
bassy, and that he had probably learned to
know Swedenborg personally. We were, con-
sequently, both induced to visit the professor,
and to ascertain from him what he might have
to communicate respecting Swedenborg per-
sonally, respecting remarkable facts recorded
concerning him, and also respecting the re-
ception of his doctrines and visions in Swe-
den. The professor, who was greatly ad-
vanced in years, then told us, " that at Stock-
holm, in all companies, very much was said
concerning the spirit-seer, Swedenborg, and
wonderful things were recorded respecting his
intercourse with spirits and angels. But the
judgment pronounced concerning him was va-
rious. Some gave full credit to his visions ;
others passed them by as incomprehensible,
and others rejected them as fanatical ; but he
himself (Scherer) had never been able to be-
lieve them. Swedenborg, however, on account
of his excellent character, was universally
held in high estimation."
" ' Amongst other things Prof. Scherer
related the following remarkable occurrence :
Swedenborg was one evening in company at
Stockholm, when, after his information about
the world of spirits had been heard with the
greatest attention, they put him to the proof
as to the credibility of his extraordinary spir-
itual communications. The test was this r
He should state which of the company would
die first. Swedenborg did not refuse to an-
swer this question, but after some time, in
which he ajjpeared to be in profound and
silent meditation, he quite openly replied :
" Olof Olofsohn will die to-morrow morning at
forty-five minutes past four o'clock." By this
predictive declaration, which was pronounced
by Swedenborg with all confidence, the com-
pany were placed in anxious expectation, and
a gentleman, who was a friend of Olof Olof-
sohn, resolved to go on the following morning,
at the time mentioned by Swedenborg, to the
house of Olofsohn, in oi'der to see whether
Swedenborg's prediction was fulfilled. On
the way thither he met the well-known ser-
vant of Olofsohn, who told him that his mas-
ter had just then died ^ a fit of apoplexy had
seized him, and had suddenly put an end to
his life. Upon which the gentleman, tlirougb
the evidence of the death which really oc-
curred [according to the prediction], was con-
vinced. At the same time this particular
circumstance also attracted attention : the
clock in Olofsohn's dwelling apartment stopped
at the very minute in which he had expired,
and the hand pointed to the time.'" — InteL
Repos., March, 1846.
Political Principles and Deliberations.
287. " But neither Swedenborg's spiritual
intercourses, nor the laborious works that ht^
was com{x>sing, were an excuse to him for
neglecting the affairs of this woi-ld when op-
portunity required, and accordingly in 1761
we find him taking part in the deliberations
of the Diet which met in January of that
year. Three memorials are preserved which
he presented to the Swedish parlimnent ■:
one, at the opening of the Diet, congratulating
the House upon its meeting, counselling the
redress of grievances which might otherwise
enable the disaffected to impair and destroy
the constitution, and especially deprecating
that systematic calumny which is not less de-
structive to the stability of governments than
to public and private character. In tivis paper
the quiet sage expresses his preference for
that mixed form of monarchy which then
prevailed in Sweden, and he ends as he began
it, with a powerful appeal to the members to
obviate change by the prosecution of useful
reforms. In the next memorial (whether
they were spoken by himself from his place
we do not know) he insists upon some of the
same topics, but mainly upon the preservation
of the liberties of the people, and upon the
French in preference to the English alliance ;
the latter being incompatible, as he said, with
the bond between England and Hanover,
which had formerly belonged to Sweden..
He forcibly expresses the evils of despotic
governments, in which i'uU phiy is given to the
hereditary vices of the sovereign, and de-
nounces absolutism as alike injurious to the
ruler and the people, observing that, as i'or
the latter, ' it is unlawful for any one to de-
liver over his life and property to the arbi-
trary power of an individual ; for of these
God alone is Lord and Master^ and we are
only their administrators upon earth.' Es-
pecially alluding to the danger in which a
country stands that is thus subject to an indi-
vidual, from the subtle power of the papacy,
he has the following, which may serve as a
specimen of his style in these documents : —
" ' It would be tedious to enumerate .ill the mis-
fortunes and tliO grievous and dreadful conse-
quences wiiicli might happen here in the north
under a despotic government ; I will mention
therefore only one — popish darkness, — and will
endeavor to exhibit it in its true light.
" ' We know from experience how the Babylo-
nian whore (which signifies the popish religion)
fascinated and bewitched the reigning princes of
Saxony, Cassell, and Zweibrucken, also the king
of England, shortly before the house of Hanover
was called to the British throne, and bow it is still
dallying with the Pretender ; bow in Prussia like-
wise, it tampered with the present king, when
crown prince, through his own father; not to men-
tion King Sigismund and Queen Christina in
Sweden. We are well aware, too, how this v.hore
is still- going her rounds through the courts of re-
formed Christendom. If, therefore, Sweden were
an absolute monarchy, and this whore, who under-
stands so well how to dissemble, and to adorn her-
self like a goddess, were to intrude herself into
the cabinet of a future monarch, is there any rea-
son why she should not as easily delude and in-
fatuate him, as she did the above-mentioned kings
and princes of Christendom ? What opposition
would there be, what means of self-protection,
especially if the army, which is now upon a stand-
ing footing, were at the disposal of the monarch ?
What could bishops and priests, together with the
peasantry, do, ag^Mnst force, against the determi-
nation of the so-er eign, and against the crafty cim-
ning of the Jesuits ? Would not all heavenly
light be dissipated : would not a night of barba-
rian darkness overspread the land ; and if they
would not be martyrs, must not the people bow down
the neck to Satan, find become worshippers of
images, and idolaters ?
" ' The dread of this and every other slavery
which I need not here describe, must bang over us
for the future, should there take place any altera-
tion in our excellent constitution, or any suspen-
sion of our invaluable liberty. The only guaran-
ty and counter check against such calamities
would be oath and conscience. Certainly if there
were an oath, and tiie majority were sufficiently
conscientious to respect it, civil and religious lib-
erty, and all that is valuable, nnght, indeed, in
every kingdom remain inviolate : but, on the otlier
hand, we must bear in mind that the papal chair
can dissolve all oaths, and absolve every con-
.ecience, by virtue of the keys of St. Peter. It is
easy for a monarch to assert, and with every ap-
pearance of truth, that bo has no thought of or
desire for absolute rule ; but what each fosters in
his heart and keeps studiously apart from the out-
ward man, is known only to God, to himself, and
to his private friends, through whom, however,
what is hidden occasionally manifests itself. 1
shudder when I reflect wjiat may happen, and
probably will happiMi, if private interests, subvert-
ing the general welfare into a gross darkness,
should here attain the ascendency. I must observe,
also, that I see no diderenCe betweeh a king in
Sweden who possesses absolute power, and an
idol ; for all turn themselves, heart and soul, in the
same way to the one as to the other, obey his will,
and worship what passes from his mouth.'
288. " The third memorial is upon the sub-
ject of finance, and is as follows : —
" ' If the States do not, during this diet, make
some arrangement for the gradual recall of the
notes now in circulation, and tiie substitution of
pure coin in th(;ir stead, it is to be feared that the
present prevailing dearness will constantly in-
crease, until the country becomes exhausted, when
a national bankruptcy in all paper money must be
the consequence. This nmst be evident to every re-
flecting person, when he considers, that a note of
six dollars is now worth only three dollars in plats
(a former Swedish copper coin) in foreign trade,
and two in domestic ; and if the high prices still
continue, it will probably come down to one dol-
lar. In such case, how can the nation be pre-
served from ruin ? These grievous and dreadful
events can only be prevented by the restoration of
a pure metallic currency.
'• ' Many plans might be devised and proposed,
to compel the circulation of the notes at their
original fixed value, and thus meet the high
prices ; but they must all be of little or no avail,
with one exception, and that is, the restoration of
a proper metallic currency, as it was formerly in
Sweden, and is now in every other country in the
world. In money itself consists the value of notes,
and consequently of all kinds of goods. If an
empire could subsist with a representative cur-
rency, and yet no real currency, it would be an
empire without its parallel in the world.'
289. '• We have no further details of Swe-
denborg's parliamentary career; only we learn
from Count Iliipken, (for many years Prime
Minister of Sweden, and during that time
until the revolution in 1772, the second per-
son in the kingdom.) that ' the most solid
memorials, and the best penned, at the diet of
1761, on matters of finance, were presented
by Swedenborg; in one of which he refuted
a large work in 4to. on the same subject,
quoted the corresponding passages of it, and
all in less than one sheet.' It appears also
that he was a member of the Secret Commit-
tee of the Diet, an office to which only the
most sage and virtuous were elected. When
we consider the mountain of obloquy which
rested at that day on a spirit seer, who more-
over announced in his own person a new com-
mission from the Almighty, we must grant
that there was a wise deportment in Sweden-
borg, an extraordinary helpfulness for the
public service to maintain him in such a posi-
tion in the assembly of his nation ; nor can it
fail to reflect credit upon Sweden herself that
she so far appreciated her remarkable son as
not to accuse him of any disqualifying mad-
ness in the exercise of his public functions.
That tolerance of the seer in the statesmaa
heralds a new code of sanity, in which the
clearest sight and the most uncommon gifts
will no longer be held to be less sound, than
dull routine of eye and understanding, pro-
vided the stranger accompaniments are backed
by virtue and common sense.
290. " ' During the sittings of the Imperial
Diet,' says Robsahm, ' he took great interest
in hearing what was done in his absence in
the House of Nobles, in which, as the head of
his family, he had a right to a seat ; but when
he perceived that hatred, envy and self-inter-
est reigned there, he was seldom after seen in
the House. In conversation he freely ex-
pressed his disapprobation of the discord that
prevailed in the Diet, and adhered to neither
of the parties there, but loved truth and jus-
tice in all his feelings and actions.'
Sight of a Death. Contribution to Science.
291. "To return from this digression, we
now recite an anecdote which makes it appear
that Swedenborg had passed into Holland be-
fore July, 1762. 'I was in Amsterdam,' said
an informant of Jung Stilling, ' in the year
1762, on the very day that Peter the Third,
Emperor of Russia, died, in a company, in
which vSwedenborg was present. In the midst
of our conversation, his countenance changed,
and it was evident that his soul was no longer
there, and that something extraordinary was
passing in him. As soon as he came to him-
self again, he was asked what had happened
to him. He would not at first communicate it,
but at length, after being repeatedly pressed,
he said, '' This very hour, the Emperor Peter
III., has died in his prison, (mentioning, at the
same time, the manner of his death.) Gen-
tlemen will please to note down the day, that
they may be able to compare it with the intel-
ligence of his death in the newspapers." The
latter subsequently announced the Emperor's
death, as having taken place on that day.' " —
Wilkhis'on^s Biography, pp. 127-132.
292. In 1763, we find that Swedenborg, as
a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences
of Stockholm, produced an article oh Inlaid
Work in Marble. " He was a worthy mem-
ber," says Sandel, " of this Royal Academy ;
and though before his admission into it, he
had been engaged with subjects different from
those which it cultivates, yet he was not will-
ing to be a useless associate. He enriched
our memoirs with an article On Inlaid Work
in MarhUfor Tables, and for Ornamental Pur-
poses generally." This memoir (in Swedish)
may be seen in the Transactions of the Acad-
emy for 1763, vol. xxiv., pp. 107-13.
293. " This year also, our author published
at Amsterdam the following six works : 1. The
Doctrine of the New Jerusalem respecting the
Lord. 2. The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem
respecting the Sacred Scripture. 3. I'he Doc-
trine of the Neu^ Jerusalem respecting Faith.
i. Hie Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusa-
lem. 5. Continuation respecting the Last Judg-
ment and the Destruction of Babylon. 6. An-
gelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and
the Divine Wisdom. We have now to devote
a brief attention to the contents of these sev-
eral works.
Doctrine of the Lord.
294. " Tlic Doctrine of the Lord contains
our author's scriptural induction of the divini-
ty of Christ, of the personality of the divine
nature, and of the fact and meaning of the in-
carnation. The theist asks the question. What
is God ? but Swedenborg the far deeper, and
more childlike question. Who is God ? one
which seems very infantine to' our theological
artificiality and old want of innocence. Now
in this work the Godhead of our Savior is
made to rest on the whole breadth of Scrip-
ture authority ; and is presented as the last
principle and the highest theory of the Chris-
tian faith. The author does not proceed by
the erection of particular texts into standards,
but elicits his results from the general face of
revelation. His views of the Trinity are
given with clearness, and their substance is,
that there is a trinity (not of persons but) of
person, in the Godhead, and that Christ is the
person in whom the trinal fulness dwells.
295. " In this creed, Deity is the essential
and infinite Man, presented to the perceptive
love of the earliest races, but to the very
senses of the latest. If God can be in contact
with our highest faculties, — can create him-
self into the sphere of our hearts and minds,
— there is no limiting his power to descend
to our other faculties, and to become extant as
a man among men, — as a part of the world
among other parts.* Nay, by the rules of
tiie soundest ])hilosophy, we ought to look for
Him in this field, and hence the question of
Who he is becomes paramount. Now when
the first bond was broken — when the eldest
religion perished — from that moment was
another bond required, and an incarnation
was necessary. This was seen by the ancient
people, and as a part of the divine logic of
creation, they expected the Messiah, and even
loved to have posterity, because the stream
of childhood ever pointed to the second Adam,
who was to be born in tlve fulness of time.
He came at the end of the Jewish church,
when the last link of the old covenant was
broken, and He himself constituted a new and
everlasting covenant, uniting man by his very
senses with an object 'divinely sensual' —
with God himself manifest in the flesh.
296. "There had been upon this earth a
succession of churches, each with its own bond,
or its peculiar religion. The Adamic church
— the Adam of Genesis — was a church of
* If God can be inspirituate, surely he can also be incarnate;
for spirit is more bodily than flesh. To deny the possibility of
the Incarnation, is a denial throughout the soul of tlie possibility
(if (Jod's presence, and a resolution of all the relig'ous ideas iuto
a Oeilic seltif/iness, such as Fichte preached
celestial love, with wisdom radiating from the
inmost heart, in harmony with the paradisal
creation, and naming the creatures after its
own truth. This was Eden, the only heaven
which has yet existed upon earth. To this
elevated church the Lord was a divinely an-
gelic man, seen by celestial perceptions, and
even represented to the senses ; for the senses
opened into heaven. Tliis church descended
through many periods, which are typified in
the Word as the posterity of Adam ; and its
consummation was the flood, when it perished,
and only Noah and his sons, — a lower or
spiritual church, survived that suffocation
whereby the race was extinguished so far as
breathing the highest atmosphere was con-
cerned ; the Noachists however living in a
new disj)ensation, to respire a secondary re-
ligion. Every such declension is a veritable
drowning, in which the higher perceptions
cease, ajid a certain prepared remnant of the
universal humanity survives to people a new
dry land on a lower level. The celestial
church had for its spring spontaneous love ;
the spiritual church, on the other hand, con-
science. Even the latter, however, did not
stand, but its decay is written from Noah
to Abraham, when ' the angel of Jehovah '
was no longer manifested to any faculty.
The two realities of the church, love, and
conscience as a ground of faith, having been
destroyed in the soul, a church of formalities
was the only descent remaining, and this was
the Jewish dispensation, which however was
not a church, but only the representation of
one. Obedience was the spring of this last
covenant, and so long as the .people kept
it, natural and national blessings were given
them from on high. At length even obe-
dience came to an end, and neither victo-
ries in war, nor harvests divinely given, nor
terrors denounced by prophets, nor actual evil
fortune, could keep the people to their bond.
The basis of creation could no longer support
the falling superstructure. The resources of
tinite humanity were exhausted, and it only
remained for Him who was the Creator, to
become the Redeemer — for him who was the
Alpha to become the Omega of his work.
He came into the world by the world's ways
of birth, that he might absorb the world, and
be under it sustaining as above it creating, —
that is to say, be All in all, the First and the The infinite entered the real world by
the real means — by the gates of generation,
and the Lord became incarnate through the
Virgin Mary. All his progress also was real,
and through mundane laws ; and thus his
sensual and maternal humanity was united
with his divinity by the like trials — by the
like education, — as we ourselves experience
in the regeneration. Swedenborg's view of
the Lord's life is indeed totally practical, and
the life of every regenerating man is an image
of that process whereby the maternal humanity
became a divine humanity, the Son of God,
God with us, Jesus Christ, God and Man.
The subject cannot be thought of from meta-
physical postulates, but only from a life in
harmony with it, tliat is to say, from the pro-
cess whereby each man subdues his own sen-
suality and evil, unites his outward with his
inward mind, and finally becomes a spiritual
person even in whatever pertains to the exer-
cise of his senses. In the Lord however all
that which in us is finite, was, and is. infinite ;
and thus instead, like us, of only subduing
those hellish minds Avhich are immediate to
ourselves, his redeeming victories over selfish-
ness and worldliness, subjugated all that is
hellish — in the language of Swedenborg, all
the hells ; and now holds them, for whosoever
lives in and to Him, in everlasting subjugation.
This is redemption, and this was the final i)ur-
pose for which the Lord assumed humanity,
and appeared upon this earth, his operations
upon which extend through all systems of
worlds, and from eternity to eternity. These
are the stages through which the Lord pre-
sented Himself according to our need, first as
a God-angel, and lastly as a God-man.
297. "'The trinity then is in, and from Je-
sus Christ, the new name of our God. The
Father is his divine love ; the Son is his
divine wisdom, that is to say, the divinely
human form in which he is self-adapted to his
creatures, or a personal God ; the Holy Spirit
is the influence which he communicates to in-
dividuals and churches. This trinity is im-
aged in the soul, body, and operation of ev-
ery man. The Father is inaccessible to us
out of Christ, even as our own souls are not
to be reached by others but through our bodies.
All worship therefore is to be directed to Je-
sus Christ alone ; and in the heavens the
wisest angels know no other father. Thus
there is oneness and body in our adoration.
Divine Love and Wisdom.
298. " The Divme Love and Wisdom, which
we notice next, furnishes the rational counter-
part to the Doctrine of the Lord. It is a trea-
tise on the divine attributes, in which affirma-
tion and self-evidence are the method, and the
truly human testifies of the divine. Man, it
is clear, must think of God as a man — must
think from his own experience towards divine
virtues — from his own deeds towards God's
deeds, which are creation. The rmist in this
case is a necessity of our being, which is the
same thing as to say, that it is God's ordinance,
and the true method. It is therefore a verity
substantial as our souls, nay consubstantial
with their Maker. No idealism then here in-
tervenes, but we touch the solidity of eternal
truth, and in our minds and bodies we have
an attestation and vision of the Creator. But
if God be the infinite man, the universe which
proceeds from him must represent man in an
image, and all the creatures must likewise so
represent. Mineral, vegetable, and animal
forms, nay atmospheres, planets and suns, are
then nothing less than so many means and
tendencies to man, on different stages of the
transit, and finite man resumes them all, pro-
claims visibly their end, and may connect them
with their fountain. It is throughout a sys-
tem of correspondences, all depending upon
the activity of a personal God, as the sub-
stance of the latter depends upon the inter-
vention of God in history, as Jesus Christ.
Remove from the centre of the system the
position that God is a man, and he becomes
necessarily unintelligible to mankind ; he has
made them think of him otherwise than as he
is; they communicate with him by no religion,
but the beginning of their knowledge is dark-
ness, its object a mere notion, and their love
falls into a void: there is in short no corre-
spondence between the Creator and any crea-
ture. Maintain however that master position,
and humanity is the way to the Divine Hu-
manity, the high road of the living truth.
299. " The path by which God passes
through heaven into nature is laid down in
distinct rf«^rees, and ' the doctrine of degrees '
furnishes a principal interest with Swedenborg
in these elucidations. Degrees are the sepa-
rate steps of forms or substances, the measured
walk of the creative forces : thus the will in
one degree is the understanding in the next,
and the body in the third : the animal in the
highest is the vegetable in the second, and the
mineral in the lowest: and all these are one,
like soul and body; and are united, and each
uses the lower, by the handles of its harmony
with inferior utilities ; just as a man is united
with, and makes use of, the various instru-
ments which extend the powers of his mind
and arms through nature. The world there-
fore is full of interval and freedom, and in the
movements of each creature, whereby it lays
hold of whatever supports it, the whole be-
comes actively one, and marches forward in
the realms of use, where it meets the Om-
nipotent again.
The Sacred Scripture.
300. " The Doctrine of the Sacred Scrip-
ture is the doctrine of the Lord, and of the
manhood of God, in its middle form, for the
Word is the wisdom whereby both the world
was made and man is regenerated. It is a
law of divine order, that whatever is omni-
present and all-prevalent, is also in time cen-
tred in its own Ibrm ; for no creative attribute
is lost by diffusion, but reappears in fuller
splendor when its orb is complete. This is
the order of the incarnation. And so also
when the Word has created all things, and
moved through humanity, when deep has
called unto deep, and speech has overflowed
from human tongues, the same Word takes at
last a form among its creatures, and appears
among our words as the Book of God. Its
form in this case is determined by those to
whom it comes. It is given in the lowest
speech, that it may contain all speech, and be
adequate to the whole purpose of redeeming
mankind. Such a Word is the Bible. Be-
fore the present Bible, however, there existed
an ancient Word, (still extant, according to
Swedenborg, in Great Tartary), of which the
Book of Jashur, the Wars of Jehovah, and
the Enunciations formed part : this was the
divine voice to an earlier humanity. The
Word which we now possess is written in four
styles, ^he, first is by pure correspondences
thrown into an historical series ; of this charac-
ter are the first eleven chapters of Genesis
narrating down to the call of Abraham. The
second style is the historical, consisting of true
historical facts, but containing a spiritual
sense. The third style is the prophetical.
The fourth style is that of the Psalms, be-
tween the prophetical style and common
301. " It is the divine sense within the let-
ter that constitutes the holiness of the Bible :
those books that are wanting in this sense are
not divine. The following books are the pres-
ent Word. ' The five books of Moses, the
book of Joshua, the book of Judges, the two
books of Samuel, the two books of Kings, the
Psalms of David, the Prophets, Isaiah, Jere-
miah, the Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Ho-
zea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zech-
ariah, Malachi ; and in the New Testament,
the four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke,
John, and the Apocalypse.'
302. " The Word exists in the heavens
equally as upon the earth, but in its spiritual
and celestial senses. Its stupendous powers
and properties are there evident, examples
of which are given by Swedenborg. If it is
read in holy moods, heaven sympathizes ; the
devout mind enters it as a Sheckinah, and is
angel-haunted : when love and innocence read
it upon earth, its inward life is perused equiv-
alently by special angels, and the letter in cor-
respondence becomes divine and holy. Es-
pecially so when little children read it, and its
literal sense is offered obediently to the in-
forming influx. In such moments the veil is
rent, and a marriage of heaven and earth is
consummated. The j^erpetual holiness of the
Word to us, depends upon no 'mechanical in-
spiration ; ' viewed as a book, the Bible is
dead like other books, but the mind that ap-
proaches it, is influenced as it deserves, and
spirit and life come down accordingly. The
affinities that constitute presence in the other
life, illustrate the character of the Word.
The letter is truth in a fixed circumstance,
answering to the Lord and the whole heaven,
and he who I'eads it aright, engenders for
himself divine and spiritual associations.
AVithin it dwells the living God. The con-
ditions of its inspiration are like those of the
animation of our bodies. The letter as well
as the body is in itself motionless and inani-
inate ; but both have souls, and when man-
kind addresses the literal Word, it hears and
quickens from its divine life, as our frames,
when objects strike them, feel and act from
the life within.
303. " This assertion of the "Word's divini-
ty implies a counter statement regarding the
writers of the l>ible. The more tiie genius
in any work, the less is the work its author's ;
the more the property, the less can it be
owned. No man ever claims his inspired mo-
ments, until afterwards, when he is dis-
inspired. The diriniiij however of a work
abnegates its instruments, l(;t them have been
as busy as they will : they are mere tools,
chosen only to deposit the work in some one
place or age. The inspired penmen then are
simply clerks, notwithstanding that their
names appear upon the letter, fitting it to
Jewisli or Christian times. The patriarchs,
prophets, psahnists and evangelists are not
holy men ; they are not even venerable for
the most part, but the voice of sacred history
itself generally assails them. ' Their names,'
says Swedenborg, 'are unknown in heaven.'
There are no saints with earthly names, but
only sinners, scarlet more or less. God's is
all the glory, but Abraham, Moses, David or
John, are plain mortals like ourselves, entitled
to no great consideration when their office is
laid aside, and their divine insignia are put
off. The men ' after God's own heart,' are
only so for a time and a mission : every one is
' a man after God's own heart ' for the func-
tions that he does best. Holiness is not in-
volved. The Jews, the chosen people of God,
were chosen because they were the worst of
people, for redemption begins at the bottom.
In admitting therefore the divinity of the
Word, we rid ourselves of the Bible writers,
and their idiosyncrasies ; and we know that
as the fixed Word was produced through them
they necessarily occupy the lowest stratum of
human history.
304. " We have not space here to mention
the various modes of inspiration (by voices,
visions, &c.) recounted by Swedenborg from
the facts of the case and the letter of the
Scripture, and which he himself also expe-
rienced for the instruction's sake : tliey are
indeed interesting, and comport with cir-
cumstances that are at this day coming to
light, at the same time tliat they contrast,
toto ccelo, with metaphysical philosophy.
We can only however notify to the reader,
that Swedenborg has given their theory from
the experimental or real, and biblical side,
for there is much in the Bible upon the sub-
ject, when it is looked tor with a scientific
305. " It may here be expedient to give
Swedenborg's dictum on the Epistles, upon
which the doctrinals of Christendom are so
commonly founded.
" ' With regard,' says ho, ' to the writings of
Paul and the other apostles, I have nf)t given
them a place in my .Ircana Ccftesiin, because
they are dogmatic writiiicrs merely, and not writ-
ten in the style of the Word, as are those of the
prophets, of David, of the Evangelists, and of the
Revelation of St. John.
" ' The style of the Word consists throughout
in correspondences, and thence effects an imme-
diate communication with heaven; but the style
of these dogmatic writings is quite different,
having, indeed, communication with heaven, but
only mediately or indirectly.
" ' The reason why the apostles wrote in this
style, was, that the first Christian Church was
then to begin through them ; consequently, the
same style as is used in the Word would not have
been proper for such doctrinal tenets, which re-
quired plain and simple language, suited to the
capacities of all readers.
" ' Nevertheless, the writings of the apostles
are very good books for the church, inasmuch as
they insist on the doctrine of charity, and of faith
from charity, as strongly as the Lord Himself has
done in the Gospels, and in the Revelation of St.
John, as will appear evidently to any one who
studies these writings with attention.
"'In the ./Ipocahjpse Revealed, No. i\7, I have
proved that the words of Paul, in Rom. iii. 28, are
quite misunderstood, and that the doctrine of jus-
tification by faith alone, which at present consti-
tutes the theology of the reformed churches,
is built on an entirely false foundation.'
30G. '' We notice in the doctrine of Scrip-
ture, as throughout the author's works, a
turning of the tables in the matter of evidence.
Instead of commencing inquiries with no be-
liefs, he accepts the most universal creeds as
the hypotheses of investigation, and puts them
to the fact. To commence from nothing, is
to end in nothing, as the present biblical
scholars illustrate. But Swedenborg takes
the divinity and holiness of the Bible as his
postulate, and then looks for the like in the
text. His method, to say the least, has ended
in no reductio ad absnrdum, but the interpre-
tation gained has confirmed the truth of the
preliminaries. No writer has shown so sub-
lime a quality in the Bible as Swedenborg,
none has added to the probability of its divine
origin so practical and scientific a demonstra-
tion. If wisdom and beauty shown in nature,
be God's evidence there, then by })arity of
reason, wisdom and goodness expounded in
Scripture should be the witness of his Word
in the latter sphere. The theorem of plenary
inspiration, or the contrary, can only be set-
tled by this procedure, which makes one pro-
cess for all truths ; but never by what are
called ' evidences ' proceeding from void hearts
and unbelieving understandings. If nature
even were investigated by the latter, it would
never declare its author, or let its unhappy
questioner escape from the labyrinth of its
contradictions and interpolations.
Faith, Life, and Providence.
307. " The Doctrine of Faith in Sweden-
bor<i;'s writin<;s occupies a part of ^reat sim-
plicity. Faith, says he, is an inward acknowl-
edgment of the truth, which comes to those
who lead good lives from good motives. ' If
ye will do the works ye shall know of the
doctrine.' Faith therefore is the eye of
• charity. Spiritual clearsightedness is its emi-
nent attribute. It is not the organon of mys-
teries, for there is no belief in what we do
not understand. There may be suspension
of the judgment, but never faith. The high-
est angels do not know what faith is, and when
they hear of any one believing what he does
not understand, they say, ' this person is out
of his senses.' With them, faith is only truth.
Divine and human knowledges are under the
same class ; for both there is the base of
scientific proof; but with this caution, that
each state apprehends only its .own objects,
and that practical goodness is the ground
upon which religious truth can be properly or
profitably received.
308. " Tlie Doctrine of Life is equally
simple. We are to shun, as sins against God,
whatever is forbidden in the ten Command-
ments, and to do the duties of our callings.
The shunning of evils as sins is the first ne-
cessity ; the doing good is possible after that.
Charity consists in this course, and faith fol-
iows it by divine ordination. A life of this
kind is the only contribution that each man
can make to the New Jerusalem. No one
however can do good which is really such,
from self, but all goodness is from God.
309. " For the rest, our sage is no counsel-
lor of asceticism ; he admits us to enjoy the
good things of this life, in preparation for
those of another; he advocates no self-immo-
lating pietism, but ' a renunciation of the
world during a life in the world ; ' and as
sense is an everlasting verity, he teaches the ex-
pansion of the senses, under the spiritual powers.
310. "In 1764, Swedenborg published at
Amsterdam a continuation of his work on the
divine attributes, under the title. Angelic Wis-
dom concerning the Divine Providence, in
which he identifies Providence with the Lord's
government of mankind. He states the ends
which the Divine Providence has in view,
whereof the first and last is the formation of
an angelic heaven out of the human race.
He then propounds various laws of the Di-
vine Providence which are unknown in the
•world, and occupies a considerable part of this
very beautiful Treatise, with setting us right
upon points on which infidelity founds objec-
tions, and in short, with vindicating the ways
of God to man. He insists on the universali-
ty of Providence, and on its presence with
all men alike, the wicked as well as the good,
but the former will not receive its blessings,
and their freedom of choice is respected. liell
is the false creation which they make, the
Lord sets their places there, and ordains theai
for their greatest good. Upon the subject of
predestination, Swedenborg maintains that all
are predestined to heaven, and it is their own
doing if they do not arrive thither. Momen-
taneous salvation from immediate mercy is
impossible, and the belief in it, is ' the fiery
flying serjjent of the church,' which raises
sensual evils to a new deadliness of sting, and
moreover imputes damnation to the Lord.
Spiritual Diary.
311. "We now turn aside for a moment
from Swedenborg's published works, to his
posthumous Diary, the last date in which is
the 3d of December, 17G4. This day book
he had begun in 1747, perhaps after finishing
the Adversaria on Genesis and Exodus, the
last date in which is February 9th in the lat-
ter year. We must attempt to convey to the
reader some notion of this extraordinary
Manuscript, which extends over a period of
seventeen years. We have termed it a Day
Book, and such it veritably was in the inten-
tion of the bookmaker, being written on those
English 'oblong folios' which are so common
in our counting houses. In these business-
like volumes thought and vision are duly 'en-
tered ' with the greatest regularity ; in the
earlier part of the work the date is generally
subjoined to the paragraphs, and here and
there parts are crossed out, having been faith-
fully ' posted,' and ' delivered ' into the au-
thor's published books. The whole is in more
than six thousand paragraphs, of which the
first hundred and forty-eight are missing: it
makes six closely-printed octavos, and consid-
ering the difficulties of the original, to which
we can bear witness, it is but fair to mention
the name of Tafel, its editor. Professor of
Philosophy and Librarian of Tiibingen, as an
honorable specimen of even a German scholar.
312. " Almost every reader would smile
doubtfully if he perused a page or two of this
Diary. He would meet with conversations
with Moses and Abraham, Aristotle, Cicero
and Cassar Augustus, Charles the XII. of Swe-
den and Frederic of Prussia, the author of the
whole Duty of Man, and other of the deceased,
and as the belief practically runs, the annihi-
lated worthies and notables of history. He
would find them treated as living men and real
forces. He would learn of strange punish-
ments and new criminalities ; of fathomless
pools of evil ; of goodness detected in those
that history condemns, and of the mask of ex-
cellence quite fallen away from some of her
brightest exemplars ; of Paul aiwi David [in a
very low state of spiritual life,] and Mahomet
a Christian convert. But let him read on,
and the laugh dies before the supernaturalness
of the unbending context. Moreover amid
the narrative, he meets with thoughts of the
newest import ; with lovely sentiments fra-
grant towards God and man; and with lessons
pointing life and the world towards plain goals
oi' blessedness. It will be no doubtful contest
with him between tLe sanity and the insanity
of the author ; strangeness will recede by
degrees, overmastered by the moral element
that explains the appearances into truths ; and
whatever the verdict be, it will be granted
that a profound meaning lurks in even the oddest
forms of this spiritual commonplace book.
313. "A great part of it dwells upon un-
happy themes, and indeed no book more de-
ranges one's habits of thought than this unre-
served Diary. Our crotchet of the abstract
nobleness of spirits, receives there a rude shock.
Our father's souls are no better than oui'-
selves ; no less mean and no less bodily ; and
their occupations are often more unworthy
than our own. A large part of their doings
reads like police reports. Even the angels
are but good men in a favoring sphere : we
may not worship them, for they do not deserve
it ; at best, they are of our brethren, the
prophets. It is very matter of fact. Death
is no change in substantials. The same prob-
lems recur after it, and man is left to solve
them. Nothing but goodness and truth are
thriving. There is no I'cst beyond the tomb,
but in the peace of God which was rest before
it. This is the last extension of ethics, and
while it deprives the grave of every vulgar
terror, it lends it the terrors of this wicked
world, which itself is the reign and empire of
the dead. Moreover while the Diary abol-
ishes our spiritual presumptions, it justifies to
nearly the whole extent the low sentimental
credence on ghostly subjects, as well as the
traditions and the fears of simple mankind.
The earthly soul cleaves to the ground and
gravitates earthwards, dragging the chain of
the impure aft'ections contracted in the world ;
spirits haunt their old remembered places,
attached by undying ideas ; hatred, revenge,
pride and lust persist in their cancex'ous
spreading, and wear away the incurable heart-
strings ; infidelity denies God most in spirit
and the's^jiritual world; nay, staked on death
it ignores eternity in the eternal state with
gnashing teeth and hideous clinches : and the
proof of spirit and innnortal life is farther off"
than ever. The regime of the workhouse,
the hospital, and the madhouse is erected into
a remorseless universe, self-fitted with steel
fingers and awlul chirurgery ; and no hope
lies either in sorrow or poverty, but only in
one divine religion, which hell excludes with
all its might. Human nature quails before
such tremendous moralities ; freedom tries to
abjure the life that it is, and calls upon the
mountains and rocks to cover and to crush it.
A new phase appears in the final state ; the
memory of the skies is lost ; baseness accepts
its lot, and falsehood becomes self-evident :
wasting ensuea to compressed limb and facul-
ty, and the evil spirit descends to his mineral
estate, a living atom of the second death.
Impossibility is the stone of his heart, and
ciookedueos the piirtncr of his understanding.
lie is still associated with his like in male and
female company, and he and his, in the charry
light of hell, which is the very falsity of evil,
are not unhandsome to themselves. Such is
the illusive varnish which in mercy drapes
the bareness of the ugly skeletons of devils
and satans.
314. "We cannot dismiss the Z)mry with-
out observing how true Swedenborg is to him-
self in a record whose publication he did not
contemplate. His public words are at one
with his secret thoughts ; he is as grave in
heart as in deportment. To one who has
perused the work, the question of sincerity
nevermore occurs ; he would as soon moot
the sincerity of a tree. And indeed the in-
quiry after sincerity, in the ordinary sense,
goes but a little way in the determination of
such a case.
315. "Besides the Diary, Swedenborg for
several years had been engaged upon an exten-
sive work on the Apocalypse, which is published
among his posthuma, but which he did not
complete. The original edition of the Apoc-
alypse Explained occupies four large 4to vol-
umes. That he intended to produce it is evi-
dent from the clearly-written manuscript with
occasional directions to the printer, and from
the first volume of the copy being marked in
the titlepage with London, 1759; which ren-
ders it moreover probable that he had begun
the work after finishing the Arcana in 1756.
However this may be, we learn that on one
occasion he ' heard a voice from heaven, say-
ing, " Enter into your bed chamber, and shut
the door, and apply to the work begun on the
Apocalypse, and finish it within two years." '
The Apocalypse Explained is one of the finest
of his works, interpreting that book of the
Testament down to the tenth verse of the
nineteenth chapter, and pregnant, if we may
use the expression, with a number of distinct
treatises on important subjects ; but it has
been supposed that he thought it too volumi-
nous and elaborate. Certain it is, that he
abandoned the work, and set himself to pro-
duce an exposition in a smaller compass,
which he published under the title of Apoc-
alypse Revealed.
Meeting with Dr. Beyer.
316. "It does not appear whether Swe-
denborg i-evisited Sweden from 1762 to 1764:
he may have resided in Amsterdam during
the whole period, or he may have paid a visit
to England; but it is probable that he re-
turned home during the latter year, for in the
first half of the next year he was again in
Sweden. Soon, however, he set forth upon
new travels, and in 1765 came from Stock-
holm to Gottenburg, where, during a week's
stay, while waiting for a vessel to England,
he accidcnUilly met Dr. Beyer, Professor of
Greek and Member of the Consistorj of Got-
tenburg, who having lieard that he was mad,
was surprised to find that he spoke sensibly,
without discovering any marks of his alleged
infirmity. He invited Swedenborg to dine
with him the day following, in company with
Dr. Rosen. After dinner, Dr. Beyer ex-
pressed a desire to hear from him a full ac-
count of his doctrines ; upon which Sweden-
borg, animated by the request, ' spoke out so
clearly and wonderfully,' that both the doctors
wei*e astonished. They did not interrupt him,
but when he had finished, Beyer requested
him to meet him the next day at M. Wenn-
gren's, and to bring with him a paper con-
taining the substance of his discourse, in order
that he might consider it more attentively.
Swedenborg complied, kept the engagement,
and taking the paper out of his pocket in the
presence of Beyer and Wenngren, he trem-
bled and appeared much affected, the teai-s
flowing down his cheeks ; and presenting the
paper to Dr. Beyer, he said, ' Sir, from this
time the Lord has introduced you into the
society of angels, and you are now surround-
ed by them.' They were all affected. He
then took his leave, and the next day em-
barked for England. From that time Dr.
Beyer became a student of his doctrines, and
in spite of persecution, he remained stead-
fast to them throughout his life, and busied
himself upon an elaborate Index to Sweden-
borg's theological writings, which was published
thirteen years after, just as Dr. Beyer died.
Apocalypse Revealed.
317. " Swedenborg did not make a long
stay in England, but after a few weeks or
months proceeded to Holland, spending the
winter of 1765-66 at Amsterdam, where he
published the Apocalypse Revealed in the
spring of the latter year. This work, as was
his wont, he gave away liberally to the Uni-
versities and superior clergy, and to many
eminent persons, in England, Holland, Ger-
many, France and Sweden.
318. " Tlie Apocalypse Revealed is an in-
terpretation of the book t)f Revelation, on
principles similar to those made use of in the
Arcana Coelestia, and which we have already
mentioned. The spiritual sense alone fur-
nishes the key to this often expounded scrip-
ture, and those who were ignorant of that
sense, could not unfold its true meaning. It
does not foreshadow outward events either in
the church or the world, nor the progress of
the Christian church from its beginning ; but
it records in spiritual symbols the end of that
church, and the establishment of its successor ;
both in the spiritual world. It is the book of
the Last Judgment, which we have described
above. It commences as 'the Revelation of
Jesus Christ,' signifying that those who ac-
Knowledge his divinity by good lives from
charity and faith, are the witnesses and par-
' takers of this Apocalypse. It appeals to all
in the Christian churcli, under the sevenfold
designation of the churches of Asia, whose
variety describes the entire circuit of the life
and faith of Christendom in the two worlds.
It then describes their exploration, by the in-
flux of divine light from the ancient heavens :
first, the exploration of the reformed church,
and lastly that of the catholic : the doctrine
of justification by faith being typified by the
dragon ; the dominion of the Romanist church,
by the great harlot sitting upon many waters.
It proceeds to narrate the divine judgment on
these churches : also in the nineteenth chap-
ter, the glorification that ensued in heaven
when the catholic religion was removed ; and
in the twentieth, the damnation of the dragon.
Then proceeds, chap, xxi., xxii., the descent
from heaven of the New Jerusalem, with a
description of its spiritual glories.
319. "A volume, unless it were a reprint,
would not give an analysis of this book on the
Apocalypse. When we say that the com-
mentary takes the text word by word, and
translates it into spirit, we still convey but a
slender idea of what is done. Our own first
impressions on reading the work will not soon
be forgotten. Following the writer through
the long breaths and flights of this vast em-
pyrean, we were momently in anxious fear
that to sustain a context of such was impossi-
ble. Each fresh chapter seemed like a space
that mortal wing must not attempt ; and yet
the fear was groundless, for our guide sailed
onward with a tranquil motion as if he knew
the stars. History and common sense, pant-
ing and gasping science, philosophy in its bet-
ter part, above all, the confidence in a divine
support and a supernal mission, appeared to
be covertly and unexpectedly present, to an-
nihilate difficulties, and pave the skyey way
of this humble voyager. And when we had
again alighted from that perusal which strained^
every faculty to the utmost, it was as though
we had been there before, so entire was the
impression of self-evidence that was left upon
the mind. Genesis and the Revelation were
closely at one in this marvellous Apocalypse,
thenceforth the most open of the Bible pages :
the two ends of the Scripture called to each
other ; an arch of divine light spanned the
river of the Word, and the original Eden
blossomed anew in the midst of the street of
the holy city. The author the while dis-
claimed the authorship, for ' what man,' says
he, ' can draw such things for himself.' " —
Wilkinson's Biography, pp. 132-151.
320. The author of the Memoir before
quoted, says also of this work : — ''It con-
tains the exposition of the spiritual sense of
the Book of Revelation, — that sealed Book,
which has been an embarrassment and a mar-
vel to the church in all ages, and which, in-
deed, on account of its obscurity and seeming
incoherency, was at one time in danger of
being excluded from the listof eanonical books
of Scripture, — tliis mysterious Book is taken
up in the work just mentioned, (entitled the
Apocahjpse Revealed,) and examined chapter
by chai)ter, verse by verse, word by word, in
the same mannej* as was done with the Books
of Genesis and Exodus, in the ^Arcana ; ' and
the interior meaning, the spiritual sense of ev-
ery part set forth — and set forth in such a
manner as to present a clear, connected, and
rational meaning throughout the whole Book,
from the first chapter to the last. And what
is especially to be remarked, — the spiritual
sense of this Book, the last of the New Testa-
ment, is shown to be founded on the same prin-
ciples, and discovered by the same rules of in-
terpretation, as the spiritual sense of the Books
of Genesis and P^xodus, the first of the Old
Testament written, as they wei-e, by other
hands, and more than fifteen hundred years
before (a strong proof, that however varied
the human instruments, there was One Divine
Author of the whole). Thus, with any par-
ticular word, for instance, occurring in the
Book of Genesis, and declared to have a cer-
tain spiritual signification — when that word
occurs in the Book of Revelation, it is shown
to have the same signification ; and this holds
true in all cases. And, moreover, while all
these various significations taken together,
make in the Book of Genesis, a complete
spiritual sense, so in the Book of Revelation
they make their own complete spiritual sense.
Now, it will readily be seen, that such a
coincidence would be altogether unaccount-
able, nay, impossible, unless there really ex-
isted such a spiritual sense in the Word of
God, formed there by the Divine Hand : and
«t is indeed, this uniform spiritual sense, full
of high and heavenly truth, in which, in great
part, consists the inspiration of the holy vol-
ume : it is this, which raises it infinitely above
all other works of history or of morals, above
all human compositions : and the existence of
such a sense, it may be observed, is the strong-
est proof of the Divine character of those
writings which we call the Sacred Scriptures.
And truly, had Swedenborg done only this,
he would have deserved the gratitude of all
who seriously revere the Word of God, for
thus bringing a new and most powerful argu-
ment from internal evidence, in favor of the
inspiration and Divinity of the Sacred Vol-
ume." — Memoir, S^c, by Rev. T. 0. Prescott.
Travels, Anecdotes, &c.
321. "In 176(5, simultaneously with the
Apocalypse Revealed, Swedenborg republished
his youthful work on a New Method of fad-
ing the Longitudes. This method, as he in-
formed the Swedish Archbishop, Menander,
*of calculating the ephemerides by pairs of
stars, several persons in I'oreign countries w<'re
then employing, who had experienced great {
advantage by the observations made acconl- j
ing to it for a series of years.' His faculty
of remark, it appears, was still awake to what^
ever he thought might be useful in the mun-
dane sense. It is not improbable that he was
solicited to this reprint.
322. " After the loth of April he again
visited England for two or three months,
watching the disposition of our bishops, and
any favoring events in the theological world.
323. " Mr. Springer, the Swedish Consul in
London, is the only person who mentions any
particulars of this visit. He and Swedenborg
had been good friends in Sweden, but Spring-
er was surprised at our author's continued in-
timacy with him, ' as he was not a man of
letters.' This, however, was perhaps one
ground of the friendship. Swedenborg -ile-
sired Springer to procure him a vessel for
Sweden and a good captain, which he did.
An agreement was made with one Dixon.
Swedenborg's effects were carried on board,
and as his lodgings were at a distance from
the port (probably in Cold Bath Fields), he
and Springer took for that night (Sept. 1,
1766) a bed at Mr. Bergstrom's Hotel, the
King's Arms, in Wellclose Square. Sweden-
borg went to bed. Springer and Bergstrom
from an adjoining room heard a remarkable
noise, and could not imagine its cause. They
peeped through a door with a little window
in it, that looked into the room where he lay,
and they saw him with his hands raised ae
towards heaven, and his body appearing to
tremble. He spoke much for half an hour, but
they could not understand what he said, ex-
cept only when he let his hands fall down,
they heard him ejaculate, My God. He then
remained quietly in bed. They went into the
room, and asked him if he was ill. He said,
* No, but he had had a long discourse with
some of the heavenly friends, and was in a
great perspiration.' He got up and changed
his shirt, and then went to bed again, and
slept till morning. This anecdote, trivial as
it may appear, portrays in a measure his
physical state during one of his trances. His
natural voice, it seems, was stirred during ix
spiritual conversation. This occasionally oc-
curs in sleep, where a lively dream will call
forth sounds and movements from the sleeper.
The trembling of the body is noteworthy, and
is often witnessed in the first phases of ecstase
and catalepsy. As to the noise that w;w
heard, it might have been merely Sweden-
borg's voice mufHed by distance, or rendered
imperfect by his state ; or it might have pro-
ceeded from the spirits who were with kim ;
for spirits, according to the Seeress of Pre-
vorst, and homelier authorities, can make
themselves audible more readily than visible,
particularly if they are of a heavy and worldly
cast ; in which case they can even move heavy
bodies. These, however, that Swedenborg
was talking with, were heavenly spirits.
324. " In the morning Captain Dixon camo
for Swedenborg, and Springer took leave
of him, and wished him a happy voyage.
Bergstrom asked }iim how much coffee he
should pack for him, as he took a certain por-
tion of it daily. Swedenhorg said that no
great quantity would be needed, as by God's
aid they would enter the port of Stockholm
at 2 o'clock on that day week. It happened
exactly as he foretold, as Dixon upon his re-
turn informed Springer. A violent gale ac-
celerated the voyage, and the wind was favor-
able to every turn of the vessel. Dixon told
Ferelius that he had never in all his life had
so prosperous a transit.
325. " Swedenhorg arrived at home on the
8th of September, and for some time resided
in the Sudermalm, the southern suburb of
Stockholm. His house was pleasantly situ-
ated, neat and convenient, with a spacious
garden, and other appendages. His own
room or study was small, and contained n'oth-
ing elegant. It was all that he wanted, but
would have satisfied few other men. He kept
two servants, a gardener and his wife, to whom
he gave the produce of his garden. In 17G7,
for the convenience of hij; numerous visitors,
he had a handsome summer house erected,
with two wings, one of which contained his
library. He afterwards built two other sum-
mer houses, one of them after the model of a
structure that he had admired at a nobleman's
seat in England. The otlier was squaie, but
could be turned into an octagon by folding
back the doors across the corners. To add to
the amusement of his friends and their cliil-
dren, he had a labyrinth constructed in a
corner of his garden, and a secret door, which,
on being opened, discovered another door
with a window in it. This appeared to open
into a garden beyond, containing a shady
green arcade with a bird cage hanging under
it ; but the window was a mirror, and present-
ed only a reflection of the objects around.
He took great pleasure in his garden ; it was
ornamented after the Dutch fasiiion, and cost
him a considerable sum annually to keep it
up, but in his latter years he suffered it to go
into disorder.
326. " Notwitlistanding that he was very
accessible, he took precaution to stand on a
fair footing with his visitors. During inter-
views he always had one of his domestics
present in the room, and insisted upon the
conversation being carried on in Swedish.
Widows went to him to inquire about the
state of their husbands in the other world ;
and others, who looked upon him as a sooth-
sayer, besought him with questions about
property lost or stolen. When people went
to him for such purposes, he often refused to
gratify them, and earnestly advised them to
abandon their quest. He had perhaps learned
prudence from experience, especially of the
fair sex ; for lie used to say in justification of
his caution : ' Women are artful ; they might
oretend that I have sought a near acquaint-
ance with them ; and besides, it is well known
that persons turn and distort what they do
not understand.'
327. " The following anecdote from his fe-
male domestic at once illustrates what we
have been relating, and shows the candor of
the man. Bishop Hallenius, the successor ol
Swedenborg's father, paying a visit to Swe
denborg, the discourse began on the nature of
common sermons. Swedenborg said to the
bishop, among other things : ' You insert
things that are false in yours;' on this, the
bishop told the gardener, who was j)resent, to
retire, but Swedenborg commanded him to
stay. The conversation went on, and both
turned over the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, to
show the texts that were agreeable to their
assertions : at length the conversation finished,
by some observations intended as reproaches
to the bishop on his avarice, and various un-
just actions; 'You have already prepared
yourself a place in hell,' said Swedenborg;
' but,' he added, ' I predict that you will some
months hence be attacked with a grievous
illness, during which time the Lord will seek
to convert you. If you then open your heart
to his holy inspirations, your conversion will
take place. AYhen this happens, write to me
for my theological works, and I will send
them to you.' In short, after some months
had passed, an officer of the province and
bishopric of Skara came to pay a visit to
Swedenborg. On being asked how the Bishop
Hallenius was, ' He has been very ill,' rej)lied
the officer, ' but at present he is well recov-
ered, and has become altogether another per-
son, being noAV a practiser of what is good, full
of probity, and returns sometimes three or
fourfold of property, for what he had before
unjustly taken into his possession.' From
that time the bishop became an open support-
er of Swedenborg's doctrine.
328. " The most harmless men are not on
that account without enemies, particularly if
they add to prudence plain and honest speak-
ing, as was the case with Swedenborg ; for
nothing excites some persons to violence more
than the spectacle of that self-collectedness
and self-respect which they do not feel in
themselves. Swedenborg underwent this pen-
alty of his character. On one occasion a
young man went to his house with the inten-
tion of assassinating him. The gardener's
wife, observing something extraordinary in
his manner, told him that Swedenborg was
out, but he would not believe it, and rushed
past her towards the garden. Happily a nail
in the lock of the door caught his cloak, and
in his attempt to disengage himself, his naked
sword fell from under the cloak out of his
hands, and thus detected, he became embar-
rassed, and escaped with all speed. He was
afterwards, the story says, killed in a duel.
No doubt, however, this was an isolated in-
stance, the result of some frenzy or madness
acting upon an excitable brain, for we do not
find that this person knew any thing of Swe-
329. " In the autumn of this same year he
was visited by tiie Rev. Nicliohis Collin, a
Swedish clergyman, who has left a })k'asing
account of his interview with Swedenborg,
who ' at that time,' he says, ' was a great ob-
ject of pui)lic attention in the capital, and his
extraordinary character was a frequent topic
of discussion.' The old man received the
youthful student very kindly (Collin was then
but twenty years of age), and in the course
of a three hours' conversation, reiterated the
fact of his spiritual intercourse, as declared in
his works. Collin requested of him as a great
favor, to procure him an interview with his
brother, deceased a few months previously.
Swedenborg answered, that God, for wise and
good pur[)Oses, had separated the world of
spirits from ours, and that communication was
not granted except for cogent reasons ; where-
upon Collin confessed that he had no motives
beyond gratifying brotherly affection, and an
ardent wish to explore scenes so sublime and
interesting. Swedenborg told liira tliat ' his
motives were good, but not sufficient ; that if
any important spiritual or temporal concern
had been involved, he would have solicited
permission from those angels who regulate
such matters.' AVe cite the latter sentence to
show what noble offices are assigned to Unite
beings. Indeed an instructive chapter might
be written from Swedenborg's life and works,
upon the new functions connected more or less
with this world, as of attending the birth of
the newly dead into the spiritual state, of edu-
cating departed infants and simple spirits, of
governing sleep and infusing dreams, and in-
definite other things besides, — which consti-
tute a department of the duties of the liuman
race translated into the sphere of spiritual in-
dustry. For heaven is the grand workman ;
the moments of the eternal sabbath are strokes
of deeds ; and the more of these can be given
to be done by men and angels, the more is
the creation real, because cooperating with
God." — Wilkinson's Biograpliy, pp. 151-157.
330. In this year, we find the following
from a letter written to Dr. Oettinger : —
" To your interrogation, Whetlicr there is occasion
for anil *'n ") "'"' ^ <^"' **"' ^y '^'^ Lord, to do ivhat
I do'} i answer, that at tiiis day no signs or mira-
cles will bo given, because thoy compol only an
external belief, but do not convince the internal.
What did the miracles avail in Egypt, or among
the Jewish nation, who, nevertheless, crucified the
Lord ? So, if the Lord was to appear now in the
eky, attended with angels and trumpets, it would
have no other effect than it had then. (Luke xvi.
29-J31). The sign, given at this day, will be
an iUiistrafion, and thence a knowledge and recep-
tion of the IruUis of the .Yew Church; some speak-
ing illustratiun of certain persons may likewise
take place ; tliis works more etTectually than mira-
cles. Yd one token may perhaps still be given.
" You ask me. If I have spoken ivith the Jlpostles ?
To which I reply, I have spoken one whole year
with Paul, and also of what is montioned m the
Epistle to the Romans iii. '-28. I have spoxen
three times with John ; once with Moses ; and I
suppose a hundred times with Luther, who owned
to mo that, contrary to the warning of an angel, he
had received the doctrine of salvation by faith
alone, merely with the intent that he might make
an entire separation from popery. But with the
angels I have conversed these twenty-two years
past, and daily continue so to do : with tiioin the
Lord has given me association, though there was
no occasion to mention all this in my writings.
Who would have believed, and would not have
said, show some token that I may believe? and
this every one would have said who did not sec
the like." — Documents, pp. 154, 155.
331. In 17G7, our author was still in Stock-
holm, observing with care the effect produced
by his writings. And in reply to a question,
''How soon the Neiv Clmrch is to be expect-
ed?" we have the following answer: —
" The Lord is preparing at this time a new
heaven of such as believe in Ilim, and acknowl-
edge Him to be the true God of heaven and earth,
and also look to Him in their lives, which is to
shun evil and do good ; because from that heaven
shall the New Jerusalem, mentioned in Rev. xxi.
2, descend. I daily see spirits and angels, from
ten to twenty thousand, descending and ascending,
who are set in order. By degrees as that heaven
is formed, the New Church likewise begins and
increases. The universities in Christendom are
now first instructed, from whence will come min-
isters ; because the new heaven has no influence
over the old clergy, who conceive themselves to
bo too well skilled in the doctrine of justification
by faith alone." — Documents, p. 125.
For, as he observes in another letter: —
" All confirmations, in things pertaining to the-
ology, are. as it were, glued fast in the brains, and
can with difiiculty beremoved ; and whilst they
remain, genuine truths can find no place. Besides,
the new heaven of Christians, from whence the JVew
Jerusalem from the Lord will descend, (Rev. xxi. 1,
2,) is not yet perfectly settled." — Letters to Dr.
Kant's Inquiries.
332. " It was in this year that Kant's at-
tention was first called to the narrations which
were rife about Swedenborg. The philoso-
pher describes his previous state of mind
with regard to supernatural occurrences.
He had made himself acquainted with a
great number of the most probable stories,
but considered it wisest to incline to the
negative side, 'not that he imagined such
things to be impossible,' but because the in-
stances are in general not well proved. This
not unreasonable scepticism he brought to
Swedenborg's cases. He had received the
account of them from a Danish officer, hi>
former pupil, who at the table of the Austrian
Ambassador, Dietrichstein, at Copenhagen,
with several other guests, read a letter just
received by the host from Baron de Lutzow,
the Mecklenburg Ambassador at Stockholm,
in which he said that he, in company with
the Dutch Ambassador, was present in the
Queen's palace when Swedenborg gave her the
message from her dead brother. This authen-
tication surprised Kant, and as he prettily
says : ' Now in order not to reject blindfold the
prejudice against apparitions and visions by a
new prejudice, I found it desirable to inform
myself of the particulars of the transaction.'
How few of the matter-of-fact people 'find it
desirable to inform themselves ' ! But to con-
tinue, Kant instituted searching inquiries,
which ended in corroborating the aifair ; and
Professor Schlegel also added his voice, that
it could by no means be doubted. Kant's
Danish friend being about to leave Copenha-
gen, advised Kant to open a correspondence
with Swedenborg himself. This he did, and
his letter was delivered by an English mer-
chant at Stockholm. Swedenborg received it
politely, and promised to reply. As no answer
came, Kant commissioned an English gentle-
man then at Konigsberg, and who was going
to Stockholm, to make particular inquiries re-
specting Swedenborg's alleged ' miraculous
gift.' This friend stated in his first letter to
Kant, that the most respectable people in
Stockholm attested the account of the transac-
tion alluded to. He himself, however, he con-
fessed, was still in suspense. His succeeding
letters were of a different purport. He had
not only spoken with Swedenborg, but had
visited him at his house, and was in aston-
ishment at his case. Swedenborg, he said,
was a reasonable, polite and open-hearted
man. He told him unreservedly that God
. had accorded to him the gift of conversing
with departed souls at pleasure. He was re-
minded of Kant's letter ; he said that he was
aware that he had received it, and would
already have answered it, but that he should
proceed to London in the month of May this
year (1768), where he would publish a book in
which the answer, as to every point, might be
met with. There is somewhat of uncommon
- candor in Kant's deportment throughout this
- inquiry, the more so as the transcendental
system that he excogitated excludes reality
with triple bars from every sphere, and so
aggravates what the philosophers term the
' subjective ' portion of man's nature, as to
make all objects unattainable in their true
selves. But Kant had genius sutficient to let
him out occasionally from the prison of his
intellectual reveries. The anecdote is due to
Kant himself, even more than to Swedenborg.
Visit from Virgil. Deceased King.
333. " It is perhaps in tliis period of his
life that we may place an interview with him
recorded by Atterbom, the poet, in his Swe-
dish Seers and Bards. ' A single anecdote,'
bUys Atterbom, ' in relation to his spiritual in-
tercourse, we cannot refrain from introducing,
especially as none of those hitherto known so
artlessly delineates his peculiar and unre-
gtrained mode of living, at the same time,
loth in the natural and spiritual world. The
occurrence took place with a distinguished
and learned Finlander (Porthan), who, during
the whole of his life, believed rather too liiilo
than too much. This learned man, when a
young graduate from the university, was on
his travels, and came to Stockholm where
Swedenborg was living. Far from being a
Swedenborgian, he on the contrary regarded
the renowned visionary as an arch-enthusiast;
still he thought it is duty to visit this wonder-
ful old man, not merely out of curiosity to see
him, but also from a cordial esteem for one
who in every other respect was a light of the
North, and a pattern of moral excellence.
On his arrival at the house in which Sweden-
borg resided, he was introduced into a parlor
by a good-humored old domestic, who went
into an inner apartment to announce the
stranger, and immediately returned with an
apology from his master, as being at that
moment hindered by another visit, but which
would probably not be of long duration ; on
which account the young graduate Avas re-
quested to be seated for a few minutes — and
was left in the parlor alone. As he happened
to have taken his seat near the door of *^he
inner apartment, he could not avoid hearing
that a very lively conversation was carried on,
and this during a passing up and down the
room : in consequence of which he alternately
perceived the sound of the conversation at a
distance, and then again immediately near
himself; and plainly, so that every word
might be heard. He observed that the con-
versation was conducted in Latin, and that it
was respecting the antiquities of Rome : a dis-
covery, after which, being himself a great
Latinist, and very conversant on the subject
of those antiquities, he could not possibly
avoid listening with the most intense attention.
But he was somewhat puzzled when he heard
throughout only one voice speaking, between -
pauses of longer or shorter duration ; after
which the voice appeared to have obtained an
answer, and to have found in the answer a
motive for fresh questions. That the hearer
of the persons conversing was Swedenborg
himself, he took for granted, and the old man
was observed to be highly pleased with his
guest. But M'ho the latter was, he could not
discover ; but only that the conversation was
concerning the state of persons and things in
Rome during tiie time of the emperor Augus-
tus : and particulars on these points were
elicited, which he with unavoidable and in-
creasing interest endeavored to lay hold of,
since they were altogether new to him. But
as he became more and more absorbed in the
subject itself, and was endeavoring to forget
the marvellous in the treatment of it, the door
was opened ; and Swedenborg, who was rec-
ognizable from portraits and descriptions of
him, came out into the parlor with a counte-
nance beaming with joy. He greeted the
stranger, who had risen from his seatj with a
friendly nod, but merely in passing by him :
for his chief attention was fixed upon the per-
son who was invisible to thu stranger, and
whom he conducted with bows through the
apartment and out at the opposite door: re-
peating at the same time, and in the most
beautiful and fluent Latin, various obligations,
a'ld begging an early repetition of the visit.
Immediately afterwards, on entering again, he
went straight up to his later guest, and ad-
dressed him with a cordial squeeze of the
hand : " AYell, heartily welcome, learned Sir !
excuse me for making you wait ! I had, as you
observed, a visitor." The traveller, amazed
and embarrassed : " Yes, I observed it." Swe-
denborg : *' And can you guess whom ? " " Im-
possible." " Only think, my dear Sir : Virgil!
And do you know : he is a fine and pleasant
fellow. I have always had a good opinion of
the man, and he deserves it. He is as modest
as he is witty, and most agreeably entertain-
ing." "I also have always imagined him to
be so." " Right ! and he is always like him-
self. It may, perhaps, not be unknown to
you, that in my first youth I occupied myself
much with Roman literature, and even wrote
a multitude of Carmina, which I had printed
at Skara ? " "I know it, and all judges highly
esteem them." " I am glad of it ; it matters
little that the contents were res[)ecting my
first love. Many years, many otlier studies,
occupations and thoughts, lie between that
period and the present. But the so unex-
pected visit of Virgil awaked up a crowd of
youthful recollections ; and when I found him
so pleasant, so communicative, I resolved to
avail myself of the occasion, to ask him of
tilings concerning which no one could bet-
ter give information. He has also promised
me to come again before long. . . . But
let us now talk of something else ! It is so
long since I have met with any one from Fin-
land ; and besides a young Academician !
Come in, and sit down with me ! AVith what
can I serve you ? But first give me an ac-
count of every thing you can, both old and
new." And afterwards, — thus continues the
witness and deponent of this scene to one of
his intimate friends, from whose lips we re-
ceived the account, — afterwards, during the
whole period of my intercourse with this sin-
gular old man, whom I subsequently visited
several times, I did not perceive the least that
was extraordinary, excepting only his amazing
learning in all the branches of human sci-
ence and investigation. He never afterwards
touched upon any thing supernatural or vision-
ary. So insane as he appeared to me at first,
I nevertheless separated from him with the
greatest gratitude, both for his highly learned
conversation, and his constant and exceeding
kindness both in word and deed — and above
all, with the greatest admiration, although
mingled with regret, that, on a certain point,
a screw in the venerable man was loose or
altogether fallen away.'
334. '• Here is a royal gate into history, for
the future to open. If we want the biogra-
phy of Virgil, let Virgil tell it : no one else
can satisfy either biograj)her or feader. Vir- ■
gil and his memory are alive ; for God is not
the God of the dead, but the God of the living.
There are no dead in the vulgar sense, and
there is no oblivion. There is want of spirit-
ual sympathy in us, which kills the living, and
obliterates their memory. The ancient men
are secret, for we are estranged from their
love line. Antiquarianism cannot dig them
n[), because they are not under ground. But
likeness of mind is an exorcism that they can-
not refuse, and which properly applied, will
refresh their oldest memories, and make them
confidential. The highest who has left the
earth, has its dear images with him, albeit
quiescent for the most part, but may be led
down, when the Lord pleases, by the stairs of
the unforgettable past, and visit our abodes.
It is only to open his mind world wards, and
straight he can commune with an earthly seer
— if he can find one. The love we bear to
human story, the insatiable curiosity towards
early times, the very madness of antiquarianism,
demand this authentication, which it is plain,
would be simjily satisfying and nothing more.
It is then extraordinary that it is not common.
335. '' The exact month of Swedenborg's
next foreign travel is uncertain, but just be-
fore he undertook it, his friend Robsahm met
him in his carriage riding out of Stockholm,
and asked him how he could venture upon so
long a journey, being eighty years old ? and
whether they would ever meet again ? Have
no anxiety on that subject, said he, for if you
live we shall meet again here, as I have yet
another journey like this before me. We
also have it recorded that his repeated voyages
to and fro had become a matter of notoriety
at Elsinore, where he frequently visited the
Swedish Consul, M. Rahling; and it was
during the transit we are referring to that he
made the acquaintance of General Tuxen, at
the Consul's table. The General questioned
him upon the report of the Queen of Sweden's
affair, and received an account of it from his
own lips. He also asked him how a man
might be certain whether he was on the road
to salvation or not. Swedenborg told him
that this was easy ; that he need only exam-
ine himself by the ten commandments ; as for
instance, whether he loves and fears God ;
whether he is rejoiced at the welfare of others,
and does not envy them ; whether he puts
aside anger and revenge for injuries, because
vengeance belongs to God : and so on. If he
can answer this examination in the affirmative,
he is on the road to heaven ; if his heart is
the other way, then he is on the road to hell.
This led Tuxen to think of himself, as well as
others, and he asked Swedenborg whether he
had seen King Frederic V. of Denmark,
deceased in 1766, adding that though some
human frailty attached to him, yet he had
certain hopes that he was happy. Sweden-
horg said, ' Yes, I have seen him, and he is
well off, and not only he, but all the kings of
the house of Oldenburg, who are all associated
together. Tliis is not the happy case with our
Swedish kings.' Swedenborg then told him
that he had seen no one so splendidly minis-
tered to in the world of spirits as the Empress
Elizabeth of Russia, wlio died in 17G2. As
Tuxen expressed astonishment at this, Swe-
denborg continued : ' I can also tell you the
reason, which few would surmise. With all
her faults she had a good heart, and a certain
consideration in her negligence. This induced
her to put off signing many papers that were
from time to time presented to her, and which
at last so accumulated, that she could not ex-
amine them, but was obliged to sign as many
as possible upon the representation of her
ministers: after which she would retire to her
closet, fall on her knees, and beg God's for-
giveness, if she, against her will, had signed
any thing that was wrong.' When this con-
versation was ended, Swedenborg went on
board his vessel, leaving a firm friend and fu-
ture disciple in General Tuxen.
Conjugial Love.
336. " It is probable that Swedenborg went
from Stockholm to London in the middle of
the year, according to what he signified to
Kant's friend. However on November 8,
17G8, we again meet him at Amsterdam,
whither he had gone to print another impor-
tant work. The Delights of Wisdo7n concern-
ing Conjugial Love, and the Pleasures of In-
sanity concerning Scortatory Love. This
book he published with his name, as written
by Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swede.
337. " In every new view of mankind, and
in each fresh system of doctrines whicli pro-
fesses to apply itself to the wants of an age,
the subject of marriage can hardly fail to
have an important place ; in many systems,
indeed, it furnishes the experimentum cruets,
and at once decides their pretensions. It now
devolves upon us to say a few words upon
this topic, in its connection with Swedenborg's
338. " The author affirms, upon a union
of experimental with rational evidence, that
sex is a permanent fact in human nature, —
that men are men, and women, women, in the
highest heaven as here upon earth : that it is
the soul which is male or female, and that sex
is thence derived into the mortal body and the
natural world ; therefore that the difference
of sexes is brighter and more exquisite in
proportion as the person is high, and the
sphere is pure. The distinction not only
reaches to the individual, but it is atomically
minute besides; every thought, affection and
sense of a male is male, and of a female is
feminine. The smallest drop of intellect or
will is in'^onvertible between the sexes ; if
man's, it can never become woman's ; or vice
versa. Tiie sexual distinction is founded upon
the two radical attributes of God, — upon his
divine love, and his divine wisdom ; wiiereof
the former is feminine, and the latter mascu-
line. The union of these in Him is the di-
vine marriage; and the creation proceeds dis-
tinctly from them, and images, or aspires to, a
marriage in every part. The lightning fiats
twine and kiss ere ever they separate. The
world would be, and the church is, an ever-
lasting wedlock. Therefore there are mar-
riages in heaven, and heaven itself is a mar-
riage. The text that ' in heaven they neither
marry, nor are given in marriage,' is to be
understood in a spiritual sense. It signifies
that the marriage of tiie soul with its Lord,
or what is the same thing, the entrance of
man into the church, which is the bride of the
Lamb, must be effected in this world, or it
cannot have place afterwards. It also signi-
fies, that angels, whether men or women,
already have the marriage principle in them
as a gi'ound of their angelship, or they could
not acquire it after death : hence they are vir-
tually married, and do not marry, nor are
given in marriage. It is as though it had
been said, tliat no one goes to heaven, but
those who already are in heaven ; or have
heaven in them, and are heaven. But this
Sci'iplure by no means excludes the blessed
from that conjugial union which is their sum-
mary bliss, and which is the foregone conclu-
sion of their admission to eternal life. The
text, however, does exclude sensual and nat-
ural views of marriage, and so is suitable in
its form to the Jewish mind and the corporeal
nature, which otherwise would have conceived
only carnally of a celestial bond.
339. " We must guard, however, against
supposing that the spiritual is not real and
bodily ; lor every thing inward has its last
resort in substantive organization. The bodies
of angels are as ours in every part, but more
expressive, plastic, and perfect. Their con-
jugial union, which is true chastity and play-
ful innocence, is bodily like our own ; nay,
far more intimate : its delights, immeasurably
more blessed and perceptible than on earth,
commence in the spirit, and are of the spirit
even in the body : its powers, springing from
a divine fountain, are marred by no languor,
but spire in an unconsuming fiame of peren-
nial virility. This world, however, and not
the other, is the theatre of prolification ; the
fixed soil of nature alone produces new be-
ings ; whence angelic marriages do not engen-
der natural but spiritual births, which are the
various endowments of love and wisdom ;
whei-efore, by this offspring or i?i-spring, the
partners breed in themselves human fulness,
which consists in desiring to grow wise on the
man's part, and in loving whatever belongs to
wisdom on the wife's. Thus conjugial love is
a means of their eternal progression, by which
tliey become yoanger and younger, more and
more deeply the sons and daugliters of the
Almighty, and are born again from state to
state as happier children in the cycle of wed-
ded satisfactions.
340. " To conjugial love our author assigns
the highest position in the soul: in its descent
it is the gate by which the human race enters
into exist<^nce ; in its ascent and upper faculty
it is the door through which the Lord enters
into the mind. It is the appointed source of
all creatures, from which beneath springs gen-
eration, and regeneration comes through it
from above. The purit}' of the source deter-
mines the world's condition at any given period,
influencing posterities organically, and the
mind and will in their finest spiings. Nay,
upon this depends the spiritual world itself;
for earthly marriage is the seminary of heaven,
as adultery is the seminary of hell. Children
born of parents imbued with truly conjugial
love, derive from those parents the conjugial
principle of goodness and truth, which gives
them an inclination and faculty, if sons, to
perceive whatever appertains to wisdom, and if
daughters, to love the things that wisdom teaches.
341. "It is plain that of an affection so ex-
alted there are few patterns to be found on
earth, and that even where it dwells, it may
not be manifest ; and for this reason our au-
thor was obliged to describe it from experi-
ence in heaven, where it reigns in open day
as a fundamental love. Fact alone supplies
description, and the facts of conjugial union
were not given on this globe in that age ; it
was then needful to explore the heavens, in
which that ancient love is stored. For this
purpose, as the ages are differenced by this
very affection, he prayed to the Lord to be
allowed to visit them, and travelled in spirit
with an angel guide to the golden, silver, copper,
iron, and still later periods ; that is to say, to
the men and women wlio are still in those
states. And every where he learned from the
best and the eldest the tale of their faithful
loves ; or, as in the lower ages, observed that
A,iie decadence of their state was in propor-
tion to their want of fealty to the primeval
bond. He learned that the marriage of one
man with one wife is the law of heavenly
union, corresponding to the unity of God, to
the singleheartedness of man, to the marriage
of the good with the true, and of the Lord
with the church. Polygamy, however, and
varying unions, were the sign and the cause
of a broken religion, and the avenues of sen-
suality towards hell. He brought back to this
earth the documents of the other life on this
point, the Reports of the great epochs, and
these are given in his memorable relations,
a series of narratives between the ethical chap-
ters, which complete by experience the field
which is given through doctrine in the latter.
342. " Never was monogamy so rescued
from the baser justifications of worldly pru-
dence, and placed so merely on the pedestal
of religion and divine necessity, as in Swe-
denborg's system : with him it is the ideal of
union, and every thing in the sexual commerce
is tried and judged l)y its tendency or approxi-
mation to indissohiljle miuriage. Well may
the state be guarded, which is to be eternal :
well may the force be subject to heavenly
rules, whose effects extend through all gen-
erations in the lines of time, and upward
through the hierarchies of that past, which is
but the depth and height of the present.
343. " Sucii, at h^ast, is the consequence of
the creed, that sexual distinctions are eternal,
and monogamy their divine end : it evident-
ly confers the heart of spirituality upon the
marriage tie, and tends to maintain it for both
divine and human reasons. Nor are the ce-
lestial reports devoid of interest in the mat-
ter ; for were it not for them, the sanctity of
marriage would fail of present experience,
and come in time into the hands of the philos-
ophers who kee[) no account of their receipts.
[344. In the latter part of this work, and sepa-
rate from it, is a short treatise on what might be
called, "The Infernal Pleasures of Insanity, con-
cerning Scortatory Love : " for none but infernal
spirits, and those whoso minds are under their in-
fluence, can possibly take delight in the grossest
perversions of all that is good and true. But let it
never be forgotten, that what Swedenborg says on
these unpleasant subjects, is by no means designed
as doctrinals for the New Clnirch ; and in reading
this essay, tlie important distinctions must be con-
stantly kept up, between the phrases " it is rigM,''^
{fas est,) and it is allowed or permitted, [bicet ;) the
former having reference to the laws of Divine Order,
and the latter, to those of Divine Permission, to
prevent greater evils.
345. In this tract the author has given a virtual
commentary on the Divine Command — " Thou
shalt not commit adultery." " His object is to do
what no Protestant theologian has ever done, to
lay open from its inmost grounds the entire morale
of the seventh commandment. In accomplishing
this object he has, with a masterly power of analy-
sis, discriminated between the different degrees of
guilt which attach to the greater or less departure
from the strict rules of chastity. ' The head and
front of bis offending hath this extent, no more.'
Viewed in the light of Criminal Jurisprudence, it
bears the same relation to the command ' Thou
shalt not commit adultery,' as the statute law on
the different degrees of manslaughter does to the
command ' Thou shalt not kill.' The statute laws
wisely discriminate between murder and man-
slaughter in the first, second and third degrees,
awarding a different degree of penalty to each.
But who, for that reason, would think of charging
the laws with 'laxity of morals,' or witli encour-
aging murdiir ?
34(). " Yet the charge of encouraging vice has
as little foundation in truth when applied to Swe-
denborg as it would have if applied to the laws.
He discriminates the sins under this head into
eight degrees, and teaches that the greater the
departure from tlie right, the greater the sin and
consequent penalty, and of course, the slighter tho
I departure from strict rectitude, the less grievous
I the sin and consequent penalty. He shows how.
when a man's hoart appears to be fully set in him
to do evil in this respect, he may be restrained
from plunging into still greater evils than he is
already in the practice of, and how he may be led
into a state of comparatively less evil, and finally
back into the paths of true virtue. In all this there
is no intimation that any such practices are any
thing else than grievous sins, which are to be even
more strenuously striven against than other sins :
which is a reason for his being more minute. His
constant language in regard to them is, that they
are ' vile,' ' detestable to christians,' and ' lead to
hell.' "] — JV. Church Repository, vol. i. pp. G21, 622.*
347. " We cannot quit the Conjuffial Love
without noticing to the reader the author's
penetration upon a subject where a studious
old bachelor might be expected to have no
experience. It is an instance of the syni-
patliy of genius, which can place itself in the
position of its object, and look outward from
the hearts of alien things. Thus it was that
Swedenborg analyzed the male and the female
soul, and their faculties of conjunctivity ; thus
that he dived into the recesses of wedded life,
and- laid down a science and a series of its
agreements and disagreements ; that he ex-
amined its love, its friendship, and its favor,
at the different periods of life ; that he de-
scribed to the life, but in formal propositions,
the jealousies of the state, ' its burning fire
against those that infest wedded love, and its
horrid fear for the loss of that love ; ' and
finally thus that he depicted the love of chil-
dren, the spiritual offspring of conjugial love,
in its successive derivations ; and childless
himself, appreciated the circulation of inno-
cence and peace, that the hearts of the young
establish in the home. Much, however, that
he has said belongs to his peculiar seership :
much of the psychology is of moi'e than earth-
ly fineness ; the distinctions are those of spir-
itual light, and the delicacy of the affections
is that of spiritual heat ; which is not sur-
prising, for the wives of heaven had been
communicative to our author." — Wilkinson's
Biography, pp. 158-171.
348. For a full representation of the sub-
ject of Conjugial Love, as indeed all other
spiritual and theological subjects which the
author has treated of, the jeader is referred
to the " Compendium" of his writings. And
we may say here, once for all, that as this Sum-
mary of his Life is designed both for a Prefix
to tliat work, and also to be published sepa-
rately, it may account both for the brevity
of this analysis of his writings, and for what
of unnecessary fulness also there may appear
in some of the notices of his theological works.
Also, for some repetition of occurrences which
are inserted both in the Life and in the Com-
pendium. The object here is a double one
— to serve as a fitting Prefix to the Compen-
dium, and to be published separately also.
* On the siiliject (>( Marriage and its opiiosiles, see Nuble's Ap-
peal, Sec. 6, Part 4, N. (;. Reimsitnry, Vol. I, pp. (>21-2, and A
Layman's Reply to Dr. Pond, Ohap. x. p. 154. These monient-
nus questions must be understood.
Christ's Power over all Flesh.
349. In this year, (17G8) we have the fol-
lowing, concerning the Lord's power, and the
bodies of angels, in a letter to Dr. Oettinger.
" You suggest a doubt in respect to ChrisVs
having power given Him over all flesh, and yet the
angtls and heavenly beitiffs [Jinfreli et Ca-lites) have
not flesh, hut lucid bodies. To this be pleased
to receive kindly the following reply : That by all
flesh, there spoken of, is meant every niaii, where-
fore in the Word mention is sometimes made of
all flesh, which is to denote every man. As to
what concerns the bodies of the angels, they do
not appear lucid, but, as it were, fleshy, for they
are substantial and not material, and things sub-
stantial are not translucent before the angels.
Every material thing, or substance, is originally
derived from what is substantia], and every man
Cometh into this substantiality when he puts of!^
by death, the material films or coverings, which is
the reason why man afler death is a man, but
purer than befx)re, comparatively as what is sub-
stantial is purer than what is material. That the
Lord has power, not only over all men, but also
over all angels, is evident from His own words in
Matthew : ' Jill power is given to me in heaven, and
in earth,^ (xxviii. 18)." — Documents, pp. 152, 153.
Doctrines of the New Church, and Com-
mencement of Persecution.
350. " Swedenborg remained in Amster-
dam during the winter of 1768-69, and early
in the spring of the latter year published his
Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the Nevr
Church, 'in which work,' as he says, 'are
fully shown the errors of the existing doc-
trines of justification by faith alone, and of the
imputation of the righteousness or merits of
Jesus Christ,' which doctrines, he expected,
might probably be extirpated by this book.
He circulated it freely throughout Holland
and Germany ; but, on second thoughts, sent
only one copy to Sweden, to Dr. Beyer, re-
questing him to keep it to himself. For
' true divinity in Sweden was in a wintry-
state ; and in general, towards the Nortli
Pole there is a greater length of spiritual
night than in the southern parts ; and those
who stand in that darkness may be supposed
to kick and stumble more than others against
every thing in the New Church which is the
produce of an unprejudiced reason and under-
standing ; yet we are to admit some excep-
tions to this observation in the ecclesiastical
351. " Swedenborg's anticipations with re-
gard to his native country were not falsihecl
by the event, for already on the 22d of March^
1769, Dr. Ekebom, dean of the theological
faculty of Gottenburg, had delivered to the
Consistory there a deposition of objections
against Swedenborg's theological writings,,
laden with untruth, and full of personal re-
proaches. The dean branded his doctrine
' as in the highest degree heretical, and ori
points the most tender to every Christiany
Socinian ; ' yot stated further, that he did
not know Assessor vSwedenborj^'s rehgious
system, and should take no pains to come at
the knowledge of it.' As for Swedenborg's
chief works, he ' did not possess them, and
had neither read nor seen them.' ' Is not
this,' says Swedenborg in reply, ' to be blind
in the forehead, and to have eyes behind,
and even those covered with a film ? To
see and decide upon writings in such a man-
ner, can any secular or ecclesiastical judge
legard otherwise than as criminal?' For
the rest our autlior's reply consisted in a cita-
tion of some of the leading doctrines in his
works, those particularly on the divine trinity,
the holiness of Scripture, the unity of charity
and faith, and the direction of faith towards
one person, namely, our Savior Jesus Christ;
and he denied that his doctrine was heretical
according to judgments pronounced by the
chief ecclesiastical bodies in Sweden. ' Re-
specting the other point,' says our author,
' namely, the charging those doctrines with
Socinianism, the same is a horrid blasphemy
and untruth ; forasmuch as Socinianism signifies
a negation of the divinity of our Lord Jesus
Christ, when, in fact, His divinity, in this
doctrine of the New Church is 'principally
confirmed and proved, and that the Savior
has so fully completed the reconciliation and
redem^Jtion of man, that without his coming
no man could have been saved, see Apoc. Rev.
67, and in many other places; in consequence
whereof, I consider the word Socinian to be a
scoffing and a diabolical reviling. This, with
the rest of the Doctor's " Reflections," may be
considered in the same sense as " the Hood
which the dragon cast out of his mouth after
the woman, that he might cause her to be
swallowed up by the flood, during the time
that she was yet in the wilderness" (Apoc.
xii. 1.5). And it may come to pass that the
same which is mentioned in verse 17, may
likewise take place : '' And the dragon was
wroth with the woman, and went to make war
with the remnant of her seed, who kept the
commandments of God, and have the testi-
mony of Jesus Christ." ' The tenor of Scrip-
ture, the Apostolic Creed, and whatever was
not self-contradictory in the orthodoxy of the
churches, he claimed to have upon his own
side. He requested of Dr. Beyer that his
reply might be communicated to the bishop
and the Consistory, and intended at'lerwaids
to publish both sides, and j)ossibly to found an
action ai law upon the proceedings, unless the
dean should retract his scandal.
352. "At the end of May or tlie beginning
of June, Swedenborg left Amsterdam, en route
for Paris, ' with a design,' as he said, ' wliich
beforehand must not be made |)ublic.' It ap-
oears from tiiis that he anticipated some diffi-
culty with regard to the object of his mission.
This was no other than the publication of an-
other little work, viz., The Intercourse between
the Soul and the Body, which he designed
to give to the world in the Frencii capi-
tal. He had spoken well in his theological
works of ' the noble French nation,' had
taken care to communicate his works to public
bodies and select individuals in France, wiiere
also they had been in considerable request,
and now he desired to issue something from
the French press. It is probable that had his
present plan succeeded, he intended also to
publish in Paris that great summary of his
doctrines which he was then about to write,
and which was his last performance.
353. " Arrived in Paris he submitted his
tract to M. Chevreuil, Censor Royal and Doc-
tor of the Sorbonne, who after having read it,
informed him that a tacit permission to publish
would be granted him, on condition, ' as was
customary in such cases,' that the title should
say, 'printed at London,' or 'at Amster-
dam.' Swedenborg would not consent to this,
and the work therefore was not printed at
Paris. Hereupon a calumnious letter was
circulated in Gottenburg, which alleged that
he had been ordered to quit Paris, which he
denied as 'a direct falsehood,' and appealed
for the truth of the case to M. Creutz, the
Swedish ambassador to France.
354. " Rumor has been busy with him upon
this journey. The French Biographic Uni-
verselle connects him with an artist named
Elie, who it is alleged supplied him with
money, and furthered his presumed designs.
Indeed he has been accused of a league with
the illumines, and with a certain politico-theo-
logical free masonry, centuries old but always
invisible, which was to overturn society, and
foster revolutions all over the world. We
can only say, that our researches have not
elicited these particulars, and that every au-
tiientic document shows that Swedenborg stood
always upon his own basis, accepted money from
no one, and was just what he appeared — a
theological missionary, and notliing more.
Still as there is generally a grain of truth ia
even the most preposterous lies, we shall be
glad to look out in this direction for biograph-
ical materials. Whatever else they be, they
shall at least be welcome.
3.55. "In the autumn of this year (1769),
Swedenborg had left Paris, and was in Loudon,
where he published his little brochure on The
Intercourse between the Soul and the Body.
It was during this sojourn of two or three
montiis that tiie most intimate of his English
friends, Dr. Hartley, Rector of Winwick, ni
Northamptonshire, drew from him a short ac-
count of himself, as a means of refuting any
calumnies that might be promulgated atier his
departure. Dr. Hartley had thought that
Swedenborg was hardly safe in his own coumry,
and that jjossibly he was pressed for money.
In course of this mild and modest document,
Swedenborg set him right on these topics.
' I live,' says he, ' on terms of familiarity
and friendship with all the bishops of my
country, who are ten in number; as also with
the sixteen senators, and the rest of the nobil-
ity; for they know that I am in fellowship
with jingels. The king and queen also, and
the tliree princes their sons, show me much
favor : I was once invited by the king and
queen to dine at their table — an honor which
is in general granted only to the nobility of
the highest rank ; and likewise, since, with
the hereditary prince. They all wish for my
return home : so far am I from being in any dan-
ger of persecution in my own country, as you
seem to apprehend, and so kindly wish to pro-
vide against; and should any thing of the kind
befall me elsewhere, it cannot hurt me. . . .
I am a Fellow, by invitation, of the Royal
Academy of Sciences of Stockholm, but I
never sought admission into any other literary
society, as I belong to an angelic society,
wherein things relating to heaven and the
soul are the only subjects of discourse and
entertainment, whereas the things that occupy
the attention of our literary societies are sucli
as relate to the world and the body. . . .
As to this world's wealth, I have what is suf-
ficient, and more I neither seek nor wish for.'
356. " We presume that Swedenborg lodged
with Shearsmith in Cold Bath Fields during
this short sojourn in London.
357. "On his departure from England, he
had requested his friend, Dr. Messiter, to
transmit certain of his works to the Divinity
Professors of the Universities of Edinburgh,
Glasgow, and Aberdeen, and the letters whicli
passed upon this occasion furnish a testimony
to his personal character from one who knew
him well. Dr. Hartley, Dr. Messiter (M. D.),
and Dr. Ilampe, who was preceptor to George
I., were his chief English friends.
358. " In September he quitted London,
and returned to Stockholm, arriving in the
latter capital at the beginning of October.
On his arrival he was kindly received by all
classes of people, and at once invited by their
royal highnesses the hereditary prince and his
sister, with both of whom he conversed. He
also dined with several of the senators, and
talked with the first members of the Diet, and
with the bishops there present, who all be-
haved very kindly to him, excepting his
nephew, Bishop Filenius. A storm, however,
had been brewing during his absence, and he
now had to meet it. Dr. Hartley's fears were
justified by the facts, though not by the ulti-
mate event. But before we turn to this new
page of his life, we must give some account
of the works, that he had just published abroad.
359. '• The Brief Exposition is the forerunner
of the True Christian Religion, to be noticed
presently. It is a criticism on the doctrines
of the Catholic and Protestant churches, from
the point of view of the New Church. The
author pi>3mises a statement of the doctrinal
views of the three churches, for the sake of
comparison between them. The Catholic
doctrinals are excerpted from the records of
the Council of Trent; the Protestant, from
the Formula Concordice composed by persons
attached to the Augsburg Confession. These
churches indeed dissent upon various points,
but are agreed as to the fundamentals, of a
trinity of persons, of original sin, of the im-
putation of Christ's merits, and of justification
l)y faith alone. Respecting the latter tenet,
however, the Catholics conjoin the faith with
charity or good works, while the leading Re-
formers, in order to effect a full severance
from the Romish communion as to the very
essentials of the church which are faith and
charity, separated between the two. Never-
theless the Reformers adjoin good works, and
even conjoin them to their faith, but in man
as a passive subject, whereas the Roman
Catholics conjoin them in man as an active
subject. The whole system of theology in
Christendom is founded upon an idea of three
Gods, arising from the doctrine of a trinity
of persons, and falls when that doctrine is re-
jected, after which saving faith is possible.
The faith of the present day has separated
religion from the church, since religion con-
sists in the acknowledgment of one God, and in
the worship of Him from faith grounded in
charity. The doctrine of the present church
is interwoven with paradoxes, to be embraced
by faith ; hence its tenets gain admission into
the memory only, and into no part of the un-
derstanding above the memory, but merely
into contiriaations below it. They cannot be
learned, or retained, without difficulty, nor be
preached or taught without using great care
to conceal their nakedness, because sound
reason neither discerns nor perceives them.
They ascribe to God human properties in the
worst sense of the term. The heresies of all
ages have sprung from the doctrine founded
on the idea of three Gods. This has deso-
lated the church, and brought it to its con-
summation. The Catholic laity, however,
have for the most part ceased to know any
thing of the essential doctrinals of their
church, these being lost for them in the nu-
merous formalities of that religion, and hence,
if they recede in part from their outward
forms, and approach God the Savior immedi-
ately, taking the Sacrament in both kinds,
they may be brought into the New Church
more easily than the Reformed communities.
3G0. '" These are u few of the propositions
of this little treatise, which for its destructive
logic, is unequalled among Swedenboi'g's
works. If lational assault could have carried
the outworks of the existing creeds, this
work would have had the efi'ect ; and Swe-
denborg would have been justified in his
hope, that the errors of the churches might
be ' extirpated ' by a book. But an error
whose first condition lies in the prostration of
the understanding, is good, so far, against
rational attacks. Dialectics make no impres-
sion on whoever believes that man is a spir-
itual fool, doomed by liis constitution to believe
in nonsense and absurdity : that is to say, in
what would be such if he dared to judge it by
his reason. This fortress, viz,, the denial of
the mind itself by both churches, is tlierefore
yet unstorraed by our author's artillery ; and
it is evident that more real and terrible means
must gather to battle around it, before it will
capitulate. At the same time, the longer it
holds out, the more is the laity separated from
the clergy ; the more the sciences and posi-
tive knowledge claim the earth to its very
walls ; the more the clerical garrison is starved
in the sight of the abundance of natural truth;
and in the end, the more likely it is that some
convulsion, either mental or worldly, will
sweep away the strong offence, and substitute
a people's church upon its desert site.
Intercourse between the Soul and Body.
361. " The Intercourse between the Soul and
the Body is a work in which the author brings
his spiritual sight to bear upon the solution
of that old problem. In this world, the soul
• is unseen, excepting through the body ; and
though consciousness affirms its existence, yet
philosophy gives it no qualities that warrant
us to say what it is. In short, philosophy
crushes the question, and insists that there is
no what in the case. The consequence is,
that we too often regard the soul as a floating
and indeterminate entity of no weight to coun-
terbalance the world and the senses. This
gives rise to the doctrine of Physical Influx,
which means in brief the omnipotence of out-
ward objects and of sense, in controlling and
filling the inward faculties, and even accord-
ing to many in creating them. The contrary
. view is that of spiritual injlux, in which the
soul, whatever it be, is seated upon the throne
of the human powers, takes from the senses
whatever it wills, and acts according to cir-
cumstances from its own wisdom. There is a
third system, that of Leibnitz, named preestab-
lished harmony, wherein neither soul nor body
acts upon the other, but each concurs with the
other, and does what the other does ; much as
two men might move their arms or legs to time
under some ordering common to both. The
theory of spiritual influx is that which Swe-
denborg adopts ; and which he fills with his
3G2, " The problem of this link had dwelt
with his understanding from his earlier days,
and he had given a keen refutation of Leib-
nitz when writing his anatomical works ; for
he saw that that great genius was not solving
the question by his hypothesis, but only ren-
dering it insuperable, by propounding as a
solution a statement still more knotty ; since
his preestablished iiarmony required in point
of fact a second soul to move two bodies in-
stead of one. For the drill effecting the har-
mony of course proceeded from some word
of command ; in short, from a more inscruta-
ble soul, Preestal)lished harmony was there-
fore to Swedcnborg but another name for
m(!thodical darkness, which terminated the
thought that it professed to extend.
3()3. " Now here we see the value of spir-
itual sight on a difficult point. While the soul
was unknown, its manner of communication
with the body was necessarily occult, but when
it is actually seen as the man himself, with all
his looks, members and garments about him,
then the matter took a practical form, and he,
the soul, was united to the body, because he
wanted it to supply his sensations from, and
do his work in, the world. The error lay in
thinking of the soul as not a body, and not a
man ; the pow(;r of the truth in looking from
humanity as the way of answering the ques-
tion The soul, in this new view, is the com-
j)lete man ; the body is his fit natural garment.
The latter he puts on, by a divine necessity,
to clothe the spiritual essence from the rude-
ness of this world, and to enable hira to work
amid its inclemencies, and to gather its fruits
of wisdom, for a convenient season. In this
case there are all the common motives for the
union of the soul-man with the body-man, that
there are for our union with our clothes, with
our houses, and with every circumstance that
we draw around us to extend our lives and
build up our state. This once seen, analogy
points out a thousand links between the spir-
itual and the natural man, every one of which
is practical, and of daily force.
364. " Swedenborg also illustrated the doc-
trine of the influx of the soul into the body,
by the analogous influx of the whole spiritual
world into the natural. As a scientific man,
he had already seen the law of spheres afar
off in the doctrine of Modif cations, which
recognized the manner in which the vital and
other vibrations permeate the world ; in which
the Word of God and the words of man — ia
which all expressions, whether looks, voices,
acts, or things — make their way through the
universe, and infect with their own life and
power the system and its parts. But when
he visited the inner world, the matter came
under conditions suited to experimental sci-
ence. He now touched the reality of spheres.
The scents, colors and forces environing hu-
manity struck his opened senses, and he was
amazed at their tidal power. As every spirit
belongs to some province of the Grand Man,
his presence excites correspondently that part
of the human body to which he answers.
When a liver spirit approached to Sweden-
borg, he felt the influx, sometimes before the
spirit came in view, in his own hepatic region,
and he knew the quality of the spirit from his
operant sphere. When one of the eye men or
of the heart men came near him, his own eyes
or heart, sympathetically affected, told him at
once whither the new comer belonged. When
evil spirits sought him, the maladies or pains ]
to which they answered were excited for the
time in his system ; he knew therefore that
spiritually these messengers were even such
diseases. Hypocrites gave him a pain in the
teeth, because hypocrisy is spiritual toothache.
Moreover each spirit appeared in the plane
of the part whereto he corresponded ; for the
cosmogony of the spiritual world is human,
and hence the human body is the pivot round
which it plays. Nay, the body has its human
form from the circumpressure of the human
spiritual world, which, so to speak, deposits
and maintains it, much as each cell of tlie ma-
terial body is laid and preserved by the plan
and pressure of the whole.
Persecution, and Defence of his Opinions.
3G5. " We have mentioned already that in
this year (17G9) Swedenborg had found, on
his return to Sweden, that his peaceful life
was to be interrupted by misrepresentation
and persecution. It is surprising that he had
proceeded so long in promulgating doctrines
condemnatory of the Lutheran creed, without
drawing down upon himself the vengeance of
the clergy. His works, however, were writ-
ten in Latin, and but little known in Sweden,
which made it, for a time, not worth while to
notice them. But wlien eminent persons like
Drs. Beyer and Rosen, as well as othei'S en-
joying still higher dignity in the church, be-
came avowed disciples and propagators of their
sentiments, the matter became serious; and
the clergy, ever sensitive of innovation, deter-
mined to crush the new doctrine in the bud.
Dean Ekebom at Gottenburg was the origina-
tor of the movement. The clerical deputies
from that town were instructed to complain
of Swedenborg and Dr. Beyer in the Diet.
The tactics of his adversaries were sufficiently
cunning; he was to be put upon his trial, and
examined ; and as, when questioned, there
was no doubt tliat he would assert openly his
divine commission and spiritual privileges, it
would tlien be easy to declare him insane, and
consign him to a madiiouse. One of the sen-
ators, (it is said Count Hopken,) disclosed to
him by letter this plot, and advised him to
quit the country. On receiving the informa-
tion, he was greatly afiected, and retiring to
his garden, fell upon his knees, and prayed
that the Lord would direct him what to do.
A response was immediately received from an
angel, that ' he might rest securely upon his
arm in the night,' whereby is meant that night
in which the world is sunk in matters pertain-
\ing to the church. Assured by this comfort-
ing message, Swedenborg, who was not allowed
to be present at the debates on his cause, and
knew notliing of the details of what happened,
enjoyed the cahn in his chamber, and let tlie
storm rage without as much as it pleased.
Clamor, indeed, lie knew that there was among
a great part of the clerical body ; but ' clamor,'
as he wrote to Dr. Beyer, 'does no harn..
being like the ferment in new wine, which
precedes its purification ; for unless what is
wrong be winnowed, and rejected, the right
cannot be discerned or received.' For this rea-
son (Dec. 29, 1769) he ' did not stir one step to
defend his cause, knowing that the Lord Him-
self, our Savior, defends his church.' It was
finally concluded at the Diet and in the Coun-
cil, not to touch his person ; a resolution owing
in great part to the rank and character of the
accused, and to his relationship to many noble
families, both in and out of the church.
3GG. " But we must return to the beginning
of this afiair, to give the details. The party
in Gottenburg, headed by Dean Ekebom,
found a ready instrument at Stockholm in
Bishop Filenius, then president of the House
of Clergy, for carrying their complaint directly
before the Diet. The first obnoxious meas-
ure taken was the stoppage of a number of
copies of Swedenborg's work on Corijugial
Love at Nork-joping, whither he had sent
them from England, in anticipation of his own
arrival, intending, when he came to Sweden,
to make presents of them, as was his wont.
They were however detained for examination,
according to a law prohibiting the introduc-
tion of books reputed contrary to the Lutheran
faith. Swedenborg naturally turned to his
nephew, Bishop Filenius, requiring an ex-
planation of the affair, and requested the
Bishop's friendly offices to have the box
cleared. Filenius embraced and kissed him,
and cordially promised his assistance ; not-
withstanding which he did every thing in his
power to insure the confiscation of the books.
When this became apparent, Swedenborg ex-
postulated with him, and he now insisted on
the work being revised, before it was given
up. It was urged by the author, that as his
treatise was 'not theological, but chiefiy moral,'
its revisal by clerical order was unnecessary,
and would be absurd ; and that the exercise
of such a censorship would pave the way for
a dark age in Sweden. Filenius was inflexi-
ble, and his intentions manifest. Swedenborg,
deeply aggrieved by the duplicity of the Bish-
op his relation, likened him to Judas Iscariot,
and said pointedly, in allusion to the foregoing
circumstances, that ' he who spoke lies, lied
also in his life.' In the mean time he took
good care to distribute the work to those he
intended to receive it, bishops, senators, and
members of the royal family, from a number
of copies that he had himself brought home.
3G7. "He was now determined to clear the
matter up, and made inquiries among others
of the bishops, as to how the case stood with
his writings. They all told him that they
supposed the books had merely been taken care
of until his return ; that they knew nothing
of any other detention ; that if such there
were, Filenius had acted on his own authority.
He had indeed made a representation on the
subject in the Diet, but the clerical house had
not rec('ived his motion, had not even regis-
tered it among their proceedings, and above
■ill, had sanctioned no confiscation.
3fi8. "The proceedings in the Diet, as he
afterwards learned, had been somewhat as fol-
lows. The liishop Filenius, who attacked
Swedenborg ' in the first instance from a se-
cret dislike, but afterwards out of inveteracy,'
had gained over some members of the clerical
order to his own views. He procured the ap-
pointment of a committee of the House of
('lergy on the Swedenborgian cause. Its de-
liberations were kept secret. But though it
consisted of bishops and professors, this com-
mittee, after hearing evidence, ignored the
charges of Filenius, and terminated with a
report in Swedenborg's favor ; in the course
of which they took occasion to speak of him
• very handsomely and reasonably.' Filenius,
however, gained one point ; viz., that a me-
morial should be presented to the King in
Council, requesting the attention of the Chan-
cellor of .Tustice to the troubles at Gottenburg.
This was intended to procure a censure upon
Drs. Beyer and Rosen, and indirectly upon
Swedenborg also. In consequence, a letter
was addressed by the C!iancel!or to the Con-
sistory, to desire its O[)inion upon the affair ;
which occasioned the subject to be again agi-
tated for two days in the Council, where the
king presided.
309. " When matters came to this pass,
Swedenborg at once, May 10. 1770, addressed
his majesty in a bold and characteristic memo-
rial. He complained that he had met with
usage the like of which had been offered to
none since the establishment of Christianity in
Sweden, and much less since there had exist-
ed liberty of conscience. He recapitulated
his grievances. He said that he had been
attacked, calumniated and menaced, without
the opportunity of defending himself; though
truth itself had answered . for him. He re-
minded his majesty of an interview that had
passed between them. 'I have already in-
formed your majesty,' says he, ' and beseech
you to recall it to mind, that the Lord our
Savior manifested himself to me in a sensible
personal appearance ; that he has commanded
me to write what has been already done, and
what I have still to do; that he was after-
wards graciously pleased to endow me with the
privilege of conversing with angels and spirits,
and of being in fellowship with them. 1 have
already declared this more than once to your
majesty in the presence of all the royal family,
when they were graciously pleased to invite me
to their table with five senators, and several
other persons ; this was the only subject dis-
coursed of during the repast. Of this I also
epoke afterwards to several other senators;
and more openly to their excellencies Count de
Tessin, Count Bonde, and Count Hopken, who
are still alive, and were satisfied with the truth
of it. I have declared the same in England,
Holland, Germany, Denmark, and at Paris,
to kings, princes, and other particular persons,
as well as to those in this kingdom. If the
common report is to be believed, the chancel-
lor has declared, that what I have been re-
citing are untruths, although the very truth.
To say that they cannot believe and give
credit to such things, therein will I excuse
them, for it is not in my power to place others
in the same state in which God has placed
me ; so as to be able to convince them, by
their own eyes and ears, of the truth of those
deeds and things I publicly have made known.
I have no aljility to capacitate them to con-
verse with angels and spirits, neither to work
miracles to dispose or force their understand-
ings to comprehend what I say. When my
writings are read with attention and cool reflec-
tion (in which many things are to be met with
heretofore unknown), it is easy enough to con-
clude, that I could not come to such knowledge
but by a n-al vision, and by conversing with
those who are in the spiritual world. . . .
This knowledge is given to me from our Sa-
vior, not for any private merit of mine, but for
the great concern of all Christians' salvation
and happiness ; and as such, how can any one
venture to assert that it is false? That these
things may appear such as many have had no
conception of, and of consequence, that they
cannot easily credit, has notiiing remarkable
in it, for scarcely any thing is known respect-
ing them.'
370. " He concluded by throwing himself
upon the king's protection, and by requesting
the monarch to command for himself the opin-
ion of the reverend clergy on his case ; also
the production of the various documents that
had passed at Gottenburg and elsewhere ; in
order that he, and those maligned along with
him, might be heard in their defence, this
being their right and privilege. The only
advice, he })rotested, that he had given to Drs.
Beyer and Rosen, was to address themselves
to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as a
means to heavenly good and blessedness, for
he only has all power in heaven and on earth,
(Matt, xxviii. 18.)
37L "The latter point was in truth the
core of the controversy that was raging about
him, and was one which his writings are cal-
culated to provoke wherever they are dissemi-
nated. Is prayer to be addressed to the Fa-
ther, or to the Redeemer? to the invisible
Being, or to God with us ? to the revealed
Divine Face and Bod}^ or to the unrevealed
Divine Soul? Have worship and prayer a
definite object or not? Swedenborg ably cited
on his own side the text of scripture, the
Augsburg Confession, the Formula Concordia;,
and the Liturgies of his own Communion;
and showed that wherever the church had de-
parted from vagueness and mystery, its prac-
tices were accordant with his views. To the
Son of God, born in time, every son of time
must address himself, in order to find salva-
tion. Were this doctrine taken away, he
averred that he would rather live in Tartary
than in Christendom. Did the persecution
against him succeed, it might amount to a
prohibition from the clergy against their flocks
addressing prayer to the personal Savior: a
dangerous issue, which probably his opponents
foresaw, and were not prepared to accept. It
does not appear that throughout the dispute,
his visions were brought upon the carpet, oth-
erwise than as furnishing the general charge
of unsoundness of mind, which, as we have
seen, certain members of the House of Clergy
meditated, but did not venture to bring for-
372. " King Adolphus Frederic had in the
mean time already commanded the members
of the Consistory of Gottenburg to send in
an unequivocal representation of the light in
which the assessor's principles were regarded
by the Consistory. On the 2d of January,
1770, Dr. Beyer, as one of the members, vol-
unteered a declaration on the subject, in which
he gave a manly testimony in favor of Swe-
denborg and his doctrines, citing his own ex-
perience about them, and his views of their
moral and spiritual tendency. ' Convinced
by experience,' says he, ' I must in the first
place observe, that no man is competent to
give a just and suitable judgment of those
writings, who has not read them, or who has
read them only superficially, or with a deter-
mination in his heart to reject them, after hav-
ing perused, without examination, some de-
tached parts only: neither is he competent,
who rejects them as soon as he finds any thing
that militates against those doctrines which he
has long cherished and acknowledged as true,
and of which perhaps he is but too blindly
enamoured : nor is he competent, who is an
ardent, yet undiscriminating biblical scholar,
that, in explaining the meaning of the Scrip-
tures, confines his ideas to the literal expression
or signification only : and, lastly, neither is he
competent, who has altogether devoted himself
to sensual indulgences, and the love of the
world.' He concluded his memorial as follows :
* In obedience, therefore, to your majesty's most
gracious command, that I should deliver a
full and positive " declaration " respecting the
writings of Swedenborg, I do acknowledge it
to be my duty to declare, in all hun)ble confi-
tience, that as far as I have proceeded in the
study of them, and agreeabl}' to the gift grant-
ed to me for investigation and judgment, I
have found in them nothing but what closely
coincides with the words ot the Lord Himself,
and that they shine with a light truly divine.'
373. " The Consistory, as a body, came to
no report upon Swedenborg's writings; and a
ehort time before he left Sweden on his hist
voyage, being in the king's company, the latter
said to him : ' The Consistory has been silent
on my letters and your works;' and putting
his hand on Swedenborg's shoulder, he added:
' We may conclude that they have found noth-
ing reprehensible in them, and that you have
written in conformity to the truth.'
374. "Throughout this affiiir, his adversa-
ries attempted in vain to ruffle his calmness,
by personal invective. He answered them
with honest vigor, but always from the facts
of the case. Against ' the indecent barkings
of the Dean,' he told Dr. Beyer, in a private
letter, ' they must not throw stones to drive
them away.' And he wrote to Mr. Wenn-
gren, a magistrate of Gottenburg, that as for
certain ' merciless slanderers ' in the clerical
party, their expressions ' had fallen on the
ground like fireballs from the clouds, and
there had gone out.' In the mean time Swe-
denborg persevered in his own course, with
an efiicacious industry which neither this tur-
moil, nor his advanced years, abated for a
375. " Here our narrative of the affair
ceases. Swedenborg, before his last departure
from Sweden, addressed a letter to the Uni-
versities of Upsal, Lund, and Abo, asserting
that each of the estates of the kingdom ought
to have its consistory, and ought not to ac-
knowledge the exclusive authority of that at
Gottenburg. He declared (in another place)
that religious matters belong to others also
besides the priestly order. It appears that,
notwithstanding the termination of the contro-
versy in his favor, his adversaries had suc-
ceeded in enforcing a strict prohibition against
the importation of his writings into Sweden,
as he found out the next year (1771). In
consequence of this, it was his intention to
send in a formal complaint to the States Gen-
eral against the Counsellor of State, the pre-
sumed instrument of the prohibition ; but
whether he fulfilled this purpose we do not
know." — Wilki'nso)i's Biography^ pp. 174—195.
Spiritual Phenomena. The Insaaie and Idiotic.
376. We find also, in this year, the follow-
ing account concerning some remarkable par-
ticulars which took place with the wife of Dr.
Beyer, while upon her death bed. It is in a
letter to the Dr., in reply to his questionings.
" The remarkable particulars related concern-
ing your wife, in her dying hours, were wrought
through the impression of two clergymen, who so
directed and employed her thoughts in conversa-
tion, as to effect a conjunction with such spirits as
she then spoke of". In the hour of death, it hap-
pens at times, to some people, that they are in a
state of the spirit. The spirits, wb.o first spoke
through her, were of the dragon's society, that
were cast out of heaven, agreeably to the predic-
tion in the Revelation, xii. They are thence
become so filled with enmity and hatred towards
our Savior, and, consequently, towards His holy
Word, and all that belongs to the New Church,
that they cannot even bear to hear the name of
Christ mentioned. When the sphere of the Lord,
proceeding from the heavens, lights on them, they
become as it wore mad, and in a terrible rage ; and
directly seek to hide themselves in holes and cav-
erns, as spoken of in the Revelation, vi. If). Your
deceased wife was with me yesterday, and informed
me of a variety of thinofs concernincr what she
thoiigiit, and what she had spoken to you her hus-
band, and to the clergymen, the seducers. Were
I at tiiis time near you, I could relate a numher of
things on this head, which will not admit of being
sent in writing. — I remain. Sec,
" Emanuel Swedenborg.
» Stockholm, October 80, 17(ii)."
377. In the same year, also, appears the
letter to Dr. Beyer, in wliich he makes men-
tion of the state of idiots and of the insane,
after death. lie says: —
"There exist spiritual diseases and spiritual
uses in the other life which correspond with the
natural diseases and cures in this world, so that
the correspondences effect such things when they
happen. And as there are no natural diseases
among the spirits in tlio spiritual world, there arc
neither any hospitals ; but instead of them there
are spiritual madhouses, in which are those who
theoretically denied God, and in others, such as
practically did the same. Those who in the world
were idiots, at their arrival in the other world are
also foolish and idiots ; but being divested of their
externals, and their internals opened as is the case
with them all, they acquire an understanding agree-
able to their former quality and life, inasmuch as the
acliutl follies and madnesses dwell in the external
nalur at man, and not in the internal spiritual.^'' —
Documents, p. 129, 130.
Oflfering to Science. Journey to Amsterdam.
An Evening at Copenhagen.
378. " At this period of his life Sweden-
borg made a last oflfering to his old associates
of the Eoyal Academy of Sciences of Stock-
holm. This was couched in a letter, in which,
after explaining some of the correspondences
of the Scripture, he ended as follows : ' Inas-
much as the science of correspondences was
the science of sciences and the wisdom of the
ancients, it is important that some memher of
your Academy should direct his attention to
that science. He may begin, if he pleases,
with the correspondences discovered in the
Apocalypse Revealed, and proved from the
Word. If it be desired, I am willing to un-
fold and publish the Egyptian liieroglyphics,
which are nothing else than correspondences ;
a task that no other person can accomplish.'
How fixedly Swedenborg must have dwelt in
the inward, to imagine that the Royal Acade-
my would undertake such an inquiry, or that
a purely spiritual explanation of the hiero-
glyphics would satisfy the men of that age !
So for as hieroglyphical interpretation has
gone, the sense elicited is any thing but spir-
itual ; and the less spiritual, the more accept-
able to the scientific man. Nevertheless the
existing interpretations do not exclude a
deeper significance lying at the roots of the
eymbcls ; an interpretation of them not as
parts of language, but as ciphers of nature.
But the time has not yet arrived for such an
inquiry. One cannot help recalling what
Swedenborg said to Hartley, that he sought
admission into no literary society, because ho
belonged to an angelic society, wherein things
relating to heaven and the soul were the only
subjects of entertainment. The Royal Acade-
my of Stockholm was not an angelic society.
Whether this communication was j»resented
to the Academy, and, if so, iiow it was received,
we are not aware : Swedenborg also sent it to
Dr. Hartley, with a request tliat his circle of
friends would investigate the subject. It has
since been published as an appendix to the
White Horse.
37!). " From the beginning of October, 1769,
until August, 1770, he resided at his house in
the environs of Stockholm. On the 23d of
July in the latter year, on the eve of depart-
ing for Amsterdam, he took his leave by letter
of Dr. Beyer, ' hoping that our Savior would
support him in good health, keep him from
further violence, and bless his thoughts.' On
the day that he quitted Stockholm, he called
upon M. Robsahm in the bank of Sweden, of
which that gentleman was a director, and
lodged in his hnnds a protest against any ju-
dicial examination of his writings during his
absence. M. Robsahm asked him, as before
the other journey, whether they would ever
meet again ? He answered in a gentle and
affectionate manner, ' Whether I shall return,
I do not know, but of this you may be certain,
for the Lord has informed me of it, that I shall
not die until the book that I have just finished
is printed. Should we not see each other
again in this world, we shall meet in the pres-
ence of the Lord if we have kept his com-
mandments.' ' He then,' says Robsahm, ' took
leave of me in as lively and cheerful a way as
if he had been a man of middle age.' And
so he passed from his fatherland.
380. " On the voyage to Amsterdam, the
ship that carried him was detained for several
days by contrary winds ofl' Ijjsinore, and Gen-
eral Tuxen, hearing that Swedenborg was in
the offing, determined to improve their ac-
quaintance, and taking a boat went off to see
him. He was introduced by the Captain, who
0[)ened the cabin door, and shutting it after
him, left him alone with Swedenborg. Tiie
Assessor was seated in an undress, his elbows
on the table, and his hands supporting his face,
which was turned towards the door ; his eyes
open, and much elevated. The General at
once addressed him. At this he recovered
himself, (for he had been in a trance or ecsta-
sy, as his posture showed) rose with some
confusion, advanced a few steps from the table
in visible uncertainty, and bid him welcome,
asking from whence he came. Tuxen replied
that he had come with an invitation from his
wife and himself, to request him to favor them
with his company at their house ; to which he
immediately consented, and dressed himself
alertly. The General's wife, who was indis-
posed, received him in the house, and request-
ed his excuse if in any respect she should fall
short of her wishes to entertain him ; adding
that for thirty years she had been afflicted
with a painful disease. He politely kissed
her hand, and answered, ' O, dear, of this we
will not speak ; only acquiesce in the will of
God, it will pass away, and you will return to
the same health and beauty as when you were
fifteen years old.' The lady made some reply,
to which he rejoined, ' Yes, in a few weeks.'
From which they concluded him to mean, that
diseases which have their foundation in the mind,
. and are supported by the infirmities of the
body, do not disappear immediately after death.
381. "We have hitherto had little opportu-
nity of being introduced to Swedenborg in pri-
vate life ; we have seen him at the mines, at his
office, at his desk, and in the Diet ; let us now
spend a portion of an evening with him at Gen-
eral Tuxen's. Even if it illustrates no doc-
trine, yet it is always coveted to enjoy the fa-
miliar presence of extraordinary persons, and
to tind that their habiliments and corporeal
mould are like our own. The brotherliness of
mankind is gratified by these near occasions,
even as more sublime but not dearer emotions,
by the aspect of genius on its public days.
382. '" Being then together,' says General
Tuxen, ' in company with my wife, ray now
deceased daughter, and three or four young
ladies, my relations, he entertained them
very politely and with much attention on in-
different subjects, on favorite dogs and cats
that were in the room, which caressed him
and jumped on his knee, showing their little
tricks. During these trifling discourses, mixed
with singular questions, to all of which he
obligingly answered, whether they concerned
this or the other world, I took occasion to say,
that I was sorry I had no better company to
amuse him than a sickly wife and her young
girls ; he replied, •■' And is not this very good
company ? I was always very partial to the
ladies' society." . . . After some little
pause he cast his eyes on a harpsichord, and
asked whether we were lovers of music, and
who played upon it. I told him we were all
lovei;s of it, and that my wife in her j'outh
had practised, as she had a fine voice, perhaps
better than any in Denmark, as several per-
sons of distinction, who had heard the best
singers in France, England and Italy, had
assured her ; and that my daughter also played
with pretty good taste. On this Swedenborg
desired her to play. She then performed a
difficult and celebrated sonata, to which he beat
the measure with his foot, on the sofa on
which he sat; and when finished, he said,
*' bravo ! very fine." She then played anoth-
er by Ruttini ; and when she had played a
few minutes, he said, " this is by an Italian,
but the first was not." This finished, he said,
" bravo ! you play very well. Do you not
also sing ? " She answered, " I sing, but
have not a very gocJd voice, though fond of
singing, and would sing if my mother would
accompany me." He requested my wife to
join, to which she assented, and they sang a
few Italian duettos, and some French airs,
each in their respective taste, to which he
beat time, and afterwards paid many compli-
ments to my wife, on account of her taste and
fine voice, which she had preserved notwith-
standing so long an illness. I took the liberty
of saying to him, that since in his writings he
always declared, that at all times there were
good and evil spirits of the other world pres- ■
ent with every man; might I then make bold
to ask, whether now, while my wife and
daughter were singing, there had been any
from the other world present with us ? To
this he answered, '♦ Yes, certainly ; " and on
my inquiring who they were, and whether I
liad known them, he said that it was the Dan-
ish royal family, and he mentioned Christian
VI., Sophia Magdalena, and Frederic V.,
who through his eyes and ears had seen and
heard it. I do not positively recollect wheth-
er he also mentioned the late beloved Queen
Louisa among them. After this he retired.'
383. " During this visit to General Tuxen,
in the course of other conversation, Tuxen
produced the autobiographical letter that Swe-
denborg had written to Hartley, and which
begins, 'I was born . . in the year 1689'
Swedenborg told him that he was not born in
that year, as mentioned, but in the preceding.
Tuxen asked him whether this was an error
of the press, but he said, No ; and added,
You may remember in reading my writings
to have seen it stated in many parts, that
every cipher or number has in the spiritual
sen^e a certain correspondence or signification.
' Now,' said he, ' when I put the true year in
that letter, an angel present told me to write the
year 1688, as much more suitable to myself
than the other ; " and you observe," answered
the angel, " that with us time and space are
nothing." '
384. " We have here a reason for that
modification of events according to a context,
of which the Gospel histories, so often dis-
crepant from each other, furnish numerous
instances. Thus five baskets full in the one
evangelist are twelve in another ; not to men-
tion other cases about which unsuccessful
harmonists of the letter have written at large.
Manifestly it is the plan of the context which
regards the events from its own point of view,
and paints the narrative in its own colors. It
is what all historians do in a lesser way, bend-
ing the history to ideas, or shaping it with an
artistic force. Taking a certain larger block
of time as a period of birth, it is hieroglyph-
ically truthful fo play down upon any date
contained in the block, according to the sub-
ject and the signification. There are many
kinds of truth besides black and white ; and
generally, figurative truths require latitude
LiFK AND v,-i:it:n(js of i:m.v\uel swedenborg.
of iilira.'=('. A' till' s:i:nc time it iiiiist be oon-
fessi'd. that one would to know wlien the
writiii.!>; is pure iiistor}', and when it is a base
of" Iiistory, made use of for symbolical pur-
poses, and touched in part by spirit. Literal
people are apt to be offended otherwise, and
we sympathize with them.
Our Opinions follow us into the next Life.
385. " Swedenborg arrived at Amsterdam
probably about the beginning of September,
carrying with him the manuscript of his last
work, the True Christian Religion. Jung
Stilling supplies us with an anecdote of him
at this period. An intimate friend of Stil-
ling'?, a merchant of J^lberfeld, had occasion
to take a journey to Amsterdam, and having
heard much of ' this strange individual '
(Swedenborg), desired to become acquainted
with him. He called ujwn him, and found a
venerable friendly old man, who desired him to
be seated. The Elberfeld merchant, Stilling
says, was ' a strict mystic in the j)urest sense.
He spoke little, but what he said was like gold-
en fruit on a salver of silver. He would not
have dared for all the world to tell an un-
truth.' He explained to Swedenborg that he
was acquainted with his writings, and had
heard the relations of the fire of Stockholm,
and the affair of the Queen of Sweden's
brother, but that he wished for a proof of a
similar kind for himself. Swedenborg was
willing to gratify liim. The merchant then
said, ' *' I had formerly a friend who studied'
divinity at Duisburg, where he fell into a con-
sumption, of which he died. I visited this
friend a short time before his decease ; we
conversed together on an important topic;
could you learn from him what was the sub-
ject of our discourse?" " We will see. What
was the name of your friend ? " The mer-
chant told him his name. "How long do you
remain here ? " •• About eight or ten days."
*' Call ui)on me again in a few days. I will
see if I can find your friend." The merchant
took his leave and despatched his business.
Some days after, he went again to Sweden-
borg, in anxious expectation. The old gen-
tleman met him with a smile, and said, '' I
have spoken with your friend ; the subject
of your discourse was, the restitution of all
things." He then related to the merchant,
with the greatest precision, what he, and what
his deceased friend, had maintained. My
friend turned pale ; for this proof was pow-
erful and invincible. He inquired further,
" How fares it with my friend ? Is he in a
state of blessedness ? " Swedenborg answered,
" No, he is not yet in heaven ; he is still in
Hades, and torments himself continually witii
the idea of the restitution of all things." This
answer caused my friend the greatest aston-
ishment. He ejaculated, *' My God ! what, in
the other world ? " Swedenborg replied, " Cer-
tainly ; a man takes with him his favorite incli-
nations and opinions; aiul it is \'ery diflicult to
be divested of tliem. We ought, therefore, to
lay them aside here." i\Iy friend took his leave
of this remarkable man, perfectly convinced,
and i-eturned back to Elberfeld.'
Testimonies to spiritual Intercourse.
386. "In June, 1771, Swedenborg pub-
lished at Amsterdam the True Christian Re-
ligion ; containing the Universal TJieology of
the New Church. He had been employed
upon this large work for at least two years,
and when he arrived at Amsterdam, he com-
menced the printing of it, always exhibiting
an assiduity which surprised those with whom
he came into contact. It will be remembered
that he was now in his 84th year. We have
a few particulars of his life during this resi-
dence in Holland, from David Paulus ab In-
dagine,, 'a respectable and learned individu-
al,' who cultivated his acquaintance, first by
letter, and afterwards personally. Ab Inda-
gine, ' in his open manner, could no^ conceal
his astonishment that Swedenborg had put
himself upon the titlepage as " Servant of
the Lord Jesus Christ." ' But Swedenborg
replied, ' I have asked, and have not only re-
ceived permission, but have been ordered to
do so.' (It appears that it was owing to Dr.
Hartley's remonstrance with him that he was
in the first instance induced to depart from
his course of publishing anonymously, and to
prefix his name to any of his works.) Ab
Indagine continues, in a letter to a correspond-
ent (Jan. 26, 1771): 'It is wonderful with
what confidence the old gentleman speaks of
the spiritual world, of the angels, and of God
himself.' . . . 'If I were only to give you
the substance of our last conversation, I should
fill many pages. He spoke of naturalists
(those who ascribe all things to nature), whom
he had seen shortly after their death, and
amongst whom were even many theologians,
or such, at least, as had made theology their
profession in this life. He told me things
which made me shudder, but which, however,
I pass by, in order not to be over hasty
in my judgment respecting him. I will will-
ingly admit, that I know not what to make
of him ; he is a problem that I cannot solve.
I sincerely wish, that upright men, whom
God has placed as watchmen upon the walls
of Zion, had some time since occupied them-
selves with this man.
387. "'I have often wondered at myself,
how I could refrain from laughing, when I
was hearing such extraordinary things from
him. And what is more, I have often heard
him relate the same things in a numerous
company of ladies and gentlemen, when 1
well knew that there were mockers among&t
them ; but, to my great astonishment, not a
single person even thought of laughing. Whilst
he is speaking, it is as though every person
who hears him were cluvrmed, and compelled
to believe him. He is by no means reserved
and recluse, but open-hearted, and accessible
to all. Whoever invites him as his guest, may
expect to see him. A certain young gentle-
man invited him last week to be his guest,
and although he was not acquainted with him,
he appeared at his table, where he met Jew-
isli and Portuguese gentlemen, with whom he
freely conversed, without distinction. Who-
ever is curious to see him has no difficulty ; it
is only necessary to go to his house, and he
allows any body to approach him. It can easi-
ly be conceived, however, that the numerous
visits, to which he is liable, deprive him of much
time. — lam, &c., D. P. ab Indagine."
388. In the same year, we find the fol-
lowing letter to the Landgrave of Hesse
Darmstadt. Swedenborg did not answer it at
first, being doubtful of its genuineness ; but
his misgivings were set aside by a visit from
M. Venator, the minister of that prince.
" In your gracious letter, you ask, how I attained
to be in society with angels and spirits, and
whether that privilege can be communicated from
one person to another. Deign, then, to receive
favorably this answer.
" The Lord our Savior had foretold that he
would come again into the world, and that He
would establish there a New Church. He has
given this prediction in the Apocalypse xxi. and
xxii., and also in several places in the Evangelists.
But as he cannot come again into the world in
person, it was necessary that He should do it by
means of a man, who should not only receive the
doctrine of this New Church in his understanding,
but also publish it by printing ; and as the Lord
had prepared me for this office from my infancy.
He has manifested Himself in person before me,
His servant, and sent me to fill it. This took
place in the year 1743. He afterwards opened
the sight of my spirit, and thus introduced me into
the spiritual world, and granted me to see the
heavens and many of their wonders, and also the
hells, and to speak with angels and spirits, and this
continually for twenty-seven years. I declare in all
truth that such is the fact. This favor of the Lord
in regard to me, has only taken place for the sake
of the New Church which I have mentioned above,
the doctrine of which is contained in my writings.
The gift of conversing with spirits and angels
cannot be transmitted from one person to another,
unless the Lord Himself opens the spiritual sight
of that person. It is sometimes permitted to a
spirit to enter into a man, and to communicate to
him some truth ; but it is not granted to the man
to speak mouth to mouth witii the spirit. It is
even a very dangerous thing, because the spirit
enters into the affection of man's self-love, which
does not agree with the affection of heavenly love.
" With respect to the man tormented by spirits,
I have learned from heaven that that has befallen him
in consequence of tiie meditations to which he has
devoted himself; but that, nevertheless, there is no
danger to be apprehended from them, because the
Lord protects him. The only method of cure for
him is to convert himself, and to supplicate the
Lord our Savior Jesus Christ to succor him. — I
remain, with respect, &c.,
" Emanuel Swedenborg.
" Amsterdam, 1771.
389. The Landgrave again wrote to Swe-
denborg, inquiring about the "^ miracle "of his in-
tercourse with the Queen of Sweden's brother ;
to which he replied : —
"As to that which is related of the brother ot
the Queen of Sweden, it is entirely true ; but it
shoidd not be regarded as a miracle ; it is but one
of those memorabilin, of the same kind as those
inserted in the book just mentioned, concerning
Luther, Melancthon, Calvin, and others. All these
memorabilia are but testimonies that I have been
introduced by the Lord into the spiritual world, as
to my spirit, and that I converse with spirits and
angels. It is true also that I have conversed with
a person mentioned in the journal you cite, and,
six months ago, with the deceased Stanislaus,
king of Poland, in a certain society where he was,
and where it was not known who he was. He
made all the happiness of his life consist in re-
maining thus unknown in these assemblies, and in
conversing there familiarly with the spirits and
angels as one of them. I afterwards saw him
transferred to a northern region, where I learned
that he had been called by a society of Roman
Catholics, over whom he presided. In the same
way, I have of\en conversed with the Roman Pon-
tiff, who has lately died. After his decease he re-
mained with me a whole day ; but it is not per-
mitted me to publish any thing respecting his
manner of living, or his state. You may see, if
you will, what I have written in my last work,
concerning the Pontiff who reigned some thirty or
forty years ago. Treat favorably, I pray you,
whatever has relation to the honor of God. — I
am, with respect, &c.,
" Emanuel Swedenborg.
" Amsterdam, July 15, 1771."
390. In another letter to M. Venator, Swe-
denborg states that such matters are not to be
regarded as miracles, but only testimonies as
" In order that the church, which until now had
remained in ignorance of that world, may know
that heaven and hell exist in reality, and that man
lives after death, a man, as before ; and that thus
there might be no more doubt as to his im-
mortality. You may see, in the True Christian
Religion, that there are no more miracles, at this
time ; and the reason why. It is that they, who
do not believe because they see no miracles, might
easily, by them, be led into fanaticism."
True Christian Religion.
391. " The True Christian Religion, (making
815 close pages in the eighth English edition,)
contains the author's ' body of divinity.' The
whole of his theological works, hermeneutical,
visional, philosophical, dogmatic, and moral,
are summed up and represented in this delib-
erate system. There is none of his treatises
so plain, or so well brought home to appre-
hension ; none in which the yield of doctrine
is so turned into daily bread, the food of prac-
tical religion. Viewed as a digest, it shows a
presence of miad. an administration of mate-
rials, and a faculty of handling, of an extraor-
dinary kind. There is old age in it, in the
sense of ripeness. If the intellectualist misses
there somewhat of the range of discourse, it
is compensated by a certain triteness of wis-
dom. As a polemic, not only against the
errrors of the churches, but against the evil
lives and self-excusings of Christians, the
work is unrivalled. The criticisms of doctrine
with which it abounds, are masterly in the
extreme; and, were it compared with any
similar body of theology, we feel no doubt
that the palm of coherency, vigor, and compre-
hensiveness, would easily fall to Swedenborg,
upon the verdict o^ judges of whatever church.
392. " It will not be necessary to enter at
large upon its contents, as we have dwelt u\inn
them already in reviewing the author's pre-
vious writings. The following summary, how-
ever, of the chapters, will show the scope of
the work. I. God the Creator. II. The
Lord the Redeemer. III. The Holy Spirit
and ihe divine operation. IV. The Holy
Scripture, or the Word of the Lord. V. The
Ten Commandments, in their external and in-
ternal senses. VI. Faith. VII. Charity, or
love towards our neighbor and good works.
VIII. Free determination. IX. Repentance.
X. Reformation and Regeneration. XL Im-
putation. XII. Baptism. XIH. Tiie Holy
Supper. XIV. The Consummation of the
Age, the Coming of the Lord, and the New
Heaven and the New Church. Besides these
subjects, the work contains no less than 76
Memorable Relations from the spiritual world,
interspersed between and among the chapters ;
for Swedenborg always addresses the reader
as already a member of two worlds.
393. " Some time before his last publication.
Dr. Ernesti attacked him in his Bibliotheca
Theologica (p. 784), and before he left Hol-
land, Swedenborg issued a single leaf in reply
to his opponent. It is a short deprecation of
controversy characteristic of the peaceful and
busy old man. ' I have read,' says he, ' what
Dr. Ernesti has written about me. It consists
of mere personalities. I do not observe in it
a grain of reason against any thing in my
writings. As it is against the laws of honesty
to assail any one with such poisoned weapons,
I think it beneath me to bandy words with
that illustrious man. I will not cast back
calumnies by calumnies. To do this, I should
be even with the dogs, which bark and bite,
or with the lowest drabs, which throw street
mud in each other's faces in their brawls.
Read if you will . . . what I have writ-
ten in my books, and afterwards conclude, but
from reason, respecting my revelation.' Se-
vere words, these, if not controversial !
Mental Peculiarities. Last Sickness.
394. " Our enumeration of Swedenborg's
theological publications is now ended. Un-
apparent as his person is throughout them, we
feel that it is almost profane to dwell upon his
genius. In reading them we rather think of
a gifted pen than of a great man. Originality
and competitive questions are far in the back-
ground. The words mine and thine have not
laid their paws upon these estates. Still the
genius reverts the mightier for its unsellish-
ness. The method of thought is the same in
his theology as in his philosophy ; his theolo-
gy is his latest philosophy explaining his
walks and experiences in the spiritual world.
The active mental power is greater in his lat-
ter than in his former life; and would be
more manifestly so, had he not always practi-
eally disclaimed his own gifts in favor of the
Giver ; a course that offends ' the pride of
self-derived intelligence,' which misses the
brilliancy of its earthly fire in hi? low speech
and self-absent periods. But assuredly his
knowledge of man is more exceeding than his
knowledge of nature ; his plainness is more
picturesque than his imagination ; and his
spiritual cosmogony and humanity will sur-
vive the ingenuity of his Principia^ and the
natural beauty of liis Physiology.
395. " In Part I. of his biography, we have
devoted a few words to the author's philoso-
phical style ; we shall now say somewhat on
his theological. In the former case, we noted
with surprise that the dress of his books be-
came more and more imaginative, as his mind
matured. The ornament, it is true, was a
part of the subject, as a flower is a part of a
plant. In his theological works, he discarded
this vesture, and began not from the flower,
but from the seeds of his philosophy. The
diflference between The Worship and Love of
God and the Arcana Ccelestia, is immense in
point of style ; the rhetoric of the former is
shorn into level speech in the latter. But it is
a second time to be observed, that his mind
took the course from plainness to luxuriance,
and that in his later theology, copious illus-
tration gave fruitiness to his style. Orna-
mental it cannot be called, but full and abound-
ing. Instead of the beauties of color, he prof-
fers gratifications for many senses, in solid
paragraphs of analogies. If his old age is
specially discernible in his True Christian Re-
ligion, it is in the wealth of the comparisons,
which succeed each other with childlike volu-
bility, though it must be confessed also with
felicity. The child learns by comparisoii ; tii.'
adult, more alive to intellectual beauty, deck-
his mind in colored garments, and sets foitii
his theory as a captivation ; the elder teache.-.
as the child learns, by comparisons again.
There is nothing like them for power ; t!i<' v
cleave to the mind in its youngest and <ti,l
joyous parts; and are to abstractions wii;.;
gold coin is to doubtful promises in air
or upon paper. By them the good old men
prattle to the young, who are the seed of tli'-
state, and the inheritors of the future, li
was Swedenborg's last and most loving mode
of speech, to familiarize difficult things by tell-
ing us what their case is most like in the
world about us : a method which he followed
particularly in the True Christian Religion.
396. "'There are five kinds of reception,'
says Swedenborg, {Diary, n. 2955,) speaking
of the reception of his own writings by the
world. ' First, there are those who reject
them utterly, either because they are in a dif-
ferent persuasion, or are enemies of the faith :
they cannot be received by these, whose minds
are impenetrable. The second genus receives
them as scientifics, and in this point of view,
^nd as curiosities, they are delighted with
them. The third genus receives them intel-
lectually, and with readiness, but their lives
remain unaltered by them. The fourth re-
ceives them persuasively, allowing them to
penetrate to amendment of life ; to this class
they occur in certain states, and do good ser-
vice. The Jifth genus consists of those who
receive them with joy, and are built up in them.
397. "In August, 1771, Swedenborg came
from Amsterdam to London, and took up liis
abode for the second time with one Shear-
smith, peruke maker, at 26, Great Bath
Street, Coldbath Fields. Notwithstanding his
advanced age, he still continued indefatigable
with his pen, and, after finishing his True
Christian Religion, he proceeded to the execu-
tion of another work, a supplement to the for-
mer, treating in detail of the various churches
which have existed upon the earth. This trea-
tise he either did not complete, or the end of it
is missing. He now renewed his intercourse
with his friends in London, who have handed
down some interesting accounts of the closing
scenes of his life.
398. " Towards the end of the year, Dr.
Hartley and Mr. Cookworthy visited him at
his lodgings in Clerkenwell. The details of
the interview are not given, only that it was
impossible to avoid noticing his innocence and
simplicity, and how, on inviting him to dine
with them, he politely excused himself, adding
that his dinner was already prepared, which
2)roved to be a meal of bread and milk.
399. " On Christmas eve a stroke of apo-
plexy deprived him of his speech, and he lay
afterwards in a lethargic state for more than
three weeks, taking no sustenance beyond a
little tea without milk, and cold water occa-
sionally, and once a little currant jelly. At
the end cS" that time he recovered his speech
and health somewhat, and ate and drank as
usual. It does not appear that he had any
medical advice in his sickness. Dr. Hartley
now again visited him, in company with Dr.
Messiter, and asked him if he was comforted
with the society of angels as belbre, and he
answered that he was. Furthermore, they
besought him to declare whether all that he
had written was strictly true, or whether any
part, or parts, were to be excepted. ' I have
wiitten,' answered Swedenborg, with a degree
of warmth, ' nothing but the truth, as you
will have more and more confirmed to you all
the days of your life, provided you keep close
to the Lord, and faithfully serve him alone,
by shunning evils of all kinds as sins against
him, and diligently searching his "Word,
which from beginning to end bears incontes-
table witness to the truth of the doctrines
I have delivered to the world.' Dr. H. after
this returned home, about a day's journey
from London, (to East Mailing, in Kent,) and
heard soon after that Swedenborg was near
his departure, and expressed a desire to see
him ; ' but some hinderances to the visit,' says
he, ' happening at the time, I did not embrace
the opportunity as I should have done ; for
those hinderances might have been surmount-
ed. My neglect on this occasion appears to
me without excuse, and lies very heavy on
my mind to this day.'
His Connection with Rev. John Wesley.
400. " From the time of his seizure till his
death he was visited but by few friends, and
always appeared unwilling to see company.
Nevertheless we meet with him once again in
a semi-public character. Towards the end
of February, 1772, the Rev. John Wesley is
in conclave with some of his preachers, who
are taking instructions, and assisting 'him in
preparations for a circuit he is shortly to
make, when a Latin note is put into his hand,
which causes him evident astonishment. The
substance is as follows : —
'Great Bath Street, Coldbath Fields,
February, 1772.
' Sir, — I have been informed in the world of
spirits that you have a strong desire to converse
with me. I shall be happy to see you if you will
favor me with a visit.
' I am, Sir, your humble servant,
' Emanuel Swedenborg.'
Wesley frankly acknowledged to the com-
pany that he had been strongly impressed with
a desire to see and converse with Swedenborg,
and said that he had not mentioned the desire
to any one. He wrote for answer that he
was then occupied in preparing for a six
mcAiths' journey, but would wait upon Sweden-
borg on his return to London. Swedenborg
wrote in reply that the proposed visit would
be too late, as he, Swedenborg, should go into
the world of spirits on the 29th day of the
next month, nevermore to return. The re-
sult was, that these two celebrated persons
did not meet." * — Wilkinson' s Biography,
pp. 206-212.
* It is certain tliat Wesley was at this time attracted to Swe-
denborg. Hesides otlier proofs, we liave one in a letter written
to Wesley l)y the Rev. Francis Okely, a .Moravian minister.
This gentleman visited Swedeubora, probably between August
and December, 1771, and wrote to Wesley upon the interview
His letter, l^^rminian Magazine, vol. viii., p. 553, 1785,) dated
Upton, Dec. 10, 1771, is somewhat interesting.
" Swedenborg is to me a riddle, — certiiinly, as you [Wesley]
say, he speaks many great and important truths : and as certain-
ly seems to me to contradict Scripture in other places. But, as
he told me, I could not understand his True Christian Religion
without divine illumination ; and I am obliged to confess, that 1
have not yet a sufficiency of it for that purpose. I am thankful
my present course does not seem absolutely to require it. We
conversed in the high Dutch, and notwithstanding the impedi-
ment in his speech, I understood him well. He spike with all
the coolness and deliberation you might expect from any, the
most sober and rational man. Yet what he said was out of my
It appears certain that Mr. Wesley was
very much impressed with the truth of >Swe-
(lenborg's writings, for it is stated on the
authority of Rev. Mr. Clowes, rector of St.
John's, Manchester, tliat in a conversation
which Wesley had with a mutual and intimate
friend of theirs, Mr. Richard Houghton. Esq.,
of Liverpool, and whicli was reported to Mr.
Clowes by Mr. Houghton, that Wesley ex-
pressed himself as follows : " We may now
bum all our hooks of Theology. God has sent
us a teacher from heaven ; and in the doctrines
of Swedenborg, we may learn all thai it is
necessary for us to know."
401. '' The manner (says Rev. Mr. Noble,
in the letter from which the above is extracted)
in which Mr. Wesley here expressed himself,
was strong indeed ; so much so, that were it
not certain that his mind must have been at
that time under a very powerful influence in
Swedenborg's favor, he might be suspected to
have spoken ironically. This I observed in
my letter to Mr. Clowes ; to which he replies,
* I can hardly conceive, from the manner in
which it was expressed by Mr. Houghton, that
irony had any thing to do with it : ' and Mr.
Houghton must have known with certainty
whether it had or not. His repeating Mr.
Wesley's observation to Mr. Clowes, as an
inducement to him to peruse the writings of
Swedenborg, is a complete proof that Mr. H.
believed it to mean what it expresses. But
an examination of dates will show, that Mr.
Wesley's statement to that gentleman was
made while the impression from Swedenborg's
supernatural communication was acting in all
its force.
spliere of intelligence, when he related his sight of, and daily con-
versation in, the world of .-pirits, with which he declared him-
self hetter acquainted than with this.
" 1 heartily wish that all the real designs which an omnipotent
and omniscient God of Love might have, either by him, or by
any oUier of his sincere servants, of whatsoever sort or kind,
may be truly obtained. ... I thought proper to express thus
much in answer to yours, [the italics are our own,] without de-
siring you to adopt any of my sentiments.'"
It is amusing to rend what Okely says of his difficulty about
Swedenborg's sight and conversation in the spiritual world.
What artificial stupidity ! A rustic would have taken it at once.
We here recall a little narrative in Swedcnhorg's Diary {n. 5997).
Hf bad been writing upon the Apocalypse, and had treated of
the threefold man, celestial, spiritual, and natural, and of goods
and truths in their series, and comiirg to an inn with his mind
on the subject, he opened it to the good wife who was the land-
lady, Tisula Bodama her name. " She was a person of simple-
" hearted failh. She understood clearly all I said ; but there was
a learned man present who did not understand it, nay, couhl not
understand it. And so the case is with many ottier things."
The Lord has hidden them from the wise and prudent, and re-
vealed theui unto babes.
While speaking of Okely, who was the author of a Life of
Behmen, we take the opportunity of slating, that too close a par-
allel is often made between Behmen and Swedenborg. There
are indeed truths common to both, and no man who values an
e.xtraordinarj' brother would say a word in disparagement of
deep-thouglited Jacob Behmen. But his want of education and
utterance ; his identification of the spiritual with the subjective
for man upon earth ; his failure of scer>hip, and consequently of
real experience ; and above all, his inapprchension of the sole
divinity of Christ, which scattered through his theology the
darkness inevitable upon an attempted approach to the thiis un-
approachable Father — a darkness the more virulent as the ge-
nius is more intense ; — these great vacancies, and a host of
other thmga, such as his doctrine of the bi-sexual Adam, estab-
lish between him and Swedenborg a gulf not to be overpassed.
Swedenborg had indeed never read Ills works, as he told Dr.
Beyer in answer to a question upon the subject, and it is impos-
eible to affiliate his own works in anv sense u|>on Behmen's.
The admirers of Behmen are aware of this, and .Mr. Law has
•hoH'ii it by violent stamping against Swedenborg.
402. "Yet Mr. We.-ley. thus* miraculously
convinced of the truth of Swedenborg's claim
(as far, at least, as relates to his intwcourse
with the spiritual world), afterwards exerted
himself to check the extension of the same
conviction to others ! — in whicli, however, he
only atifordcd a })roof of Swedenborg's con-
stant assertion, that miraculous evidence is
inetlicacious for producing any real or perma-
nent change in a man's conlirmed religious
403. " I have little doubt (concludes Mr.
Noble) that, though some erroneous sentiments
conlirmed in his understanding prevented him
from accepting, in this world, the doctrines of
the New Church, his intentions were upright,
and there was a principle of real good in his
heart, which, in the other life would throw off
the errors that obscured it, and enable him to
receive the truth. This, it is probable, was
seen by Swedenborg, and was the reason of
his inviting him to an interview : and thus, I
trust, though Mr. Wesley acted chiefly as an
opponent to him while on earth, he may now
be associated with him in heaven." — Docu-
ments^ pp. 108-110.
Close of his Earthly Life.
404. Two or three weeks before Sweden-
borg's decease, he was visited by his old friend,
Mr. Springer, the Swedish Consul in London.
Mr. S. asked him when he believed the New
Jerusalem would be manifested, and if the
manifestation would take place in the four
quarters of the world. His answer was, that
" no mortal could tell the time, no, nor even
the highest angels, but God only. Read,"
said he, "■ the Revelation (xxi. 2) and Zecha-
riah (xiv. 9), and you will find, past doubt,
that the New Jerusalem of the Apocalypse,
which denotes a new and purer state of the
Christian church, will manifest itself to all the
405. " Mr. Bei'gstrora, the Landlord of the
King's Arms tavern in Wellclose Square, at
whose house he had once lodged for ten weeks,
called to see him during his last days. Mr.
B. asked him whether he would take the Sac-
rament? Somebody present at the< time pro-
posed sending for the Rev. Mr. Mathesius,
the officiating minister of the Swedish church.
Swedenborg declined taking the Sacrament
from this gentleman, who had previously set
abroad a report that he was out of his senses :
and he sent for the Rev. Arvid Ferelius,
another Swedish clergyman with whom he
was on the best terms, and who had visited
him frequently in his illness. Ferelius soou
returned with Bergstrom to Swedenborg's bed-
side. On every previous visit Ferelius had
asked him whetiier or no he was about to die,
to which he always answered in the affirmative.
On this occasion the priest observed to him,
' that as many persons thought that he had
endeavored only to make himself a name by
his n ?w theological system (which object he
had indeed attained), he would do well now
to publish tlie truth to the world, and to recant
either the whole or a part of what he had
advanced, since he had now nothing more to
expect from the world, which he was so soon
about to leave forever.' Upon hearing these
words, Swedenborg raised himself half upright
in bed, and placing his sound hand upon his
breast, said with great zeal and emphasis :
' As true as you see me before you, so true is
every thing that I have written. I could have
said more had I been permitted. When you
come into eternity, you will see all things as
I have stated and described them, and we
shall have much to discourse about them with
each other.' Ferelius then asked whether he
would take the Lord's Holy Supper ? He
replied with thankfulness, that the offer was
well meant ; but that being a member of the
other world, he did not need it. He would,
however, gladly take it, in order to show the
connection and union between the church in
heaven and the church on earth. He then
asked the priest if he had read his views on
the Sacrament? He also told him to conse-
crate the elements, and leave the rest of the
form to him, as he well knew what it was and
meant. Before administering the Sacrament,
Fei'elius inquired of him whether he con-
fessed himself to be a sinner ? ' Certainly,'
said he, 'so long as I carry about with me
this sinful body.' With deep and affecting
devotion, with folded hands and with head un-
covered, he confessed his own unworthiness,
and received the Holy Supper. After which,
he said that all had been properly done, and
presented the minister in gratitude Avith one
of the few remaining copies of his great work,
the Arcana Ccelestia. He was quite clear in
his mind throughout the ceremony. This was
two or three weeks before his death.
40G. " He had told the people of the house
what day he should die, and as Shearsmith's
servant maid reported: ' He was as pleased! '
And she made a comparison that the pleasure
was such as if she herself were going to have
a holiday, to go to some merrymaking. In
Sandel's more accomplished but not deeper
language : ' He was satisfied with his sojourn
upon earth, and delighted with the prospect
of his heavenly metamorphosis.' " — Wilkin-
son's Biography, pp. 214, 215.
407. " The only particulars relative to the
close of Swedenborg's natural life, on which
we can rely, are to be found in an affidavit,
made by Mr. and Mrs. Sliearsmith, with whom
Swedenborg boarded at the time of his death.
It is as follows :
" ' Affidavit taken before the Right Hon. Thom-
as Wright, then Lord Mayor of the city of London,
the 24th November, 1784, viz.: That towards
Christmas, 1771, Mr. Swedenborg had a stroke of
the palsy, which deprived him of his speech, which
he soon rrcovered, but yet remained very weak
and infirm. That towards the end of February,
1775, he declared to Elizabeth Shearsmith (then
Reynolds) and to Richard Shearsmith's first wife
(then living) that he should die on such a day ; and
that the said Elizabeth Shearsmith thinks she can
safely affirm on her oath he departed this life ex-
actly on the very day he had foretold, that is, one
month after his prediction. That about a fortnight
before his death he received the Lord's Supper from
the hands of Mr. Ferelius, a Swedish minister, to
whom he earnestly recommended to abide in the
truth contained in his writings. That a little while
before Mr. Swedenborg's decease he was deprived
of his spiritual sight, on which account being
brought into very great tribulation, he vehemently
cried out, O imj God, hast thou then wholly forsaken
thy servant at last ? But a few days after he recov-
ered again his spiritual sight, which circumstance
appeared to make him completely happy ; that this
was the last of his trials. That during his latter
days, even as on the former, he retained all his
good sense and memory in the most complete man-
ner. That on the Lord's day, 29th March, hear-
ing the clock strike, Mr. Swedenborg asked his
landlady and her maid, who were then both sit-
ting by his bedside, what it was o'clock, and on
being answered it was .5 o'clock, he replied, it is
well, I thank you, God bless you both, and then a
little moment after he gently gave up the ghost.
Moreover, that on the day before and on that of
his departure, Mr. Swedenborg received no visits
of any friend whatever, and these deponents never
heard him either then or before utter any thing
that had the least appearance of, or relation to, a
'Richard Shearsmith.
' Elizabeth Shearsmith.
' Sworn 25th Nov., 1785, before me, Thomas
Wright, Mayor.' "
408. " After Swedenborg's decease, his body
was carried to the house of Mr. Burkhardt,
an undertaker, and former clerk to the Swe-
dish church in London, where he was laid in
state, and buried from thence on the 5th day
of April, in three coffins, in the vault of the
above church, in Prince's Square, RadclifFe
Highway, with all the ceremonies of the Lu-
theran religion ; the service being performed
on the occasion by the Rev. Arvid Ferelius —
the last service wdiich he performed in Eng-
land. In 1785, Swedenborg's coffin was side
by side with Dr. Solanders. To this day not
a stone or an inscription commemorates the
dust of the wonderful Norseman.
409. " During the later career of Sweden-
borg, his country had looked on, not without
interest, directed both to his character, his
pretensions and his labors. No sooner was
he dead, than the House of Clergy, through
their President, requested Ferelius to give
such an account of him in writing as his ex-
perience would warrant, which he did, but the
document is unfortunately missing. On Octo-
ber 7, 1772, M. Sandel, Counsellor of the
Board of IMines, pronounced his eulogium in
the Hall of the House of Nobles, in the name
of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Stock-
holm. Sandel was no follower of his, but his
discourse, take it for all and all, is the finest
resumption that we have of the name and
character of Swedenburg. We give the open-
ing of the document to show what a scientific
man in sucli an Assembly dared say of Swe-
denborg, notwithstanding his spirit-seeing.
" ' Permit me,' says he, ' to entertain you this
day upon a subject, which is not of an abstracted
or remote nature, but is intended to revive the
agreeable remembrance of a man celebrated for
his virtues and his knowledge, one of the oldest
members of this Academy, and one whom we all
knew and loved.
"' The sentiments of esteem and friendship with
which we all regarded the late M. Emanuel Swe-
denborg, assure me of the pleasure with which
you will listen to me while he is the subject of my
discourse; happy should I be could I answer your
expectations, and draw his culogium in the manner
it deserves ! But if there are some countenances
of which, as the painters assure us, it is extremely
difficult to give an exact likeness, how difficult
then must it be to delineate that of a vast and sub-
lime genius, who never knew either repose or
fatigue ; who occupied with sciences the most
profound, was long engaged with researches into
the secrets of nature, and who, in his hitter years,
applied all his efforts to unveil the greatest mys-
teries ; who to arrive at certain branches of knowl-
edge, opened for himself a way of his own, without
ever straying from sound morals and true piety ;
who being endowed with a strength of faculties
truly extraordinary, in the decline of his age,
boldly elevated his thoughts still further, and
soared to the greatest heights to which the intel-
lectual faculty can rise ; and who, tinally, has
given occasion to form respecting him a multitude
of opinions, differing as much from each other as
do the minds of the different men by whom they
are formed ! '
410. " When a life is past, we speak with
right of the health and happiness of the de-
parted. On these points a few words express
what is known of Swedenborg. ' He always,'
says Sandel, ' enjoyed most excellent health,
having scarcely ever experienced the slightest
indisposition.' ' He was never ill,' says Rob-
sahra, ' except when in states of temptation.'
Once he had a grievous toothache for many
days. Robsahm recommended him some cora-
iHon remedy. But he refused it, and said :
* My pain proceeds not from the nerve of the
tooth, but from the influx of hypocritical spir-
its that beset me, and by correspondence cause
this plague, which will soon leave me.' Like
other studious sedentary persons, his stomach
was weak, particularly during the last four-
teen years of his life, which caused him to be
fiomewhat singular in his diet. Not less, how-
ever, from the concurrent testimony of those
who knew him best, than from the works that
Le executed, we know that he enjoyed a fine
constitution- Health, is the ground which
great persons cultivate, whereby they ex-
change the light flying hours into golden usage.
To them it is industry represented in its pow-
er ; the human riches of time. The minute
glass runs willingly sand of centuries when
great ideas are in the healthful moments. So
it was with Swedenborg. The powers of his
mind were matched with an extraordinary
strength of body, wiiich pain and passion seem
scarcely to have touched, and hence the crowd
of his works, and iiis broad apparent leisure.
Tlie day of such a man is full of commerce
and transactions ; the reciprooatibn is unwea-
ried from health to genius ; the able-bodied
hours cultivate his life to uncommon produc-
tiveness, and stretch out the points and patches
of his time towards the largeness of their
eternal source.
411. " Health in its whole sense is happi-
ness. Here again Sandel says of Sweden-
borg: 'Content within himself and with his
situation, his life was in all respects one of the
ha|)[)iest that ever fell to the lot of man, until
the very moment of its close.' ' His inward
serenity and complacency of mind,' sa3's Hart-
ley. ' were manifest in the sweetness of his
looks and his outward demeanor.' His own
testimony corroborates tiiat of Sandel. In a
passage in his Diary (n. 3023), where he
treats of tlie proposition, that ' the enjoyments
and pleasures of life are never denied to us,'
he says : ' To this I can bear witness, that
they have never been denied to me, but grant-
ed, and not only the pleasures of the body and
the senses as to others of the living, but I
have had joys and happiness such as no others
I suppose have- felt in the universal world,
and these, both more and more exquisite than
any mortal can imagine or believe.'
412. " Swedenborg's works furnish one con-
tinued proof of these assertions. Who does
not know that peace and power are one ; that
tranquillity is the main circumstance of the
best lifetimes ? No matter to this whether
the sky be calm, or the soul unassaulted ; it is
the preservation of the balance, and the firm-
footedness of the man, under whatever trials,
that constitute the repose of which we speak.
Swedenborg's works, we repeat, from begin-
ning to end, are on a high level of peace ;
their even flow is as of a sea inclining only
to the constellations. No cursory moon regu-
lates its tides from nearer attractions, but they
move to the vault, and though they change,
it is not by months, but with ages.
Personal Testimonies and Anecdotes.
413. " Having thus followed Swedenborg
through his life and labors, it remains to gather
up any personal particulars that remain unap-
propriated, and also to place before the reader
what testimonies exist, to the public and pri-
vate character of Swedenborg. We begin
with the latter first. If the re«ord savor of
eulogy, it is from no partiality of ours, bqt
because history chooses.
414. "Sandel says : 'If his love of knowl-
edge went too far, it at least evinced in him
an ardent desire to obtain information himself,
and convey it to otliers ; for you never find
in him any mark of pride or conceit, of rash-
ness, or of intention to deceive. If he is not
to be numbered among the doctors of the
church, he at least holds an honorable rank
among sublime moralists, and deserves to be
instanced as a pattern of virtue and of respect
for his Creator. He never allowed himself
to have recourse to dissimulation. . . .
A sincere friend of mankind, in his examina-
tion of the character of others, he was par-
ticularly desirous to discover in them this
virtue, which he regarded as an infallible
proof of the presence of many more. He
was cheerful and agreeable in society. By
way of relaxation from his important labors,
he sought and frequented the company of per-
sons of information, by whom he was always
well received. He knew how to check oppor-
tunely, and with great address, that species
of wit which would indulge itself at the ex-
pense of serious things. As a public function-
ary, he was upright and just : while he dis-
charged his duties with great exactness, he
neglected nothing but his own advancement.
. In the Diet his conduct was such as
to secure him both from the reproaches of his
own conscience and from those of others. He
lived under the reigns of many of our sover-
eigns, and enjoyed the particular favor and
kindness of them all. ... It may truly
be said that he was solitary, but never sad.'
415. " Count Ilopken remarks : ' I have
not only known him tiiese two and forty years,
but also some time since daily frequented his
company. ... I do not recollect to have
known any man of more unilbrmly virtuous
character ; always contented, never fretful or
morose ; he was a true philosopher, and lived
like one. He labored diligently, and lived
frugally, without sordidness. • . . He
possessed a sound judgment upon all occasions,
saw every thing clearly, and expressed him-
self well on every subject. . . . He de-
tested metaphysics. . . . He was certain-
ly a patern of sincerity, virtue and piety, and
at the same time, in my opinion, the most
learned man in this kingdom.' *
416. " Robsahm says : ' How he was looked
upon in foreign lands I do not know, but in
Stockholm even those who could not read his
writings were always pleased to meet him in
company, and paid respectful attention to
whatever he said.'
417. '"He attects no honor,' says Hartley,
'but declines it; pursues no worldly interest;
* " Count niipkeii says in a letter to H friend : ' I have some-
times told the king, that if ever a new colony were to be formed,
no religion could be better, as the prevailing and established one,
than that developed by Svvedenborg from the Sacred Scriptures,
and this on the two following accounts: 1st. This religion, in
preference to, and in a higher degree than, any other, inust pro-
duce the most honest and industrious subjecfs ; for this religion
places properly (Ac worship of God in uses. 2dly. It causes the least
fear of death, as tnis religion regards death merely as a transition
from one state into another, from a worse tn a better situation ;
nay, upon his principles, I look upon death as bemg of hardly
any greater moment than drinking a glass of water.'
. . . and is so far from the ambition of head-
ing a sect, that wherever he resides on his trav-
els, he is a mere solitary.' And after Swe-
denborg's death. Hartley again writes : ' The
great Svvedenborg was a man of uncommon
humility. He was of a catholic spirit, and
loved all good men of every church, making
at the same time candid allowance for the in-
nocence of involuntary error. However self-
denying in his own person as to gratifications
and indulgences, even within the bounds of
moderation, yet nothing severe, nothing of the
precisian appeared in him.'
418. "And lastly Ferelius remarks : 'Many
may suppose that Assessor Swedenborg was
a singular and eccentric person ; this was not
the case. On the contrary, he was very agree-
able and complaisant in company ; he entered
into conversation on every topic, and accom-
modated himself to the ideas of the party ;
and he never mentioned his own writings and
doctrines but when he was asked some ques-
tion about them, when he always spoke as
freely as he had written. If, however, he ob-
served that any persons asked impertinent
questions, or attempted to ridicule him, he
gave them answers that quickly silenced them,
without making them any the wiser.'
419. "The persons in whose houses he
lodged, bear concurrent testimony. Mr. Brock-
raer (who lived in Fetter Lane) says, that
' if he believed Swedenborg's conversation
with angels and spirits to be true, he should
not wonder at any thing he said or did ; but
should rather wonder that surprise and aston-
ishment did not betray him into moie un-
guarded expressions than were ever known to
escape him : for he did and said nothing but
what he (Brockmer) could easily account
for in his own mind, if he really believed
what Svvedenborg declares in his writings to
be true. . . . He was of a most placid
and serene disposition.'
420. " Bergstrom says : ' He once lived ten
weeks with me in my house, during which
time I observed nothing in him but what was
very reasonable, and bespoke the gentleman.
For my part I think he was a reasonable,
sensible and good man : he was very kind to
all, and generous to me. As for his peculiar
sentiments, I do not meddle with them.'
421. " Mr. Shearsmith declared, ' That from
the first day of his coming to i-eside at his
house, to the last day of his life, he always
conducted himself in the most rational, pru-
dent, pious and Christian-like manner.' And
Shearsmith's maid servant commemorated that
' he was a good-natured man, a blessing to the
house ; and while he staid there, they had
harmony and good business. She said that
betbre he came to their house he was offered
another lodging in the neighborhood ; but he
told the mistress then^ wanted harmony in the
house, which she acknowledged ; and recom-
mended him to Shearsmith's.'
422. " The homeliness of some of these tes-
timonies does not exchide them from our
pages, because, diving as they do into Swe-
denborg's privacy, they are just what we want,
to fortify our knowledge of one whose interior
life was so different from other men's. Swe-
denborg's biography is a court in which such
witnesses are precisely those whose depositions
will first be taken by the mass of the public.
If the testimony is trivial in so great a case,
it is the cross questioning of this age which
elicits it.
Phenomena of Spiritual Intercourse.
423. " His friends and domestics had occa-
sional opportunities of observing his deport-
ment when in his trances. Some of these we
Lave already narrated, but the following also
merit a place.
424. " On one occasion Ferelius visited
him during his sickness, and as the former
was going up stairs, he heard Swedenborg
speaking with energy, as though addressing a
company. Reaching the antecliamber where
his female attendant was sitting, he asked her
who was with the Assessor ? She said, ' No-
body, and that he had been speaking in that
manner for three days and nights.' As the
reverend gentleman entered the chamber,
Swedenborg greeted him tranquilly, and asked
him to take a seat. He told him that he had
been tempted and plagued for ten days by evil
spirits, and that he had never before been
tempted by such wicked ones : but that he now
again enjoyed the company of good spirits.
425. " One day, while he was in health,
Ferelius visited him in company with a Dan-
ish clergyman. They found him sitting in
the middle of the room at a round table, writ-
ing. The Hebrew Bible, which appeared to
constitute his whole library, lay before him.
After he had greeted them, he pointed to the
opposite side of the table, and said : ' Just
now the apostle Peter was here, and stood
there ; and it is not long since all the apostles
were with me ; indeed they often visit me.'
' In this manner,' says Ferelius, ' he spoke
without reserve ; but he never sought to make
proselytes.' They asked him why nobody but
himself enjoyed such spiritual privileges ?
He said, that ' every man might at the present
day have them, as well as in the times of the
Old Testament ; but that the true hinderance
• now is, the sensual state into which mankind
has fallen.' Kobsahm also once questioned
him, whether it would be possible for others to
enjoy the same spiritual light as himself. He
answered, ' Take good heed upon that point :
a man lays himself open to grievous errors
• who tries by barely natural powers to explore
spiritual things.' He further said that to
guard against this the Lord had taught us to
pray, lead us not into temptation : meaning
that we are not allowed, in the pride of our
natural understandings, to doubt of the divine
truths of revelation. ' You know,' said he,
' how often students, especially theologians,
who have gone far in useless knowledge, have
become insane.'
42G. " The reason of the danger of man, as
at present constituted, speaking with spirits,
is, that we are all in association with our likes,
and being full of evil, these similar spirits,
could we face them, would but confirm us in
our own state anil views, and lend an authori-
ty from whose persuasiveness we could hardly
escape, to our actual evils and falsities. Hence,
for freedom's sake, the strict partition between
the worlds. Tiie case was otherwise before
hell was necessary to man's life.
427. " Shearsmith used to be frightened
when he first had Swedenborg for a lodger, by
reason of his talking at all hours, the night as
well as the day. He would sometimes be writ-
ing, says this informant, and then stand talking
in the doorstead of his room, as if holding a
conversation with several persons; but as he
spoke in a language that Shearsmith did not
understand, he could make nothing of it.
428. His faithful domestics, the old garden-
er and his wife, who kept his house near Stock-
holm, told Robsahm with much tenderness,
that they had frequently overheard his strong
agony of mind vented in ejaculatory prayer
during his temptations. He often prayed to
God that the temptations might leave him,
crying out with tears, ' Lord God, help me ;
my God, forsake me not.' When the tempta-
tion was over, and they inquired of him the
cause of his distress, he answered, ' God be
praised, it is all removed. Be not uneasy on
my account ; all that happens to me, happens
with God's permission, and he will suflfer noth-
ing that he sees I am unable to bear.' After
one of his trials he went to bed, and remained
there many days and nights without rising.
His servants expected that he had died of
fright. They debated whether they should
not summon his relatives, and force open the
door. At length the gardener climbed up to
a window, and looking in, to his great joy saw
his master turn in bed. The following day
he rang the bell. The wife Avent to his room,
and told him how anxious they had been about
him ; to which he replied, with a benignant
look, tliat he was well, and had wanted for
nothing. One day after dinner the same do-
mestic went into his room, and saw his eyes
siiining with an appearance as of clear fire.
She started back, and exclaimed : ' For God's
sake what is the matter ? You look fearfully ! '
' How then do I look ? ' said he. She told
him what she saw. 'Well, well,' said he,
' Fear not ! The Lord has opened my bodili/
eyes, so that spirits see through them into the
world. I shall soon be out of this state, which
will not hurt me.' In about half an hour the
shining appearance left his eyes. His old
servant professed to know when he had con-
1 versed with heavenly spirits, from the pleasure
and calm satisfaction in his countenance,
whereas when he had been infested by wick-
ed spirits, he had a sorrowful face.
429. " What is here related of his eyes has
reason to support it. Animation plays upon
the eye, and shows that there are fire chan-
nels laid down in the tissues of that organ, or
how could the brilliance permeate it ? There
is a fund of optics in common life that science
has not observed, for the eye, prior to the hand,
is the power that commands the world. The
eye is of Protean possibilities : the soul shoots
through it, and the look is either snaky, or an-
gelic. Each passion has its proper rays.
This, of the individual eye. But if one soul
can make an eye lustrous, two or more looking
Uirough the same eye will project a larger
flame. We notice a peculiar appearance in
Swedenborg's portrait, what our friend Dr.
Elliotson deems that of an * amiable lunatic : '
certainly the common objects appear to claim
but little of its attention, but if there is a va-
cancy, it is only a space for spirits, and when
it was filled by them, Swedenborg would no
doubt shine from the borrowed souls to those
who saw him.
Anecdotes, &c.
430. " We have already spoken of one of
his voyages to Sweden : we will complete this
set of anecdotes, with the stories told of Swe-
denborg by two other English ship captains.
He sailed from Sweden on a certain occasion
with one Captain Harrison. During almost
the whole voyage he kept his berth, but was
often heard speaking, as if in conversation.
The steward and cabin boy came to the cap-
tain, and told him that Swedenborg seemed
out of his head. ' Out of his head or not,'
said the captain, ' so long as he is quiet I have
no power over him. He is always reasonable
with me, and I have the best of weather when
he is on board.' Harrison told Robsahm
laughingly, that Swedenborg might sail with
him gratis whenever he pleased; for never
since he was a mariner had he such voyages
as with him.
431. "The same luck went with Captain
Browell, who carried him from London to
Dalaron in eight days, during the most of
which, as in the former instances, he lay in
his berth and talked. Captain Hodson also,
another of his carriers, was but seven days on
the voyage, and found Swedenborg's company
60 agreeable, that he was much delighted and
taken with him : as he confessed to Bergstrom.
432. " In this context we introduce what
Springer says of Swedenborg's clear seeing as
regarded himself. ' All that he has related
to me respecting my deceased acquaintances,
both friends and enemies, and the secrets that
were between us, almost surpasses belief. He
explained to me in what manner the peace
was concluded between Sweden and the king
at' Prussia; and he praised my conduct on
that occasion : he even told me who were the
three great personages of whom I made use
in that affair ; which, nevertheless, was an
entire secret between them and me. I asked
him how he could be informed of such particu-
lars, and who had discovered them to him.
He rejoined, " Who informed me of your af-
fair with Count Ekeblad ? You cannot deny
the truth of what I have told you. Continue,"
he added. " to deserve his reproaches : turn
not aside, either for riches or honors, from the
path of rectitude, but on the contrary, keep
steadily in it, as you have done ; and you will
prosper." ' In the affair alluded to, Count
P^keblad, in a political altercation, had pro-
voked Springer to draw his sword upon him ;
but they had afterwards composed the quar-
rel, and promised never to mention it while
both parties were alive. On another occasion
the Count had attempted to bribe Springer
with a purse of 10,000 rix dollars, which sura
and circumstances Swedenborg particularly
mentioned to the latter, saying that he had
them from the Count, just then deceased.
433. " In his Diary Swedenborg has spoken
at great length of the fates in the other life
of many celebrated persons with whom he
had been acquainted in the world ; nor has his
pen been withheld from similar particulars
about his own relations. On this account, the
work could not have been printed in his own
day, without giving offence to the survivors of
those whom he has thus described. Some
times his unreserve led him to announcements
which must have been grating to his auditors.
An instance of this' kind occurred on his
voyage from Gottenburg to London in 1747. _
The vessel in which he was a passenger
stopped at Oresound, and M. Kryger, the
Swedish Consul, invited the officers of the
custom house, together with several of the first
people of the town, all anxious to see and
know Swedenborg, to dine with him at his
house. Being all seated at table, and none
of them taking the liberty of addressing Swe-
denborg, who was likewise silent, the Swedish
consul thought it incumbent on him to break
silence, for which purpose he took occasion
from the death of the Danish king Chris-
tian VI., which happened the preceding year,
(1746,) to inquire of Swedenborg, as he could
see and speak with the dead, whether he had
also seen Christian \T. after his decease. To
this Swedenborg replied in the affirmative,
adding, that when he saw him the first time,
he was accompanied by a bishop, or other
prelate, who humbly begged the king's pardon
for the many errors into Avhich he had led
him by his counsels. A son of the said de-
ceased prelate happened to be present at the
table : the consul M. Kryger therefore fearing
that Swedenborg might say something further
to the disadvantage of the father, interrupted
him, saying. Sir, this is his son ! Swedenborg
replied, it may be, but what I am saying is true.
434. "As to those in the other life with
whom he could converse, the privilege had
its limitations. When the Queen of Sweden
asked whether his spiritual intercourse was
a science or art that could be communicated
to others, he said No, that it was a gift of
the Lord. ' Can you then,' said she, ' speak
with every one deceased, or only witli certain
persons ? ' He answered, ' I cainiot converse
with all, but with such as I have known in
this world, with all royal and princely persons,
with all renowned heroes, or great and learned
men, whom I have known, either personally,
or from their actions or writings ; consequent-
ly, with all, of whom I could form an idea ;
for it may be su|)posed that a person whom I
never knew, and of whom I could form no
idea, I neither could nor would wish to speak
with.' In further proof of this, we may cite
an anecdote related by Ferelius, ' With other
news,' says he, ' which on one occasion I re-
ceived from Sweden through the post, was the
announcement of the death of Swedenborg's
sister, the widow Sundstedt. I communicated
this information to a Swedish gentleman
whose name was Meier, who was travelling in
England at that time, and who haj)pened to be
at my house when the news came. This per-
son went immediately to Svvedenborg, and con-
veyed the intelligence of the death of his sister.
When he returned he said, that he thought
Swedenborg's declaration respecting his inter-
course with the dead could not be true, since
he knew nothing of the death of his sister.
The next time I saw the old man I mentioned
this to him, when he said, " that of such cases
he had no knowledge, since he did not desire
to know them." '
43.^. " On one occasion he was applied to
under the following circumstances. A certain
minister of State flattered himself that he
could, through Swedenborg, obtain some par-
ticulars of what had become of a prince of
Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeldt, named John William,
who disappeared in the year 1745, without
any one knowing what had become of him.
Nothing was said either of his age, or his per-
son. Swedenborg made an answer which is
preserved in the library of his Excellency Lars
von Engerstrom. He said among other things
that the prince, after being twenty-seven years
in the spiritual world, was in a society, into
which he (Swedenborg) could not readily gain
admission : that the angels had no knowledge
of his state, and that the matter was not im-
portant enough to warrant his asking the Lord
himself about it." — Wilkinson's Biography,
pp. 2IG-231.
43G. " It is related by Mr. Provo, a respect-
able gentleman of the medical profession, who
published the work called " Wisdom's Dic-
tates," that Swedenborg told him that " the
Queen of Sweden had secretly burnt a letter
which her brother had sent to her, a short
time before a battle in which he was kiUed,
and she wanted to know some other particulars
relative to its contents. Svvedenborg, some
days after her application to him, returned, and
told her that her brother was offended that
she had burnt his letter; and as tliis was
known to none but herself, she nearly fainted
at hearing it ; and was always very courteous
to him afterwards.
437. " JNIr. Hart related to Mr. Provo, about
the year 1779, that he thought Swedenborg a
remarkable man, for whilst he v/as abroad,
old Mr. Hart, his father, died in London. On
Swedenborg's return he went to spend an
evening at Mr. Hart's house, in Popi)in'3
court. After being let in at the street door,
he was told that his old friend, Mr. Hart, was
dead ; to which he replied, ' I know tiiat very
well, for I saw him in the spiritual world
whilst I was in Holland, at such a time [near
the time he died, or soon after] ; also whilst
coming over in the packet to England : he is
not now in heaven,' continued he, ' but is
coming round, and in a good way to do well.'
This much surprised the widow and son, for
they knew that he was just come over, and they
said that he was of such a nature that he
could impose on no one, that he always spoke
the truth concerning every little matter, and
would not have made any evasion though his
life had been at stake." — Documents, [)p. 77-79.
438. •' The celebrated Springer, who lived
in London, told Swedenborg on one occasion
that a distinguished Swedish gentleman, who,
I believe, was a brother of the present Count
Hopken, one of the counsellors of state, was
dead. Some days afterwards, when they met
again, the Assessor said to him — ' It is true,
Hopken is dead ! I have spoken with him,
and he told me that you and he were compan-
ions together at Upsala, and that you after-
wards entertained views partly similar and part-
ly dissimilar concerning political subjects.' He
also told him several anecdotes, which Spring-
er acknowledged to be true, and declared, at
the same time, that it was his firm conviction
that Swedenborg could not have acquired the
information from any other source than from
above." — Documents, p. 197.
439. In the first part of this Biography, we
narrated the only love affair in which our
author was engaged. General Tuxen also
relates that, " He once asked Swedenborg
whether he had ever been married, or desirous
of marrying ? " He answered, " That he had
not been married ; but that once in his youth
he had been on the road to matrimony. King
Charles XII. having recommended the famous
Polheim to give him his daughter." On asking
what obstacle had prevented it, he said, " She
would not have me." With regard, however,
to Emerentia Polheim, Swedenborg in his old
age, as Tijbeck relates, assured the daugh-
ters and sons-in-law of the former object of
his affection, as they visited him in his garden,
that " he could converse with their departed
mother whenever he pleased." " It was told
us by the late Mr. Charles Augustus Tulk, but
we have no document for it, that our author
used to say that he had seen his allotted wife
' in the spiritual world, who was waiting for
him, and under her mortal name had been a
Countess Gyllenborg. If it be true, it is a
corroboration of Dante and Beatrice.
440. "• We have already dwelt . at length
upon the signs which for some years preceded
the opening of Swedenborg's spiritual sight.
These indeed were of such a nature, that he af-
terwards wondered that he had not previously
arrived at the persuasion that the Lord gov-
erns the universe by spiritual agency. Nev-
ertheless he was in a position to make every
allowance for the scepticism of others, for he
admits that on one occasion, many months
after he had spoken with spirits, he perceived
that if he were remitted into his former state,
he might still fall back into the opinion that
all he iiad seen was fantasy.
441. "His coolness and tranquillity, and
unselfish character, were also circumstances
essential to his higher gifts. We know how
vital they are to the prosecution of the sci-
ences. ' The Lord,' he said, ' had given him
a love of spiritual truth, that is to say, not
with a view to lionor or j)rofit, but merely for
the sake of the truth itself.' No man of that
age was so uninterrupted in his mind, or so
nakedly devout to his objects as Swedenborg.
'The elements themselves,' said Sandel, ' would
have striven in vain to turn him from his
course.' The competency also of his fortune
excluded one species of cares, which he seemed
only to taste occasionally, for the experiment
of their spiritual results. There is a passage
in his Diary which illustrates this. *I have
now,' says lie, ' been for tliirty-three months in
a state in which my mind is withdrawn from
bodily affairs ; and hence can be present in
the societies of the spiritual and the celestial.
. . Yet whenever lam intent upon world-
ly matters, or have cares and desires about
money, (such as caused me to write a letter
to-day,) I lapse into a bodily state ; and the
spirits, as they inform me, cannot speak with
me, but say that they are in a manner absent.
. This shows me that spirits cannot
speak with a man who dwells upon worldly
and bodily cares ; for the things of the body
draw down his ideas, and drown them in the
body. March 4, 1748.' It was however sel-
dom that Swedenborg experienced such dis-
tractions, and as for his fame in the world, and
the success of his books, these were things
that did not trouble him. When General
Tuxeu asked him how many he thought there
were in tlie world who favored his doctrine,
he i-eplied that ' there might perhaps be fifty,
and in proportion the same number in the
world of spirits.' But said he to Springer,
* God kows the time when his church ought
to commence.'
442. " His diet was a constant harmonj
and preparation of his seership. ' Eat not
so much ' was written over its portal, and the
instruction was obeyed throughout the curricu-
lum of his experiences. The vermin of glut-
tony are all those bodily lives that exceed the
dominion of spiritual ; and these he cast out
and kept out, fining down the body to the
shapely strictness of the soul. We read of
one excess that he committed of so peculiar a
nature, that we tell it in his own words. It
occurs in his Diary, with the strong heading,
'The stink of intemperance.' ' One evening,'
says he, ^ I took a great meal of milk and
bread, more than the spirits considered good for
me. On this occasion they dwelt upon intem-
perance, and accused me of it.' He then
proceeds to say, that they made him sensibly
perceive the foulness which their ideas attrib-
uted to him. If so infantine a debauch was
thus reproved, we may imagine how sensitive
a thermometer of appetite his daily spiritual
relations furnished ; how the spirits that came
to him opened a correspondence with the ' ani-
mal spirits ' that were embodied by his diet.
Seership, as a general rule, is coincident with
abstemiousness, which is the directest means
of putting down the body, and by the law of
the balance, of lifting up the soul ; and where
seership is thus produced, it will of itself lead
to new demands from the soul, or new exi-
gencies of temperance. We might instance
the Hindoo seers as examples of these re-
marks, or we might support them by numer-
ous cases occurring in Europe, and even at
the present time ; not to mention that the
germs of the experience are within every
man's knowledge.
443. " As the man depends so much upon
the dinner, and the dinner upon the appetite
and the self-control, it is interesting to know
what was the diet of a man so industrious,
peaceful and deep-eyed as Swedenborg. For
some time after his spiritual intercourse com-
menced, his mode of living appears to have
been not unusual, excepting that the quantity
was moderate : he occasionally drank one or
two glasses of wine after dinner, but never
more; and he took no supper. In company,
throughout his life, he followed the habit of
the table, and took wine, ' but always very
moderately.' During the last fifteen years of
his life he almost abandoned the use of ani-
mal food, yet at times would eat a little fish,
eels particularly. His main stays were bread
and butter, milk and coffee, almonds and rai-
sins, vegetables, biscuits, cakes and ginger-
bread, which he used frequently to bring
home with him, and share with the children.
He was a water drinker, but his chief bever-
age was coffee made very sweet, and without
milk. Collin is correct when he says that
pensive men generally ai'e fond of coffee. At
his house in Stockholm he had a fire from
winter to spring almost constantly in his study,
at which he made his own coffee, and drank
it often both in the day and the night. lie
was very temperate. It appears that he ab-
stained from animal food from dietetic consid-
erations. At the same time there dwelt in his
mind a vegetarian tendency, pointed towards
the future, or at least, what is the same thing,
crying out from the past. He writes on the
subject in his Arcana as follows: ' Considered
apart, eating the flesh of animals is somewhat
profane. The most ancient people never on
any account eat the flesh of either beast or
fowl, but lived entirely upon grain, especially
on wheaten bread, on fruit, vegetables and
herbs, various kinds of milk, butter, &c. It
was unlawful for them to kill animals, or to
eat their flesh. They looked upon it as bes-
tial, and were content with the uses and ser-
vices that animals afforded them. But in
process of time, when men became as cruel as
wild beasts, yea, much more cruel, they began
to slay animals, and eat their flesh ; and in
consideration of this nature in man, the killing
and eating of animals was permitted, and con-
tinues to be so.'
444. " Swedenborg was ])eculiar in the mat-
ter of sleep ; in his latter years he paid little
attention to times and seasons ; often labored
through the whole night, and had no stated
periods of repose. ' When I am sleepy,' said
he, ' I go to bed.' He kept also little account
of the days of the week. As we have seen
already, he sometimes continued in bed for
several days together, when enjoying his spir-
itual trances. He desired Sliearsmith never
to disturb him at such times ; an injunction
which was necessary, for the look of his face
was so peculiar on these occasions that Shear-
smith sometimes feared he was dead. At
other times, as soon as he awoke he went into
his study (when in Stockholm), kindled the
embers of his fire from a ready supply of
dry wood and birch bark, and immediately sat
down to write.
445. " He was not fluent in conversation ;
indeed he had an impediment in his speech,
which perhaps predisposed him to the loss of
it that he suffered from his apoplectic seizure.
It does not appear that he had a remarkable
facility for acquiring languages, for we find
that although he resided so long in London,
he could not hold a running conversation in
English. He was, however, sufficiently ac-
quainted with the modern languages, as well
as with Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. All the
authorities agree that his speech, though not
facile, was impressive. He spoke with de-
liberation, and when his voice was heard, it
was a signal for silence in others, while the
slowness of his delivery increased the curiosity
of the listeners. He entered into no disputes
on matters of religion, but when oltligcd to de-
fend himself, he did it mildly and Ijriefiy ; and
if any one insisted upon argument, and be-
came warm against him, he r(!tired, with a
recommendation to them ' to read his writings.'
If any one objected that it was impossible to
believe, he replied, ' I do not wonder at that,'
and turned the conversation to other subjects.
One day, when Mr. Cookworthy was with him
in Coldbath Fields, a^ person present objected
to something that he had said, and argued the
point in his own way ; but Swedenborg only re-
plied, ' I receive information from angels upon
such things : ' a response of a forcible nature,
supposing it true, for how many ])roblems in-
troduction into the spiritual world would an-
swer : what a smiting criticism for instance
Polheim made, or rather was, upon tiie burial
service, just because he stood beyond the
grave. Mr. Buckhardt relates, that on one
occasion he was present when Swedenborg
dined in London with some of the Swedish
clergy ; and a polemic arising between him
and one of them concerning the Lord, and the
nature of our duty to Him, Swedenborg ' over-
threw the tenets of his opponent, who appeared
but a child to him in knowledge.' We can
believe that there was a formidable power in
his slow utterances.
446. " Were this the place we might say
much upon the almost invariable partition that
takes place between the gifts of speaking and
of thoughtful writing ; so seldom united, in
one person. The difference between the en-
dowments lies somewhat in mental velocities,
the writer deploying his forces with a slow-
ness measured to the pen strokes ; the orator
rushing forth with his at voice speed. The
light and heavy dragoons of intelligence fulfil
different tactics in the battles of the Word.
Where impediment of speech takes place, it is
a sign of lacking communication between the
mind and the organs — of meanings in dis-
course coming down flashwise ; and in Swe-
denborg's instance, it might argue some pre-
disposition for that separation and absence of
soul from body for which his life was other-
wise remarkable : if this be not too medical
an opinion.
447. " "VMien in London he went occasion-
ally to the Swedish church, and afterwards
dined with Ferelius or some other of his coun-
trymen ; but he told them that ' he had no
peace in the church on account of spirits, who
contradicted what the preacher said, especial-
ly when he spoke of three persons in the God-
head, which amounted in reality to three gods.'
448. " During his latter years he became
less and less attentive to the concerns of this
world : even when walking abroad he seemed
to be engaged in spiritual communion, and
took little notice of things and people in the
streets. When he went out in Stockholm
without the observation of his domestics, some
singularity in his dress perchance would beto-
ken his abstraction. Once when he dined with
Robsahm's father, he appeared with one shoe
buckle of plain silver, and the other, set with
precious stones ; greatly to the amusement of
the young ladies of the party. But a man of
eighty and upwards, a seer and an old bache-
lor besides, might be pardoned for some inat-
449. " In person, says Shearsmith, he was
about five feet nine inches high, rather thin,
and of a brown complexion. His eyes were of
a brownish gray, nearly hazel, and rather small.
He had always a cheerful smile upon his coun-
tenance. Mr. Servante remembered him as
an old gentleman of a dignified and venerable
appearance, whose thoughtful yet mildly ex-
pressive countenance, added to something very
unusual in his air, attracted his attention forci-
bly. When Collin visited him he was thin
and pale, but still retained traces of beauty,
and had something very pleasing in his physi-
ognomy, and a dignity in his erect stature.
Ab Indagine relates that his eyes were always
smiling; and Robsahm, that his countenance
was always illuminated by the light of his un-
common genius. When he lodged with Berg-
Ptrom he usually walked out after breakfast,
dressed neatly in velvet, and made a good ap-
pearance. His suit, according to Shearsmith,
was made after an old fashion, and he wore a
full-bottomed wig, a pair of long ruffles, and a
ciu'ious hiked sword, and carried a gold-headed
cane. In Sweden his dress was simple, but
neat and convenient : during the winter he was
clad in a garment of reindeer skins, and in
summer, in a study gown, ' both well worn,'
— : so Robsahm says, — * as became a philoso-
pher.' He would not tolerate linen sheets on
his bed, but lay between woollen blankets.
Wherever he lived, his habits were plain to
the last degree ; in Stockholm he required no
services of his old gardener's wife, but to make
his bed, and bring a large pitcher of water
daily to his study : for the rest, he waited
ujwn himself. His journeys were made with
no parade, and few of the conveniences of
travelling. He took no servant with him, and
rode in an open wagon from Stockholm to
Gottenburg, where he embarked for England
or Holland, to have his manuscripts printed.
450. " In money matters Swedenborg was
at once saving and liberal. Those with whom
he had affairs, spoke always of his generosity.
Provided with sutHcient means, he adminis-
tered them strictly for public services. AYhat-
ever his motives might be, it is certain that he
would receive back no proceeds from the sale
of certain of his works, but dedicated the
whole to religious subscriptions. Possibly he
deemed that as he was but an amanuensis of
spiritual powers, he had no right to keep a
commercial account of the results. Moreover,
he sold his works at unre^iunerative prices,
and indeed gave a great portion of them away.
When Dr. Hartley offered to lend him money,
he returned for answer that ' as to this world's
wealth he had what was sufficient, and more
he neither sought nor wished for.' Count
Hopken says that ' he lived frugally without
sordidness, and that his travels cost him no
more than when he remained at home.' He
was not remarkably in the habit of almsgiving,
for he used to say that 'most of those who
solicit alms are either lazy or vicious, and if
from compassion you give them money without
examination, it is rather an injury than a ben-
efit.' He did not lend money, for that, he
said, is the way to lose it ; and besides, he
added, ' I want my money to pay the expenses
of travelling and printing.' When Shear-
smith, his landlord, presented his bills, Swe-
denborg used to send him to his drawer to
pay himself; a careless-looking mode, but
clairvoyant people know of course with whom
they have to deal.
Habits and Manners.
451. " His manners were those of a noble-
man and gentleman of the last century. He
was somewhat reserved, but complaisant ; ac-
cessible to all, and had something very loving
and taking in his demeanor. Personally he
left good impressions behind him wherever he
452. •' His labors during the sixty-three
years of his authorship, were of a surprising
magnitude : we may estimate that his volumes
would make about sixty octavos of five hun-^
dred pages each in English. About forty of
these are already translated, and many of
them have gone through numerous editions in
England and America. When it is remem-
bered that his works consist almost entirely
of the deepest analysis, or treat upon the high-
est subjects, the quantity which issued from his
pen becomes still more astonishing. There is
indeed a vast amount of repetition in his books,
for as beseemed a teacher, he professed repe-
tition, and was careless of artistic effect. But
with all deductions, his quantity does not
greatly exceed his quality.
453. " He made use of no amanuensis for
his books, but was self-helping as well as self-
contained throughout. From the beginning
of his theological mission, he framed indexes
or rather digests of what he wrote, whereby
he was enabled to refer from part to part of
his extensive manuscripts. These indexes
are models of compression and arrangement,
and are themselves large and readable vol-
umes. They show at a glance what a crowd
of ' capital aphorisms ' there is in his works,
and how impossible it is to give an exhaustive
statement of them in a short compass. In his
latter years, the Bible in various languages,
was his whole library.
Editions of the Bible made Use of by Swe-
454. " We have seen above, that after Sweden-
borg's spiritual illumination had commenced he ap-
plied himself exclusively to the study of the Word,
both as to its letter, in the Hebrew text, and as to
its ' spirit and its life,'' or as to that spiritual sense
which he demonstrates as existing in every part of
the Holy Scriptures. It may be interesting to the
present as well a^ to the future generations, to
know the different editions of the Bible which he
made use of This information is contained in the
JVew Jerusalem Magazine for 17i»0, p. 87, where we
read as follows : —
"'Swedenborg possessed four editions of the
Holy Bible in Hebrew : —
" ' I. That by T. Pagnini Montani, containing fol.
1657, in which he made no remarks in the margin,
as I was informed by the person who bought it at
his sale.
" ' II. Biblia Hebraica piinctata, cnm JSJ'ovo Tes-
lamento Grtrco, 8vo. of the edition of Manasse Ben
Israel, 1639, Amsterdam. This was also without
"'III. Reineccii Bibl. Hebr. Lipsirp, 1739, 4to.
This I have happily found ; it is tilled with re-
marks, and with the Latin translation of several
Hebrew words, as also some observations on the
internal sense. The book is much used. I shall
add it to the collection of manuscripts.
"'IV. Bibl. Hebr. secundem'Edit. Belgii Edvar-
di Vande.r Hooght, cum versione Latina Sebastiani
Schmid'i ; Lipsin-, 1740, 4to. This book was given
to the Rev. Mr. Ferelius of Schofde, for interring
him at London, where he then was minister to the
Swedish chapel. There is no remark in the margin,
but a great number of lines and asterisks, at the most
remarkable places of the Latin version, the origi-
nal text not being in any manner touched ; be-
cause, according to the expression of Swedenborg,
" The Word is perfect, such as we have it." Of
the New Testament in Greek, he had none besides
that mentioned. No. II., and which is a fresh edition
of that by Elzevir in 1624, made by Janson, and
the edition of Leusden, Amsterdam, 1741, with
the Latin version. It is probable he has followed
this edition in translating the Apocalypse.
" ' Of the Latin translations of the Bible, he
chiefly made use of that by Schmidius, Lipsise,
1740, after the time that he began the Jlrcana Cce-
lestia, because he found this to be more literal and
exact than all the others. Nevertheless, in all his
quotations, and above all in the .Arcana Calestia,
he has more exactly expressed the sense accord-
ing to the original language. He has never fol-
lowed the version of Arius Montanus, either of the
Old or New Testament, as I have carefully exam-
ined and found to be the case. But he had four
2opies of the Latin translation of Castillis, apparent-
ly for the purity of the language, which he was very
studiously applying himself to, before he learned
Hebrew in 1745. In his quotations of the New
Testament, he only made use of the translation of
Schmidius, first edition, which he sometimes has
'.eft, the better to express the sense of the Greek.
From this it appears, that he always had the origi-
nals at hand. But with respect to the author's trans-
lations of Genesis, Exodus, and the Apocalypse,
they are directly translated from the originals.' " *
» " We wish to observe tliat Swedenborg required the abso-
lute literal sense of Scripture as the basis of UU spiritual inter-
pretati<ui, and as the Latin ver.-ion of Schmidius was in ttiis re-
spect the most complete of any in existence, being an improve-
ment on the literal version vf -Monlanus, he piellrred it, and in
45o. It ought to be remarked, however,
that most of his spiritual writings abound with
errors of the press, which evil arose, as Swe-
denborg assures his friend Robsahm, from the
circumstance that the printer also undertook
the ofhce of corrector. This will explain
some things which have appeared to many as
discrepancies or obscurities in his writings.
The errors of translators will account for
many more.
45G. It is well remarked by Wilkinson, in
summing up the character of Swedenborg,
that " the upper parts of it rose from the
groundwork of excellent citizenship and social
qualities. Naturally inoffensive and conserva-
tive, he was at one with the general polity,
and never dreamed of innovations that should
interfere with the moral basis of the state.
P^ven his theology was referable, in his view,
to an existing authority in the Bible, and in
harmony with the earliest creeds of the church,
so far as they went. He lent himself freely to
his family ties, but never allowed them to inter-
rupt his justice. As a friend he was stanch and
equally independent. The sentiment of duty
ruled him without appeal in his public as in
his private affairs : he had no acquaintances
but society and his country when their inter-
ests were involved. In disseminating his re-
ligious ideas, he was open and above board :
placed his books within the reach of the Chris-
tian world, and there left them, to Providence
and the readers. By no trick did he ever
seek to force attention, and intrigue had no
part in his character. Notwithstanding hi.s
attachment to his first admirers, he kept his
own space around him, and was not impeded
by any followers. Tender and amicable in
his nature, he was always distant enough to
have that large arm's length that so peculiar
a workman required. Ambition he must
have had in some sense, but so transpierced
and smitten with zeal for his fellows, that we
can only call it, public love. The power of
order and combination, is a main feature in
his capacious intellect ; those who open him
as a visionary, are struck with the masculine
connection which he every where displays.
His sensual nature was evidently an obedient
though a powerful vehicle to his mind. He
was perfectly courageous in that kind that his
mission needed ; firm, but unobtrusive, in all
courts and companies, and ever bending whith-
er his conscience prescribed. Religion was
the mild element that governed the rest, con-
verting them past their own natures by its
lively flames, and he walked with the constant
sentiment of God between him and his fellows,
giving and receiving dignity among God's
his verj- numerous quotations from the Word, especially in the
Apocalypse Explained, seldom departs from the version of
Schmidius, unless to render the Hebrew text still -nr« •iiithfully
ard literallv."
children. His life indeed is not heroic in the
old fashion, but take his own account of it,
and he has travelled far and perilled much :
he has seen and been what would bleach the
lips of heroes. Whether you receive his ac-
count or not, you must own that his structure
was heroic, for how otherwise could he have
outlived those tremendous ' fancies ' of heaven
and hell. But let that pass, and we still claim
him as a hero in the new campaign of peace.
The first P>pic of the Study is the song that
will celebrate him. There are many simple
problems, but how few dare face them : it is
more difficult to be courageous there than be-
fore batteries of cannon : it is more impossible
to the most to lead the forlorn hopes of thought,
discouraged since history began, to victory,
than to mount tbe scaling ladder in the immi-
nent deadly breach. To do the one requires
only command of body ; to perform the other
needs courage over the brain itself ; fighting
against organism and stupidity older and more
terrifying than armies. Select your problem,
and ask the world round who will besiege it
until it cedes the truth, and you soon find that
of all the soldiers there is none who does not
straightway show fatigue and sob impossible,
■which are cowardice under its literary name.
In these ages there has been no man who
stood up so manfully to his problems as Swe-
denborg, who wielded his own brains so like a
spirit, or knew so experimentally that labor
rises over death. Therefore we name him
Leader of the world's free thought and free
press ; the Captain of the heroes of the writing
desk. — Wilkinson's Biography, pp. 245-247.
Concluding Reflections.
457. ' In drawing this Memoir to a close,
we are led to observe that the world is at this
instant reaping a manifold harvest from the
works of Swedenborg, without knowing, per-
haps, into whose labor it has entered. The
walls of a new school are also rising up among
the ruins of ages, and many are helping to
make them high and strong who have never
comprehended either the plan or the founda-
tion ; each working at his own chosen task, and
overruled by a mysterious intelligence which
elaborates the unity of the whole in silence
and darkness."
458. There are some, however, who will be
disposed to exclaim, in reference to the pro-
fessions made by Swedenborg and his friends,
" Is your Swedenborgian Church a new sect
in the Protestant community, set up as the
fulfilment of prophecy " ! On this point there
is much misapprehension abroad. " The New
Jerusalem, Swedenborg says, is formed of those
who worship the Lord and do the work of re-
pentance by shunning evils as sins, and conse-
quently it is formed gradually, throughout all
Christendom, as the doctrine of justification by
Faith alone is extirpated. Who then shall
say that this Divine Church is limited to those
who assemble in their places of worship, and
who do so because they understand each oth-
er and have sympathies in common ? Such
Ecclesias avowedly constitute but one phasis
of the Church ; their providential use is to
diffuse its truths, and eventually, perhaps, to
inaugurate its order as an institution ; the
while its universal body is growing in all lands,
and its members marching from every point of
the compass under a variety of banners. ' Lift
up thine eyes round about, and see,' exclaims
the Prophet, ' all they gather themselves to-
gether, they come to thee. . . . Thus
saith Adonai Jehovih, Behold, I will lift up
my hand to the Gentiles, and set up my stan-
dard to the people : and they shall bring thy
sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be
carried on their shoulders. . . • There-
fore thy gates shall be open continually ; they
shall not be shut day nor night ; that men
may bring into thee the forces of the Gentiles,
and that their kings may be brought.' Isaiah
xlix, Ix. The receivers of Swedenborg's
writings are well a.ware that it would be foolish
to apply such prophecies to a mere organiza-
tion of religious societies, and their assemblies
in meeting houses ; but they know, at the same
time, that they apply in all fulness both of the
letter and the spirit, to the New Church.
459. " The New Church, therefore, accord-
ing to Swedenborg, is a new dispensation of
all that is good and true, and cannot be pro-
nounced, any more than it can be made, secta-
rian, without a violation of its attributes. As
an Institution it doubtless claims to be emi-
nently spiritual in its operation, but as an in-
tellectual and moral force it connects religion
with every human interest. While, therefore,
its particular object is to change the whole
man by regeneration, and make him the child
of God, its general object is to evangelize the
world and bring it into correspondence with
the order of heaven. Swedenborg has no-
where prescribed any organization of the
Church." — ^icA's Sketch, pp. 189-192.
Qualifications for his sacred OlBfice.
460. Swedenborg's qualifications, both moral
and intellectual, for such an office as it is claimed
he has been elected to, it is well remarked.
" were such as all must allow to be appropri-
ate in the highest degree. In him were united
the utmost integrity, piety, and innocence of
manners, with the most comprehensive under-
standing and most extensive attainments in
knowledge. The former excellences, it will
generally be admitted, were necessary to pre-
pare him for his office at all ; and without the
latter, it will easily be seen, he could not have
discharged it with effect. He stands not in the
character of a new prophet, in the sense usually
applied to that term, and as he has sometimes
been denominatccl in derision ; nor in that of a
writer of" additions to the Word of God, as he
has also been maliciously represented. The
Lord engages, at his second coming, to appear
*in the clouds of heaven.' — or in the outward
covering of his Word, which is its literal sense,
— 'with power and great glory,' — with the
full evidence and clear brilliancy of the genu-
ine trutii of his Word, to which the letter is
the covering. Tliis could not have been ac-
complished by sending a prophet, again to
speak in the enigmatical, and never, without
special illumination, clearly understood lan-
guage of prophecy ; but only by raising up a
teacher, who, under the influence of divine
guidance and illumination, should be able to
see in the Scriptures, and to comprehend in
his own mind, the sublime truths he was to
teach, and to communicate them in a manner
suited to their depth and importance. Hence
the necessity that the Human Instrument
made choice of on this occasion should be a man
of learning. Something similar occurred at
the first promulgation of Christianity : for the
apostles were not all ignorant men. To dif-
fuse the knowledge of the gospel among the
Jews, i)ersons possessing nothing beyond com-
mon Jewish attainments, but guided by the
Spirit of God, were competent: but when 'a
chosen vessel ' was required ' to bear the
Lord's name before the Gentiles, and kings,
and to the children of Israel' scattered among
the Gentiles, — to carry the gospel to the
learned and polished nations of those times, —
a man was miraculously called to the work,
who, having been born and long resident at
Tarsus, a polite Grecian city, was as much
skilled in the learning of the Greeks, as, by
having been brought up at the feet of Gama-
liel, he was versed in the doctrines of the Jews.
Much more was it necessary that, in this age
of the general diffusion of natural knowl-
edge, the Human Instrument for first commu-
nicating the truths to be made known at the
Lord's second coming, should stand upon a
par with the first of his contemporaries in sci-
entific attainment ; especially as, while all the
general doctrines he was to unfold were to be
far more clear, and more easily intelligible,
than those commonly received at present as
the doctrines of Christianity, some of the
truths to be discovered were to be of the most
profound kind, requiring for their full devel-
opment the highest talent for abstruse investi-
gation, and for their perfect comprehension
the most exalted powers of the best cultivated
461. "In Swedenborg, every requisite gift
was centred. Well imbued, first under the
tuition of his learned father, and then at the
University of Upsal, with all the usual ele-
ments of a learned education, he for a time
cultivated classical literature with diligence
and success. He then applied himself to the
most solid and certain of the natural sciences,
and not only by dom<'stic study and liy corre-
spondence with foreign literati, but by repeat-
ed travels in all the scicntKically enlightened
parts of Europe, — in (ierniany, Italy, France,
Holland, and England, — he made himself
thoroughly acquainted with all the knowledge
of his time, and was admitted, by general con-
sent, to a station among the first philosophers
of the age. As, in the midst of the distinc-
tions with which he was honored by his com-
peers in learning and by sovereign princes, he
never forgot for a moment his original piety
and modesty, — his scientific writings con-
stantly breathing the humble and devotional
spirit of a true Christian philosopher, — the
acquisitions he made in natural science must
be acknowledged to have fonned an admirable
preparation, and a most suitable basis, for the
apprehension and explication of the spiritual
truths which he was to be the Instrument for
unfolding. Between the book of nature, read
by the eye of humble intelligence, and the
Word of God, every one intuitively perceives
there must be an exact agreement ; and spir-
itual views can never be so little likely to par-
take of delusion, as when they take for their
foundation a copious store of sound natural
science. An extensive acquaintance with the
knowledge of God in his works, must be the
best preparation for a superior perception of
the knowledge of God in his Word : and by
the former was Swedenborg eminently dis-
462. But it is, after all, in the interior evi-
dence of his writings, that the great question
must finally be settled. " I am indeed satis-
fied," says Mr. Noble, " that a most convincing
work might be written on the Internal Evi-
dence which the writings of Swedenborg bear
to their own truth : and this not only in the
great and leading doctrines which they deliver,
and which they so scripturally and rationally
establish, but in innumerable more minute
points, in which they speak to the heart, and
experience, and best intelligence, of man.
There is no subject of which they treat that
they do not lay open in a deeper ground than
is done by any other author : in particular,
they discover so profoundly and distinctly the
inward operations, the interior workings, of
the human heart and mind, and unveil man so
fully to himself, that no person of reflection can
attentively peruse them, without feeling a moni-
tor in his own breast continually responding to
their truth." — Noble's Appeal, pp. 198-20J
Testimony of Oberlin.
463. While upon this subject of interior
evidence, we cannot refrain from a most inter-
esting testimony to the importance and value
of Swedenborg's writings, which is to be found
in the experience and practice of the celebrated
Oberlin. Distinguished as he is for his labors
of love and heavenly philanthropy, we can but
regard it as a rich and lasting testimony to
the truths of the New Church, to have .so full
an account from such a man. This testimony
is recorded in the *' Intellectual Repository "
for April, 1840, in a visit which the Rev. J.
H. Sraithson paid to the worthy jihilanthro-
pist and Christian, two years prior to his death.
After .some previous conversation, Mr. 8. pro-
coeds as follows : —
464. '* I now prepared myself to converse
with him on thinfjs of a more exalted character
— on his manner of perceiving the truths of
the Word, as well as his conceptions respecting
the realities of heaven, and the spiritual stjlte
of man in general. I at once asked him
whetlier he had read any of the works of Swe-
denborg ? Without replying, he immediately
i-eached a book, and clapping his hand upon
it. expressive of great satisfaction, told me,
that he had had this treasure many years in
his library, and that he knsw from his own
experience that every thing related in it was
true. This treasure was Swedenborg's work
On Heaven and Hell. As I had lately become
acquainted with the theological writings of the
enlightened Swedenborg, and as Oberlin was
almost the only person I had met with who
had any knowledge of those writings, I was,
of course, highly delighted to meet with a
man, whose name was universally honored,
and whose life and character were considered
as a bright example of every Christian virtue.
The great weight which accompanied the
name of this good man, and the approving
declaration he had already made respecting
one of the most important works of Sweden-
borg, materially strengthened my convictions
of the truth of his claims to universal atten-
tion. I accordingly felt the deepest interest
in conversing with Oberlin on the subject of
Swedenborg's theology, and the amazing spir-
itual intelligence displayed in his writings,
and inquired how it had happened, that he had
arrived at convictions so solid respecting the
facte and truths contained in the work On
Heaven and Hell. He replied, that when he
first came to reside as a pastor among the in-
, habitants of Steinthal, they had many super-
stitious notions respecting the proximity of the
spiritual world, and of tiie appearance of vari-
ous objects and phenomena in that world
which, from time to time, were seen by some
of the people belonging to his flock. For in-
stance, it was not unusual for a person who
had died to appear to some individual in the
valley. This gift of second sight, or the open-
ing of the spiritual sight, to see objects in a
spiritual state of existence, was, however, con-
fined to a few jjcrsons, and continued but a
short period, and at different intervals, of time.
The report of every new occurrence of this
kind was brought to Oberlin, who at length
became so much annoyed, that he was resolved
to put down this species of superstition, as he
called it, from the pulpit, and exerted himself
for a considerable time to this end, but with
little or no desirable effect. Cases became
more numerous, and the circumstances so
striking as even to stagger the scepticism of
Oberlin himself. About this time, being on a
visit at Strasburg, he met with the work On
Heai'en and Hell, which a friend recommended
him to peruse. This work, as he informed me,
gave him a full and satisfactory explanation of
the extraordinary cases occurring in his valley,
and which he himself was, at length, from evi-
dences which could not be doubted, constrained
to admit. The satisfactory solution of these
extraordinary cases afforded great pleasure to
his mind, and he read the ' treasure,' as he
called it, very attentively, and with increasing
delight. He no longer doubted in the near- ■
ness of the spiritual world; yea, he believed
that man, by virtue of his better part — his
immortal mind — is already an inhabitant of
the spiritual world, in which, after the death
of the material body, he is to continue his ex-
istence foi-ever. He plainly saw from the
correspondent relation existing between the
two worlds, that when it pleased the Lord,
man might easily be placed, by opening his
spiritual senses, in open communication with
the world of spirits. This, he observed, was
frequently the case with the seers mentioned in
the Old Testament ; and why might it not be
so now, if the divine Providence saw fit, in
order to instruct mankind more fully in re-
spect to their relation to a spiritual state of
existence, and to replenish their minds with
more accurate and copious views respecting
heaven, the final home of the good, and hell,
the final abode of the wicked.
465. " This conversation of Oberlin's seemed
highly reasonable and delightful ; and I in-
quired further, by what means he had arrived
at convictions so solid respecting the truth of
vSwedenborg's statements and descriptions con-
cerning the world of spirits, and heaven and
hell. He replied, that he himself had had
ocular and demonstrative experience respect-
ing these important subjects, and that, strange
to say, he had come into that state of open
communion with the world of spirits, which he
had formerly considered as a rank species of
superstition, and which he had endeavored to
extirpate from the valley. He observed, that
the inhabitants of that mountainous district had
always been notorious for this peculiar kind
of spiritual experience, and in this respect
much resembled the highlanders of Scotland,
of whom he had heard and read similar ac-
counts. He, therefore, could readily under-
stand Swedenborg's case, who, for most useful
and salutary purposes, was mercifully permit-
ted to enjoy an open intercourse with the
world of spirits, during so many years of his
life, in order to instruct mankind in respect to
subjects of the greatest moment to wisdom
and happiness, and of which they are so de-
plorably ignorant : with regard to himself,
however, he had only had glimpses, as it were,
into the spiritual world, whicli continued only
for short periods, and at distant intervals; and
if he had not road Swodenhorfr's work, he
could not rationally and satisfactorily have ex-
plained to himself the various objects and
phenomena he had beheld.
46G. " From this time, he observed, he ceased
to manifest his opposition against the ' super-
stition ' in question, and endeavored, when
any thing occurred, to turn it to the instruc-
tion and edification of his people. He care-
fully wrote down every occurrence, and drew
from it some salutary instruction, which either
warned his flock against evil, or encouraged
them in goodness and virtue. He said that he
had a large pile of papers, which he had writ-
ten on this kind of spiritual phenomena, con-
taining the facts, with his own reflections upon
them. One of these occurrences I can here re-
late. In the year 180G, a. tremendous convul-
sion of nature occurred in Switzerland, which
deeply moved the whole of Eurojje : it was the
fall of the Rossberg, a great mountain, which
suddenly fell, and buried several villages un-
der it.s ruins. This catastrophe excited the
greatest consternation throughout the whole
surrounding country, and deeply affected Ober-
lin and the people of Steinthal. As it was
customary in cases of deep excitement for
some person or other in the valley to become
clairvoyant, that is, to have their spiritual
vision opened ; so in this case, several individ-
uals became clairvoyant, and the unfortunate
people who had been destroyed by the moun-
tain, were seen in the world of spirits. They
appeared, said Oberlin, in places very similar
to those they had left in the natural world,
and associated together, as they had been ac-
customed to do, but by degrees they separated
from each other, and were associated accord-
ing to their moral worth. This account, Ober-
lin observed, was in agreement with what
Swedenborg says respecting the state of man
immediately after his departure from this
world ; and likewise respecting what he states
in regard to the manner in which spirits asso-
ciate together, or constitute societies ; for all
are there arranged according ' to their moral
worth,' — those who are good, and, in similar
affections, constitute heavenly societies, and
those who are evil, and in similar malignant
dispositions, form infernal societies.
467. " So convinced was Oberlin of the sal-
utary importance of teaching his flock respect-
ing heaven and hell, and the correspondent
relation which man sustains to the spiritual
worid, that he formed a chart, or map, repre-
senting heaven, which he hunguj) in his church.
This celestial diagram, as it was called, was
taken from Solomon's temple, which, in all
respects corresponded to heaven. These cor-
respondences Oberlin had derived from Swe-
denborg, and he pointed out to his fiock, that
according to their humility, piety, fidelity,
and theii- love of being useful to each other,
would be their elevation in the Lord's king-
dom, either to the first, second, or third heaven.
Ilis flock were extremely delighted to hear
his remarks concerning heaven ; and the man-
ner in which he exf)lained to them how the
love of the Lord above all things, and the love
of our neighbor even better than ourselves,
constitutes the life and soul of the heavenly
kingdom, served, no doubt, to kindle that ce-
lestial fire of mutual love amongst his people,
which made them 'a bright and shining light
to all around them. For the numerous in-
stances of remarkable self-denial, of benevo-
lence to the orphan, widow, and stranger ; of
liberal contributions from their scanty means
to procure Bibles for those in the surrounding
districts, that did not possess the Word of
God, and to purchase articles of clothing, and
implements of use for those who were destitute,
and not able to work for the want of necessa-
ry means : these facts, I repeat, when consid-
ered in connection with the general exemption
from vice and crime, were striking proofs of
something like that genuine spirit of Chris-
tianity, which has seldom been witnessed upon
earth, but which, as the New Jerusalem Church
advances, will not be so great a stranger
amongst men.
468. " From seeing, as explained by Swe-
denborg, that the Lord's kingdom is a king-
dom of uses, Oberlin resolved all the exertions
and operations of his life into one element —
USE. He taught his people, that to be useful,
and to shun all evil as sin against the Lord,
in being useful, is the truly heavenly life. On
this account, when his flock assembled in the
church on the week day, to hear from their
beloved pastor some instructive and edifying
discourse, the females brought with them their
knitting, needlework, and platting, and thus
worked with their hands, whilst their minds
were being instructed in various kinds of use-
ful knowledge. His discourse on some week-
day evening was not exclusively theological
and religious, although religion was blended
with every thing he said ; but it frequently
conveyed some eminently practical ideas on
the various useful arts of common life. These
useful ideas on the concerns of ordinary life
were always connected with something heav-
enly, and ascribed to the goodness of our
heavenly Father ; in this manner Oberlin con-
nected the concerns of earth with the realities
of heaven, and brought down a celestial influ-
ence into the common duties of life.
469. "The day after my arrival w^as thi-
Sabbath, and I anticipated much pleasure in
hearing the venerable pastor address his flock.
He preached in French ; his discourse wa:»
characterized by simplicity and warmth. He
almost invariably called Jesus his heavenly-
Father, which struck many as a peculiarity
not common with Christians in general, but I
well knew how he had contracted this habit
of addressing the object of his supreme love
and worship. From the work On Heaven and
Hell, he had clearly seen, that no other is ac-
knowledged throughout heaven as the Divine
Father than the Lord Jesus Christ alone, for
'Ae that seeth him seeth the Father' The
church was full, and humility and devotion
seemed impressed upon every countenance.
He addressed them like a father addressing his
children, and often called them his chers en-
fants, — his beloved children. He said he
had baptized nearly all of them, and, as in-
fants, had taken them in his arms ; and they,
when the service was over, assembled around
him, and called him papa, inquiring after the
health of himself and his family. They also
testified their regard and their gratitude by
sending him various presents -«- the first flow-
ers of the spring, the first vegetables and fruits
of the garden, were presented to the beloved
pastor, thus reciprocating the sweetest affec-
tions of the mind by external emblems of
gratitude and love. How delightful, I thought,
it is to be a pastor, when this sweet spirit of
recii)rocation exists ! where the minister, in his
anxiety and labor to perform the arduous du-
ties of his office, is soothed and strengthened,
not only by the consciousness, depending on
divine mercy and assistance, of having endeav-
ored to do what he could for the instruction
and salvation of his flock, but by the sweet
reciprocation of acknowledgment and affection.
470. " I afterwards was eager to embrace
the opportunity of enjoying some conversation
with Oberlin on the spiritual sense of the
Word. But in this matter I was disappointed :
he acknowledged that the Word has a spiritual
sense ; but his knowledge of it seemed scanty
and obscure. He told me, he regretted that
be had never been able to procure Sweden-
borg's works, in which the Word is explained
as to its spiritual sense, these works not hav-
ing been translated either into French or Ger-
man, and the Latin copies being so scarce,
that he could never procure them. The works
of Swedenborg which he possessed, were the
Heaven and Hell, Divine Love and Wisdom,
Divine Providence, and, if I mistake not, a
German translation of the Earths in the Uni-
471. "The diflferent biographers of Oberlin
have carefully concealed his predilection for
the writings of Swedenborg ; they all agree,
however, that he had peculiar views concern-
ing heaven and hell and the human soul.
And M. Morel, who has recently written
memoirs of Oberlin, says, ' Oberlin had much
originality in his conceptions, and his most
singular ideas bore the impress of a great soul :
he attached an emblematical sense to colors.
His ardent imagination, nourished by the mys-
tical works of Swedenborg, delighted to bound
over the threshold of the tomb, and to expa-
tiate in the mysterious world which awaits the
soul, when separated from its earthly bonds."
— Documents, pp. 116-120.
472. Let us now recur to a further notice
of the nnterior value and eminent imjmrtance
of Swedenborg's writings, considered both from
a theological and literary point of view.
Children's Questions answered.
473. "It is extraordinary" says Mr. Wil-
kinson, " how well Swedenborg has answered
the children's questions ; those inquiries of
little tongues that the parents divert, but do
not satisfy. If we wished to give his theolo-
gy an experiment, we should select for its re-
cipients children of from five to ten years of
age, and teach them nothing of it except in
answer to their own inquiries. The whole
scheme would be elicited presently by the
moving curiosity of almost infantine querists.
As a satisfaction to such like, including those
simple adults whose faculties are as those of
children, there is a completeness in his revela-
tions ; the first circle of intellectual wants is
gratified with parental forethought ; the prof-
fered education, drawn forth by the pupil him-
self, is exact and suitable ; and the youthful
mind runs no danger of subsequent complexi-
ty in the learning with which his easy teacher
provides him. The personal Maker of the
world, his name and abode ; His quality as
the best of men ; the purpose of all things for
our use ; the immortality not of the soul but
of the man, or rather not his immortality but
his straight continuance ; the way in which
people die and rise again ; the great pleasant-
ness of heaven for the good, and the pain of
hell for the naughty; the men and women
living in each of the bright stars, and one day
to be our friends — these are things to satisfy
babes of all conditions and ages. We would
back Swedenborg for comforting little ones
weeping over a lost brother or sister, against
all the clergy that ever preached. We would
back him at a marriage for throwing upon the
wedding ring a brighter shine of the skies.
We should have confidence in him for the real
events and unguarded moments that happen
to men through life. However this may be,
he is the first theologian with a voice that
penetrates into the nursery, and becomes part
of the mother's tale, or the governess's expla-
nations. Indeed he has answered none but
children's questions, which are the first pure
wants of knowledge. Until these were met,
no questions had been answered ; and so he
began at the beginning. He is preeminently
the Gamaliel for the youngest faculties."
Opening of Religions and Superstitions.
474. " We have not yet done with that
opening or roadmaking which radiates from
his works as centre. There is no large space
of thought that has not become more accessi-
ble, and we will add, more lovable, in conse-
quence of what he wrote. Observe the broad
access laid down in his works between his own
theology and other religions. The science of
correspondences, the link between the worlds,'
comes easily into lower relations, and pro-
claims the original unity of religious systems.
The Hindoo and Grecian mythologies are
translated into a Christianity as old as the
world, through the restoration of that universal
language whose symbols are sun and moon,
and the objects of creation. The first mani-
fested word of God was the world itself; the
meaning that lay in the world was what the
first readers understood. They wrote their
mythologies, not in vowels and consonants, but
in hieroglyphical things. Those mythologies,
at length, were ill and perversely written, and
at last the symbols overpowered the sense and
occupied its place. But still, whatever truth
they have is to be attained by hieroglyphic in-
terpretation. What a field is here opened for
missionary enterprises. The heathen may be
led back from the entanglement of their re-
ligions, to their own ancestral truths ; and
then, by a readier passage, towards the Chris-
tian centre. The church is the heart and
lungs of the world, and by such a missionary
enterprise, its pulses and attractions begin to
permeate the Asiatic and Mahometan remote-
ness, to discuss and eliminate the accretions
of time, and to raise the whole race as a man,
into warm-blooded life. No evidences, or
even examples, plastered upon heathenism,
will convert the barbarian, but heathenism
itself is the unwilHng witness to the Christian
475. " There is something well fitted to the
Asiatic in Swedenborg's genius. His concep-
tion of the Grand Man, although we belive
scientijically original, is in singular harmony
with the large and spheral thought of the ori-
ental religions. Indeed, his scientific views
are so similar to the Chinese cosmogonies, that
were it necessaiy to seek for the parentage of
the works of genius (which it never is,) we
might easily build up the former out of the
latter. There is, however, an element in him
w^hich the East has not, a more than Europe-
an, perhaps a peculiarly Scandinavian activity,
which demands a material world as the stern
proof-place of thoughts and contemplations.
There is also, by consequence, a reliance on
personal man, which tramples out Pantheism,
and will be satisfied with no perfection less
spirit-sha{)ed than a personal God ; and this
is a side of life that the East has squandered
and forgotten.
476. "The Mahometan creed is not unno-
ticed by Swedenborg, and he regards it differ-
ently from the Protestant divines. With him
it is a permitted, provisional religion, midway
between Christianity and the ancient East,
which availed to extirpate the idolatries of
many nations, and to declare some important
truths, — sucli as the unity of God, which may
in time be united to the Christian facts.
Moreover, Mahometanism — the old-world
Protestantism — opened in its way the spir-
itual world ; and Swedenborg has gone far to
show that the visions of Mahomet, whether
fantastic or not, may have been actual repre-
sentatives in the spiritual atmospheres ; and
he does not imitate Grotius and his successors,
in branding the Arabian prophet as an impos-
tor. Indeed he has given a clew to the le-
gendary and fairy lore of all nations, so that
we hope in time to make it serviceable for the
combined purposes of a spiritual and natural
477. " As the world's superstitious sciences,
they are so important a field, that we re-
gret to have little s})ace to devote to them in
their connection with Swedenborg's principles.
There is a truth lies in them all. They are
founded severally upon certain large insights
and thaumaturgic powers, which are never
alien to nature when harmonious man appears.
Magic itself is but the evil application of the
science of correspondences ; the prevalence of
magic was a reason w^hy that science was
taken away from the earth. In our own day,
simultaneously with the appearance of Swe-
denborg, these lost arts and sciences are com-
ing back, especially through mesmerism and
its kindred progeny of truths. We can only
indicate that the student of these subjects will
find them amply treated from the spiritual
side in Swedenborg's writings, and above all,
in his Diary, where it is shown tliat they are
matters most accredited in the spiritual world.
The wonders of that world are palpable enough.
Perhaps, however, until our own day, no one
was sufficiently aware of how wonderful Nature
herself is going to be, when the ages are riper,
or of how certainly the height of the spiritual
is the prophecy of the future of the natural.
To our Savior, this world was as plastic as
any world need be ; and to his true disciples,
he promised the like powers, and the like obe-
dience from the world. In short, he inaugu-
rated the miraculous as the order of nature,
and the realization of this we look upon as the
outw^ard measure and standard of tlie human
regeneration. In the mean time, the despised
and obscure truths, by which nature already
emulates the spiritual, may group themselves,
where their aims are good, round Swedenborg's
principles and correspondences, as round a
fortress sufiiiciently able to consolidate and
protect them. But as they value self-preser-
vation, let them resign their baser worldliness,
and cease to lean upon the corrupt impotence
of materialism.
478. " Nothing is more evident to-day, than
that the men of facts are afraid of a large
number of important facts. All the spiritual
facts, of which there are plenty in every age,
are denounced as superstition. The best at-
tested spirit stories are not well received by
that scientific courtesy, which takes off its
grave hat to a new beetle or a fresh vegetable
alkaloid. Large-wigged science behaves worse
to our ancestors than to our vermin. Evi-
dence on spiritual subjects is regarded as an
impertinence by the learned ; so timorous are
they, and so morbidly fearful of ghosts. If
they were not afraid, they would investigate ;
but nature is to them a churchyard, in which
they must whistle their dry tunes to keep up
their courage. They should come to Sweden-
borg, who has made ghosts themselves into a
science. As the matter stands, we are bold
to say, that there is no class that so little fol-
lows its own rules of uncaring experiment and
induction, or has so little respect for facts, as
the hardheaded scientific men. They are at-
tentive enough to a class of facts that nobody
values, — to beetles, spiders, and fossils, —
but as to those dear facts that common men
and women, in all time and place, have found
full of interest, wonder, or importance, they
show them a deaf ear, and a callous heart.
Science, in this, neglects its mission, which is
to give us in knowledge a transcript of the
world, and primarily of that in the world
which is nearest and dearest to the soul.
Opening of History and Science.
479. " Swedenborg has also conducted a
railroad from the 19th century to Eden; a
sympathy from the historical to the unhistori-
cal ages. Of all histories there is none so
desirable, or so unattainable, as the narrative
of that happy state before history be;2;an. The
day of no annals is the only portion of human
experience which deserves to be recorded.
The tables of goodness and happiness give
the kings and priests of the immemorial epoch.
Paradise was its name. The re-discovery of
that time and country is due to Swedenborg's
Arcana^ elicited from the simple record in
Genesis. All is written there, but till Sweden-
borg came, no man could read it. The science
of correspondences in union with spiritual ex-
perience, has opened the path to those ancient
realms. What wings for the poor gravitating
antiquary in such disclosures as these ! what
a conversion of research into a key to the lost
and future happiness of the race. No matter
if at first the discoveries are of the spiritual
kind ; they will lead without fail to the mun-
dane account of the earliest people, and unite
with the archaeological sciences when reason
holds them with a firmer hand. The strata
of the earth have been explored ; Sweden-
borg has explored also the strata of the heav-
ens : geology and ouranology are natural
counterparts ; and the science that lies between
them and unites them, will give the physical
story, and the metaphysical education, of our
progenitors. Thereafter we shall never travel
by that road which lands civilization back to
savagery for its origin, or carries the savage
to \\i»Jirst Adam in the monkey, but we shall
see in the primitive man a creature and a
power worthy to issue from the immediate
God, though committed to nature and progress
for his destined perfections.
480. Another synthesis effected by Sweden-
*borg is that of poetry with reason and science-
Never were things more separate than these
for the last thousand years. It has been a
disastrous quarrel for both parties, but especial-
ly for science. Poetry has that in it which
can stand by itself; of native right, it takes
the milk and honey of every land, and solidly
appropriates the pictures and fruits of never-
failing nature. Yet apart from knowledge, it
is a savage maiden, beautiful only as the land-
scape, whereas its proper loveliness is of the
stars and the skies. Moreover in the wild
state it feeds upon terrors as well as delights,
upon good and evil alike, upon the monstrous
equally with the divine, until its food gov-
erns its inspirations, and the bard becomes a
charmer instead of a prophet. The science of
correspondences puts the truth of nature and
revelation into it, and sends an adequate criti-
cism abroad with it in its wildest fiights. The
poet may be doubly rapt when the muse is
sailing with creation. He is never so safe or
so wildly joyous as when in the convoy of the
heavens. Imagination is never so tasked as
when it has to follow its Maker. Subtlety,
novelty, freedom, frenzy are all too little nim-
ble to keep pace with that infinite wisdom
whose sport and play is the world. Poetry
by gaining a science of the real, enters upon
the only space where there is no limit, but
where imagination may tire its nervous wing,
yet sleep for refreshment when it will upon
the humblest truths. The science which eman-
cipates poetry, is none other than that of har-
mony, which we call, after Swedenborg, the
science of correspondences.
481. "Science too has every thing to gain
from its union through the same medium with
poetry. Hitherto the literary class, represent-
ing the beauty of knowledge, have been unac-
quainted with the scientific, contending for its
severer truth. Science has suffered from the
exclusion. Poetry has its admitted aristocra-
cy — names for all climates, ages and sexes :
Homers, Shakspeares, and the like. Science
has no names to match them. The art of
understanding the world has enlisted none
of the genius that has eagerly run towards
adorning life with song and beauty. The
structure of Iliads and Hamlets is more divine
than any structure of the universe that has
been shown by Newton or Laplace. This is
because poetry has not become the soul of
science, which in truth it should be. What-
ever grasp has been yet attained by scientific
principles, has issued from the imagination as
a force ; from some leak of poetry that has
run into science : we ought then to open a
ship canal between the two through this great
middle science of harmonies. Never till then
can there be a science of fire and beauty, and
so long as this is wanting, science is deprived
of one clear half of its dominions. Nay, until
then she is not in possession of one single
Tiomplefe fact, because every thing in creation
has its own peculiar beauty.
Harmony or XTnion.
482. " The works of Swedenborg proclaim
this marriage of the rational with the imagina-
tive powers. His works are the first fruits of
it. He shows by a series of wonderful exam-
ples that the highest imaginations are the
merest scientific truths. We could expect no
other. It seems eminently reasonable that
the human powers at their full stretch and in
their lustiest life, should touch the facts that
the living God has made, more nearly and
really than crawling and commonplace sensu-
alism can. If you want to understand a bee-
tle, look at it with all imagination through the
glass of the universe ; translate it into a min-
eral, into a vegetable, and into a man ; run it
along its own line of genera and species, and
let it catch illumination from them all ; and
when you have enlarged it from this associated
empire, its atomic theory will be palpable and
distinct ; and every habit, limb and entrail
will be a self-evident proposition. At any
rate the whole world will stand up for it.
Creation itself, in this science of correspond-
ences, is the method of study- The order of
things gives the terras of the mighty syllo-
gism. The four seasons are laws of thought
that apply to every thing ; spring, summer,
autumn and winter are one formula that dis-
sects it for you. A stone or a man put fairly
through their logic buds, blossoms, fruits and
winters. The mineral, the vegetable and the
animal are another of these formulas. Using
them so, they unlock another cabinet of truths
sn every thing, for every thing contains them.
The bones, for example, are the mineral man ;
the organs are the vegetable; the nerves and
the muscles are the animal ; the lungs the
atmospheric ; and the brains are the solar ;
and so forth. These it is true are analogies,
and not correspondences, but analogies are
die direct offspring of correspondences. The
scientific world knows that truths of this kind
have already made natural history into a more
living science ; and we advertise them that
more potential harmonies still lie in that sci-
ence of corres{)ondences which Swedenborg
supplied ; and whose leading function it is, to
extend analogies from the natural to the spir-
itual, and to bring the light of a jjersonal deity
working througii all nature to a personal spirit
in man, to bear upon every form which varie-
gates and constitutes the world.
483. " Swedenborg's inseparable life and
doctrine are then a new conjugal force intro-
duced into experience, recalling to mind his
own prediction, that marriage will be the re-
storer of tl>e ages, and will lead down to the
earth a still youngest child of God, or a new
celestial church. Wehav^ seen that already a
grand reconciliation is prepared. Through
death an arrow of light is shot, and it quits
the tomb, and stands as the open gate between
two worlds of life. The letter of the Word
has audibly communed with tiie spirit, and
man, in the twain voices, hears the harmonies
of God. The Uible has done what no book
could do for it, namely, proved its own divini-
ty. The marriage of the soul and the body
has been solemnized in the conscious spirit ;
human reason has become the mean of a su-
pernatural revelation ; the senses and the soul
have been at one in a soul with spiritual
senses ; and a mortal has entered the spiritual
world, — has seen it by doctrine, and under-
stood it by sight. There is no apparent con-
trariety so great but may henceforth be over-
come. Ortliodoxy and oddity, reason and
mystery, have met without confusion, and
have kissed each other in the streets. The
eldest religions have been j)laced at the feet
of the youngest. Science and superstition,
philosophy and reality, the golden age and the
iron, and many other natures seemingly as
distant, have been shown the way of peace by
the mission of Swedenborg ; and more is yet
to hope. It remains, after this recapitulation,
to show, in a few words, that each existing
sphere already contained within itself a long-
ing and an earnest of the atonement which is
thus individually begun, and which the human
race must carry forward.
The Philosophers are the Mystics.
484. '- But first we will set before the read-
er one topic of importance in regard to Swe-
denborg, we mean, his often alleged mysticism-
Now he is called a mystic by some, because
he speaks of things of the other world, which
would be a reason, were it valid, for calling
the angels mystics. The phrase is occasional-
ly founded also upon his interpretation of the
Scripture according to another sense than that
discoverable from the letter. But here again,
if the letter speaks to one set of faculties, and
the spirit to another, and if both discourses
are distinct and divine, and mutually harmon-
ic, there is no mysticism, but mere reality.
Swedenborg is the only theologian who is not
mystical, the only one who craves plain expe-
rience for every sphere, the only one who in-
sists that words shall answer to outward facts,
whether in this world or the next. There is
nothing more mystical in the sight of an angel,
or of God himself, than in the sight of any
object of nature ; nor are the inductions
founded upon either sight to be called mystical,
if those based upon the other are scientific.
It would be mystical if the sight were not
sight, but some philosophical intuition, but if
good eyes are the seers, it is no matter whether
their optic nerves are of spiritual fiesii-glass, or
of natural, — there is no mystery in the case.
This is a view which must commend Sweden-
borg to the countrymen of Bacon and Locke,
for so practically does he assent to the induc-
tive plan, as to extend its sphere to the highest
of beings; regarding God himself as unknow-
able unless he shows himself in experience
and history ; for our Savior's life upon earth
is the base of theology, because it is the natu-
ral history of God. Without this base of
divine facts, Deity might have been the God
of the soul, but never the God of the sciences.
which are the new kingdom that will absorb
the earth. And so also without experiment
of the spiritual world, the sciences must have
been closed at the top, whereas that experi-
ment carries them up through a tangible heaven
to the same God who appeared in history, and
who is the Alpha and Omega of knowledge.
It puts us out of patience to hear the enter-
prising traveller to a far countr}', termed a
mystic, for giving a plain account of things
heard and seen, while Grub Street philoso-
phers, who never stir from their tripod stools,
and make heavens out of their own heads,
claim the whole of daylight for themselves, and
even talk of their spiritual experiences, mean-
ing only their sedentary straining to find out
facts without the trouble of going to them.
485. " We tiierefore now study the science
of God, because Jesus Christ has lived upon
the earth, and Jesus Christ is God ; we study
the spiritual world, because one of us has
been there, and reported it ; and we study the
natural world, because it is given to us, and
our senses are given to it, in short, because
we did not make it, but it is a divine fact.
Whatever we have made ourselves, we do not
study, which is a sufficient demolition of sub-
jective knowledge. Thus from the spheres a
blackness is departing. Mystery, the mother
of the abominations and harlots of the earth,
is unrolling from theology, philosophy and
science ; and soon the pi'actical, the only sub-
lime, will be all in all. For time will not
wait long, after marrying the mind to expe-
rience, before the importance of daily life will
not only suggest but allow or disallow every
theory, upon whatever subject put forth.
SVi'edenboig wanted.
486. "And to revert to the fact that the
old world contains a promise of the opening
Swedenborg commenced, a slight survey proves
it. The lowest experience of all time is rife
in spiritual intercourse already ; man believes
it in his fears and hopes, even where his edu-
cation is against it; almost every family has
its legends, and nothing but the wanting cour-
age to divulge them keeps back this supernat-
uralism from forming a libi-ary of itself. Yea,
and every mourner, by a freshly -opened grave,
shoots with untamable love towards departed
friends, and bespeaks them, while the genius
of grief is on him, as persons of real and pre-
sentable stuff. At sueli a clever time, burial
services are but the background on which the
heart delineates its native skies. This is the
sense of universal mankind.
487. " Science, too, is infected with these
vulgar apj)rehensions ; it cannot shake them
off, though it cannot adopt them. What
would it not give to be rid of mesmerism, or
even of magic and astrology, which it has
never known how to exterminate ? This is
hopeless now. These griffins of knowledge
have bitten into its substance, and must either
become sciences, or science dies of them.
The positive school is precisely that which
can least resist the invasion of supernatural-
ism. Many materiahsts already have fallen
before it, and sunk, as might be expected, into
a peculiar unreasoning superstition. Nothing
can save them but attention to spiritual expe-
riences. Add to which, that the scientific men,
with their deep breaths and fixed objects, are
taking the path to seership in their own bodies ;
they are running after Swedenborg, and will
ere long breathe in the same place as he ; for
science itself is the appointed Seer of the
' Old experience doth attain
To something of prophetic strain.'
488. " Again, if we turn to the arts, electric
telegraphs make spiritual presence between
distant places : London and Edinburgh com-
mune in spaceless conversations. Another
medium, glowing hotter with world friendships,
will give mutual sight to the ends of the earth.
Only sink into the air mine of community, and
India and England shall be permanent natu-
ral apparitions to each other. The mirage is
a true signpost of this consummation. Dis-
tance is dying, and will be only represented
in the altitude of the human perceptions.
Magnetism itself, in its instant rounds, derides
and despises it ; the very stones appear to
each other by its spiritual communications ;
and shall men, who are one in a nobler mag-
netism, be repi'oved by the friendships of the
ground ?
489. " As for reason, and philosophy, it.-*
representative, it is an ambidextrous power,
and shifts either way at the bidding of expe-
rience. Sound reason is affirmative already,
being the kindest of the sciences ; but meta-
physical reason also turns to the rising sun,
and will give supernaturalism an exaggerated
truth, when it comes as current coin Iron*
the sciences. If there is little to hope from
this philosophy, there is nothing to fear, for \i
is always the wind of a more real power, the
slave of sterner faculties than its own.
490. " Turn we again to poetry, where in-
deed the ground is ready, and samples of the
tillage are native to the soil. Nothing but the
greatest misfortune has kept the poets froni
Swedenboi-g and the normal spiritual world.
This man is the luminous pier of all the bards
that have arched the ages with their rainbows.
From blind Ma?onides through blind Milton,
the last span of double-sighted poesy reposes
upon Swedenborg. Not one of the great ones
but has longed to see his day ; not one, bufc
has visited the spirit world, as the theme of
themes and the song of songs for the progeny
of Adam. This was the end of the earliest
voyages, and the hist heroism of the ancient
heroes. For this Ulysses, emancipated from
Circe, after so many morlal wanderings, visit-
ed the shadowland of those dim times, where
yet immortal justice reigned, and gathered the
perpetuation of human passions in tlie stern
gait of Ajax, and from sorrowful words from
the great Achilles. For this he brought back
the hieroglyphics of the spirit, in the waters
of Tantalus, the wheel of Ixion, and the sieve
of Danaidai. For this TT^ieas, Sibyl-instruct-
ed, descended to Avernus, and through the
land beyond slee)) and death, still found im-
perishable mankind, and present with his an-
cestral spirits in tlieir tide of prophecy, beheld
the line of Roman glories issuing from the
closed race of Troy. O ! depth and breadth
and length unending of the life of our fore-
fathers ! From Virgil to Dante the arch of
light again sits upon the spiritual world ; earth
has no top but the poet-seer on which the
eternal curve will lean. The Christian Hades
vaults back to the heathen through the stern
Italian song ; Dante and Virgil are fellow-
travellers, all but through heaven where Christ
alone can reign. From Dante to Shakspeare
and to Milton is the next gird of the baser
flood. In Macbeth and Hamlet, the poet of
civilization links the worlds afresh, by the in-
troduction of an infernal band of ambition in
tlie one case, by a reappearance of the dead
in the other; if nothing more, he gives his
niighty vote for the supernatural life. The
Paradise Lost is all seership ; imagination
shows again that there is no play room for tlie
highest efforts but the spiritual world. The
personages, professedly superhuman, are hu-
man after all. Milton, who stamped the tra-
ditions of his church with the gold mark of his
own genius, and who proves how much can be
attempted, and how little can be done with the
Pi'otestant imagination, at all events completed
a poetic cycle of affirmations of the spiritual
world. Not one high tuneful voice is absent
from our list; the 'morning stars of song'
are strictly choral there. The lower world,
well pleased, sees them all attempt what Swe-
denborg accomplished. Yet while he mounts I
above them, it is not by a greater genius, but
by finer harmony of character and circum- j
stance with God, leading to an apjjreciation '
by the humblest of realms unascended by
song, and to a conjunction of this world's busi-
ness with similar but sublimer industry in the
spiritual heavens.
491. " For politics and morals are pene-
trated by the same spirit. The associative
temper of the epoch runs molten from that
other world where the union of the race is
closer knit than on this disunited earth. The
spirit of work lifting the arm with strokes in-
cessant as the steam engine's, lives from a
faith in work as the last comfort of mankind ;
it longs for a heart of work in Swedenborg'3
revelations ; it desires to be certified that in-
dustry is divine and immortal ; that the week
days preponderate in heaven ; that beyond
the grave the useless classes are vile ; that the
angels, like good artisans, eat because they
labor. Luxurious ease, bodiless cherubs, sky
floatings, everlasting prayers or anthems, are
an ofTence to the great God of the six days*
work, and Svvedenborg, a working man, has
brought us the tidings. The horny hand of
the day springs opening to the messenger.
492. " There is however a Sabbath in both
the worlds — a day with a sacred number — a
workday of the religious. And does not re-
ligion coalesce with Swedenborg's informa-
tions? I marvel how any Christian man can
deride revelations in the abstract ; how he
can deem that the day of wonders is past, un-
less God be past ; how he dares use phrases
against Swedenborg, which applied more wide-
ly would shatter his Bible from his hands.
Let infidelity be consistent in tearing away all
revelations, let it number and compaginate
the graveyards of nature, and assiduously bind
up the book of death ; but let Christianity be
equally true to itself, and look for Christianity
every where, for life and revelations every
where. Even heathenism glitters with a star-
light of immortality. But immortality and
the spirit land lie in golden lakes in the Word
of God : they wait to be explored by human
adventure and experience. The Prophets
and the Apocalypse are proof and counter-
proof to Swedenborg's narrations : the visions
of John walk the waters with his ; the nine-
teenth century begins in him to reap the har-
vest of supernatural intercourse of which
Christ Himself sowed the seeds in the first.
All religion in its spiritual day, in its own
archives, and in its first founders, stretches out
the free right hand of fellowship to this last
seer. And here we conclude our examination
of witnesses to the character of Swedenborg's
493. " Are they final, or do we look for
another? A rational revelation, we reply, is
the first step to a more rational : a religion
given up to the human mind is a progressive
religion. A seer whose intellect is in his
eyes, will be succeeded by other seers with
better optics because greater intellects. Sights
more improbable ever await to be uncurtained.
It is God's truth that eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of
man to conceive those things which God hath
prepared for them that love him. This truth
is always ascending to God who gave it. The
better heaven is known, the more it recedes
into that uncomprehended love. The seeing
eye disturbs not the unseen : the hearing ear
lists not the song of songs ; the heart's coucep-
tions are beggared by simple truth ; and man,
athwart all revelations must wait upon his
God." — Wilkinson's Biography, pp. 2oiJ-270,
494. It now remains for us to pass judg-
ment upon such a phenomenon as is present-
ed to us in this Life of Swedenborg. What
will the world say of it ? To our apprehen-
sion, the Divine Providence is nowhere more
conspicuous than in raising up, at such a time,
such a man. Let it ever be borne in mind
that Swedenborg made his appearance at a
time a little preceding that memorable event
designated by him as the Last Judgment,
which, he affirms, took place in the spiritual
world in 1757. So that he was in the vigor
and full glow of his successful life, at a little
before, at the time of, and several years after,
this eventful transaction which so changed
the condition of the church and world, and by
which the doctrines of the New Jerusalem
could be given to mankind. How marked
and fitting a time, for the existence of such a
man ! It was then that a host of evils and
falses were cleared away from the world of
spirits, which had been gathering for ages, and
which had so obstructed the influx of good and
truth from the heavens, that but little of the
pure doctrine of Christianity could at all make
its way into the world ; and the same may be
said of natural truth, in the various depart-
ments of science and philosophy. And if any
one would perceive the cause of the wonder-
ful advances of natural science and philoso-
phy during the last century, let him look for it
in the Last Judgment, which occurred in the
spiritual world at about the time of the com-
mencement of this increase of light. Sweden-
borg, among the rest, came at this time.
Here is Providence, strongly marked, which
adapts the men to the ages. " It is also a
remaikable circumstance, and should be an
instructive one, that when the doctrines of the
,, New Jerusalem were to be given to men, they
were revealed through the agency of one who
stood by common consent in the first rank of
the learned men of his age." But let it ever
be remembered that it is not as the promulgator
of a NEW revelation, or the preacher of a new
gospel, that the claim is made for Swedenborg.
- '• His office was to open the eyes of mankind
to the glories of the old one. And is this an
office, or are these advantages, which we are
justified in denying without examination? Is
the world so well acquainted with the mean-
ing of divine revelation, that no further in-
struction is necessary ? Dr. Adam Clarke,
, speaking of the revelation of John, says,
' If it is a revelation, it is a revelation of
enigmas, and requires another revelation to
explain it ' ! And amidst the Babel of re-
ligious systems around us, is there nothing
required to direct us in this confusion of
tongues? Without affirming that the Lord
has given us any further light, we would ask
the most tenacious advocate for modern secta-
rianism, Would it not be a great advantage
to the world if such light could be given ?
■ Would it not be an invaluable gift, if the Lord
would reveal to us clearly the meaning, of his
Word? Now, we most broadly and distinctly
assert, tiiat the whole of the Theological
writings of Swedenborg have the tendency to
prove that he was commissioned by the Lord
to reveal the true nature of the Gospel to
mankind, through the unfolding of its spiritu-
al sense, and to declare the true nature of that
future state to which we are all hastening."
495. The appearance of Swedenborg at
such a time, unfolding such truths, so calm, so
deep, so perfectly possessed and assured, while
dealing with such eternal and momentous
realities, can be no otherwise regarded than
as a most distinguished providence to a needy
and benighted world. Like the northern light
of his own country, sending its luminous rays
high up into the atmosphere of its winter cold
and darkness, so has this Seer and Philoso-
pher of the latter ages made his appearance,
with the higher light of a divinely illuminated
understanding, piercing into and scattering
tlie darkness of centuries.
496. And now, in view of all, considering
the wonderful character of the day in which
we live, especially in reference to the break-
ing up of old theologies — the downfall of
sectarianism — the freedom of the human
mind in so many departments of knowledge
which have heretofore been barred and bolt-
ed against all rational investigation, by the
church's tyranny and the prevailing ignorance
— and the very evident commencement of a
new spiritual era for mankind ; in view of all
this, we cannot fail to have the most intense
interest in the precise meaning which Sweden-
borg embodied in his remark to Dr. Oetinger,
before quoted, in respect to what further sign
might be given, in proof of his divine mission
and truthfulness. " The sign given at this
day, (j-ays Swedenborg) will be an illustration^
and thence a knowledge and reception of the
truths of the New Church. Some speaking
illustration of certain persons may likewise
take place ; this works more effectually than
miracles. Tet one token may perhaps still be
given." It is well understood from what is
believed to be a report of some private con-
versation, that Swedenborg remarked, that in
about one hundred years from his day, (we
do not know precisely what year to date from)
the principles and truths which he was instru-
mental in teaching, would to a good extent
prevail. Have we not already the brightest
omens of it ? But what may be the " speaking
illustration of certain persons," and what that
other " token " which may still be given ?
Who does not regard with the deepest interest
the spiritual foretellings of such a man, and
who does not wait, in humble confidence, for
the fulfilments of the coming years ? One
thing is certain. The great Providential Man
of the church has been born, and his word is
The Familiar Spirit.
[The following item should have come in at its proper place,
on page 97.]
497. In the letter of D. Paulus ab Indagine,
referred to on said page, No. 38G, we have the fol-
lowing testimony concerning the familiar spirit.
"I cannot forbear," says he, "to tell you some-
thing new about Swedenborg. Last Thursday I
paid^hiin a visit, and found iiim, as usual, writing.
He told mc, ' that he had been in conversation that
same morning, for three hours, with the deceased
king of Sweden. He had seen him already on the
Wednesday ; but, ^s he observed that he was deep-
ly engaged in conversation with the queen, who is
still living, he would not disturb him.' I allowed
him to continue, but at length asked him, how it
was possible for a person who is still in the land of
the living, to be met with in the world of spirits ?
He replied, ' that it was not the queen herself, but
her sinrlliis familians, or her familiar spirit.' I
asked him what that might be? for I had nei-
ther heard from him any thing respecting appear-
ances of that kind, nor had I read any thing
about them. He tlien informed me, 'that every
man has cither his good or bad spirit, who is not
constantly witli him, but sometimes a little removed
from him, and appears in the world of spirits. But
of this the man still living iuiows notliing ; the spir-
it, however, knows every thing. This familiar spir-
it has every tiling in accordance with his compan-
ion upon earth; he has in the world of spirits, the
same tigure, the same countenance, and the same
tone of voice, and wears also similar garments ; in
a word, t\us familiar spirit of the queen,' says Swe-
denborg, ' appeared exactly as he had so often seen
the queen herself at Stockholm, and had heard her
speak.' In order to allay my astonishment, he add-
ed, 'that Dr. Ernesti, of Leipsic, had appeared to
him in a similar manner in the world of spirits, and
that he had held a long disputation with him.' "
Octonary Computus.
[The following is an account of the Ortonary Computus, (or
mode ol calculating by eighth^,) mentioMcd on page 'J, No. 02.]
Letter of M. Swedenborg;, Jlsstssor of the Board of
Mines, to M. JVordbcrg, Aullior of the History of
Charles Xll.
498. "Sir, — As you are now actually engaged
upon the Life of Charles XII., I avail myself of the
opportunity to give you some information concern-
ing that monarch, wiiich is, perhaps, new to you, and
worthy of being transmitted to posterity. I have al-
ready touched upon the subject, in the fourth part of
my Miscellanea, treating de Calculo novo Sexagena-
rlo, ^-c, whence M. Wolft' has derived what he has
said in his Elenienta Matheseos Universoe, relative
to this new Calculus.
" In 1710, when M. Polheim received the king's
orders to repair to Lund, he engaged me to accom-
pany him thither. Having been presented to his
majesty, he often did us the honor of conversing
witii us upon the different branches of mathematics,
and particularly upon mechanics, the mode of cal-
culatmg forces, and other problems of geometry and
arithmetic. He seemed to take remarkable pleas-
ure in these conversations, and often put ques-
tions, as if he merely propose^ to gain some slight
elucidation from us ; but we soon found that these
things were not strange to him, which put us, sub-
sequently, more upon our guard, not to speak to
him of common or unimportant matters, nor to ad-
vance any thing doubtful in which he might have
shown us to be mistaken. The conversation turn-
ing upon analytical and algebraical calculation, as
well as upon what is called the regula falsi (rule
of false position), he desired us to bring forward
examples, which we accordingly did, proposing
such as made it incumbent, in order to proceed
agreeably to rule, to use signs or symbols, as well as
equations. The king did not require them, and af-
ter a few minutes' reflection, he told us, without any
other aid than his own superior genius, in what way
our examples might be solved, which we always
found to agree perfectly with our calculations. I
confess, that I have never been able to understand,
how, by mere reasoning, and without the aid of Al-
gebra, he was emibled to solve problems of this
kind. It seemed, indeed, that the king was not sor-
ry to display before M. Polheim — a competent
judge in these things — a penetration and power
of reasoning, equalling those of the ablest mathe-
" I will now relate to you, as I am peculiarly able
to do, what arose from this learned annisement,
which is as follows : — Conversing one day with
the king upon arithmetic, and the mode of counting,
we observed, that almost all nations upon reaching
10, began again ; that those figures which occupy
the first place, never change their value, while those
in the second place, were multiplied tenfold, and so
on with the others ; to which we added, that men
had apparently begun by counting their fingers, and
that this method was still practised by the people ;
that arithmetic having been formed into a science,
figures had been invented, which were of the utmost
service ; and, nevertheless, that the ancient mode
of counting had been always retained, in beginning
again after arriving at 10, and which is observed by
putting each figure in its proper place. The king
was of opinion, that had such not been the origin of
our mode of counting, a much better and more ge-
ometrical method might have been invented, and
one which would have been of great utility in calcu-
lations, by making choice of some other periodical
number than 10. That the number 10 had this
great and necessary inconvenience, that when di-
vided by 2, it could not be reduced to the number
1 without entering into fractions. Besides, as it
comprehends neither the square, nor the cube, nor
the fourth power of any number, many difficulties
arise in numerical calculations. Whereas, had the
periodical number been 8 or IG, a great facility
would have resulted, the first being a cube number,
of which the root is 2, and the second a square
number, of which the root is 4, and that these num-
bers being divided by 2, their primitive, the number
1 would be obtained, which would be highly useful
with regard to money and measures, by avoiding a
quantity of fractions. The king, after speaking at
great length on this subject, expressed a desire that
we should make a trial with some other number
than 10. Having represented to him, that this could
not be done, unless we invented new figures, to
which, also, names altogether different from the an-
cient ones must be given, as, otherwise, great con-
fusion would arise, lie desired us to prepare an ex-
ample in point.
" We chose the number 8, of which the cube
root is 2, and which, being divided by 2, is reduced
to the primitive number 1. We also invented new
figures, to which we gave new names, and proceed-
ed according to the ordinary method ; after which we
applied them to the cubic calculations, as well as to
money and to measures. The essay having been
presented to the king, he was pleased with it : but it
was evident that he had wished something more
extended, and less easy, in order that he might dis-
play the superiority of his genius and his great
penetration. To this end he proposed to adopt
some number which should contain a square as well
as a cube, and which, when divided by 2, might be
reduced to the primitive number 1. He made
choice of (J4; but we observed to him that it was
too high a number, and, consequently, very incon-
venient, and, indeed, that it was almost impossible
to employ it; that, besides, if we were obliged to
reckon up to G4, before recommencing, and that up-
on reaching 04 times 64, or 4090, only three figures
were used, calculation would be rendered immense-
ly difficult, especially with regard to multiplication
and division ; because it would be necessary to com-
mit to memory a multiplication table composed of
409(5 numbers, while the common table comprised
only 80 or 90 numbers. However, the more we urged
our difficulties, the more he was determined to put
liis idea into practice ; and to show the possibility of
wliat appeared to us to require long and profound
retiection, he undertook to devise this method him-
self, and to lay down the plan of it, which he sent
to us the next morning. He had invented new
figures, each with its particular name. The 64 fig-
ures were divided into 8 classes, each being des-
ignated by a particular symbol. Upon a closer
inspection, I found that these symbols or signs were
composed of tlie initial and final letters of his own
name, in a manner at once so clear and exact, that
wiien the first 8 numbers were known, all the rest
up tu 64 were attainable without the least difficulty.
The names of the 8 numbers of the first class were
very simple, and those of the others so well con-
trived, that one could easily remember them, with-
out fear of confusion. Having arrived at the number
64, when it became necessary to proceed with three
figures, up to 64 times 64, he had invented new
names, admirably arranged, and so easily and natu-
rally varied that there was not any number, however
high, for which there was not a name ; and this
might be carried on ad infmituin, following the prin-
ciples and rules laid down,
" It was to me that the king committed this plan,
in his own handwriting [the original of which 1 still
preserve], in order to arrange from it a table show-
ing the ditference between this and the common
mode of counting, both with regard to the names
and the figures.
" The king had also added to his plan an exam-
ple in multiplication and in division ; two operations
in which I had contemplated so much difficulty.
As it was my place to undertake the perfecting of
his method, I examined it thoroughly, in order to
discover whether it might not be rendered yet more
easy and more convenient of application than it was.
My attempts, however, were in vain ; and I much
doubt whether the greatest matheniaticians would
have succeeded. What I chiefly admire, is, the in-
genuity shown by t!ie king in the invention of the
figures and the names, and the ease with which the
pigns may be varied ad infinitum, I was also great-
ly struck with his example in multiplication ; and
when I consider the short time in which he accom-
plished this, I cannot but regard him as a prince
endowed with a genius and a penetration much
above those of other men ; whence I have been led
to believe that, in all his other actions, he was guid-
ed by greater wisdom than apparently belonged
to him. Certain it is, that he thought it beneath
him to assume the air of a learned man, by affect-
ing an imposing exterior. What he said to me,
one day, regarding mathematics, expressed a sen-
timent truly worthy of a king, — ' that he who had
made no progress whatever in this science, did not
deserve to be considered as a rational man.'
" I have the honor to be, &c.,
" Em. Swedenborg."
First public Advertisement of Swedenborg's
[For the curiosity of those who would see a document of this
kind, we insert tlie following original advertisement by the
printer of the second volume of the Arcana CaL-stia. It was
published in parts, each containing one chapter, and accom-
panied, in separate numbers, by an English translation.]
Paternoster Row, February 5, 1750.
499. Advertisement, by John Lewis, Printer
and Publisher, in Paternoster Row, near Cheapside,
London. Be it known unto all the Learned and
Curious, that this day is published the First Num-
ber of Arcana Calestia or Heavenly Secrets which
are in tlie Sacred Scripture, or Word of the Lord,
laid open ; as they are found in the Sixteenth
Chapter of Genesis ; together with the wonderful
tilings that have been seen in the World of Spirits,
and in the Heaven of Angels.
This work is intended to be such an exposition
of the whole Bible as was never attempted in any
language before. The author is a learned foreign-
er, who wrote and printed the first volume of the
same work but last year, all in Latin, which may
be seen at my shop in Paternoster Row, as above
And now the second volume is printing both in
Latin and English ; to be published in cheap num-
bers, that the public may have it in an easier man-
ner, in either tongue, than in whole volumes.
It must be confessed that this nation abounds
with a variety of commentaries and expositions on
the Holy Bible ; yet when we consider what an in-
exhaustible fund of knowledge the Sacred Scrip-
ture contains, the importance of the subjects it
treats of, and the vast concern every man has in
those things they relate and recommend, we may
cease to wonder that so many ingenious pens have
been employed in sounding the depths of this vast
ocean ; and he must be a very dull writer indeed,
who does not find a pretty large number of readers
of any work he may publish of this kind. I would
be far from depreciating the merit of any man's
performance, nay, I will allow, that it is owing to the
labors of learned and pious men, in their disquisi-
tions after truth in the Bible that we of this king-
dom have been enabled to discern truth from error,
and to know more of the mind and will of God in
his Word, than the priests of Rome were willing
we should. Yet give me leave to add, that these
Sacred Writings are capable of speaking to the
heart and understanding of man, by more ways
than have been thought of or put in practice ; and
he who can discover new treasures in these sacred
mines, and produce from them such rich jewels as
were never yet seen by the eye of man, will un-
doubtedly challenge our strictest attention, and
deserve encouragement in his pious labors. This
then may be said of our author. He has struck
out a new path through this deep abyss, which no
man ever trod before. He has left all the com-
mentators and expositors to stand on their own
footing ; he neitlier meddles nor interferes with
any of them ; his thoughts are all his own ; and
tlie ingenious and sublime turn he has given to
every thing in the Scripture, he has copied from
no man ; and therefore, even in this respect, he
hath some title to tlie regard of the ingenious and
learned world.
It is true, when a reader comes to peruse this
work, if he expects to understand him with a slight
and cursory reading, he will fmd himself greatly
mistaken ; his thoughts are too sublime and lofty
to be surveyed with a weak or a wanton eye ; his
language is quite different from tiie common modes
of speech ; and his sense is sometimes so deep and
profound, as not to be readily apprehended by a
common understanding. Whoever, therefore, takes
tliis book in hnnd, and finds passages in it not
easily intelligible, let hiin not throw it by as a
thing of no value, nor content himself with a bare
perusal ; but let him read it over and over again ;
and let him study the drift and design of the au-
thor ; and I will answer for it, that the more and
oftener he reads it, the more instruction and de-
light he will receive from it. The author has a
depth, which if once fathomed (and it is not unfath-
oauable) will yield the noblest repast to a pious
mind. But if any one imagines that I say this to
puff a book, in the sale of which my interest is so
nearly concerned, any gentleman is welcome to
peruse it at my shop, and to purchase it or not, as
his own judgment shall direct him.
Nothing recommends a book more effectually to
the public than the eminence and credit of its
author ; nothing is more notorious, than that a
weak performance, if it appears under a great
name, shall be better received in the world than
tlie most sublime and ingenious productions of an
obscure person ; so that it is not merit but prejudice
that generally governs the judgment of men.
Though the author of Arcana Calestia is un-
doubtedly a very learned and great man, and his
works highly esteemed by the literati, yet he is no
less distinguished for his modesty than his great
talents, so that he will not suffer his name to be
made public. But though I am positively forbid
to discover that, yet I hope he will excuse me if
I venture to mention his benign and generous
qualities. How he bestowed his time and labors in
former years, I am not certainly informed ; (though I
have heard by those who have been long acquainted
with him, that they were employed in the same
manner as I am going to relate ;) but what I have
been an eye witness to, I can declare with certain
truth ; and therefore I do aver, that this gentle-
man, with indefatigable pains and labor, spent one
whole year in studying and writing the first volume
of Arcana Calestia, was at the expense of two hun-
dred pounds to print it, and also advanced two
hundred pounds more for the printing of this sec-
ond volume ; and when he had done this, he gave
express orders that all the money that should arise
in the sale of this large work should be given to-
wards the charge of the propagation of the Gos-
pel. He is so far from desiring to make a gain of
his labors, that he will not receive one farthing
back, of the four hundred pounds he hath ex-
pended : and for that reason his works will come
exceedingly cheap to the public.
I further declare I have not the least reason in
the world to believe him a bigot to any mode or
mechod of religion ; I know not what community he
belongs to, or whether he belongs to any ; if any
one can guess by his writings, he knows where
to find tliem. But it matters not what or who tlie
person is that writes, if his writings are founded
on truth, and agreeable to such learned men as arc
competent judges of them. The deepest and most
learned, as well as most valuable pieces, are some-
times misunderstood and rejected many years, even
by learned men themselves ; to instance only tJiree
performances out of the many tiiat might be pro-
duced, viz. Locke on Human Understanding,
Milton's Paradise Lost, and Prideaux's Connection
of the Old and New Testament. Those who have
been conversant with books, especially in the trad-
ing way, cannot be ignorant of the difficulties
which these valuable pieces have met with in mak-
ing their way into the world ; and it is as remark-
able now to observe, how they have been called
for and admired for many years past.
How this great work of .'Ircana Calestia will
succeed in the world, is impossible at present to
determine. If all men of learning were of the
same mind with the ingenious and pious Mr. Penny,
of Dartmouth, we need not fear success : for in his
letter to me, on the publication of the first volume,
are these following words : — "I have long ardent-
ly wished to see the historical part of the Old
Testament, which seems only to regard the Jewish
Dispensation, (and upon that account too lightly
regarded by the major part of thi' Christian world)
proved to be as delightful, instructive, and as ne-
cessary for the knowledge of Christians as the JVew.
This, Jircana Calestia gives me the fullest satisfac-
tion of, &c." A copy of this letter was printed
at large in the Daily Advertiser of Christmas day,
1749. Now this delightful, instructive, and ne-
cessary knowledge, cannot be expected from this
part of Holy Writ, unless the historical part of the
Old Testament be allegorized m some sucli man-
ner as our Latin author has here done it. And the
great and learned as well as the inspired St. Paul,
clearly gives encouragement to this way of writ-
ing, Gal. iv. 24. And our author neither rejects
nor disturbs the literal sense by his allegorical ex-
Soon after the publication of Mr. Penny's letter
before mentioned, a grave, judicious and learned
gentleman was pleased to call at one of the book-
sellers where this famous Latin book was appointed
to be sold ; and when he had cast his eye over part
of the work, he inquired who the author was; but
being told that the author would not be known,
— "Well," (said the gentleman) " I confess that
at these years 1 am not fond of new acquaintance,
but should be extremely glad to have some con-
versation with him ; for," (continued lie, with great
earnestness,) " I never saw, nor heard, nor read, of
so surprising a man in all my days ! "
Any one of small judgment may guess at the
cheapness of the work, when he finds that six
lunidred and forty quarto pages in Latin, of tlie
first volume, are sold for no more than six shillings,
unbound. But this second volume, which is now
publishing in Latin and English, will be unac-
countably cheap, as any one may conclude, even
from the postage of the Latin copy from abroad :
for the bare postage of this first number cost no
less than twelve shillings, and now it is printed,
doth make fifty-two quarto pages in the English
tongue ; and all to be sold for no more than eight
pence, which is not half the price that such a
quantity of paper and print is generally sold for.
The postage of the second number came to eigh-
teen shillings ; and that of the third amounted
to one pound two shillings ; and yet these tw^,
! numbers are to be sold for no more than ninepence
each ; so that from hence it is easy to imagine
how cheap the whole will be, especially when print-
ed in such a grand and pompous manner at so low
a price. But it is the generous author's absolute
command that it should be so, who, it is plain, wants
neither purse nor spirit to carry on his laudable un-
As the copy comes from a foreign country, and
as one number may contain nearly double the
quantity of another, it is utterly impossible to fix
a certain regular time for the publication of each.
But this the public may be assured of, that when
a fresh number is published, it shall be advertised
in the newspapers. Those who are pleased to
give their orders to the news carriers, will have
every number as certainly as though they were
apprised of the certain time of its coming out.
And the price will be printed on the title of each
English number, (and every Latin number will be
of the same price with the English,) so that the
readers may be sure that they will not be imposed
upon ; for sometimes the bulk of the work will
plainly appear to be worth five times as much as
will be required for it.
Those who are so happy as to be well acquainted
with the Latin tongue, will be highly delighted
with the author's elegant and sublime language.
First Reception of the Writings of Swedenborg.
500. The first volume of the Arcana Ccelestia, con-
taining the explanation of the first fifteen chapters
of Genesis, was published in London, in the Latin
language, in the year 1749, and was the earliest
of Swedenborg's theological works. Our readers
will not be displeased to see the following letter,
from, probably, the first person who embraced the
truths it contains, expressing the satisfaction he
derived from it. Though not a document of any
decided importance, it is interesting as a curiosity,
and as evincing that the truths of the New Church
found some receivers on their very first publication.
This letter was sent to the Daily Mvertiser, for-
merly a popular newspaper, of Christmas day,
1749, by the publisher of the work, and is intro-
duced by his business-like note, to the Editor, as
follows : —
" If you will insert the following letter in your
paper, it may induce the curious in the learned
world, to peruse a work very entertaining and
pleasant, and oblige,
" Sir, yours, &c.
"John Lewis.
" ' To Mr. John Lewis, in Paternoster Row,
Cheapside, London.
'"Dartmouth, October 15, 1749.
"'Mr. John Lewis,
" ' Sir, — Accidentally reading the advertisement
of the Arcana Calestia, excited by the oddness of
the title, I presently ordered my friend in London
to send me one. The extraordinary degree of
pleasure the reading of it has given me, and the
yet more expected from what more is to be pub-
lished, induces m3 to request advice as often as
any new publication happens, which I apprehend to
be designed annually. My reason for troubling
you, is, because I very rarely see any of the pub-
lic papers, and, consequently, future advertisements
may escape my knowledge ; which, I hope will ex-
cuse me.
" ' I have long ardently wished to see the histor-
ical part of the Old Testament, which seems only
to regard the Jewl',h dispensation (and upon that
account is too lightly regarded by the major part of
the present Christian world), proved to be as delight-
ful, instructive, and as necessary for the knowl-
edge of (christians as the New, This the Arcana
Ccelestia gives me the fullest satisfaction of. But
the illumined author, whoever he is, (is it Mr.
Law ?) must expect a considerable army of gown
men to draw their pens against him : it is a bless-
ing their power is prescribed within impassable
" ' The favor of a line in answer, to know what
dependence I may make upon you, will very much
oblige. Sir, your most humble servant,
" ' Stephen Penny. .
" ' P. S, Perhaps the author was concerned in the
publication of Mr. Hutchinson's works ? lias he
published any other work, and at what price ? ' "
To this the bookseller appends the following
notice :
" This large Latin book is neatly printed in 4to. ;
and sold by Mr. Nourse, at the Lamb, opposite
Katharine Street, in the Strand ; Mr. Ware, at the
Bible onLudgate Hill ; and by John Lewis, printer
of the same, as above mentioned ; price 6s, unbound."
Notice of the Loudon Monthly Review.
501. In the London Monthly Review for
1844, is an article on the discoveries in science
made by Swedcnborg, concluding thus :
" In conclusion, we record our opinion positively,
and not relatively ; wholly, and without reserva-
tion, that if the mode of reasoning and explana-
tion adopted by Swedenborg be once under-
stood, the anatomist and physiologist will acquire
more information, and obtain a more comprehen-
sive view of the human body, and its relation to a
higher sphere, than from any single book ever pub-
lished ; nay, we may add, than from all the books
which have been written (especially in modern
times) on physiology, or, as it has been lately named,
transcendental anatomy.
" Swedenborg reasons not on any hypothesis, not
on any theory, not on any favorite doctrine of a
fashionable school, but on the solid principles of
geometry, based on the immutable rock of truth ;
and he must and will be considered at no distant
period the Zoroaster of Europe, and the Promethe-
us of a new era of reason, however at present the
clouds of prejudice may intervene, or the storms
of passion obscure the corruscations of his intel-
Extract from the Commencement of Wilkin-
son's Biography.
502. " There is, in the present day, a constantly
increasing inquiry among intelligent persons, re-
specting the life and labors of Swedenborg, whose
name begins to be whispered, with more or less
respect, and with undefined feelings, throughout
Christendom. We are no followers of Sweden-
borg, although we accept his views of Christian-
ity, but not because he discovered them, but be-
cause they were there to be discovered, and are
true. The truth, we believe, is not arrested pr
contained by any man, but as soon as found, the
mind may pass from that level, and rise from
it as a vantage ground to new trutlk-;. It is, there-
fore, in the service of the public, and not of
Swedenborg, that we write these pages; for the
time has come when every enlightened man and
woman ought, for their own sakes, to know of
Swedenborg and his pretensions.
" For consider the case. Here was an au-
thor, flourishing in the last century, whose princi-
pal works were written from 1721 to 1772, and who,
enjoying at first a jjood reputation as a scientific and
practical man, saw that reputation gradually expire
as his own mind unfolded in his works, until at
length he was only known as a visiunary, and tiie
fact of" his early career was scarcely renicrnbered
by his few surviving contemporaries. There was
every reason why his works dietl to that age. He
had a firm faith, from the first, in the goodness of
God, in the powers of tiie mind, in the wisdom
and easiness of creation, and in the immovable
firmness of revelation ; later on, a belief too in
spiritual existence, in a sense intelligible to all
mankind. In his case, there was a breaking of
shell after shell — a rolling away of delusion after
delusion, until the truth was seen to be itself real
— to be the true creation, the world above and be-
fore the world, of which mortal creatures are made.
How could so substantial a personage — a man whose
spirit and its relations were a body and a force —
be seen at all in the last century, when the public
wave ran in spruig tides towards materialism,
frivolity, and all conventionalities 1 The savage
might as easily value a telescope or a theodolite
as Europe estimate a Swedenborg at such an era.
Accordirigly, m proportion as he transcended brute
matter and dead facts, he vanished from its sight,
and was only mentioned with ridicule as a ghost
seer — the next thing to a ghost. But how stands
the matter now ? The majority, it is true, know
nothing of Swedenborg ; and it is for them we
write. But the vast majority of those who do
know — and the number is considerable in all
parts of tlie civilized world — regard him with
respect and affectionate admiration ; many hailing
him as the herald of a new church upon earth ; many
as a gift of the same provident deity who has sent, as
indirect messengers, the other secular leaders of
the race, — the great poets, the great philosophers,
the guiding intellects of the sciences ; many also
still looking towards his works in order to gain in-
struction from them, and to settle for themselves the
author's place among the benefactors of his kind.
We ourselves are in all these classes, allowing
them to modify each other ; and perhaps, on that
account, are suitable to address those who know
less of the subject, for we have no position to
maintain but the facts of the case.
" Now whence this change in public opin-
ion ? It has been the most silent of revolutions,
a matter almost of signs and whispers. Sweden-
borg's admirers have simply kept his books before
the public, and given them their good word when
opportunity ofTered. The rest has been done over
the heads of men, by tlie course of events, by the
advance of the sciences, by our new liberties of
thought, by whatever makes man from ignorant,
enlightened, and from sensual, refined and spiritu-
alized. In short, it is the world's progress under
Providence which has brought it to Swedenborg's
door. For where a new truth has been discovered,
that truth has said a courteous word for Sweden-
borg ; where a new science has sprung up and en-
tered upon its conquests, that science has pointed
with silent-speaking finger to something friendly
to, and suggestive of, itself in Swedenborg; where
a new spirit has entered the world, that spirit has
flown to its mate in Swedenborg ; where the age
has felt its own darkness and confessed it, the
students of Swedenborg have been convinced that
tliere was in him much of the light which all hearts
were seeking. And so forth. The fact then is,
that an unbelieving century could see notliing in
Swedenborg ; that its successor, more trustful and
truthful, sees more and more ; and strong indica-
tions exist that in another five and twenty years
the field occupied by this author must be visited
by the leaders of opinion tn mas.te, and whether
they will or no; because it is not proselytism that
will take them there, but the expansion and cul-
mination of the truth, and the organic course of
events. The following pages will have their end
if they be one pioneer of this path which the
learned and the rulers are to traverse."
Testimony of Professor Gorres,
Of Germmii/, Proftxsor of Roman Catholic The-
olo<i;y at one of the German Universities.
.503. " Throughout the whole of Swedenborg's
voluminous works every thing appears simple and
uniform, especially as to the tone in which he
writes, in which there is no effort at display in the
imaginative powers, nothing overwrought, nothing
fantastic, nothing that can, in the remotest degree,
be construed into a morbid bias of a prevailing
mental activity, nothing indicating a fixed idea, or
manifesting any peculiarity of a commencing men-
tal derangement. Every thing he undertakes is
developed in a calm and measured manner, like the
resolution and demonstration of a mathematical
problem, and every where the operations of a mind
composed and well ordered shine forth, with con-
viction as to the certainty of the results of its ac-
tivity. In the cultivation of science, sincerity and
simplicity of heart are necessary requirements to
the attainment of durable success. We never
observe that Swedenborg was subject to that pride
by the influence of which so many great spirits
have fallen ; he always remained the same sub-
dued and modest mind ; and never, either by suc-
cess, or by any consideration, lost his mental equi-
librium." .
Extract from the Ulemoir by Rev. O. Pres-
cott Hiller.
504. "A man, — a human being like ourselves,
— has been chosen by the Divine will, as the in-
strument for conveying these truths to the world.
And as Moses, a man like ourselves, was chosen
of old, to be the instrument for bringing into the
land of Canaan the people with whom a represen-
tative Church was to be established, and who was
called too, (man though he was) up into the mount
to speak with God, and receive the tables of his
law ; — as Paul, a man, too, like ourselves, was
chosen, at the commencement of a former dispen-
sation, to be an apostle to teach the new truth to
the world, and, in order to enlighten and strength-
en him for that work, was admitted in spirit to a
view of the heavens and even of the Lord Himself:
— so now, in our own day, at the commencement
of another Dispensation of Divine truth, at this the
time of the Lord's second coming in the light of
the Spiritual Sense of His Word, has another indi-
vidual, — a man, like ourselves, — been raised up as
the instrument for making known to the world the
truths and doctrines of that New Church which is
about to be established on the earth — the JVew Je-
rusalem. The herald will not be received nor be-
lieved, for a time ; he has been, and he will be,
slandered and reviled ; he has been and will con-
tinue to be, by some and for a while, pronounced
a mystic and a madman ; the interested, the preju-
diced, and the self-confident will scoff at him, as
the proud Athenians scoffed at Paul preaching to
them the truth — as the doctors of the Jewish
Church scorned the words of Him who was the
Truth itself. But these things will be only for a
time. 'Truth i^ strong and will prevail.' There
are always a few candid and earnest minds in the
community, anxious for the truth, and ready to seek
it wherever it is to be found, and to follow whither-
soever it leads. Such there were, even in Swe-
denborsr's lifetime, — men too of high character,
intelligence, and education, — who perceived the
truth of the principles he taught, received them
with delight, and sought to make them known to
others. Since his death, the number has been
steadily increasing, in all parts of the world. And
withm a kw years past, many of the profound and
original thinkers of the age have repaired to his
pages, as their chief source of instruction, and have
acknowledged that they could find there satisfac-
tory answers to their inquiries, that could be found
nowhere else, in the wliole range of moral, theo-
logical, and philosophical writers. The signs of
the times are now giving token of a change and a
great change, in tlie view generally entertained of
this author. As he becomes more known, surprise
and admiration take the place of neglect and con-
tempt ; the earnest searchers for truth wonder that
they had not been directed to this light before —
the intellectual and the learned are astonished that
they had passed by a thinker and writer, who far
excels them both in intellect and learning; and the
admirers and collectors of great names are begin-
ning to admit his into their list. And we venture
the prediction, that as years roll by, and these writ-
ings are examined, explored, understood, more
and more thoroughly — as the world grows wiser
and better — as the darkness of old error passes
off, and the light of truth increases — the name of
SwEDENBORG wiU shine the brightest in the whole
galaxy of great names, and his memory be revered
as that of the most powerful and most useful of all
the human instruments whom Heaven has raised
up, to communicate truth, goodness, and happiness
to mankind."
Testimony of the late Rev. John Clowes, A. M.,
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Rector
of St. Johti's Church, [Episcopal) Manchester,
505. "The author (of this Memoir) cannot con-
clude his ntrrJtive, without offering up to the
Father of Mercies his most devout and grateful
acknowledgments for the extraordinary privilege,
and inestimable blessing vouchsafed him, in having
been admitted to the knowledge and acknowledg-
ment of the trutli and importance of the doctrines
unfolded by Swedenborg from the Word of God
as the genuine doctrines of Christianity. For what
worldiv glorv, gain, or happiness, can stand in
competition with this — to know Jesus Christ to
be the ' only true God,' and to be allowed to ap-
proach and worship Him in his Divine Humanitj/ :
to be delivered thus from all perplexity as to the
proper object of worship ; to see, at the same time,
the divine volume of Revelation opened ; its inte-
rior treasures displayed ; its evidence and author-
ity thus confirmed by its divine contents ; its ap-
parent contradictions reconciled ; whilst all that is
divine and holy, all that is good and true, all that
is calculated to excite the veneration of intelli-
gent beings, and the affection of penitent ones ;
all, in short, that has a tendency either to enlighten
the human understanding, or to purify the human
will ; either to edify, by the bright and proud les-
Bons of divine truth, or to soften and console by
the sweet and tender influences of the divine love,
is perceived to proceed from this Divine Fountain,
as its only source ! Yet such is the transcendent
glory, gain, and happiness imparted to every peni-
tent and devout receiver of the above Heavenly
Doctrines. Add to this, the nearness and connec-
tion between this world and another, demonstrated
by such a weight of irresistible evidence ; the great
evangelical doctrines of Faith, of Charity, of Re-
pentance and Remission of Sins, of Temptation,
Reformation, Regeneration, and the Freedom of
the Will, opened, explained, and enforced, accord-
ing to their edifying and important meaning ; the
nature, also, and effect of the Last Judgment, the
Lord's Second Advent, and the descent of the New
Jerusalem, presented to view in all the brightness
and fulness of truth, and confirmed by the testi-
mony of the sure Word of prophecy ; and some
faint idea may then be formed of the immense debt
of gratitude, owing at this day from all the fami-
lies of the earth to their Heavenly Father. For
who, except that Father, ' whose tender mercies
are over all His works,' could thus cause ' His
light to shine in darkness ' for the deliverance of
His people from evil, from error, and from destruc-
tion, and, at the same time, for the guidance of
their feet into the ways of righteousness, truth,
and salvation ? To his praises, and most un-
feigned thankfulness on this occasion, the author
is lastly urgent to add his ardent prayers, that the
above ' glorious light ' may shine in every corner
of the habitable globe, until the whole earth be-
comes that blessed ' tabernacle of God,' which was
announced to be ' with men,' in which ' God will
dwell and be with them their God, and wipe away
all tears from their eyes' (Rev. xxi. 3, 4)."
The New Church.
506. " The reception of the Doctrines of the
New Church has slowly, but constantly increased,
from the time when Swedenborg began to teach
them, up to the present moment. Those who be-
come fully impressed with their truth, and with the
desire to live according to them, usually endeavor
to connect themselves with each other, and to form
societies for the purpose of mutual encouragement
and instruction. This effort commonly results in
the building of churches, establishment of preach-
ing, and performance of religious services, very
much in the ordinary congregational and episcopal
forms. There are now in England some seventy-
five ministers or preachers of the Doctrines, and
in the United States about sixty. The number of
places, however, where receivers are known to
reside, is much larger, being in the United States,
about four hundred and fifty. There are also
many known in France, Germany, and Sweden,
and some in other countries. In Sweden the New
Church Doctrines have not been preached openly
as such, on account of the established church ;
but it is understood that many of the clergy thero
are well acquainted with Swedenborg's writings,
and instruct their people in accordance with them,
altiiough not openly professing the source of their
" The Receivers of the Heavenly Doctrines
of the New Jerusalem Church, await patiently to
be joined by their fellow-men, in the glad confi-
dence that there is a good time coming, when the
wiiolc Christian world will rejoice in the light of
the New Jerusalem." — //o6ar/'s Life, p. 276.
The Compiler of this work has endeavored to
answer a want which has been deeply felt, and
which, at the present crisis, seems more pressing
than ever. It is a time of unparalleled interest in
spiritual truths. It is a time, in God's Providence,
when the old systems of theology are evidently
breaking up and passing down the stream of Time
— when ancient authorities are questioned with a
bold and determined aspect — and the most keen
and searching glances are sent into every creed.
It is a time, too, of much doubt and confusion —
of the most bare and unblushing infidelity — of a
deeper and wider knowledge of Nature on the one
hand, and a more lamentable ignorance and denial
of God on the other. It is, as a consequence, an
age of extremes. The freedom of the human
mind, for which Ave are now so distinguished, has
revealed to many the hideous deficiences of the so
called Protestant fiitli, and driven them to a ref-
uge in Catholic authority. It has become too evi-
dent, that the prevalent theology will not bear the
piercing test which it is now submitted to — that
the better reason flees from it, a million times in
secret, and many times in open affront ; and that
thus, where the religious tendencies predominate,
there is either a backward movement to the
Church of Rome, to save the fear and trouble of
thinking, or a melancholy indifference to all that
demands a Philosophy commensurate with Faith;
while on the other hand, where the natural reason
predominates, there is a tendency to flee from all
venerated " theologies," to the open fields of Na-
ture and her pantheistic enticements. There is a
middle class, who still strive to reconcile their va-
rious theologies with the Reason that so urgently
impels, and who are really doing much to save
many fragments of truth, and adapt them at once
to the science, philosophy, and theology of the
soul. But amidst the whole, what dread confu-
sion and scepticism ! How much doubt, even of
tlie future, immortal life of man !
But again, we are opening into new and strange
wonders. New indeed, to those who now first
realize them ; not so new in the history and expe-
rience of man. The whole Past has been fruitful
of a varied spiritual experience ; and we are now
really experiencing nothing but what has been
better and more fully attested in ages long since
gone by. Not so, however, the sceptical philoso-
phy of the day. " The secret of heaven " (says
Emerson) " is kept from age to age. No impru-
dent, sociable angel, ever dropped an early sylla-
ble to answer the longing of saints, the fears of
mortals. We should have listened on our knees
to any favorite, who, by stricter obedience, had
brought his thoughts into parallelism with the ce-
lestial currents, and could hint to human ears the
scenery and circumstance of the newly-parted
soul." * This is the utterance of the merest,
most refined naturalism of our age. So low has
philosophy fallen in her high places ! Yet it ex-
presses the yearning wants of the human soul.
The transcendental Philosophy of this age would
get down upon its kntts for any, even the faintest
whisper, from the mysterious dwellings of eter-
nity. But upon such ears, no sociable angel ever
dropped a syllable ! It would be better to ascribe
the cause to the right party.
Now, that we are approaching an Era of marked
spiritual truth, it would seem useless to deny.
Notwithstanding the immensely higher truth which
has, at least for a century, been already in the
world, to wit, in the pages of our Author, yet Prov-
idence is evidently now permitting an external and
visible communication from spirits out of the ma-
terial body, with the men of our earth, to the end,
among others, that the sensual philosophy of oui
times, and the gross unbelief of the church and
the world, may find its proper antidote in these
tangible and sensuous phenomena. Of the heights
and depths of this most palpable demonstration, of
its measure of truth and falsity, of its infernal de-
ceptions, and the willingness with which so many
thousands are led astray by a converse with the
other world, we here say nothing. Of its amount
of honesty we here say nothing. It is sufficient
here to say, that no one can take a survey of the
wide extent and practice of this very evident dem-
onstration from the invisible world, without be-
lieving that a more than ordinary movement is tak-
ing place in the world of spirits. To believe that
it will all come to nothing, does not comport with
the best ideas of Providence. Should it even al'
end here, it would not be without a stirrmg up of
the minds of hundreds of thousands of those who
most needed it, to a faith, realization, and knowl-
* ReprtitrOativt Men, p. 140.
edge of immortal verities connected with undying
man. Sliould it all end even to-day, it has created
an epocii, and left a history and a literature, such
as it is, which could not fail to stimulate inquiry,
and connect with past evidences, for ages yet to
come. But we do not believe that this is all,
though the whole phenomena may die away, and
be succeeded by other and higher evidences. As
it runs, it will doubtless have the effect, among
others, to turn the world's attention even to these
writings, which we here preface with our brief re-
marks. If so, thf n let us be thankful for the Prov-
idence that has so ordered. The whole demon-
stration will undoubtedly be made to tell in the
establishment of the grand truths of the JVew Jeru-
salem. Rev. xxi. 1, 2.
Such, then, in brief, are the times in which we
live. At such a crisis, and when thousands are
inquiring what they shall believe, and to what the
church, witli its nameless sects, is evidently ap-
proaching ; in the midst, too, of a very general ex-
pectation of some great interposition of Providence
in the affairs of men ; it is certainly a desideratum
to have, in one volume, as full and systematic a
coUection as may be, of the principles and state-
ments of the greatest Seer who has yet lived or
spoken. Hitherto, tlie works of Swedenborg have
been so voluminous as to confine them, chiefly,
with the partial exception of a few of the smaller
volumes, to the circle of his more immediate fol-
lowers. And even these, from not being read in
connection with his larger works, or from not be-
ing aware of tlio system and philosophy which per-
vade and characterize the whole of them, have fre-
quently had the effect to discourage and drive
away many minds, who, if they could have been
. presented with a fuller view, would have experi-
enced a stronger attachment, if not a full recep-
tion of the teachings of the illustrious Seer. In-
deed, to an entirely new inquirer, with the excep-
tion of a very few rarely prepared minds, there has
been hardly a volume but which, more or less,
would realize something of the aforementioned ef-
fect upon him.
In the present work, an attempt has been made
to present, from some thirty volumes, all the fun-
damental principles and chief teachings of Swe-
denborg. Somethiiig, and that the best, which he
has said on every topic of importance which he has
treated, we have endeavored here to present.
That we have in every case fully succeeded, it
would be both immodest and unreasonable to pre-
tend. How laborious is such a work! What
judgment is required! What labor of condensa-
tion, and yet what fulness of representation!
And in accomplishing this labor, we have kept a
particular eye to the world outside of the "New
Church," and to the multitudes of all sects, and of
no sect, who cannot, as yet, enter into the more
abstruse and mystical of our author's productions,
and yet who may be expected to receive an in-
crease of truth, more or less ample, according to
the states and conditions of the present and aH
coming times. Still, in doing this, we have not
withheld the highest and most important truths
but have made a faithful, full, and impartial trans-
cription. We have shunned all comments, onl)
giving, here and there, what seemed to be a ne-
cessary or profitable explanatory note.
The reader will here find Swedenborg in brief.
We could not, of course, go very largely, indeed
but very little, into his expositions of Scripture
for to abridge the " Arcana Calestia," or the " Jlpo'-
alypse Explained" or " Revealed" could not pos-
sibly fall in with the design of such a work as this.
We indeed designed more than we have accom-
plished, even in the matter of scriptural exposi-
tion ; but found it altogether impracticable, and
inconsistent with the bulk of the work, to at-
tempt much of this. And herein may be a Provi-
dence ; for it is manifestly certain, that an es-
tranged and external world is not yet prepared for
the connected, interior sense of the Word of God,
such as would be involved in much lengthy ex-
tract, and it might therefore serve only for profa-
nation, and operate as a hinderance to the recep-
tion of the great principles and truths which arc
given in this volume. We could not have pre-
sented enough, in particular and detail, to accus-
tom the mind, and establish any firmly-rooted con-
victions. Rather, then, than enter upon long-
drawn and connected explanations of Scripture,
although herein consisted the chief and exalted
labors of Swedenborg, we have chosen to present
his great doctrines, derived professedly from the
Word, and his principles in full of scriptural inter-
pretation, with such expositions as fell naturally
into the extracts made, and such others, of a
marked and particular character, as serve for ex-
amples and illustrations of this system of scriptu-
ral exegesis. This, we think, cannot fail to lead
to further inquiry at the proper sources.
We have arranged the Work in order, so that,
if any one choose, it may be read from beginning
to end, with system and profit. Indeed, to a novi-
tiate inquirer, this is the only way in which the
full meaning of the volume can be obtained. As
far as is possible, in such a case, the reader may
here find an orderly body of theological and spir-
itual truth.
We deem it necessary, as far as possible in the
limits allotted to us in this Preface, to advert to
two grand doctrines taught in the following pages,
for the purpose of removing, so far as may be,
whatever of objection may exist against them in
the natural mind, and of seeing their accordance
with the best reason of man. We allude to the
Lord and the fFord. It has been frequently found
that Swedenborg's language, full as it is, while
all-sufficient to convince and satisfy many minds,
still is not always the best adapted to the novitiate'
inquirer, and especially to those on tlie natural-
plane. Sucli are still prone to call for the reason
and philosophy of the truth. Hence it has hap-
pened, that the works of certain expounders of
Swedenborg, such as "Noble's Lectures," " No-
ble's Appeal," "Noble's Plenary Inspiration of the
Scriptures," " Des Guay's True System of Reli
gious Philosophy, in Letters to a Man of the World,"
"Hindmarsh's Lamb Slain from the Foundation of
the World," "Hindmarsh's Seal upon the Lips of
Trinitarians and Unitarians," Parson's " Essays,"
Bush's "Letters to a Trinitarian," Rendell's "An
tediluvian History," (showing the interior sense
of the first eleven chapters of Genesis,) Rendell's
"Peculiarities of the Bible," and Hayden's " Sci-
ence and Revelation;" it has happened, we say,
that such works as these have produced conviction
at first, when the original writings of Swedenborg)
which form the bas's of the above-named authors,
have at first failed of that result. The reason is,
• Swedenborg occupies too high a plane for the
merely natural mind. Such writers, expounders
of him, bring the matter down to the natural plane,
or to the spiritual-natural, and exhibit it more in
accordance with the reason and pliilosophy of na-
ture. We should recommend, therefore, the above
works, as helps to those who would otherwise
stumble at Swedenborg.
For similar reasons, we feel ourself called upon
to say a few words in defence of that central doc-
trine of the System of Truth proclaimed by our
author, and also of the Divine Word. First, the
Doctrine of the Lord. The remarks which
we now have to offer, are mainly addressed to that
large and increasing class of minds, whose tenden-
cies are determinedly natural — who are contin-
ually asking for the philosophy of Divine Truths
— whose reason is the predominant faculty of
their nature, and who, unless supported by a
strong basis of philosophies and scientifics, are apt
to verge, and finally merge, into a Naturalism va-
ried and distinguished by the diiferent degrees of
pantheistic and spiritual philosophy. We wish
we had room for a more extended and thorough
unfolding. As it is, being limited to a few pages,
we must necessarily be brief and imperfect.
First, then, as to the " Miraculous Conception "
of the Lord Jesus Christ in the womb of the Vir-
gin. We hold that this is strictly in accordance
with the laws and analogies of nature. It is quite
common, however, especially among certain Uni-
tarians and professed " Spiritualists " of this day,
to deny the scriptural account of the conception
of Jesus Christ, as inconsistent with the " Con-
stitution and Course of Nature." When will
men cease to prate of the non-existence of things,
simply because they fall not within the scope of
their knowledge ? Let us see how the Kingdoms
of Nature rise up before us, every one of them
confirmatory, by the full strength of a divine anal-
ogy, of the declared birth of Jesus Christ. Nei-
ther of the three Kingdoms of Mineral, Vegetable,
or Animal Nature, has been produced by a par-
entage of the same kind, that is, has not had any
natural parentage, except on one side, which
makes the case still more analogous to the birth
of Christ. For instance, the first animal (and for~
distinction's sake, we may as well speak of one
first as many first) had no animal father, but was
a development from the vegetable kingdom. 'I'hc
all-pervading Divine Essence, God, was the Fa--^
ther, which took eflT^ct in the advanced stages of
the vegetable kingdom as the mother, and so the
first animal production was born. Be it observed,
that although we use the term " development," yet
we do not mean to convey, for it is not true, that
the vegetable developed the animal by any power
inherent in the vegetable kingdom as vegetable-
We must adopt the theory of " cpirilual causes "
for all that exists. The Divine Essence was what
wrought in vegetable nature and through it, to
produce or develop the animal creation. And it
is certain, that neither the animal kingdom as a
whole, nor any part of it, not even the firsts, had
any animal father or cause. For no animal exist-
ed before the first. The Divine Spirit, then, was »
the Father, which took conceptive effect and form
in the suitably advanced stages of vegetable na-
ture, and produced the first animal existence.
It is useless to try to evade this, by saying that
the line of division is so indistinct between the
highest vegetables and the lowest animals, and
the two kingdoms run so gradually and impercep-
tibly, one into another, that it is impossible to tell
where one ends and the other commences. It is
true, this is the appearance. But notwithstanding
all this, every one must acknowledge the truth of
spiritual causes, and also the doctrine of discrete *
degrees. See, under head of " Discrete and Con-
tinuous Degrees," Compendium, Nos. 1795-1814.
The simple truth is, mere vegetable nature had no
power in itself, as vegetable, to grow into animal
nature ; but the indwelling Divinity, or that degree
of the divine vitalizing Essence whicli correspond-
ed to animal life, took conceptive effect and form
in the suitably advanced stages of the vegetable
world, and produced a discrete creation, viz., ani-
mal nature. Notwithstanding, then, the impercep-
tible gradations by which the kingdoms of nature
are distinguished, in their higher aiid lower points
of contact, yet every one allows, at least true phi-
losophy must allow, that they are distiiiguished,
even in their beginnings and endings, by a very
decided degree of the divine vitalizing principle. ~
Their running, then, one into another, impercepti-
bly to our powers of observation, has nothing to do
with the truth in hand. The great trutli is, the
Divine Spirit was the Father, or Cause, of each
successive development, and not any vitalizing
power in the kingdoms of nature themselves.
It is to be distinctly observed, for further illus-
tration, that the Divine Principle existed in the
primitive gaseous and electrical materials of this
globe, in different degrees of the creative Essence.
There must be, in the Divinity, those degrees of
his vitalizing Essence, which correspond to, and
cause, the different kingdoms of nature: — thus
the divine, but yet unmanifested, mineral essence ;
the divine vegetable essence ; the divine animal
essence ; the divine human essence ; and the Di-
vine itself, or very Divine. And now, precisely as
worlds were produced at first, that is, by the great
Spiritual Sun impregnating the great material sun,
so has each successive degree of the divine es-
sence operated upon the plane of material nature
next beneath it, and thus, with a spiritual Father
and a natural mother, produced a new and discrete
creation. Thus, that degree of the Divine Spirit
which may be called the divine unmanifested min-
eral essence, took conceptive effect and form in
the previously existing gaseous and electrical for-
mations, and produced the first manifest mineral
nature. That degree of the Divine Essence which
corresponded to the yet unmanifested vegetable
nature, took effect in the matrixes of the mineral
world, and the first vegetables were born into ex-
istence. Again, afler sufficient continuity of the
vegetable kingdom, the same discrete operation
was repeated. The next higher degree of the Di-
vine Life came down, or out, to meet the prepared
receptacles of vegetable nature, and animal exist-
ence was the product and birth.
Before we come to the origin of man, we must
now invite attention to another peculiarity in this
creating process ; and that is, that creation is a
sexual process throughout. It is, in these great
discreted divisions of it, a begetting by the Divin-
ity, and a bringing forth of Nature. For in all
Nature, there are now recognized by science and
philosophy, the male and female departments. In
Botany, especially, the sexes, and loves, and im-
pregnations, and fecundations of the plants, are a
subject of peculiar truth and interest. When they
have acquired the property of reproduction, they
become adults, and exhibit the sexual parts, both
in the male and the female. And the science of
Botany is replete with ficts, showing the clear
truth of the sexual propagation of the vegetable
kingdom. But can it be a characteristic of one
kingdom and not of another ? Is not nature uni-
form ? Such a well-known truth in one depart-
ment of nature, and that inanimate, is sufficient to
establish it for all. And it is now a truth well
recognized, that in all animate and inanimate na-
ture, these principles prevail. The Divine Love
and the Divine Wisdom, which give in humanity
the male and female distinctions, have also con-
ferred them upon all other nature ; and in positive
and negative, in. impregnation and production, in
all the generative processes of creation, we are
obliged to recognize, though we cannot always
discern it, the sexual operation. Creation is a
conception and a birth ; and especially in the great
discrete divisions of the kingdoms of nature, is
this birth recognized. Even the language of
Scripture confirms this view of the subject. So
far as the correspondential language of Genesis
can be applied to the natural creation, the follow-
ing language is significant. " And the earth was
without form and void ; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep ; and the spirit of God moved, (or
brooded) upon the face of the waters." Gen. i. 2.
It is a word borrowed from the process of the hen
in hatching her eggs, or fostering her young, y
We need not multiply evidence. The great
fact is conspicuous. "The creation of the uni-
verse, or world, (says Oken) is itself nothing but
an act of impregnation. The sex is prognosti-
cated from the beginning, and pursues its course
like a holy and conservative bond, throughout the
whole of nature. He therefore who so much as
questions the sex in the organic world, compre-
hends not the riddle or problem of the universe."
Behold now again, how this truth applies to the
further elucidation of our subject When the di-
vine unmanifested vegetable essence (or that de-
gree of the divine vitalizing principle which cor-
responds to vegetable nature,) impregnated the
mineral kingdom, it was the female departments of
it. It was the matrix or matrixes of the mineral
world — the great womb of the earth, which re-
ceived the divine influx in established order, and
vegetable nature was thus brought into being.
So also, it was the female departments, or depart-
ment, of the vegetable kingdom, which received
the influx of the divine animal essence, as yet un-
incarnated in animal nature, and the first living
animal breathed the breath of life. In each in-
stance, God was the Father, and nature in her fe —
male departments was the mother, of each dis-
cretely distinctive kingdom.
If now, we should consider the origin of the first
human pair, which, for want of room, we cannot
here treat so fully as we might, we should find a
precisely similar process. We do not wish to
dogmatize, or speculate unworthily ; but the anal-
ogy would seem to require that the first pair, or
pairs, which could be distinctively called man,
though of course very low in the scale of human ex-
istence, should be born proximately of the animal
kingdom as a mother, but by no means of animal na-
ture as the father, or by any process of natural de-
velopment, such as denies spiritual or divine causes,
or such as the atheistical and pantheistical systems
sometimes set forth. There may have been an
animal mother, (though when we speak thus, we
must not fix too rudely in mere forms, and such
forms too as we are apt to consider when we do
not sufficiently reflect upon the gradual perfection
and high ascent of the animal kingdom ; but we
must consider well the essence and principle of the
feminine nature, and such forms as are compatible
with their highest ascent and approximation to the
human :) there may have been, we say, an animal
mother, in which, as a matrix, the divine unmani-
fested human essence took conceptive effect and
form, precisely as it did in each previous kingdom.
There is nothing contrary to this theory of the ori-
gin of man, either in the Scriptures, or in the rev-
elations of science. And the analogies of nature
seem absolutely to require it. All objections,
then, against this view of the subject, may only be
the effect of human prejudice, in ignorance of the
great laws by which the Creator has wrought.
But if our views are correct, then we have man at
' first, without any human father, yet with feminine
nature in the kingdom next beneath him as the
mother, as in all previous instances. Indeed,
whatever view we take of the first man, we are as-
sured he had no human father, for there could be
none before the first And recognizing as we
must plainly, a whole discrete degree between the
animal and the human, we must, unless we take
the theory that he was made miraculously out of
the dust of the earth, or in some other way incon-
sistent with nature, recognize his birth from the
animal kingdom in some such way as we have
designated. Whether it is not best to preserve
the analogy between the origination of the human,
and the origination of the animal and vegetable
kingdoms, we leave for the reader to decide. For
ourselves, we make no question of the truth of
these general principles.
But, let what has been said of the origin of the
first man be passed over as something which the
reader is not prepared to admit. All must see the
truth with regard to God being the Father, and
Nature the mother, somehow, of the respective
kingdoms, and somehow sexually; for the term
father suggests mother, and it is an undeniable
fact that there was nothing of power, spirit, or in-
fluence, in mineral, vegetable, or animal nature, as
nature, capable of producing the kingdoms above
each respectively. But the Divine Essence
, wrought in and through them.
Now then, what more was ever claimed for
Christ? He had no human father, it is said. And
■what of it? This is an objection, if it be an ob-
jection, that lies equally against every kingdom of
nature ! The fact is, admitting Christ's birth so,
it is not an exceptional case, except in its individ-
uality; not at all in its principle; it is 7iot some-
thing contrary to all analogy, and all known laws
of nature. And if it were, it would perhaps be
presumptuous in man to pretend that there was
not some law adequate to this event, of which he
had no knowledge. But it is not so. And al-
though he had no human father, yet it is an inter-
esting truth that both the male and female princi-
ples actively concurred in his production. Ml
nature is in exact analogy to this sacredly declared
fact. Here is, in fact, the next ascension of the
Divine Principle. (Naturally speaking, it is as-
cension ; spiritually speaking, it is descension.)
It is the Divine Itself, or very Divine, as yet un-
manifested in nature, except in man, coming out
by an interior way, and taking conceptive effect >
and form in the human kingdom, and in the fe-
male department of it, and thus again, God was
the Father, and Mary was the mother, of the Di-
vine Man, Christ Jesus !
The 8imj)le truth is, there has been a whole suc-
cession of " miraculous births," which are capable
of being rationalized. And this is the order in
which they stand. Mineral, Vegetable, Animal,
Human, Divine. Every one of them conceived of
God the Father, in the wombs of nature, and born
into the world. Creation has been from the first,
in a continual effort to put forth the human form,
because God is in that form ; and this effort is
manifest even in the fins of the fish, where the five
fingers of a man are rudimentally shadowed fortii.
In the higher animals, we see more distinctly the
approach to the human form. Then man appears,
and lastly God himself has developed himself,
rather, ultimated himself in nature, at tlie summit
of all created